High Magic Earth

Chapter 1345: No one knows the secret of time

"you know what I mean."

Gu Yifeng said lightly.

Yi Xiao seemed to want to roll his eyes, but he swallowed it.

"Yes, I know, but I really don't like your attitude now."

"You know you are the first to give up now."


Gu Yi still has a soft voice.

Yi Chou decided to stop this non-nutritive nonsense.

As an old monster who has not lived for a long time, Gu Yihu's skill is absolutely the first. The two will continue to talk about this and Gu Yi may not be able to say how long.

There is no need to play here with the ancient atmosphere.

"The first point."

Yi Xiao said, "Everything is over here, you don't have to come to my trouble again, including all the mage of Karma Taj."

Gu Yi didn't nod and didn't deny it.

"Secondly...I want to learn the magic of Karma Taj."

"Given that you want to take me to Karma Taj three times and five times... I definitely can't learn magic there, you sent a mage to send the book over."

"No teaching, just books."

"Anyway, you have a portal, which is very convenient, and you also save air tickets."

Gu Yi's expression still didn't change much, just said lightly.

"All knowledge of Karma Taj is shared."

Yi Xiao finally couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"I just agreed with you," he said.

"Finally, time... Give me the eye of Agomo."

He pointed to the ancient implement hanging in front of Gu Yi.

Not surprisingly, after Gu Yi was silent for half a second, she resolutely refused.

"This doesn't work," she said.

There was no anger or surprise. She seemed to have expected Yi Chou's plan long ago, and she answered very blandly. The exchange between the two was as harmonious as an old friend's meeting.

But... this is not the case for Molly and other mages.

Seeing the truce between the two of them, and the Supreme Master Gu first sent out a request for a truce, and Molly waited for the mage of Karma Taj to sit immediately beside him.


The golden portal appeared beside Gu Yi, accompanied by gusts of wind and golden Mars, and Molly and other mage fish came out of it.

Motoly first whispered to Gu Yi, then stared at Yi Chou with her eyes fiercely. It seemed that as long as Gu Yi ordered, she would pounce without hesitation.

In fact, in which thousand or so cycles... she did indeed, but each time ended with the ending of death.

Yi Xiao ignored these little monsters because he knew that Gu Yi would stop them.

Sure enough, Gu Yi didn't even say much. She just shook her head gently with her gaze. Although she was very unwilling, she retreated.

"Wise choice, it would be nice if you had such wiseness more than a thousand times before."

Yi Huo whispered.

Modoli's eyes flickered slightly. Obviously, Yi Chou's words also confirmed a certain conjecture in her mind.

The mage here directly opened a door and left, and Coleson over there was obviously at a loss. At this time, Yi Chou had not used the high latitude energy to break the barrier of space, so Mei did not fall into a crazy state.

The two are a little further away from here, but they do not prevent them from observing the progress and actions of each thing.

The agent's instinct told Coulson... The other party seemed to be in a truce, but it was not good for the two of them.

Because even if only one party intends to find them after the event is over...they may even fail to remember.

Isn't it... it's time to take a chance.

Another life-saving skill of the agents is to slip away when they are not well. Unfortunately, they are above the sky, mirroring the world. Although the surroundings have stopped turning... but it is still impossible to sneak away.

As a background, Colesen, who has served more than 1,700 times, is still in the background. Whether Yi Chou or Gu Yi, they directly ignore them.

On the other hand, faced with Gu Yi's answer, Yi Chou did not have many surprises.

The time gem is ancient Yi's mortal magic weapon, and it is also her barrier to protect the earth. If you lose the time gem, it is likely that a lot of exotic creatures will invade the earth.

And without the gem of time, she lost the means to talk to Yi Chou about the conditions.

In any case, she can't hand it over.

In fact, if she took it out happily, Yi Chou would wonder if there was any magic on the gemstone.

"It's really simple." Yi Chou said.

"Not at all?"

"If you are willing to come to Kama Taj."

Gu Yi said well.

Yi Chou frowned a little.

The meaning of Gu Yi is of course obvious. She can't give Yi Xuan the most important magic weapon, just as Yi Xiao can't go to Karma Taj to put herself in danger.

But the question is...what the **** is Karma Taj.

Why did you go to Karma Taj and put yourself in danger.

In other words, there is something that Karma Taj can trap himself.

Yi Biao is very puzzled, because according to the narration in the movie, Kama Taj is just a gathering place for mages, the three temples connected to the earth...it is a larger general temple.

There is no other weird place, why Gu Yi wants to take himself over and over again.

Of course... no one can say the mystery of magic. The older the magic is, the more bizarrely dangerous. Although the Karma Taj and the Hidden Club may have only a few hundred years of history with the establishment of the ancient one, the existence of magic on the earth It's not so short.

Perhaps there is an extremely powerful seal magic hidden there.

Yi Xiao did not intend to try it for himself.


Yi Chou shrugged.

"Then let's change the way...Let me see, you can continue to hold it in hand, right now."

He reached out and made a please gesture to Gu Yi, gesturing.

After hesitating for a moment, Gu nodded.

She was convinced that after the other person approached herself, she was able to kill herself on the spot, and she was too late to respond, but Gu Yi was also confident that Time Gem would revive her again.

Just like countless times before.

The other party killing itself is just doing meaningless things, and it will also break the negotiations.

At present, the other party does not seem to intend to mess up this negotiation, so Gu Yi is more at ease, but as an old guy who has guarded the earth for hundreds of years, she will not easily believe the other party.

Perhaps the other party has other unknown means. After all, more than 1,700 cycles, the magic released by the other party can simply write a magic dictionary.

Be cautious... Gu Yi also keeps the same.

And Gu Yi also knows that opportunities and risks are often accompanied, and sometimes may take some risks... There will be additional unexpected gains.

In the face of an enemy that is difficult to defeat, certain risks Gu Yi is completely acceptable.

Under the watch of a group of Karma Taj Masters, Gu Yi and Yi Chou walked out slowly as if to exchange hostages.

Of course, there are more people in Gu Yi... There is only one Yi Yi here.

As the crowd separated, Gu Yi gradually came to the center of the venue, and Yi Chou could clearly see the group of mages at the rear staring at Yi Chou, as if killing his father and enemies.

Without the remnants of memory in the time loop, they simply did not know that they had been killed by Yi Chou more than 1,700 times. Now, the Yi Chou they see in their eyes is still just a short time after their contact.

"If it weren't for brain occlusion, I couldn't persevere." Yi Chou said with emotion.

"You can persevere more than 1,700... and even use the Eye of Agomo to countless times to defeat the enemy... I really can't imagine it."

Gu Yi seemed to not hear the clues Yi Yi revealed in his words, and still responded faintly.

"Guarding is always harder than destruction."

Her hands are facing each other, and the golden thread continually shuttles, and Agomoto's eyes slowly float between her hands, glowing green.

Gu Yi used the unique magic of Kama Taj to weave a kind of defensive net for the eye of Agomoto... Although she is not sure whether she can resist Yi Chou, it is better than nothing.

After all, the last way is to directly use the time of Agomoto Eye Cycle, if it is about to be taken away.

Yi Xiao didn’t seem to mean to snatch. He stepped forward slightly, but actually just stopped to watch. The green radiance exuded some kind of mystery as if it was time, giving people a feeling of confusion, covering the surroundings, and ancient gold The magical luster echoes with each other, and it really has a fantasy color.

But Yi Chou is not just watching, he is feeling the energy of time flowing more.

In fact, he doubts that the time gem in front is not a time gem.

It's not accurate to say that, it's just...it doesn't seem to be that powerful, and it's not unique.

What is certain is that the legendary squad of tomorrow, the master of time, Rip Hunt, the captain of the wave time ship, also carries a time gem on his body.

Sadako was right about this. Although she didn't **** back the Time Gem...but she never missed it.

After all, in this world, she has already experienced the power of the time gem.

This is also a problem that has always troubled Yi Xuan and Lucy. Whether it is DC or Marvel, they have a lot of parallel world settings.

Time gems and the universe's Kuaibao, Yi Chou are not sure whether they are the only in the entire multidimensional universe...or the only in a universe.

If it is the latter, even if they are very powerful, it seems that they feel not so rare.

"What do you think." Yi Xuan asked in his heart.

On the other hand, Lucy, who is in Los Angeles, is observing the gem of time through Yi Biao's eyes, as if he was coming in person.

"Same as the information in Sadako's memory..."

Lucy replied in a low voice, "You can't see the difference at all, it seems that the two of them are the same piece."

But certainly not a piece.

Yi Xuan did not answer, but observed the energy of time more intuitively.

There is a lot of energy on Neverland, especially near the golden hourglass as the center. Neverland is the core that maintains the operation of the entire second world. In other words, it can also be understood as the core of the multiverse.

There are countless energies, space, time, the world, and life, death, and many common substances and concepts in the golden hourglass.

Of course, these things are not easy to use, they are a kind of uncontrollable energy storm, always floating above the golden hourglass... It is more of a kind of residue and process than protection.

It's like an hourglass sustaining the world, but there will always be excess energy overflowing. It is also possible... These energy storms are just a microcosm of the process of hourglass sustaining the world.

Yi Chou is also not sure, because he does not dare to be too close to the energy storm, at most around, using the energy drawn by the storm to supplement the magic, soul and the like.

And borrow some very simple energy composition... wind, fire, water, these basic energy substances, they are very common no matter in the magic world or the matter directly, so Yi Chou is also more familiar with them and more confident from the energy Drained from the storm.

In addition, most of the energy is easy to dare to touch, and there are even a lot of energy that he does not know what energy is roaring in the storm.

For example...time.

"What a beautiful color." Yi Huo whispered.

Through the time gem in front, Yi Xuan can finally determine what the energy representing time looks like. Although the energy is invisible and untouchable, there is a special way for the wizard to identify and confirm them...

Well, not for all wizards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the unique magic system in the country of Oz. The energy magic is similar to the wizards in the Harry Potter Ring. The former only reads mantras. What... the magic of the white robe? It all depends on howling.

Now through the gem of time, Yi Xao can finally recognize the characteristics of time energy...not great news, but chat is better than nothing.

But after saying this sentence, Yi Chou seemed to have something instinctively wrong, because this kind of exclamation seemed to be mostly sent out by the villains... and then he would completely pounce on the street shortly after speaking.

Slightly turned his head, in short, weird.

Gu Yi wouldn't capture the mind, and naturally couldn't guess the messy thoughts in Yi Chou's heart. When she heard Yi Chou's sigh, she responded.

"Beautiful, but also dangerous."

"Unauthorized use of the power of time will bring danger to this world."

Yi Xiao glanced at her.

"I shouldn't be surprised to say this from your mouth, right."

"What do you think."

Gu Yi asked plainly.

"I think what you are best at is rhetorical questions."

Gu Yi smiled, "This is indeed what women are best at."

"It's enough."

Yi Chou interrupted her.

Probably because of the relaxation of the conversation, Yi Chou's body moved slightly forward, but at this moment, Gu Yi immediately retreated at the same time.

Obviously, the exchange between the two seems to be very harmonious, and even seems to be somewhat sympathetic, but in fact Gu Yi has never given up his vigilance against Yi arrogance.

Otherwise, her hundreds of years of experience was simply given away in vain.

"I thought we had reached a preliminary consensus yet." Yi Xiaodeng was not surprised, and looked at Gu Yi with a smile.

Gu Yi's expression was also breezy.

"That must be your illusion."

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