High Magic Earth

Chapter 1347: The title appears again

"How is this going."

At this point in time, the mage named Snilaire has not died, or that no one will die after Gu Yi first proposed a truce agreement.

As the oldest of this group of Karma Taj Masters, and second only to Molly's Master, seeing His Holiness Gu Yi was swallowed by the unknown green luster instantly, he could not sit still.

Although they knew the existence of the eye of Agomo, they knew that it was an artifact of time control... but after all, they had not personally experienced and used it.

It is more like a relic of Karma Taj.

What's more, the terrible consequences of tampering with time also make them dare not move, but daunted.

Except for Motoly, few people know the true power of the Ago Motor Eye, and few people know that Gu Yi used this thing to protect the earth again and again.

"do not know."

Modoli's tone was very solemn, and her attitude did not seem to be very good, but Sneller only felt that she was worried that Gu Yizun was not too concerned.

In fact, Molly is even more anxious than Master Nisler, because there is no one here who worships Gu Yizun more than her.

Facing the problem of Master Sneller, Molly wanted to throw away a sentence of how I knew to go back, but the years of self-cultivation and self-cultivation at Karma Taj forced her to force back the tumbling thoughts.

Casually, she threw Sneller aside.

There was a not-so-good hunch in Motoly's mind... not that Gu Yizun would have any problems, but... it seemed that something big was going to happen.

Something very, very, very big... the same big thing.

On the other hand, Coulson and May are trying to reduce their sense of presence and lie on the ground... almost before they lie on the back of the platform and move towards the edge a little bit.

Whispering while moving.



"How about reinforcements?"


"Have you brought your brain?"


In fact, May blamed Coulson wrongly, and no one expected that this task would encounter such a weird and bizarre thing. Although it has long been known that the target has supernatural power... but now everything is too supernatural!

The original goal was to confuse the mind, mind control, mental power control, similar to hypnosis ability, a series of combat plans are also carried out around these.

Even if there is a remedy plan, the second and third plans... are all around similar.

But now, magic, mirror world, and even a mage organization that has not even discovered that SHIELD has been silently guarding this world for longer than SHIELD?

jesus! This deviation seems far away.

May also just complained habitually, wanting to break through this dilemma... or relying on the two of them to carry out self-help.

They hadn't encountered this kind of dilemma before when they were partners, and even more dangerous than that, but in the end they came in and they are still alive...the best proof.

Although May has been sitting in the office for a long time and has not been away from work... but it does not prevent her and Coulson from continuing to work wonders.

"Explorer, can you hear it."

But I did not expect that while the two were creeping forward, the earphones of Coulson and May suddenly heard intermittent electric currents at almost the same time, accompanied by ambiguous words, they received signals from the outside world for the first time. information.

There was a joy in the hearts of the two at the same time. The group of strange wizards who didn't disturb the distance continued to move closer to the edge, and then whispered back.

"Here is the explorer... We are in trouble."

It's always the job of Coulson to play tricks.

It's just... this time his words didn't seem so convincing, because after saying this sentence, even after repeating it several times, the other party still didn't respond.

Every dozen or so seconds, it seems fixed to repeat the query.

Obviously, they cannot receive the signal here.

Coulson and May looked at each other helplessly. Although the situation changed, but... it was still very troublesome...

Within time, Yi Chou and Gu Yi saw another situation.

The green light is shining brightly, as if all the surroundings have been dyed with mysterious colors, just like the underwater world of an aquarium, surrounded by a deep blue, exuding moisture and cold, but here... …All around is a mysterious emerald green.

As if flowing time.

If the two were surrounded by green invisible forces before, but they could still see the situation outside vaguely, then at this time they would not be seen at all.

The green waves, like ripples on the water surface, gradually diffused, rendering the surroundings extremely deep and blocking the penetration of sight.

Gu Yi couldn't even find Motoli in close proximity.

"Is it still beautiful now?" Yi Chou asked rhetorically.

This time, Gu Yi was wary of Yi Chou.

Because of the secret, the ancient pair of barriers made a temptation, and she found that she not only could not penetrate the strange green light of this layer, but even the retrospective time seemed to be much slower.

If you want to go back in time for ten minutes, the entire backtracking process will take at least half the time.

In this case, if Yi Chou wants to be unfavorable to himself, snatching the gem of time... Gu Yi really hasn't turned me back in time before everything is over.

But in fact, Yi Huo did not intend to really **** the time gem.

The Master Gu Yi in the comics world still has a certain deterrent to Yi Chou... The scarlet witch’s lesson is very clear there.

"I think it is imperative to consider how to leave here."

Gu Yi turned the topic aside without leaving any traces, and if pointed, said, "You...should be more worried than me."

The more badass the more afraid of death!

This is a conclusion that Gu Yi dragged down and did not know how many peepers peeping at the earth.

There are many reasons for them to be afraid of death. There are still things that have not been completed, and the so-called evil cause has not been realized, or it is purely unwilling.

All in all... they must be more afraid of death than Gu Yi.

As a guardian, if you need to give your life to protect the earth, Gu Yi will not mind. The only thing she may worry about is that no one will continue to guard the earth after her death.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D.'s work is also very good... but after all, there is too much difference in strength.

Black Widow, Hawkeye, a group of SHIELD agents and Dormabe?

Do not make jokes.

Not even the black widow of Thor's hammer.

But if you don’t choose death, the earth will be destroyed now, and if you choose death to save the earth...Pray that a new genius has appeared before the next disaster. This choice is self-evident.

Gu Yi will definitely choose the former without hesitation and sacrifice his life for the earth.

After all, when faced with a crisis, the earth will always jump out of one or two fast-growing geniuses, so choosing the latter is entirely promising.

But those evils who only know destruction will obviously not. They cherish their lives very much.

Especially Dormam, otherwise he would not be willing to give up everything at first, fall into the dark dimension, and completely get rid of the shackles of time and the end of life.

Yi Chao plowed New York over and over again in countless time cycles... Naturally, it was very in line with the weird settings of those big villains, and Gu Yi put him in this category.

Unfortunately, no one in this world really understands Yi Chao.

No one knew what he was thinking.

"Time is flowing, it wants to take us away, either forward or backward, there is nothing to worry about, just a time travel that says go and go."

"It's you...should worry about whether you are here."

"What are the consequences of time travel and unauthorized disruption of time, I believe you are clearer than me, and even if we don't talk about time travel, we enter the time before the next time point, if you don't protect the earth..."

"Are you sure the earth is still there when you return?"

Although Gu Yi was worried inside, as one of the roles of smiling forever, there was still some calmness. She still looked at Yi Chou with eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything. She didn't seem to care.

"The earth is not as fragile as you think."

She said.

Yi Xiao shook his head, his tone seemed strange.

"It's just that you know too little about a powerful being."

The surrounding light seemed to change again.

Yi Chou and Gu Yi are not sure, because the green light with mysterious atmosphere has already occupied everything.

What you see, you can't see anything except the light of time.

So even if these lights are dimmed and darkened, flowing or stopping, the two of them cannot be noticed because they have no reference...

Relying on the induction of time energy, Yi Chou still noticed the wrong place.

The flow of time is intensifying.

No matter what this thing is to do...it has to start.

Then immediately, Yi Biao discovered that Gu Yi's figure seemed to be gradually fading. She flickered in place like an old TV signal. Is this... Is being rejected?

Gu Yi apparently noticed this in the first time. His smart head thought about it and immediately gave Yi Huo a smile that looked very bad-hearted.

"It seems that I have nothing to worry about."

The eye of Agomomoto is still hanging in front of her, and gradually blurs with her, and it does not mean to stay here. This makes me worry because the eye of Agomomoto caused all this and could not take away Gu Yi. Also feel relieved.

Since the most important Agomoto Eye is okay, there is nothing to worry about.

Yi Xiao frowned, and didn't feel uncomfortable because of Gu Yi's smile. He would not be irritated by the bad radicals...Although Yi Xiao was indeed very emotional sometimes, it didn't matter. in the case of.

No matter how arrogant, it will not cause much impact.

Similar to the occasions nowadays, Yi Chou is still rational and always suppresses emotions.

Although according to Lucy's gap, the two can almost be sure that this is the hand and foot left by Yi Chou...I don't know whether it is the future or the past, but this feeling of waiting for the announcement is still not very good.

Perhaps it wasn't left by myself.

Although this probability is very small, it is not without.

The preparation for everything is to take all possibilities into account. Even with a small chance, you need to make sufficient preparations. Thinking of this possibility, Yi Chou immediately started to contact Lucy.

"You already know it."

The contact between the two is actually not troublesome, because if Yi Xuan is willing, the hearts of the two people are the same. What Lucy thinks about Yi Xuan can immediately know, and Lucy's thoughts will also be known by Yi Xuan immediately.

But even if it is magic intelligence, its thoughts are also very complicated. When it becomes intelligent, many emotions cannot be prevented by her cutting off the program.

Otherwise why is it called intelligence.

This is also one of the most basic differences between intelligent and non-intelligent.

Too many thoughts can't be distinguished by one person at all. Even if there are only two people, complicated thoughts can make people's brains confused.

Because of this, Yi Xao rarely uses this magic connection, even when it is used... He and Lucy will also focus on thinking separately, rather than thinking about other things.

So in an instant... Yi Chou had an insight into Lucy's thoughts.

"What is called no way."

The next moment, Yi Xuan asked.

The flow of thinking is still continuing, and through the memory query ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in less than half a second, Yi Huo learned the reason why Lucy came to this conclusion.

She noticed that there were changes in her surroundings, still because of the reasons for easy thinking, because in Lucy's eyes, nothing changed around her.

She was still able to see the anxious figure of Motoli who was circling around, just like the green barrier covering Yi Chou's eyes did not exist.

Can't... see the changes here through your own eyes?

Strange time energy.

Yi Xiao's knowledge of time energy is almost zero, so it's not surprising what happened.

And Lucy, who has lost the most important observation data, naturally cannot remotely draw out a battle plan... Fortunately, the former Yi Chou did not have Lucy, even if he was alone, he had nothing to worry about.

In the next moment, just as Yi Chou had just given up this idea, it seemed as if time had just happened, and the energy and light of the surrounding time suddenly fluctuated.

With a slight movement in his heart, Yi Chou secretly recalled every step he had made before, and the approximate time of each step. He stored this memory separately and put it in a relatively safe thinking space.

Maybe...it still works.

Because time travel is not a one-way ticket.

The energy around the time is shaking more and more. In the invisible places, all places, and the surrounding conditions have begun to emit strange distortions.

It seems as if it is aging, the ground seems to be declining, and even some buildings have been changed suddenly, some of them have remained the same, and the other parts have changed to other appearances, like being stiffly and randomly spliced ​​into Seems together.

But in any case, all of them have the same nature.

That is all the changes, it seems to be going backwards in the past.

And faster and faster.

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