High Magic Earth

Chapter 1339: There must always be a way to clean up after a major event

It didn't take long for them to catch up with the low-speed flight.

The portal was opened frequently, and the space fluctuations coming from behind were like noise, so noisy that his ears hurt. He naturally couldn't find it.

The mage of these Karma Taj. . It will do some small actions without giving up.

Seeing that Molly stepped on magic boots and jumped like a triple jump in the air, Yi Piao still had a lot of patience left for her patience.

"Just... so anxious to die." He asked in a low and cold voice.

In fact, Molly also wanted to delay her time, but she had to say that she didn't even know how to win this battle.

She was not pessimistic. . But she was really confused.

The opponent is a mage who can contend with Gu Yizun. . In addition, air combat is not their home ground, and Molly can't even maintain a levitation, and he doesn't even need to jump around while talking.

Magic boots can't jump indefinitely. Its main function is to slow down the speed. In other words, it can only continue to borrow in the air while falling, but it can't jump upward.

Most of the time, Molly used with the portal. . It is obviously difficult to simply float.

This way. . It is better to start playing directly.

Anyway, looking at the opposite side does not seem to have much thought of chatting.

In fact, Yi Chou thought so.


Motoly pinned the scepter to her waist, closed her hands, and pulled outward. The golden light sizzled in her hands, and soon solidified to form several interwoven golden light threads.

The silk threads blended with each other and eventually turned into a long whip like a rope.

The long whip whipped the air in the air, making a crackling explosion, like a meteor, and rolled up to Yi's neck instantly.

It is not only Casillas's group of mages who like to use magic to condense weapons like whips to attack enemies. . Obviously this is a common method of the Karma Taj Masters.

Motoly's bluntness is in line with Yi's plan, otherwise he can't calculate how much patience he has with them, instead of completely overturning the chessboard.

Facing the golden light of hunting, Yi Chou did not evade. He pulled it with his backhand and caught it in his hands.

The rich magic power is gathered in the hands of Yi Chao, no matter what the magic principle of Kama Taj is, but in the end it can not get rid of the essence of energy composition, the two energy collisions, and the magic light suddenly loses its due danger.

The long whip can not only be used to entrap the enemy, to imprison the enemy, the weapon composed of magical power itself is offensive, and the splashing fire Mars is not just a fake.

The temperature of the energy flame is much higher than the pure flame, and it is more difficult to get rid of.

However, under the magic collision in the hands of Yi Xuan, Mars splashed from the surface of the magic beam from time to time without hurting Yi Xuan, even the light was dimmed a bit, and the long whip was caught tightly by Yi Xuan and stretched into a straight line. There is a faint sign of seeming to collapse.

The concept of length does not exist in magic weapons. The long whip connects Motoli and Yixuan together, which is a dozen meters away.

Seeing the magic caught by Yi Xiao, Molly pulled the beam backwards, trying to drag it back.

but. . Fighting strength with a pseudo-Kryptonian? Just kidding, even Luther was not so reckless.


The beam made another crashing sound, while Yi Chou still floated firmly in the air, and the heavy force made Motoli stumble forward. . Almost planted a heel in the air.

She couldn't pull at all with a single blow, and Yi Chou seemed to feel nothing. This immobile power made Molly feel like she was facing a big mountain. . No, heavier than Dashan.

Mars splashed under his feet and jumped a few steps before Motoly recovered his balance in the air.

Yi Xiao was expressionless, staring at Molly as if watching a clown's performance. At the next moment, he circled the whip in his hand, and then flicked it back.

"Slap! Slap!"

The Martian of the Magic Boots was floating in the air, and Motoli took off in an instant. He seemed to be dragged in the air by the power of the Kryptonite who was easily arrogant.

But Molly did not have much experience. After the first trial, she had already made some psychological preparations for the terrible power that Yi Chou had.

She had long thought about the possible reaction of Yi Huo.

Facing Yi Chou's move, Molly did not have any accidents, but instead adjusted her body in the air and made an attacking action. The life court scepter had returned to her hand again while turning. . At the next moment, the scepter burst into a dazzling golden luster, with a burst of noise toward Yi Chou.


But since Motoly can use the power of magic beams to attack Yi Piao, then Yi Piao, who pulled her, can naturally counterattack in an instant.

Although Molly had been premeditated and responded quickly, it was still slow like a turtle under the dynamic vision of Yi Sheng's pseudo-rapid power.

All of her actions were magnified by Yi Xiao and opened it up. At the moment she rushed over, Yi Xuan had calculated hundreds of coping methods in her mind.

Along with the roaring sonic boom and violent impact, Yi Chou's fist counterattacked back at a very tricky angle and hit Mordoli's ribs directly.

This is a dead end that is difficult to guard against.

Even if it was discovered by Molly, the body's unfamiliarity and unfamiliarity with the related defensive actions would make Molly's defense time very slow.

It was slow enough for Yi Chou to hit her.


Even Motoly tried her best to reverse the life court scepter to defend her. . But it was still a step late. Yi Chou's fist hit her closely against the scepter, but still because of the scepter's block, Yi Chou had a slight deviation from the original in terms of strength and angle.

With a spit of blood, Motoly instantly lost her fighting power. Although she seemed to be seriously injured, she didn't die on the spot.

Yi Xiao's feet were lighter, and his body floated up in the air like a flexible fish, but when he was just about to continue to catch up with Molly, he suddenly heard the sound of the portal from behind and from the side. .


Without looking back, I knew that this group of guys came to rescue Molly.

The ropes composed of magic light speed, long whips, shields woven out of complex magic runes, sharp weapons, and various things greeted Yi Yiao together.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

However, in the face of the attack of this group of guys, Yi Chou was not as cautious as he was in the battle against the ancients. He did not evade and used the steel body of the pseudo-Kryptonian to directly connect their attacks.

The next moment, accompanied by a jingle, these magic weapons, which looked sharp but not hard, were broken and turned into fragments and dispersed in the air.

Even Gu Yi didn't dare to say that he could break Yi Chou's defense, and he still needed to rely on the power of the mirror world and space, not to mention this group of less professional mages. .


Immediately afterwards, with a piercing shriek, Yi Chou's counterattack had arrived in an instant.

Yi Chou's cane was regarded as a short spear by him, and he instantly crossed the sky like a meteor and pointed at the furthest mage.

Fortunately, they are far away, and they have been carefully guarded after realizing the power of Yi Chou. When they saw the behavior of Yi Chou, they made the rules at the first time, so they avoided the past dangerously and dangerously.

The cane wiped his face, leaving a deep blood stain on his side face.

However, this guy was very excited after avoiding Yi Chou's attack, and seemed to see victory.

"Quick! He has no weapons!"

He shouted loudly, and after he shouted, he fell instantly, falling into a portal that had just opened, and then in an instant, he returned to about the same height again.

This turned out to be the case, and Yi Chou shook his head slightly.

Indeed, he does not use many spells, only about splitting the mirror world and the high latitude energy that was out of control before, but it does not mean that he can only get like the group of kama taj, only close combat, relying entirely on weapons.

Even without weapons, he still has no effect on his strength.

And perhaps in the eyes of the group of Kama Taj, the magic weapon is very important for a mage, but. .

The key is. . Yi Xiao did not intend to attack this guy.

Seeing that the mage around him really had a boost in morale, Yi Chou showed a sneer.

"Idiot." He whispered.

Before waiting for the surrounding mages to attack again, they seemed to hear a scream, and then the mages realized one thing. . The portal stopped.

Yes, the portal that appears frequently disappears.

Because the target at the beginning was not the unknown mage, but the Sneller mage who maintained all the portals behind.

This guy was seriously injured. . In the face of an attack comparable to the speed of sound, there is no way to avoid it, and there is no time to scream, and it is instantly revealed by Yi Palm's palm.

The wizards are as fragile as ordinary people. After wearing a pair of hearts, the wizard called Sneller naturally died and couldn't die anymore.

Without his maintenance. . The portal naturally stops.

"Do not!!"

The remaining mages screamed, and then immediately began to make a free fall.

In the distance, Motoli's ribs were broken, and I was afraid that he had injured his internal organs and was still in a state of immobility. Seeing this scene, he was eager to rescue and there was no strength.

And even when she opened the portal, she couldn't be too far. . Obviously, the falling speed and distance of these mages have exceeded her limit to open the portal.

Otherwise, why Master Sneller would control the portal alone at the back, Gu Yi's action seems simple, but in fact it is not so easy to complete.

In the same way, this group of mages cannot save themselves, even if the portal is opened, it will not be delayed for long.

After falling outside the world of the mirror world, they will soon have no foothold.

just. . Just next moment. .


A portal that looked unusually stable and dazzling suddenly opened, just opening the only way they were about to fall.

The portal put them in, and then appeared on the platform again.

"Got you!"

Yi Xao immediately noticed the hiding place of Gu Yi.

It is Gu Yi, and only Gu Yi can play such a proficient way with such ease.

It seemed that she still couldn't watch Karma Taj's group of wizards die. . And just at this moment, Yi Xiao locked her position.

"Cough! Cough!"

Seeing Yi Biao's movements, Molly seemed to return to the light, not knowing where again a force emerged. The golden portal opened with an air wave, stepped in, and then instantly fell to Yi Biao's Behind him.


Yi Xiao reached out and grabbed in the air, the cane once again condensed out of thin air, and then stabbed backward without looking back, and put Molly directly on a pair.

"Your death is meaningless." Yi Xiao slowly raised Motoly's cane in his mouth with his cane, and slowly raised it in front of him, looking at her eyes.

"Gu Yi controls the time, she won't die, but you...not necessarily."

Yi Chou said one word at a time.

Modoli no longer had the power to release her magic. She grabbed Yi Chou's walking stick with her blood-stained hands, and looked at his eyes unwillingly.

"You too.."

These are the last four words she left.

"Master Molly!"

Ignoring the shouting of the idiots, Yi Chou dropped Motoli's body, letting her fall freely to New York below, still in midair, the cane piercing Motoli's abdomen had disappeared. . The next moment, it returned to the hands of Yi Chou.

Lifting his head, Yi Chou sensed the approximate location of the tracing book and the previous Gu Yi, and instantly saw her figure at the intersection of countless portals.

The eyes of the two are opposite, and Gu Yi's eyes are still alive. . It seemed that even if the world was destroyed, it would be a simple matter for her to reverse a second.

"I said, your death is meaningless..." Yi arrogant murmured.

In the next moment, his speed suddenly approached the speed of sound and galloped toward Gu Yi.

The situation on both sides is going backwards quickly. . The collapsed building was shaped, and the collapsed part of the mirror world was lifted again under the invisible power. .

Wait, this is not like what you should see when flying at high speed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Sure enough, Yi arrogant calmed down and saw that Gu Yi not only had the golden orange glow that was most common in Kama Taj. . There is also a green light that represents the gem of time.

She is turning around time. . I couldn't help it at last.

Yi Xiao did not stop her, but watched her movement quietly. . Because, as Yi Chou speculated, perhaps the time gem has the power to reverse the entire world, even the entire multidimensional universe, but it is definitely not in the hands of Gu Yi.

She can reverse time, but she cannot save New York.

Visible to the naked eye, time began to go back in time under the control of Gu Yi, the collapsed world of mirrors, fallen cars, collapsed tall buildings, and running crowds, but. . Only a dozen kilometers away.

Although it seems to be enough, it does not include the whole of New York.

"I said."

Looking at this scene, Yi Huo said quietly, "Your trick can't save everyone." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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