High Magic Earth

Chapter 1349: My brother Coulson's dream land

In the face of the advertisement that occupies more than half of the page, Yi Huo looked indifferent, because he turned his head to look around, almost similar things everywhere.

Slogans, advertisements, flyers, posters for publicity...

The uneven and mottled red brick walls are covered with realistic and exaggerated realistic posters. The posters are layered on top of each other, covering each other, and even a certain thickness has been accumulated.

It was like the outside of the wall was covered with a layer of clothes again.

Bright graffiti and slogans swayed on the dark walls of the street corners, showing the unique graffiti art and culture of this era.

The discarded flyers flew all over the sky like flying catkins, floating everywhere, and Yi Chou cut off half of the torn flyers with his foot.

Unsurprisingly, the above is also about propaganda for recruitment and tight front lines.

This is the environment and situation here.

Because here is World War II.

"World War II... as it is."

Yi Chou scanned the newspaper in ten lines, and then threw it into the trash can.

Not surprisingly, as Lucy guessed... The end of time travel brought Yi Chou to the era of World War II.

A superhero is not remarkable, but it was also the year Captain America was born.

"What am I doing here."

Yi Chou was somewhat puzzled by his own actions.

He toured around, of course, did not find the figure of Gu Yi in this era, even the gem of time disappeared, by the way, bind a coordinate or magic or something, the next thing about the pit can only be temporarily Set it aside.

But Yi Chou will certainly not ignore it. Time is a perfect cycle, and it is broken suddenly, and no one knows what consequences will occur.

Before figuring out the ins and outs of all things... Yi Xuan decided to keep the steps as they were.

"Hey! The kid over there!"

It seems that Yi Biao has been here for a long time, or some boring guys have notified the police. Yi Biao saw two guys in black belts and brimmed hats hurried towards here.

As he walked, he made a signal to Yi Chou.

Another policeman's whistle was already in his mouth. As long as Yihou had a slight change, he would blow his whistle to call his companion for the first time.

This is a very unfriendly era.

Yi Biao even noticed a lot of gloating eyes around them. They were watching here from afar. They seemed to be looking forward to a good show. Perhaps the yellow monkey was beaten up in front of him?

Although they will not be angry because of these boring thoughts, Yi Chou will not easily let go of these impolite guys.

A little curse that lowered luck was silently squeezed into their shadow by the shadow energy of Yi Huo, as long as they survived the time when luck was lowered... even if they passed the level.

I hope there is no gambling, theft, or any other bad habits in these people.

Otherwise, it will become more and more unsatisfactory.

As for these two policemen...Although they are performing their own duties, Yi Xiao looked at them and knew clearly that it was not just that.

What should I do to kill them?

This is not a good choice, even if Yihuo can ignore the memory of others, and in this era of imperfect monitoring networks, all possible exposure risks are minimized.

But he still has to follow the invisible rule of time loop as much as possible.

Then the question arises, whether it is the past or the future self, in this case...what will be done.

The answer is actually very simple. After all, the one who knows most about himself is himself...


The sharp whistle suddenly sounded at this moment.

It wasn’t the two policemen who were clamoring for Yi Chou, but a block not far from here. The sharp whistle was particularly harsh in a noisy environment and was directly transmitted to everyone’s ears.


The two policemen looked at each other.

The companion must be in trouble. Compared with the guy in front...it must be more important for other policemen. After hesitating for less than a few seconds, such thoughts occupied their thinking and made them not hesitate. Made a choice.

I even forgot the idea of ​​two cruel words.

The two policemen hurriedly turned around in front of Yi Chou's eyes... went straight to the troubled place not far away, which disappointed the group of guys who wanted to watch a good show.

But they may not be clear.

Unfortunately the goddess is already favoring them.

Turning silently, Yi Chou soon disappeared on the street corner.

As for the two policemen... Although they were not cursed by Yi Xuan, Yi Xuan led them in another direction.

Trouble, trouble does exist, and they do have colleagues who need help, but trouble is also divided into troubles.

A place away from this block... But there is a whole gangster fighting, even if they have two police officers to support the past, I am afraid it is of no use.

As for the consequences...it's hard to tell.

Not revenge.

Yi Chou is just helping them fulfill what they should do...

Although this era seems very unfriendly, but whenever it is, banknotes are friendly.

Its charm is always there.

In the case of waving a magic banknote to open the way, even no matter how unfriendly the hotel, it also expressed great welcome to Yi Chao.

This is the magic of money.

Magic is not magic.

"Your tip."

Under the diligent guidance of the waiter, Yi Chou quickly found his room. He had no luggage, so the waiter couldn't find many places for his diligence along the way.

Yi Xiao was very clear about what he was doing. He left a generous tip very generously, and the waiter gently brought the door cheerfully.

Not bad, the quality is not low at all, it is worthy of the big hotel.

If he can't wait to get the money, he can't wait to leave here, even if he doesn't even bring the door, the tips in his hand will immediately become biting snakes.

Almost everything that has changed hands is enchanted.

Now, with the help of the silver tongue, he is like those evil wizards with powerful mana in fairy tales. Any magic can be released as long as they are free.

Anything he just needs random magic will instantly have magical power.

Uh... Of course it can be said that he is a justice mage.

For example, these magic banknotes, they are not just ordinary transformations, blinding eyes and the like, this is one of the small tricks of constant shadow magic, inexhaustible magic banknotes.

And the magic that sounds like almost infinite money will be defined as a trick... that's because they don't really exist forever.

Although the magic above will make people ignore its authenticity, but with the continuous use of Yihuo, a large number of similar magic banknotes will accumulate under the accumulation of less, and when too much is poured in, it will naturally start striking.

The Marvel World is a place where black technology is flying all over the sky. I am not sure... there are some weird technologies that will break the little magic on Yihuo.

Therefore, after a period of time, the banknote will be decomposed by itself. In order to avoid pitting, the banknote will induce its owner to use it first, and will judge how many of its companions... that is, whether the owner has money.

If there are many companions, it will disappear silently, otherwise it will continue to exist.

Although it is impossible to take out a few boxes of boxes of magic banknotes at a time... this is a malicious influx, but it is no problem to respond as now.

I have to say that many of Lucy's ideas are still very practical.

But until now, Yi Chou completely settled in this American forties, a luxury hotel, he was slightly relieved.

Time travel... Even for a wizard like Yi Huo, it seems too difficult to understand.

Especially this inexplicable trip was dragged into another completely strange time in an instant, unable to resist or understand.

It's like being in a strange world.

With this, everything is incompatible with the surrounding, as if a superfluous person in this world.

This sudden change can even drive people crazy.

Fortunately, Yi Biao had a lot of experiences through the world. Although he lost contact with Lucy, his magic and everything else still existed, and he didn't feel much discomfort.

As for the feeling of being alone, Yi Huo is already familiar with it.

a long long time ago.

Opening the curtains and facing the sunlight, Yi Chou fell into a short contemplation.

Without Lucy, the omnipotent assistant, most things would require Yi Biao to think by himself, um... he was even a little unused.

The first thing to consider is not what is the superhero Captain America, but the origin of all this.

Time travel, there must be a reason for its appearance.

Yi Biao is not in a hurry to go back now, but to find the reason why Yi Biao came here, that is why he started the time travel by himself, and then try to maintain and complete this trip to make it complete and able to undertake smoothly .

In fact, when Yi Biao completed all this, found his purpose, and kept the time travel intact, he would naturally return to where he should go back.

Because the trip is over.

So he was not in a hurry to go back.

In fact, Yi Chou's connection with Neverland is still there. Even if it is time, he can't cut off his connection with Neverland.

And through Neverland, even if he can't return to the original time smoothly, he can easily find Lucy...maybe it is.

Because after entering the Neverland, the Marvel world where Lucy is in reverse contact is likely to have two situations. The first is to find it, but... if this is the case, I am afraid that it will cause confusion in time, and then the trouble will be great. Too.

Secondly, there is no way to contact the world where Lucy is located, because there is only one Marvel world, that is... the Marvel world in the 1940s where Yi Chou is now.

No matter what kind of situation it is, there is no real help for Yi Chou at present.

And there is a feeling that the former is likely to be vague, that is, once you enter Neverland and try to contact Lucy and the Marvel World, I am afraid that something bad will happen.

Something...very, very, very bad.

So Yi Chou didn't venture to return to Neverland.

Another thing... is about the whereabouts of the gem of time.

It was the time gem that brought Yi Xiao over, and Yi Xiao's own magic was attached to it. Now when he comes here, he naturally needs to supplement this magic to maintain the integrity of the entire time cycle.

Yi Biao is still half-knowledge about the principle of the time cycle, and even does not know much about the present, so it is best to try to maintain the status quo.

Kama Taj... Gu Yi... Time Gems.

At the end, there was still a trip to Kama Taj.

However, Yi Chou didn't rush over immediately because he was not in a hurry. Although there was a time loop that was urging him faintly, but from another perspective, it was Yi Chou himself who experienced and maintained the time cycle clash, no matter what he did or What his thoughts are are his own decisions.

Whether it is the future, the past, or the present, he is his, and there will not be much deviation in the decisions he makes, or even no deviation at all.

In other words, no matter what Yi Biao does, he is making the right choice.

He is making history, but he is repeating history.

"Wonderful feeling."

After Yi Biao instantly penetrated all this, he could not help but sigh lowly.

Close the curtains, Yi Chou is hidden in the darkness again, then what needs to be done next.

Yi Xiao analyzed the general direction very thoroughly, but specifically, he didn’t need to rush back, nor did he need to rush to find ancient Yi and time gems~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So how should he find his purpose to come here .

Do you just wander around blindly?

After a moment of silence, Yi Chou suddenly felt that it seemed good to do so.

After all, he doesn't have any purpose now, does he?

So in less than half a minute, Yi Chou happily set his next main purpose, that is, no purpose.

But before that... Yi Xuan looked at the sky outside and decided to spend the night tonight.

Although he can not sleep, other ordinary people can not rest, so there is only one person left, no meaning for action.

At the next moment, Yi Chou's figure had appeared above the bed, and then slowly floated down, gently falling onto the soft bed.

There was no sound in the room...

On the other hand, this world, the capital of mages in this timeline, is hidden deep in the temple of the mages under the Himalayas, Kama Taj.

Part of the Kama Taj is hidden in a small city under the Himalayas. Gu Yi used magic to separate it from the world of ordinary people. Although the two are connected, ordinary people can never enter the Kama Taj.

This mage's holy place is thus hidden in the town.

Although the past Karma Taj is also very quiet, but after all, there are many mages, noisy and noisy, it is not surprising that only in the temple, deep in the library, there may be absolute silence.

But today...

It seems strange today, as if everything is abnormal.

The entire Karma Taj is quiet, not just inside the sanctuary and deep inside the library, but the entire Karma Taj shrine, from the practice ground outside to the small square in the middle of Karma Taj.

Including the mage's residence, all are quiet.

And there is no one.

It was like a moment...it was evacuated here.

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