High Magic Earth

Chapter 1346: In the super-British world, time travel is a trivial matter

The light of the Agomoto eye gradually faded, and countless rays of light shuttled between Gu Yi's hands. Eventually, the gloss of the Agomoto eye was once again invisible, and this ancient and powerful magic weapon became dull and mottled again. Quietly hung in front of Gu Yi.

"You should have no other requirements."

Gu Yi seems to have acquiesced to watch Agomoto's eyes by default. After putting it away, he asked with a thick face.

In fact, Yi Chou is not very interested in Agomoto who cannot get it. If he wants to, he does not have to grab this one from Gu Yiyi.

Although Guyi is not like the big family of speeders, as long as they show a little hostile thoughts to them, there will be an infinite number of speeders from the future to come to the door...... Don't think about it, it will definitely cause harm to them in the future However, these speeders observe the past at a future point in time and directly determine the source.

But Gu Yi is also one of the few beings who can contact the multidimensional universe. Who knows... has she noticed herself in another dimension.

These guys who contact different multidimensional universes are always very troublesome.

In contrast, the time gem in the hands of the time master Rip Hunt is much easier. Although he is not sure where he got the time gem as the captain of the wave next door... but it must be easy to think about. this problem.

However, it may be a little trouble to find him. After all, the responsibility of the Legendary Squad of Tomorrow is to transmit time, save time, and walk at different points in time. It is not so easy to be locked.

Apart from that, there is no other difficulty.

Quietly watching Gu Yi put away the time stones, Yi Chou acquiesced to Gu Yi's statement, and then he raised his eyes.

"I have one last question." Yi Huo said.

"May I hear the details." Gu Yi's voice was calm.

"Why come to me, I mean, what do you see... in the future."

in the future.

Yi Chou is not wondering why Gu Yi would find himself. Since he has intervened in this world, in the future, one of the two will inevitably change.

Even if it is a blank... that blank will always be very conspicuous in the long time of filling.

Gu Yi will find herself sooner or later, but Yi Chou is more curious about how she found it. After all, Yi Chou has already removed himself from the timeline. What clues did Gu Yi find.

Now that she can find it, she should always see something, perhaps a flash of certain pictures, or fragments of certain fragments, or names, words, more abstract symbol marks, etc.

Even if it is a blank, it will help Yi Chou to know the time.

So after asking this question, Yi Xiao stared closely at Gu Yi, and the magic of telepathy converged, trying to get more information through Gu Yi's eyes.

Gu Yi's space magic is fascinating, Yi Chou is not sure about her spiritual and spiritual defenses, but it is better to do a little temptation than to do nothing.

After all, for an old monster like Guyi who has lived for hundreds of years, who knows what she thinks in her heart, or whether it is true or misleading.

But no one seemed to think that it was at the moment when Yi Huo's voice fell, the mysterious luster representing time suddenly emerged again, instantly covering everything around.

The glaring light was like crystal, exuding full luster, and instantly wrapped the two in like an amber.

Being calmed down by Gu Yi, the jewel of time that had been quietly suspended in front of him seemed to be suddenly activated at this moment, and the green light representing time slowly spread, spreading out in a moment, turning Yi Xiao and Gu Yi and others Also included.

The green luster is filled in the air, and it seems to slow down everything in the air a bit.


Outside, the group of Karma Taj Masters serving as the background wall exclaimed in a timely manner, struggling to brush a wave of presence, but unfortunately they could not beat the clamor, and they had no way to deal with the time gem.

Can only call twice.

Both Yi Xiao and Gu Yi did not panic. After all, they had such a big killer like time tracing, even if they were dead... and they had a chance to come back again. In fact, they both observed each other quietly.

Obviously, Gu Yi thinks it is Yi Yi's ghost... but Yi Yi feels that Gu Yi is doing ghosts.

After all, the gem of time hangs on Gu Yi.

The eyes of the two guys collided in the air... Unfortunately, Yi Chou's face was not thin. The two of them seemed to be nothing, silently removed their eyes and continued to stare at each other.

Yi Xiao naturally uses the knowledge given by the silver tongue to observe the various micro-expressions and micro-actions of the other party, but it is not good for a guy like Gu Yi who seems to have been numb.

Gu Yi stared at a pair of eyes that seemed to always be equipped with a multi-dimensional universe, and wanted to see Yi Xuan directly... Unfortunately, Yi Xiao’s resistance to mind and thinking is absolutely full. If Gu Yi hits this idea, I am afraid She won't get any valuable information.

After watching the other party silently for half a minute, Yi Xao and Gu Yi had to draw a conclusion...the other party seemed to be unaware of this sudden incident.

But Yi Chou is obviously still very skeptical.

After all, this change originated from the gem of time... Gu Yi's method is not much less than the magic that Yi Xao masters, and Yi Xiao has never given up her vigilance.

After a moment of silence, Gu Yi's eyes moved slightly, and he circled around the amber-like green crystals, which stopped Motoly who wanted to walk in.

"It's really beautiful..." the ancient costume lamented.

As an old man, Gu Yi, she can naturally feel the uneasiness of Yi Chao. Although she does not know why the time gem will suddenly change, it does not prevent her from using this.

Since I can't beat Yi Chou, it feels good to scare him.

Yi Chou was indifferent, listening to Gu Yi refuting himself with the words he said, he said calmly.

"I admit... it's beautiful, but you'd better put it away, otherwise I don't guarantee that I won't make any excessive movements."

"You should have seen it already." Gu Yi's voice didn't hurry.

"This is not controlled by me."

"I've never seen Agomoto's eye change itself...I think we can be quiet and wait quietly."

Yi Chou stepped back a few steps and felt the edge of the emerald green light, Shen Sheng said.

"But I think you can control it."

"I can not."

Gu Yi said lightly.

Yi Xiao took a step back again, only half an inch away from the edge of the light, the meaning was already obvious, even if Gu Yi continued to not admit it, he could leave here at any time.

But Gu Yi's tone is still very weak.

"I'm serious."

Without hesitation, Yi Chou backed away, but felt that he was hitting some kind of resistance behind his back... and stopped him in place.

This is not an ordinary thing. The power of Yi Chou is brought by the steel body of the pseudo-Kryptonian, even if it is only a small step back... This force can not be ignored.

Not to mention the tempered glass of special materials, even the steel plate can hit a pit... but it can't break through the strange magic block that I don't know what.

Yi Chou's eyes fell on Gu Yi again, but Gu Yi opened his hands very innocently.

Closing his eyes slightly, the next moment, the energy of the black shadow suddenly rose, as if in the air, it seemed to be a real impact on Gu Yi.

Gu was caught off guard and was hit by the energy. She hadn't had time to resist it, and the energy hit her in front of it... but it was not offensive in nature, it seemed to just push her a few steps .

Then Gu Yi's back also encountered some invisible barriers, and she immediately understood Yi Chou's intention.

Obviously, she could not leave here anymore.

"An Ancient Venerable."

A little further than the other mages, Motoly relied on her strength to be the highest among the other mages. She was very close to the conversation between the two. She kept frowning to observe the behavior and conversation between the two... Seeing this, she quickly took a step forward, Tentatively touch the green light with your hands.

Like water, the surface of the light spread out from the waves, but it also blocked Motoly from the outside.

"What I said is true."

Gu Yi didn't seem to be anxious at all. She spread her hands and gestured innocently to Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao calmed down slightly, although the situation was strange... but he should not have no way to leave, he did not know where the ultimate power of the pseudo-Kryptonians, but even if he forcibly broke through with pure power, he did not have the opportunity to leave.

What's more, he is best at magic and silver tongue.

Yi Chou, who calmed down, began to observe the surroundings, and also let Lucy in the specific rear, through his eyes, his five senses touched everything around him for analysis.

In terms of pure analysis, magical intelligence is more accurate, and also...

"Sir, the magic around is strange..."

Sure enough, within half a minute, Lucy seemed to have reached a conclusion.


Yi Xiao communicates with her through her heart.

"This is very similar to your spellcasting and magic, or... it seems to be your magic."


Yi Chou froze slightly.

At this moment, there were several thoughts in his heart, but whether it was Lucy or Yi Chou, they finally decided the same idea.

"This is what I did."

"Yes, this is what you did."

"Unsurprisingly, it was you in the past... or you stayed in the future." Lucy said very surely.

Magic has a special trajectory, which is especially profound in the magic of Oz. Perhaps Yi Chou did not realize this before, but now with the help of Lucy, the trajectory and fluctuations of magic are already very easy to recognize.

As Lucy made this conjecture, both Yi and Lucy could be determined. This magic was left by Yi Chao, and they did blame Gu Yi.

Of course, it is not impossible for someone to imitate the magic of Yi Chou. After all, in the magic world... it is not surprising that anything happens.

But now the priority, and more importantly... is to determine what kind of magic this is.

And why the gem of time is left above.

While thinking about it, Gu Yi, who was on the opposite side, said first, "...It seems that you think of something."

Yi Huo glanced at Gu Yi faintly, but did not answer.

Gu Yi was not surprised, but still had a faint tone, "Be careful, it is a woman's privilege."

Her pun is quite good, although even if Gu Yi was careful because of this, Yi Chou didn't feel that there was anything to worry about. After all, she couldn't beat herself.

But Gu Yi means more, ironically like a woman.

As a guy whose life expectancy reaches Gu Yi's level... The thickness of the face is long unimaginable.

"...A certain condition triggered this magic."

On the other hand, Lucy, who is still in Los Angeles, still chattered through Yi Biao's heart.

"Perhaps a certain sentence, I think...what exactly do you see in the future, this sentence is very likely to be the trigger point."

"This is meaningless." Yi arrogant said.

"It's not meaningless. Obviously, if you stay back in the past, then you return to the past again, and you should stay the same again..."

"No, I mean, your findings are meaningless."

"I need to know what magic is this. It's really interesting. I still have the day I was trapped by my magic."

"You will never hurt yourself."

Lucy apparently didn't have much to worry about, "No one of us knows the mystery of time. Technology can't travel in time, so the grandmother's rebuttal will always only exist in the rebuttal."

"But magic works, so none of us know what will happen if we really go back in time."

"Or... it's not the past."

"But whether it is going back to the past or entering the future, there must always be a point of time cycle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If nothing unexpected...now is the origin."

"Everything starts here or ends here."

As Lucy's words fell, the surrounding green light gradually became brighter, and even some crystal-like waves appeared in the light, and slowly oscillated with some strange fluctuations.

It's like... This magic knows Yi Chou very well, understands Yi Chou, and knows Lucy. It's just time to let the two make a full judgment.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yi and Yi Chou were alert at the same time.

Gu Yi does not know what happened, but she is ready to go back at any time...Although Yi Chou knows what might happen...

"But seriously, this is not good news."

The main goal of Yi Chou is to get ether particles while the door is open at the moment of the nine stars. Although two gems of time have appeared, these infinite gems do not seem to be unique, but it does not prevent Yi Chou from getting ether. Particle determination.

So for now, it doesn’t make any sense to go back to the past or to enter the future... unless the next moment will send Yi Chou directly to the point in time when Jiu Xing Lianzhu gets ether particles.

But even so, according to the possible consequences of a series of shuttle times, Yi Chou seems to need to return to the original time point and wait for the arrival of Jiuxing Lianzhu at a normal time.

All in all, short time travel seems meaningless.

If we look at it simply as the goal of easy talk.

It's just that the magic attached to the gem of time is more rigid than Yi Xuan and Lucy imagined, and it was carried out according to the original plan, and Yi Xuan simply couldn't intervene.

And in just a few seconds, the mysterious green luster representing time has instantaneously expanded and swept everything around.

Envelop completely.

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