High Magic Earth

Chapter 1342: If there is fruit, there must be cause

Gu Yi's face is still expressionless, but if you look closely, you will find that her eyes are no longer as clear as the beginning, as if nothing in the world can affect her.

For the first time in her eyes, emotions other than calmness appeared.


It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and through both eyes, it is easier to see the nature of the person, which is particularly reflected in the wizard.

Whether it is the peeping person or the peeping person.

For example, Dumbledore, who is not powerful in an infinite number of worlds but dominates the magic world in the local world, is most prominent in his clever calculations. In most cases, his eyes are full of wisdom and kindness, tolerance and fraternity, but necessary At the same time, his eyes can become sharp, as if he can point directly at people's hearts...

This is not an adjective, but a changing characteristic of the telepathy.

Another very representative guy... is undoubtedly Gu Yi, her eyes are always unsurprised, and she is staring at everything, her eyes seem to be able to accommodate all the mysteries, through her eyes, you I even felt that I was watching the multidimensional universe.

This is also not because she wears a contact lens, but from the multiple influences of her earth's guardian, the most famous Supreme Master in the multidimensional universe, and the eye of the time gem Agomoto.

Gu Yi's eyes are not just looking at everything in front of him.

Her eyes can see through the future, and she pierces through, and she looks down on everything, so when staring at her eyes, she will naturally feel as if she is looking at the mysterious abyss where she can't see the end.

The eyes are the windows of the soul and one of the most powerful weapons of the wizards.

Obviously, the dignity in Gu Yi's eyes is not just the predicament in front of her. She must have seen more things, more information from the future, and changes from the future.

She had to take it seriously.

After all... the reason she found it at the beginning was precisely because of the change in the timeline.

But the timeline change at that time was still very obscure. Perhaps the change now... has gradually become apparent.

In addition to the factors of the future and the timeline, the so-called psychological pressure Yi Yi brought to Gu Yi must have taken part.

Unlike his own death, seeing the death of other people, the death of innocent people, the death of Master Karma Taj, or the death of his own apprentice, is a very different feeling from his own experience of death.

Many people are not afraid of death, but this does not mean that they are not afraid of someone threatening them with the lives of those close to them.

The same is true of Gu Yi. Perhaps her heart is gritty, and she can watch the group of mage from Karma Taj die in front of her, and even sit back and watch the destruction of New York and the death of thousands of people.

But she can also persist several times, ten times, one hundred times, or one thousand times.

Or at the end, her mind was numb, but at that time, was she still her, she still believed that what she did was the right thing, and all the choices she made were correct, even... ...Can she face life correctly and freely?

Gu Yi believed that Yi Chou regarded life as a mustard, so when Yi Chou did not hesitate to spread the battle to New York and the world of ordinary people, Gu Yi did not hesitate to fight.

Because she knew this meant that Yi Chou could never be a friend, because the bottom line of the two was different.

But in any case, it was precisely because Gu Yi's inconsistency allowed Yi Chou to spread the battle to New York, and the world of ordinary people tried to force Gu Yi back.

After all, the ancient time cycle ability is really disgusting.

It is true that Gu Yi did nothing wrong and put Yi Heo such a so-called big devil in the world of ordinary people. Even if Gu Yi chose to give in now, Yi Huo at a certain moment may cause more casualties.

Gu Yi just raised the problem in advance and tried to solve it.

She can tell herself that these people sacrificed for the safety and peace of more people. Although it is difficult to sacrifice some people to protect others, the choice is correct, but it is correct.

But in the same way, when she experienced countless times of New York's destruction in the time cycle, countless times the flames of most of the sky were red, she saw countless times of the tragic death of those innocent people, and ordinary people struggled desperately to survive before death. , Those who pushed their lover and their children out of the dangerous light at the last moment before death,

She can still calmly tell herself that the choice she made is correct, shouldn't she open the cycle of time one step in advance.

Or... if Gu Yi really can continue to tell herself calmly, she made the right choice.

At that time, was she still her?

Questions and answers from the mind are one of the most terrifying tortures.

Humans may have deceived others, machines, and even other creatures, but the only thing that can't be deceived is their own soul, and the heart can never be deceived.

With Gu Yi's experience, it is naturally impossible to see through these things. She realized the most critical problem in the first time.

As she said, she is not afraid of sacrifice. She can restart countless times in a time cycle. Her conviction, her inner firmness, Gu Yi is very convinced that she must be the last to win, and it is indeed the case .

Even death can't stop her.

But... now.

It is a pity that even if Gu Yi saw through all this, he still couldn't stop it. Yi Chou dragged her into the infinite time cycle. This is a conspiracy. Unless she breaks her cycle now, she will have to go to the meeting. Correct.

And even if you want to find trouble in the future, you still need to find a place where no one else, otherwise today's situation will repeat itself.

But that possibility is not high, because Yi Chao has already been vigilant.

Even if there are no people around him who can be used to threaten, he must have kept other threats.

The answer to this question is actually very simple, as long as Gu Yi gives up.

But for Gu Yi, who did not want to compromise, the answer was almost unsolvable.

"I finally understood... how maddening it feels to face the cycle of time."

Gu Yi's face showed a random smile, but it looked bitter.

Yes, most exotic creatures face the earth's guardian, Supreme Master Gu Yi, but can't beat the infinite loop time until you surrender, and vow to stop invading the earth. This is both disgusting and admirable.

Obviously, disgusting is because this rogue play is hateful and hateful, and admiration is because not every person on earth can persevere in an infinite number of time cycles like this.

After all, cycle time means that Gu Yi will go through countless boring, same cycles with them.

At this point, both parties are equal.

Time is one of the most fair things in the world, and few people can cheat in front of time.

Persist in the boring and repeated cycles hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of times without going completely crazy... At least they can't persist, otherwise they won't surrender in the end.

But at that time, Gu Yi was mostly from the perspective of the winner, and now, it is out of the positions of her enemies.

What they did in the face of their time cycle...

By the way, it is trying to kill yourself, destroy your will, and... surrender.

Gu Yi once again gave a slight bitter smile, surrendered, yes, this is indeed a very good solution, but...Can I really do this.

Not because of the so-called Karma Taj face problem, or because she couldn't swallow this breath, Gu Yi, who has the ability to cycle time, can arbitrarily reset other people's memories.

Even for those who are unaware, everything that has happened before does not even exist in their minds, there is no relevant memory, and naturally there is no shame.

In fact, it is not entirely because of the dangers that Yi Biao possesses, or it can threaten the world of ordinary people or something.

Maybe it was for this reason in the beginning, but now... it is not exactly...


Gu Yi sighed insignificantly.

This is the main reason.

Gu Yi doesn't have much time to continue thinking, as Yi Biao's eyes are gradually empty, a new round of time cycle is coming.

Although everything has already happened, and even happened repeatedly, but because of the high danger contained in Yi Chou itself, Gu Yi also had to re-energize.

Handle carefully. ...

Time is passing.

Whether it is retrospective or advancing, time is always flowing.

It's just that it can't be observed. ...

at the same time.

Sanquyi Building, Aegis Bureau.

Since Nick Fury flicked Coulson out to contact the new supernatural man... Although Nick Fury has secretly arranged five hundred swordsmen, but he doesn’t know why, he always seems a little uneasy. .

It seems... something is wrong.

No, it's wrong in many places.


Nick Fury roared and found Maria Hill through the internal linker.

His deputy, the second in command of SHIELD inwards, Deputy Commander Hill appeared in front of him at a very fast speed, and the whole process took less than ten seconds.

"What's the matter, sir."

She asked calmly, with the usual indifference and calm on her face, and she could see that she was a strong woman.

Although she has a stronger officer than her, Nick Fury, she still has to maintain this face... Although sexism is no longer on the surface, it is only on the surface.

In the dark...it still exists, even if it is SHIELD.

So if you want to dominate the subordinates well, even if she is better to keep her strength forever... Never show her weak side.

"You are a woman...very good."

Nick Fury didn't know what was going crazy, and suddenly looked at Hill whispering to himself, but after he finished speaking, he immediately realized that it was not correct, and he said it as a remedy.

"This is... correct."

Hill's face remained unchanged, but the depth of the pupil was a little colder.

"Yes, this is correct," she said.

"I am a woman, and the censorship department has verified it... I have entered it in my database. Do you need to verify it yourself again?"

Hill's voice is still very calm, without any ups and downs, or accentuating a certain word, highlighting his feelings, metaphors or the like, but it can magically be understood by her inner meaning.

But who is Nick Fury, the King of Agents, plus his cheeks, his brain sitting in the office is protected by double bulletproof glass.

In addition, his face is originally black, and even if there is a change in color, he can’t see it at all, so even if the ambiguity of his words sounds, he still seems to have heard the complaint of Hill, and he seems to be self-directed. Said next.

"There is a reason for it." He explained briefly, "but this is indeed good news."

"I need Stark's information, Tolia Stark."

"I'm not your secretary, I'm your lieutenant." Hill said coldly.

"Is there any difference?"

But Nick Fury's old face would care about this, and he looked at Hill with a calm gaze... she looked a little weird.

In fact, complaining back to complain, Hill still found Stark's information for the first time, in detail, from her birth till now, including all the materials at the moment of birth.

If it is the information of the average person, it may not be so fast, but this is Stark, the largest arms dealer, the youngest talented scientist, a weapon developer, a billionaire... and one of the founders of SHIELD, Howards Tucker's daughter ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ She is very important, but not an ordinary arms merchant.

After handing over the information to Nick Fury, Hill did not leave. She knew that her chief would not be aimless. He must have discovered something.

And if it is related to Stark, then even for SHIELD, it is not a trivial matter. As the second-hand in the internal affairs of SHIELD, Hill feels that he needs to stay and help Nick Rui staff, of course, if Nick Fury said that his authority is not enough, Hill is also very clear about the rules of SHIELD.

Although Nick Fury sometimes does not look so reliable, most of the time...

Suddenly, Hill vaguely heard Nick Fury whispering something, launching the extraordinary hearing of the agent, and Hill quickly restored this sentence from the fragmentary words.

"Stark... actually... also... a woman... strange..."

Hill's face turned black, and she felt it was a mistake to stay.

Nick Fury looked back and forth at the document in his hand. Although it sounded ridiculous, he didn't know why his instincts became stronger.

His instincts rarely go wrong, and he saved his life... more than once.

Tolia Stark... Howard Stark's daughter, one of the founders of SHIELD... Howard... wait, the founder...

Nick Fury suddenly froze, not knowing why, as if a memory appeared out of thin air in his brain, and it became more and more dense. As he kept recalling, this memory gradually became clearer and more abundant.

The founder... who is the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., Howard, Ms. Carter... Damn, as the S.H.I.E.D.'s director, how could he not even remember this matter.

But I don't know why, he just can't remember, or...incomplete recall.

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