High Magic Earth

Chapter 1343: If there are more lies, it will become true, and the time will be the same

Is this normal, no, this is not normal.

As the king of the agents, the current director of the SHIELD Bureau, Nick Fury's two titles are not just called, he is not given in vain.

Being able to be promoted to director of SHIELD, he didn't rely on Alexander Pierce's nepotism, or slapped his boss' ass.

He used to be a soldier. He was born and died many times and completed countless missions. He has experienced a large and small war is a modern history of war.

In the comics world, he was a man of the same period as Captain America. The veterans who participated in World War II also injected some kind of extension product of the super soldier serum plan, led the Howling Commando, and successfully completed countless tasks.

The Howling Commando is not the Roaring Commando led by the Chinese and American teams in the movie.

Howling Commando's combat power is obviously more than one grade higher than the latter. Howling Commando's backbone is entirely composed of supernatural creatures, although there are many vampires, werewolves, Frankenstein, this recognition is not high though It is a household name, but the fighting power is high and low, the high one can kill the gods, the low one can be killed by a sip of garlic water.

But there is also a well-known and deadly character, a tenth-level agent, a blade warrior.

Of course, there is no such thing in the movie world. Perhaps Nick Fury's age is slightly younger and younger, but it is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

And comes with the protagonist aura.

Maybe he is not the protagonist, but after being able to survive in countless battles, special missions, secret infiltration... Even if there is no protagonist aura, I am afraid he has condensed himself.

Survivors of war are all born lucky.

In addition, Nick Fury, who survived countless life and death trials, is indeed the king of the agents. Although he is now sitting in the office, the skills of the agents have not fallen at all, and they are still superb.

Perhaps his physical fitness and skills have regressed significantly, but his rich experience is still terrible, even more abundant than the superheroes of the US team.

This is also the terrible thing of an old agent.

My memory is passive.

When Nick Fury realized that he wanted to think of something, but could not remember it, he did not hesitate, but immediately made a determination.

Three days ago... only one routine inspection was conducted inside the SHIELD. All indicators were as usual. At that time, when Lie detection and historical verification were carried out, Nick Fury had not noticed such anomalies.

Obviously, in these few days.

Nick Fury's face was quiet, but his heart was somewhat dignified, and memory problems were undoubtedly the worst case.

Even if it is brainwashed and controlled by the mind, it is much better to solve than memory problems.

First of all, it’s hard to be sure that there is a problem with the memory, because you don’t remember it at all, and naturally you will not find that you have more or less of a certain kind of memory. Fortunately, this is the case now. But I couldn't remember and found the problem.

The second is that when you are not sure what your memory is related to, it is very likely that a rash action will expose a series of things.

Maybe... there are potential enemies around.

It is not that Nick Fury has persecuted delusions, but... this is his life.

Or brainwashing mind control is good enough to find that the big problem is to come back after brainwashing. In addition to the physical anti-brainwashing method, SHIELD does not really have no relevant research.

After all, it was established by most scientists who accepted the Hydra.

But memory...

Glancing at the hill next to her, she stared blankly at the file on the desk... The content of the file was simple, and there was nothing unusual about it, because it had no problem at all.

The problem is memory.

Can you believe Hill.

After hesitating for less than three seconds, Nick Fury made the decision, and he chose to believe it.

As her deputy, Agent Hilt really knows too many secrets. If she rebelled, she might not be able to survive this time.

Even if the enemy wants to keep himself alive, facing the Hill that holds most of the secrets, it takes a long time to think about breaking the game and turning over.

Until then, he could only continue to use the power of Hill, one was not to catch the grass and startle the snake, and the other was that he had to use Hill, because besides her, even Coulson, rarely touched some cores s things.

After all, Coulson is the field, and Hill mainly manages the internal affairs of SHIELD.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Nick Fury had to clearly realize that Hill is now very important. Once she made a betrayal, the situation of SHIELD would be very passive.

Although all this is just a illusion of Nick Fury, as the King of Agents, he had to be prepared accordingly.

And for Nick Fury, who likes to keep everything within controllable range, this matter is indeed not very good news.

Maybe...need some restraint.

Whether it is internal or external.

Maybe a team of strange people can be formed? No... maybe, a bigger ship should be built.

This is the distress of the agent. The agent will always only worry about one thing, that is, who should believe and who should not choose to believe, especially for such a big business as SHIELD.

It would be nice if... the old backbone of the faithful Aegis Bureau were still alive.

For example...

Thinking of this, Nick Fury realized that something went unconsciously to the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., and what made him feel crazy was that he still couldn't remember everyone's name.

In the end he gazed under Hill's inexplicable gaze, and finally couldn't help it anymore, whispered and blurted out.


What crazy did the Secretary do today? This is the only thought Hill has in mind...

On the other hand, Tolia Stark, who had been pounding in the laboratory for several days and was busy until midnight last night, just fell asleep, only about three or four hours, and suddenly seemed to be dying and stunned. Seemingly, suddenly stood up from the bed.

Of course, there is no such thing as a pajama slipping off. Tolia fell directly in her work clothes... in fact, she was so sleepy that it was already a miracle to find the bed.

As for the whole body of oil and grease staining the sheets, is there a maid? Sorry, no, but for Stark, everything is a one-off, it is thrown away and replaced.

She probably didn't even think about reusing this option at all.

"Did you have a nightmare, ma'am."

Jarvis's voice sounded unexpectedly for the first time, it detected Stark's heart rate acceleration, and the body's various indicators also increased suddenly.

Judging by... This is a reaction that only happens in extreme fear.

So it's a nightmare.

Tolia didn't answer. After a long time, she said silently, "...I don't know."

Tolia is a true genius for scientific issues, but in life... her EQ is obviously not so good, and even a little idiot.

As a talent with high IQ, she is not low in EQ. In fact, there are very few EQs with low IQ.

Because even if the emotional intelligence is not enough, her IQ will tell her that this is a normal person, what is the correct solution, and how does she appear to be a billionaire who has started to be willful, and her IQ can be interpreted. come out.

Just like Yi Chou once.

Even if the personality is eccentric, the IQ of scientists is enough to make them understand the world of ordinary people and analyze the practices of ordinary people, although they may not understand why ordinary people look so stupid.

But in any case, this matter is much simpler than those of scientific research.

They can converge their character and be an ordinary person quietly.

Most eccentric scientists are often they do not want to calm down their temper. For example, Tolia Stark, she has money, she is a billionaire, then she cannot be extravagant or self-willed.

Why should we pay attention to other people's views, other people's views.

She is rich, and she can do whatever she wants.

Tolia is very clear about what her approach means, which makes her look out of place, converging the temper of her billionaire woman, and the trouble will be much less immediately.

But she didn't want to do this, and I was so happy that it was hard to buy.

This is Tolia's idea.

This is also the essence of the problem.

So it’s not that Tolia’s EQ is really low...just... All in all, Miss Pepper’s life is very difficult, and at present, it’s not so pleasing to see Tolia, a real rich girl, a billionaire, and a big scientist. .

Although it can't be a boyfriend or a boyfriend here, can you still be a good girlfriend?

But even good girlfriends may seem a little distant.

The two may also need an opportunity.

It may not be possible at all.

After answering Jarvis' question, Tolia's eyes are a bit dazed, and Jarvis is analyzing Tolia's current situation through various data...

Low blood sugar, low body temperature, low heart rate...

The various indicators can be said to be very bad. First of all, she was overworked and her body has reached a critical point. This night she clearly should have a good night’s sleep, just like the body’s self-protection mechanism, but this nightmare even happened to her. The body's self-protection mechanism has been broken...

So her current state looks terrible... In this case, it is easy to induce other diseases, such as a cold, and then cause pneumonia through the cold, etc...

Secondly, her blood sugar is very low now, and Tolia is not suffering from hypoglycemia. The current symptoms are completely caused by fatigue.

In addition to these observable indicators, Tolia's state is obviously worse. Jarvis did not analyze the accurate results through a good analysis. It had to think of another level, a level that it could not reach.

The human spirit.

Obviously, the nightmare hit Tolia's spirit a lot.

But Jarvis has no good solution.

If it has a body, perhaps Tolia should be given a warm embrace at this time, but... a pity.

"Do you need a hug, ma'am." Jarvis asked in a soft voice.

Unlike the cold humor of the old days, Jarvis's voice now sounds very warm. It is definitely overclocking. It can even hear the crying and wailing of its audio amplifier.

But Tolia did not respond.

Still sitting on the bed, his eyes stared slightly dull.

Jarvis immediately switched to the stupid line, controlled it, and went to the kitchen to receive a cup of hot water. If a cup of hot water could not solve the problem, then it could only call Ms. Pepper.

Although she was Stark’s secretary and not a babysitter, although it seemed a little fuss to call Pepper just a nightmare... but Jarvis’s responsibility was to protect Stark.

Including this worrying situation.


But unexpectedly, when the stupid and cute little danglingly handed the warm water to Tolia's eyes, and almost spilled out, after touching Tolia, her situation turned out to be decisive. Getting better.


She took the glass dumbly and looked at the mechanical arm in front of her blankly. The expression looked more suitable for the name of Xiaodou than Xiaodai.

Xiaoduo expressed some excitement.

Close contact with the goddess! And no scolding!

It is not an exaggeration for the nerd to call Tolia Stark a goddess. After all, it was Tolia who created it, um... here is the true goddess, the creator.

And every time it tried to help the goddess before, it would always make things a mess~www.wuxiaspot.com~ provoked the goddess to jump and scold.

This time the goddess didn't scold herself... I'm really not used to it.

Stark has created a lot of artificial intelligence, but the two most successful are undoubtedly Xiaodou and Jarvis.

Jarvis, as the original, is the only one that best meets the definition of artificial intelligence. Even Tolia herself knows nothing about how he created it.

Scientific progress is a process of accumulation of knowledge. The more you do not understand, the more you need to learn, and then the more you know to create.

But Jarvis... There are a lot of knowledge Stark determined that he was not clear at the time, even if she later supplemented her studies, but Jarvis was created.

Tolia can only be attributed to the inspiration of scientists, which is a real flash of light.

Ha, she really is the most talented scientist.

none of them.

The series of artificial butlers such as Veronica just copied Jarvis, and changed a certain database. There is not much change in essence and core, and it cannot be called re-creation.

As for Xiaodu... When she was still in school, Tolia realized that she needed some help from a mechanical arm, so she made a whole bunch of them in one night. There are many models of the same size as Xiaodu, but I don’t know why Only Xiao Dao has evolved what seems to be some kind of thinking and sanity.

It is also the only mechanical arm that has been retained and has a very backward model.


Tolia seemed to have finally recovered, and there was a trace of doubt in her voice.

At this time, Jarvis issued the inquiry again just right.

"Madam, it looks like you have a terrible nightmare."

Suddenly, Tolia took a deep breath and sighed, "Yeah...it should be terrible..."

"But I can't remember."

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