High Magic Earth

Chapter 1344: Only time can fight against time

Jarvis was silent.

For such idealistic problems and thinking, it has not always been the strengths of artificial intelligence. Philosophy, thinking, feelings, dreams, and human hearts are always the weakest places of artificial intelligence.

This is also the main boundary to distinguish whether an artificial intelligence can be called intelligent.

Jarvis didn't answer, and Tolia Stark rarely did not break his mouth or sarcasm.

The room seemed quiet for a while.

Xiaodou looks a little bit at a loss, and does not know how to deal with this atmosphere. Although it is intelligent, it is probably equivalent to the appearance of a few-year-old child, and it does not have its own independent database, and it cannot reserve all-round omnipotence like Jarvis. Massive data.

Faced with this unconsciously depressed atmosphere, Xiaodou scratched his head...

Then it forgot that he was still holding a glass of water in his hand.


"I want to tear you down!"

When Tolia Stark, who had been poured out of his forehead, was finally sleepless, and crazed again and violently shouted this sentence after repeated countless times.

The stunned little dad even raised a feeling of loosening a screw in his simple thinking.

Fortunately, the familiar taste...

Still familiar picture.

As if the scene was recurring.

When Molly resurrected again and returned to a platform backwards, several other mage of Karma Taj also revived, performing actions that Gu Yi was familiar with and could no longer be familiar with, even stepping under the feet of Coulson and May The first few pieces turned around. When Gu Yi could know clearly, her unwavering heart finally became a little anxious.

In front of the eyes, the posture was reopened, hands were interlaced, magic surrounded, the cane exuded a black light that seemed to attract souls. Take a picture, I am definitely more powerful than your energy opponent, Gu Yi has obviously fallen.

She can cycle time indefinitely, go through everything, and even trap herself and her opponent in the time loop at the same time, because she knows she is saving the world.

And the cycle of time is dominated by her.

She can cut off the cycle at any time, but she will not do so, because she knows that the other party will always be more anxious than her, and the other party will always admit defeat before her.

Her heart is very calm.

But now, Gu Yi is not.

Gu has been looking at Yi Chou's eyes, and through these eyes, she seems to see another self... No, to be exact, one who has abandoned all feelings.

Empty, indifferent, and even doubtful whether he is still a creature.

Not only did there not be a touch of emotion, but even a trace of clarity and sanity.

Gu Yi is well aware that the other party has used a certain spell to temporarily block his own thinking and sanity. In other words, the time between the two is now unequal.

Their bodies are experiencing the normal flow of time, time and time, but the spirit...the other party's spiritual world may only have experienced more than ten minutes.

And myself... it was already 1,764 cycles.

Although it only takes about fifteen minutes each time, it is now close to... eighteen days.

Mostly half a month.

And more importantly, the posture of the other party is like a gesture of uncompromising. In most cases, it is Gu Yi who dominates this point. She uses the time loop to trap the enemies and prevent them from returning to their own. The world, don't let them leave the time loop.

For example, Dorma... its power comes from the dark dimension. Although it is also the dark dimension in the time cycle, it always makes it feel anxious and anxious.

Once the other party showed this emotion, Gu Yi knew that he was not far from victory.

But now the roles of the two are reversed.

The other party doesn't mind how long he stays here... but Gu Yi, but can't help but return to Kama Taj.

She is the main force for guarding the earth. Once she leaves, the power of the temple will immediately drop to the lowest point. This is also her most helpless place. Gu Yi itself is very powerful, but unfortunately these students, but not many can with her Comparable.

Indeed, although the time cycle can cycle the entire time of the earth together, don’t look at Gu Yi now staying in this time cycle for half a month. Once the time cycle is over, in the view of Motley and others, it is just over. Just a few minutes.

But the multidimensional universe is vast and immense... There are many places that are not affected by the concept of time.

For example, Gu Yi’s old opponent, the guy she was most worried about, the dark dimension of Dormam.

"Stop hand."

When the time looped back to the origin again, Gu Yi's skillful can't fall under a skillful hem, landed from a platform while holding up the magic weapon with both hands, she finally paused and couldn't help breaking a strange cycle and calm.

But Yi Chou seemed to be unheard of, his eyes were still empty, repeating the attacks after more than 1,700 times.

Gu Yi's face was calm, no surprise or doubt, and after a short pause, he greeted him again without fear.

In fact, there is another possibility to break the time cycle, that is, to completely turn things around, and defeat the person who controls the time cycle. The time cycle will naturally end.

Unlike the Eye of Agomo, owned by Gu Yi, Yi Chou borrowed not the power of the time gem. Gu Yi can use the time gem to set the time point. Even if he dies, the time cycle can continue, and even the dead Gu Yi Pull it up again.

But Yi Chou... he has no time gems, he died, and the time cycle is over.

Even if it does not end, it will fall into a stagnation. For Gu Yi, a master of space magic, to escape from here and restore everything to its original state, it is as simple as opening your own door.

But it is a pity... even after going through more than 1,700 time cycles, even though the other party's eyes are empty, it seems that they have closed most of their thinking and sanity, leaving only the fighting instinct to fight.

Gu Yi still did not win.

In the movie version, the fighting power of the Ancient One is too low, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth, and the heritage of the Karma Taj Retreat is far less profound. In the face of the unknown magic that has never been seen before, Yi Yi There is a feeling of no way to start.

Her mastery is nothing more than melee, space magic, and time magic.

It can be considered a low-end magician version of the Ninja Master, and it is really impossible to start with the wizard of pure magical magical means such as Shang Yi.

Yi Biao's magic changed into tricks, not to mention 1,700 times, even if it was 17,000 times, he could not repeat it.

New York was smashed into ruins, a large number of rescue teams came, and Molly died, and many of the Karma Taj Masters who came to help also died. With the arrival of time... Time began to cycle again.

The first ancient one was to block the falling floating city and maintain a large number of fixed-point portals to transport the falling floating city to places outside New York, so in the face of easy attacks... no power to fight back.

Well, after countless failures in the following, Gu Yi naturally learned a lesson, she did not hesitate to abandon the people who are still alive and still struggling in New York below, and turned to attack Yi Huo with all her strength...but still did not succeed.

In fact, she gave up all the possibility of rescue as early as the third time and attacked Yi Chou with all her strength, but she never won.

The stone slab fell, Gu Yi almost instinctively pulled the posture.

Time loop, again.

"Stop it, we need to talk." Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Yi said again.

Yi Chou was still unresponsive.

Once the offensive started, Yi's battle would be fully opened. At that time, Gu Yi didn't talk, even if it was very difficult to resist, one could even die if he was not careful.

Although the time and time gems can allow Gu Yi to also perform a time cycle... but it will undoubtedly increase the number of outer circle cycles.

Seeing the other party still unresponsively attacking, Gu Yi's eyes became a little deeper.

She stared at each other's empty eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

But after her lips moved, she didn't say the words at all, but remained silent, re-cracked the golden orange method in her hand, and greeted her without hesitation.

In fact, with the wisdom of Gu Yi, she already had speculation about why Yi Chou did not respond.

Obviously, it is no longer necessary to argue that the other party has locked the mind and the mind, so it is certainly not an easy thing to wake up, otherwise it will often wake up in battle, and it will not be possible to wake up the outside world and the lack of spiritual time.

Unless the other person wakes up himself, others want to wake him up, fearing that some key word is needed.

You are the enemy of the other party, what you need to say is the key...

This is actually self-evident.

Gu Yi was silent, and the attacks in his hand became more and more fierce. Motoli and others still retained their original memories. Although Gu Yi could use the time gem to leave their memories, this is a big burden.

The most important thing is that even if the memories of Motoli and others are left...they have little effect.

Simply Gu Yi didn't keep their memories every time, so Motoly and others have stayed in the initial, first cycle memory.

Under the leadership of Gu Yi Venerable, this group of Karma Taj mages exploded with 200% of their combat power, especially the chief disciple, Molly, the small universe broke out almost comparable to half of the ancient one, and there are still The mage of Karma Taj came.

Although the number is small, they are all from the New York Temple, but they are finally foreign aid.

Unfortunately, they still lost.

The stone slab fell, the cycle restarted, and Gu Yi tried to communicate, but the other party still had no response, and had to continue to do things...and then still ended in failure.

The next time... the time cycle begins... Gu Yiduo insisted for five or six minutes.


Another time...

I don’t know how many times it has passed, maybe a dozen more times in a blink of an eye. Gu Yi, who was originally a bit anxious, is now more and more anxious. Even the mage like Karma Taj next to him is very surprised.

They have never seen a winning ticket forever, and Gu Yizun, who has always been gentle and calm, will show such a look.

After all, their memories are still in the first time cycle, it is not clear what Gu Yi experienced in the moment in their eyes.

Only with a slight understanding of Ago Moto's eyes and a profound understanding of time, Molly vaguely guessed...but she could not confirm it.

Once...and again...the other party seems to never know tiredness.

Gu Yi is very clear that this is an unequal battle, not that the other party can block his own spirit, but that the other party is already very powerful.

Because of his strength, he can block his thinking and leave instinct to fight, otherwise Gu Yi will break the cycle.

But how much justice is there in this world, not because of the strength of the other party...I have enabled the time loop, and finally made her into the loop.

Time is a long river, and the river is circular, and no one can escape.


New York collapsed again, and the Twin Towers collapsed soon... but Gu Yi even knew that the angle of their dip was close to 76.5 degrees.

The crowd on the ground screamed, ran, and died.

The flame is burning, the earth is cracking, like a doomsday...

Gu Yi suddenly stopped in the battle, and some of the Karma Taj Masters who were helping her to siege Yi Chao were unknown, but out of trust in the Supreme, they still rushed towards Yi Huo without turning back.

It is a pity that Gu Yi, who lacked the main fighting power, was shot down by Yi Chou in less than a few seconds.

The last thing left was Motoly. She took a deep glance at Gu Yi, who was slightly closed, and then lost her voice after a while.

The green light emerged in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next moment, the situation looks back and the time goes back.

Everything is back to the original origin.

"Stop hand."

Gu Yi said again.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of stopping, she paused, and she finally said the three words that had been brewing for a long time.

"I surrender."……

Not far away, the Masters of Karma Taj widened their eyes, and they didn’t understand what Gu Yizun, who was regarded as a **** by them, would suddenly say such a sentence... Ming Ming and the two hadn't fought yet.

Only Molly, and the three of Coleson and May frowned, seemed to be thoughtful.

At the same time, Yi Yao, who was far in front of Los Angeles and Gu Yi in Los Angeles, opened his eyes at the same time.

Yi Biao's eyes seemed to reflect the reflection of a certain building. Before Gu Yi could see it clearly, she felt that the surrounding space seemed to solidify... not just space, but time.

Everything in the world of mirrors stopped turning, as if the world had lost its life and sound in an instant, and the surroundings quietly gave a creepy sense of loneliness.

And in this strange quiet, Yi Chou laughed softly.

"How many times have you passed?"

"One thousand seven hundred and ninety-one."

Gu Yi was not surprised, but Yi Chou didn't know how long the time had passed, but she could confirm her inner guess.

The other party blocked thinking and sanity. In the half-month time cycle, the other party may only have passed a few days, hours, or even minutes.

"I thought you would stick to it longer." Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Or... you just talk casually, I need to tell you that although you wake me up, I can still fall asleep, and you want to wake me up next time... but it's not that easy."

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