High Magic Earth

Chapter 1341: Time is a strange circle


New York roared and shook, and the debris and debris that had been scattered on the ground were re-assembled again. They floated slowly in the air, frame by frame, retreating frame by frame, as if being pulled by invisible force, renewed Converge into a source point.

And while still in midair, the flames that had disappeared, exploded, and fireballs also emerged. The flames that had dissipated were condensed in the air, and the hot high temperature was roasting around, and then the flames became smaller and smaller, and eventually Condensed and condensed into a point, that is what it was before the outbreak.

As the fireball shrinks back to its original shape, the face that caused these things is gradually restored. It is those things like cars, billboards, sculptures and the like that have fallen from the world of mirrors. They are spliced ​​at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if disrupted. The jigsaw puzzle was restored by people in a very fast way.

But within a few seconds... they all changed back to their original state.

Until the end, the original appearance was completely restored, and the cracks that smashed the ground or the explosion caused by the explosion were also repaired.

The building that collapsed due to the explosion began to rebuild. The debris and ruins that fell on the ground floated up, as if they were caught by invisible big hands, and they were stacked together quickly as fast as a building block, but they seemed to be the best. Engineers are generally accurate and will never fall back... They should be what they are now.

Billboards, ruins... All the debris and trash scattered on the ground are pulled under this invisible force, floating into the air, sticking to the walls of the surrounding buildings, or continue to rise until the height exceeds the entire New York, return to them Original location.

Everything is in order, proceeding at a speed that is not too slow. Even if there is a slight collision between the fragments, the angle will continue to rise... all this looks like a cartoon playing back frame by frame.

Frame by frame, step by step, back to where you originally belonged.

Time is backtracking, covering the whole of New York, accompanied by bursts of tremor, whether it is the ruins left after the explosion or the collapsed building, it is returning to the way it was before the destruction at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the frequency of vibration seems to be reversed at this time.

Even those who died...

The rebar that came out of the body retreated back, and the blood bead spurting from the chest was also splashing in the air... and then slowly retracted into the wound, the wound gradually healed, and the skin became intact, never seen again Traces of injuries... and then, the slit in the clothes slowly shrank, and finally blocked all this.

The man who fell on the ground spread his teeth and danced his claws, flinching backwards, and the invisible time-retrospective force pulled him, making him look funny in the air.

The person who fell out of the car because of the sudden brake also flew back into the air again, and returned to the car, where the debris of the front windshield re-converged, and in almost a blink of an eye, it returned to intact glass .

Everything is going backwards, as if history is repeating itself.

And the speed of the reverse flow is starting to get faster and faster, gradually slowing down from the first frame, and gradually developing to a dazzling speed, but everything in existence is just going back in time...so even if it looks very chaotic, the real The reverse flow is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Sooner or later, the whole of New York will return to its original state, initially peaceful.

During this period, almost no one can disturb the backtracking of time. Even after everything returns to the original point, no one will remember it all.

Because their memories will be restored, everything that has happened now... hasn't happened yet.

The backtracking of time is not just a small area of ​​New York, but the whole world, maybe not a multidimensional universe, but at least the time on the earth has been backtracked.

Whether it's inside New York, parties to New York's disaster, or outside New York, satellites and other more important means follow people here and relay news.

When time goes back, everything... will be forgotten.

Gu Yiyi's pupils in the midair are shrinking. As the owner of the Eye of Agomo, the guardian of the earth and the Supreme Master in the multidimensional universe, she is naturally no stranger to the power of time.

It can even be said that no one is more familiar with her.

At a glance, she could see the essence of the energy gathering at this time...a force that was larger and more pure than her. This power backtracked in time was completely enough to trace New York back to all the damage.

But this is the first time she has looked at the time backtracking from the perspective of a bystander, um... Although the time backtracking before using the eye of Agomomoto was also a bystander's perspective, after all, this time it was not her dominant.

All in all... feels wonderful.

But now is not the time to exchange experience with the same time controller...the other party is in the enemy's position.

Gu Yi also did not interrupt the time backtracking. First of all, it is a good thing for New York to return to its original state. Secondly, it is also difficult for her to interrupt the other party. Otherwise, she will not trap the other party in the time loop. It's a loss of 800.

Yi Xiao was suspended in the air, while Gu Yi reopened a world of mirrors, stepping on a floating platform at his feet, and still seemed to be very opposite to Yi Xiao.

Almost within a few minutes, everything around returned to its original state.

Mo Duoli and other masters are still on a floating platform not far away... doing their own little transparency, they obviously tried to help, but unfortunately they were not qualified to intervene.

Coleson and May, who were resurrected, looked at Yi Chou and Gu... The agent's intuition told them that it must be weird.

But in any case, the memory is retrogressed, they can not think of what happened before.

Coleson obviously thought a little bit more, but his memory still stayed before everything happened. He just guessed that Gu Yi had the ability to control time.

Obviously, Gu Yi, who can go back in time, has no solution to ordinary people, even to SHIELD. She has no way to do what SHIELD wants, and she may not even know it.

This is simply a disaster.

Even Coulson felt that it was not surprising that Gu Yi had contact with SHIELD before, after all, she could use time to trace back and let others forget everything...

Now the strange atmosphere between Gu Yi and that guy is probably related to the retrospect of time.

Maybe something happened before, but the time has been backtracked, so you and Mei don’t know?

It must be said that Coleson's intuition is still very accurate, but it is over, because in any case, he can not guess what really happened.

He can only pray that the two of them would better not spread the battle into the world of ordinary people, otherwise don’t say that S.H.I.E.L.D. will be too late to respond, and the whole of New York will be destroyed by them, implicated...

Yi Biao naturally does not pay attention to the psychological activities of the two of Coleson and May, but in his prediction, these two people still have some use...cannot die.

Although they seem to have fallen into death because of the relationship they didn't pay attention to, but since they know the future, they should pay attention to them a little bit.

The main opponent is Gu Yi in front of him.

Although Yi Biao seems to use a large event cycle to put Gu in, but Gu Yi's small time cycle has not been completely ended, as long as she is willing... everything continues.

"How does it feel." Yi Chou asked Gu Yi.

"No need to adjust it."

She is still standing on the platform, facing Yi Yao's face-to-face distance, just like before the time cycle began, but the difference is that the state of Gu Yi now looks less vigorous than before... but rather a little dignified.

And she didn't wave her hand wisely, and made two weapons with magic to indicate that Yi Chou would come over, but she was facing each other far away, and seemed to be thinking about the next countermeasures.

Among his opponents in the past, Gu Yi always dealt with them calmly...

Because the time loop brings her unlimited possibilities, the time of the cycle gives her sufficient preparation opportunities, even if she encounters some clamor, she can also vaguely perceive some residual memory in the time loop, unlimited time The circulatory dilemma is also a magic weapon of ancient Yi trial and error... Most invaders will choose to retreat after countless cycles and indicate that they are not trying to invade the earth.

It has to be said that the burden on Gu Yi is indeed very arduous. Whether she is calm and boring in infinite cycles, or everyone's memories are cleansed, only she still remembers everything alone.

This is indeed a heavy burden.

Strange is more than just a lucky doctor. She was lucky to become a new generation of supreme mage... At least thousands of deaths by Dormam, and even more deaths, is not something that ordinary people can afford. of.

Gu Yi is worthy of Gu Yi. Even if the current situation has exceeded her grasp, she quickly calmed down and restored the calmness she had seen before.

"No need." Gu Yi said lightly.

"My condition has always been good."

"Is it."

Yi Xiao asked with a smile on his face.

"Now you... can you really keep going."...

The collapsed sky city, cars falling with meteors and raindrops, debris, billboards, running crowds...scattered panic escape.

Nick Fury re-entered the refuge building underground, and Tolia Stark was also assisted by the lie again... and hid in the prototype.

But Tolia, who was tumbling in the prototype, seemed to feel something, and suddenly asked Pepper, who was screaming and screaming next to him, "This scene... have you found it familiar?"

Unfortunately, Pepper, who has not experienced a series of Iron Man events in the later period, has a big heart before practicing. She has long lost her sense of speech in a scream and scream.

"Okay..." Tolia shrugged as if regrettably, and at the next moment, the two of them were black, falling into the darkness of the ruins again.

The defensive power of the prototype is indeed good, and the impact of such a force has not been damaged... Unfortunately, the shock absorption function seems to be still not in place. The two inside, Tolia and Pepper, have obviously been comatose and fell asleep.

The world of mirrors is crashing, New York is burning, everything is in chaos and disaster...History is repeating itself, New York is being destroyed again, and all this is just as Yi Chou said, Gu Yi is still unable to stop, it is difficult to stop .

"Master Sneller!"

"Do not!"

In the end, Motoly, who had been penetrated, grabbed Yi Chou's scepter with his **** hands, and stared at Yi Chou's eyes.

"You too."

This is the end of everything.

It is also the beginning of everything.

Everything that collapsed began to recover, the dead crowd resurrected, the destroyed building, the destroyed New York, the bald Fury buried deep underground, and Tolia and Pepper who were sleeping in the prototype.

The world of mirrors began to be repaired. Under the interference of the power of time tracing back, everything around was restored again... just like another brand new beginning.

Coulson stared at the two in the air, whether it was Gu Yi, the leader of the group of mages, or Angomaka, the mission target this time, was obviously a very troublesome guy... I don’t know why, Coulson felt a little tired. .

Whether it’s internal or physical, Coulson doesn’t know the reason. He can only regulate all this to the weird experience of this task, and there are too many backlogs in the past... this time the fatigue broke out in one go. come out.

He has already made a decision. After this mission, he asked Nick Fury for a vacation! Hawaii! This time he went to order!

Coulson's careful thinking... Of course, no one paid attention to it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was easy to talk about, looking down on Gu Yi, and finally had a hint of finding the place.

come! Hurt each other.

This is Yi Chou’s plan. Since Gu Yi was able to trap himself with the time loop, he would use the time loop to trap both of them.

Gu Yi's mind is indeed very powerful. She has guarded the earth for more than a few hundred years, and she doesn't know how many exotic creatures have been confronted and taken away.

She is absolutely familiar with the boring time cycle and killing the enemy with a self-impaired pitman skill of 800.

I am afraid that any creature that wants to invade other dimensions of the earth is also the kind that can't be paid by the ancients... she needs to cycle through thousands of times.

Cumulatively, her resistance to the cycle of time is probably far beyond the imagination.

In this case, Yi Chou needs to bring a little pressure to Gu Yi in the cycle of time. In any case, Gu Yi is only a human and not a god. As long as it is a human... there must be a weakness.

Everything has a critical point.

Perhaps those exotic creatures will choose to kill Gu Yi in the time cycle, but there may not be any exotic creatures that would bring shock and pressure to Gu Yi's mind.

The death of these innocent people in New York, the destruction of New York, everything...has weighed heavily on her heart, even if Gu Yi's heart is extremely tough, it may not be able to resist.

And even if this is the case, Yi Chou is not sure that he can persist longer than Gu Yi in the time loop and is more confident to fight her.

So... he still has a last resort.

The next moment, Yi Biao's eyes began to empty slightly, his brain gradually closed, and began to selectively retain valuable experiences and memories.

In this way... against the erosion of a long time.

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