High Magic Earth

Chapter 1348: Lucky day. .

"Time is going backwards."

Yi Biao said in a deep voice, "You better think of a way...stop it, leave a space anchor, time coordinates, whatever you want..."

The power of time is far greater than all existing magic. Although it is invisible, it still rolls up as if there is a substantial energy storm.

The raging storm even prevented Yi Chou from holding his body and opening his eyes.

In this case, Yi Xuan naturally disconnected the synchronous spiritual link with Lucy. Although Yi Xiao can be used for two purposes, but in this case, risk is obviously not a safe choice.

And with the gradual intensification of this storm, Yi Chou can even clearly see that everything around him is changing in the vicissitudes of the sea, not just a small area around him.

The emerald green time gloss shrouded in the surroundings does not know when it has disappeared, but as this invisible barrier fades, Yi Chou has completely lost the figure of Gu Yi and others, and even the world of mirrors, platforms floating in the sky have disappeared. not see.

Yi Chou has returned to the ground.

Surrounded by a bustling and busy city, brightly colored fire hydrants stand on the ground, and at the foot are uneven, mottled stone brick floors, even the white steam still radiating in the gaps of the stone bricks, with a rich punk Pedestrians dressed in wind are wearing old tight-legged jeans, while the road is an old classic car.

They walked through the streets quickly... as if they couldn't see Yihuo.

At that time Yi Chou noticed that when they walked, they were not advancing, but they were retreating very much... nor was it a retreat that was deliberately controlled, it was the retreat of time going backward.

The changes in the vicissitudes of the sea have made Yi Chou feel that he has traversed into a strange world in an instant.

Although the change of time is still very slow, it will always get faster. Now the backtracking around is changing, and it is so fast that it is difficult to catch it with your eyes.

His eyesight is blessed with great speed.

Yi Biao even doubted... Maybe when everything was settled, those walking beside Yi Biao would be replaced by hippies carrying brick-sized radios!

"Time is going backwards?"

But at this time, Lucy's voice came from Yi Chou's ear, but with obvious doubts.

Yi Chou's heart sank immediately.

"You can't see the changes around you, right."

"Yes." Lucy's tone was also surprised. "In my eyes... there is no obvious change in your surroundings, and it seems that people like Gu Yi can't see you."

"Motorie is still looking for you everywhere."

"No... this is not very good."

There is a certain kind of premonition in Yi Biao's heart... he feels that he and Lucy may be divided, just like... Although the two still have a magical link, they may not be at the same time. Got on.

Although it was separated, it also gave Yi Chao more opportunities.

After all, he knows too little about time, and he can take this opportunity to take advantage of crossing time, but he retains the magical connection and peeks into more secrets from time.

But it is imperative to figure out the end of this inexplicable time travel first.

"What age are you in." Lucy on the other side asked again.

You can't get useful information through Yi Biao's eyes, so you can only ask.

Although Yi Xao had a very strong memory at the beginning, and he almost never forgets it, he did not fill in too much knowledge, mainly because of the problem of missing soul, he was not interested, and he could not help himself and enrich himself.

Fortunately, with the help of the silver tongue, under Lucy's step-by-step plan, he filled a lot of useless, partial, and even difficult to use knowledge.

If it is just a comparison of memory reserves, Yi Huo is not even weaker than an artificial intelligence database.

But the processing is certainly not as comprehensive and rapid as artificial intelligence, because the capacity of the human brain is limited after all, even if it is easy, it is impossible to store useless data without restrictions.

Fortunately, he can use a meditation basin-like means to classify and store memories... but when he needs to remember, it will be very laborious and slow.


Yi Biao's eyes gradually began to search around, legging pants, ugly skinny denim, slightly old-fashioned hairstyle, idiot's cardigan...

Looking at these typical dresses around, Yi Heo hesitated and said.

"Sixties in the United States...seventies?"

"Time is still going backwards."

The flow rate of the backward time is very fast, almost at a speed that can be captured by the naked eye, and the surrounding technology has regressed to a fairly primitive level.

Marvel World was originally a place where black technology was flying all over the sky. The fault of technology, growth, and jumping is simply the most unscientific existence in itself.

The emergence of black technology often depends on one or two geniuses, so most of them are individual scientists, whether they are crazy villain scientists or superheroes, so that the world's technology has directly increased by leaps and bounds.

For example... two generations of Stark.

Without these geniuses, the technological progress in this world is relatively normal. The period of technological concentration is also the later stage of frequent superhero assembly. Only with Simmons, although Fitz is not a top scientist, he can achieve what is lacking. What level of cutting-edge talent can be made.

So as time fades, the level of science and technology displayed in front of Yi Chou...has almost no gap with the present world of this era.

Of course, this world has supernatural powers after all. There must be some technology and where it is completely inconsistent with this world.

But ordinary people can't find it.

While Yi Xiao continued to observe the surroundings, there was no sound. Since Yi Xiao answered, Lucy, who remained silent, said again suddenly.

"I think I may know the time you have to reach."

"What." Yi Chou stunned.

"World War II."

Yes, the Super Soldier Serum Project, which is also one of the most unscientific black technologies in the Marvel world. There is no such thing in this world. Even if it exists, it is only theoretical, or not a concept of hormones at all. Failed product.

And Lucy can draw this conclusion, it is not without reason.

If the magic on the time gem is left by Yi Biao, then it is obvious that Yi Biao has experienced time travel, but even time travel is carried out in the Marvel world.

It is impossible for Yi Chou to reach an unknown point in Marvel World, without any superheroes, Marvel World without superheroes... almost no difference from the ordinary world.

So... what are the important plots of the Marvel World.

The time node before Yi Chou came was when Gu Yi came to the door. It was one of the time points before the superheroes got together.

Then there was World War II.

This is one of the early signs of the emergence of superheroes in the movie world, and it is also the time when the Captain America, the righteous man who walked on earth, was born.

No matter which world or time, Captain America is an indispensable character.

Even if it only serves as a background.

If time is going backwards, then the end of this time travel...it is probably World War II.

"World War II..." Yi Chou's eyes narrowed slightly.


"But I'm more curious about why I appeared at this point in time... and how it appeared. There must be some reason for me to appear here. I won't mention this reason first. I will find it after I find it."

"The problem is, if it was because of the time cycle that brought me here, and I continued to cycle, and brought the next one in, then at the very beginning... how the cycle was formed."

Questions about time are very difficult to understand, and even there is no reasonable answer at all, so in the face of time travel or even experience and experience, Yi Chou still often does not believe that he is a time travel.

It's something else.

For example, crossing parallel worlds, breaking through barriers, entering multidimensional universes and the like.

The refutation of time is a hurdle that cannot be circumvented, and it is also a question that cannot be answered at all. What’s more important at this stage is that Yi Chou’s existing methods simply cannot prove and detect. Is he traveling through time or across? A parallel world.

Then these questions are doomed to be unanswered.



Well, Yi Huo is very clear that Lucy will not know the answer to these questions, but always give some responses and never say a word.

But after calling it several times, Yi Chou realized that it was wrong.


He lost contact with Lucy.

In other words, he not only splits two points in time with Lucy, but also loses contact with the communication of spiritual magic, but through some special magic, Yi Chou can be sure that Lucy has no accidents.

Yi Xiao has many tattoos on his body.

It is not an ordinary tattoo, but a trace similar to magic, nor is it tattooed on his own, it is naturally generated after the formation of magic.

Among them is the mark representing Lucy's state.

This kind of magic is not so deep. Even in the Harry Potter world, there are many similar things, such as Voldemort's mark and Weasley's clock.

The difficulty is... how does it keep the two targets very far apart, this connection still exists.

For example, Yi Xiao has been with Lucy two times now.

Ordinary wizards may be very difficult without the help of silver tongues, but for Yi Chou, there is no difficulty in creating some strange little magic.

Although it's not impossible to walk away without losing Lucy, I'm accustomed to the days when there is a magical butler in my life. Suddenly without Lucy's convenient help, I really feel a little unaccustomed.

The next moment, after Yi Chou calmed down, the surrounding world suddenly seemed to be alive.

"...Outside! Outnumber! Seventeen consecutive wins!"

"...No nickname! The situation in France has fallen into a quagmire..."

"Sir, do you want a newspaper?"

The noisy sound spread to Yi Chou's ears in an instant, and the cold coldness covered his whole body, accompanied by the dense humidity and coldness, and even seemed to form a layer of frost on the surface of the skin.

It's not that the weather is really so cold... but that the way Yi Chou intervenes may not be normal, and suddenly the temperature difference is too different.

Yi Xiao bowed his head and saw a little boy with a red face frozen close to her leg. She didn’t dare to pull his clothes corner with dirty hands, but just called with a small voice Look at him.

Although Yi Xiao is a yellow man, in this age... well, for children of this age, except for the very few little guys with special experiences and reasons, the problem of skin color is not important in their world. Money, To eat, to live is the most important thing.

Hmm... it seems that the time backtracking has stopped.

Yi Bust appeared suddenly in this world, this busy street, although it came very abruptly, it can even be said to appear out of thin air, but it did not seem to attract anyone's attention.

As if it should have been so, he was here.

Even if it attracted some attention... it was not for this reason, but his skin color, which caused the surrounding eyes to be aimed at him frequently.

Even the little girl at her feet was aware of this, and she shrank back anxiously, seeming to be leaving.

It may take a long time to think.

Yi Xiao opened his eyes from closing his eyes slightly. At the moment, he has roughly recalled the characteristics of this era, history and how people in this era should theoretically live.

Before the little girl left, Yi Biao suddenly pumped in his arms, and a denomination in his hand appeared, but did not reach the amazing banknote.

"A copy," Yi arrogantly said.

The little girl was stunned for a while, and then looked at the banknotes in Yi Huo's hands.

"The rest is your tip, no need to look for it."

"Today is your lucky day, little one."

The little girl was stunned again. After a few seconds of inactivity, she quickly put a newspaper into the hands of Yi Chou, then withdrew the banknotes, hid it in a pocket, and took two steps backwards. Whispered, "Thank you, sir."

Then she slipped without looking back quickly, as if afraid of Yi Chou returning.

Watching her disappear into the alley, Yi Xiao smiled gently.

Then he shook the newspaper and spread it in front of himself.

Of course, Yi Biao is not a bad taste attack. Even if it is not, it is not going to tease a difficult survival child. The banknote is indeed fake, but the magic of Yi Biao is that as long as the banknote still belongs to that little guy, it will always be true. of.

Even if the little guy hides the banknotes for backup, it will not disappear one day, even if she exchanges the banknotes or if there is any Quaid to take away her harvest today, the banknotes will not disappear immediately.

Instead, it will be mixed up in a pile of banknotes, gradually change the money, change the whole money, and then dissipate, and it will definitely not involve its source, that little guy.

Therefore, Yi Biao would say that today is her lucky day, and Yi Biao rarely gave a pit money.

After this episode was quickly dismissed by Yi Chao, he turned his gaze back to the newspaper in his hand. The weather here did seem to be a bit damp and cold, because just in a short moment, the surface of the newspaper seemed to be like It seemed to have been wet, and wrinkled slightly.

Then at the next moment, a huge recruitment advertisement came into Yi Biao's eyes.

"The frontline is tense! Now we are recruiting young people of the right age to protect our homeland!"

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