High Magic Earth

Chapter 1340: Hurt each other

"It's all your fault."

"you sure?"

Gu Yi's voice is still so calm, it seems that she will never feel anxious and surprised.

Although she still maintains time backtracking. . It seems to have some strength, but still responds to the sarcasm and questions of Yi Chou slowly, as if nothing can interfere with her.

"Is it right to let a dangerous person like this in this world."

"Wait, if it wasn't you Karma Taj who came to me, it wouldn't cause these things."

"People can't blame the hostages for being kidnapped because the police found the criminal's hiding place." Gu Yi looked at Yi Chou with that calm and abnormal eyes, which made him very uncomfortable.

But what Yi Yi said was totally disagreeable.

"I'm not a criminal." He looked down at Gu Yi.

"Yes." Gu nodded. "Because you are far more dangerous than them."

"Can I say you are arrogant?"

"Of course." Gu Yiyi said again, "but I have to remind you that this is always the privilege of women."

Yi Xuan closed his eyes.

An old monster who has not lived for hundreds of years discusses the privileges of women with you. Well, although Yi Chou, as the guardian of Neverland, has no meaning in life, he can live such a long time. . But after all, he hasn't lived so long.

This feels really strange.

"Don't say this." Yi arrogant shook his head.

"You don't have much to say about things now? So many lives are dying in front of your eyes, and you can't save them at all."

"Sacrifice is inevitable."

Gu Yi's voice was calm.

"I don't need to save everyone, all I need to do is to trap you here."

look around. . Indeed, the time cycle has not been broken. Although the whole of New York has become fragmented due to Yi Biao breaking the barrier between the mirror world and the real world, the time cycle within this small area continues.

Motoly floated up from below, as if drawn by some invisible suction, and the blood spewing out of her wound also reintegrated into the wound, under the envelope of time. . She began to resurrect slowly.

The Sneller mage, who was killed by Yi Chou, also climbed up from the ground again, including the collapsed platform, the crashed mirror world building, and the almost casualty mage could not control the backward step of his body, oh. . There are also two people, Coulson and May, who also floated up from the ground, and it seems that they finally did not hold firmly and fell.

I seem to need to help them. . These two people can't die.

All of this is like a repeat of history, but it is backwards, and Yi Chou looks at it from the perspective of others. . It's really interesting.

But the meaning of time backtracking. . But it doesn't make people feel interesting at all.

Because it means that Gu Yi is still trapped in Yi Huo, just like Strange trapped in Dormam, Yi Yi's memory, even like Gu Yi, protected by time gems, will not be reset, and the surrounding reality The barriers between the world and the mirror world have also been broken. . But the time cycle does not.

As long as Gu Yi is willing, she can go on like this forever, as long as she can hold it, or Yi Chou can't hold it first.

Everything that Yi Biao does is meaningless. . Although he broke the barriers between the mirror world and the real world, and increased a lot of casualties, but. . Once ordinary people intervene, then Gu Yi can immediately cycle time, and in the eyes of ordinary people in the outside world, nothing has happened before.

In other words, nothing can affect the inner part of the time cycle that she controls.

but. . Yi Chou is not like the kind of people who do nothing in vain.

"Let's start again." Gu Yi once again opened his posture, the green light representing time lingering on his body, and the light in the air for a time.

The verdant color does not give people a sense of vitality, but brings a long and vicissitude of mystery, but it is very dazzling in Yi Chou's eyes.

Fortunately. . Soon it will no longer be the trouble of going through the time cycle alone.

Facing the calm of Gu Yi, Yi Chou spread his hands.

"You don't think... I just like the shrew, simply smash the mirror world, and then let the whole world's eyes gather to expose Karma Taj."

Gu Yi didn't answer, but his eyes had expressed everything.

Yes, that's how you plan.

"Don't forget... I wouldn't like to expose my existence, not to mention, this world is not just ordinary people."

"You understand the existence of a multidimensional universe... It is clear what I mean."

"The longer we fight, the more we will attract the eyes that should not appear at this point in time."

"So you intend to talk to me?" Gu Yi asked.

"No... I just want to say."

Yi Chou paused, then suddenly showed a cold smile.

"It's not just you who can cycle time."

. . .

At the same time, Houston,

Celebrating in the casino, beckoning butterflies. . Luckily, after beating the mischievous men through hand addiction, Lucy suddenly raised her head in a sense.

The magic penetrates beyond the building and can only be connected to the Internet. In an instant she saw the live broadcast of New York through various means.

"...An unexplainable phenomenon!"

"This is a precursor to the alien invasion of our earth! Our army..."

"...Is there really supernatural power in the world, and what mysterious power is the building complex floating above New York now let us please..."

"God! This is the power that only God has, faith..."

Lucy's eyelids twitched unconsciously.

"Gosh... I'll be away for a while, you can really do things for me."

"Hey, buy away!"

A burly-looking big man who had already lost a lot of money stared at Lucy, who was distracted, and reminded him fiercely.

This evening he exported at least a few thousand dollars. . It’s not a big deal in those big casinos, but it’s not Las Vegas, it’s just a gathering place for ordinary underground punks.

Thousands of dollars. . It is already a huge sum of money.

The chick on the other side is winning all night. Of course, it’s not that no one is unclean, or is not going to give money, but they are all taught by the chick on the spot. . Well, she has a lot of skill.

But he is not afraid of Black Bear Jack!

Black Bear Jack, who has lost thousands of dollars, has decided to give the chick a lesson next. If the chick continues to win then he will get the money back in his own way. If the chick loses all his money. . He did not mind another way of teaching her.

Lucy's focal length re-locked the big man in a flash. . After being silent for half a second, she looked at the dealer on the opposite side and suddenly threw up the money in her hand.

"Leave your hand and stop playing."

"Tonight's happy hour is over."

"What a pity... I haven't played enough."

As she said, she took the money she won tonight out of her arms, and threw a lot of money into the sky, and the bills fell down like a rain of gold.

In the small workshop, no one can play with hundreds or hundreds of dollars at all. The money that Lucy draws is all in a dozen or so dollars. Bills of more than ten thousand dollars also seem to be thick and thick. It feels rainy.

Although I don't know what crazy this woman is pumping, the falling banknotes have caused robbery from those around me.

There are some unlucky lessons, but no one is irrational to find Lucy's trouble.

The big man named Jack was stunned for a while, then saw Lucy about to leave the crowd and yelled at the table.


Turning his head, Lucy's eyes fell on him.

Lucy, who has magic similar to Yi Chao, can naturally see through the activities of the brain surface. . For this kind of guy with well-developed limbs and simple minds, it is too simple to capture the mind.

Lucy could see through what he was thinking at a glance.

But she wouldn't kill someone because of someone else's idea. . And during the mission, try to hide your existence in a low-key manner, um. . It's probably not a high profile to come to the casino.

"You just want that..."

This simple-minded and tough guy originally wanted to put a few harsh words on it. . But I don't know why, his body became colder and colder under Lucy's lack of emotional attention. It was a cold from the bottom of his heart, as if his entire soul had been frozen.

His voice is getting weaker and weaker, and getting smaller and smaller until the end. . Disappear.

"I gotta go."

Lucy said very plainly, "Also... as a suggestion to you, you better not pick up the money, otherwise they will bring you bad luck."

After talking about it, Lucy turned around again and soon fell into the crowd.

Without Lucy's gaze, the big-sized Jack Jack quickly regained his courage. He turned away from the crowd and tried to say something, but this was a look. . There is no shadow of Lucy.

These guys walking on the edge of black and white are really stupid, although this big Jack looks really simpler than others. . But there are also many rich experiences.

It was so weird to see Lucy disappear. . Immediately he was a little cautious, thinking of some weird deeds he had heard in the past. He had no plans to find Lucy.

He whispered a few words in his mouth, he thought he was giving himself a psychological comfort, and he seemed to find himself a little face.

But at this moment. . A sloppy and falling banknote suddenly fluttered in front of his eyes. Jack, the slender figure, seemed to have just reacted, grabbing the banknote.

"The dog's bad luck..." He grinned.

Then he realized that the woman had thrown a lot of money before leaving, and put the money in his pocket, and he turned and squeezed into the crowd.

As for Lucy's words. . He doesn't care.

"Give up! Give me up!"

Jack shoved the crowd around. . Then began to join the ranks of mad robbery.

But I don't know whether it was the instability of the feet or the relationship that angered the public. When a force came, Jack suddenly stood unstable, and a dog gnawed* and fell to the ground.

Without waiting for his screams, then, he was originally in his arms, his own banknotes seemed to be unsettled, and suddenly fell out of his pocket.


Jack realized that it was not good in his heart, but he didn't wait for him to finish a sentence. The guys who had already snatched money and red eyes around no matter where the money came from. It seemed that the hungry wolf saw the meat. . Crazy rushed up.

"You lunatics! That's my money!"

Jack screamed wildly at the bottom of the crowd. . Unfortunately, no one ignored him.

. . .

After a church in Houston, Lucy's figure gradually emerged from the wall, just like a relief sculpture walking down the wall.

In the process of shedding, her figure gradually solidified.

The old priest tied to the stool struggled in horror. . He blocked his mouth and could not yell at all, and during this time he also saw Lucy going in and out like this, but he couldn't stand it every time. . Will always faint.

really. . After a few seconds, the old priest rolled his eyes, as if unacceptable, and crooked his neck and fell into a coma again.

Lucy shook her head, quite helpless.

But it doesn't matter, anyway this old guy will not affect anything.

In fact, it is not necessary to choose the location of the church, but the location here is just right, Houston, Los Angeles and several other American cities. . It happened to circle most of the United States.

A relatively complete six-pointed star pattern.

And the central position of the hexagram. . It happened to be New York.


Lucy's eyes glowed dimly. Next, the huge chandelier hanging from the top of the church disappeared. . Replaced by floating candles.

During the time he occupied the church, in addition to overthrowing the old priest and tying him up, Lucy also slightly remodeled the church. . At least to suit the ceremony.

It's time to start.

The urging from Yi Chou kept reminding Lucy that he released a deep sleeping spell to the old priest, making him wake up completely for a while, and Lucy walked to the center of the church.

At this time, the entire church has changed. . No longer the solemnity and solemnity of the past, but full of mystery and magic. .

At the next moment, Lucy floated up, using her own as the center of magic, and the whole church showed a faint golden light. .

At the same time, including Los Angeles and Houston, where Lucy is located, there are five buildings in the entire United States that are remote or in a prosperous city. The next time, all the people around the building seem to be selectively amnestic. Start to ignore their existence.

As the buildings lit up one by one~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi New York in New York could clearly feel that a huge magic began to converge and emerged constantly. .

That is a force similar to time.

"Like I said, more than one person can control time..."

As Yi Biao's words fell, this force began to cover the whole of New York, and most of the damaged New York seemed to release the restoration of the original spell, and began to recover, but this is not simply a repair spell. . It's time backtracking.

Bigger than Guyi, and more time to go back.

The area covers the whole of New York.

"I didn't plan to be devastated to destroy the whole of New York," Yi said.

"I just want to tell you...you can't save them, no matter which time, once... again."

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