High Magic Earth

Chapter 1350: Perhaps there is a common language with Lyon?

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning waved in through the crevices of the curtains, forming a mottled light spot and jumping on Yi Chou's face, he opened his eyes as if.

The powerful spiritual power allows the wizard to feel the magical power that ordinary people cannot feel, another world in the spiritual realm.

But this does not mean that the wizards do not need to rest and sleep. In fact, the best way to add too much mental energy is to get enough sleep...or wait for an overdraft to fall into a faint.

Spiritual force is actually a very abstract force, idealism.

So when you let everything fall asleep, when the mind is calm, it can indeed get a good rest.

The essence of magic is energy...perhaps, what about spiritual power, or even more other magical powers, the power in the blood, the power of the silver tongue, or... the energy itself.

What are they?

This is probably not clear to Yi Chou. After all, even the essence of magic is energy, which was finally confirmed by Yi Chong through continuous exploration and finding the records in the Oz literature.

I don't know the principle and can only apply it.

Probably the current situation of clamor, and basically the situation of all wizards in different multidimensional worlds.

But... it seems that there is no need to think about such esoteric issues for now.

Using mental power to shield the outside interference, his own interference, Yi Noo's sleep is very deep, seven hours later, he seems to have spent a vacation.

Although there is no alert for Lucy as a perimeter, Yi Chao's shadow magic is also running and defending on its own.

Shadow magic with a weak threat will naturally be able to stop it, and the threat is strong... I am afraid that the threat of the scarlet witch level will wake up the first time even if it is easy to fall into sleep.

"Good morning, Sir!"

In the sweet voice at the front desk of the hotel lobby, Yi Huo solved the problem of breakfast very smartly. Although the discrimination is very serious in this era... but Yi Huo ordered the most expensive suite and chose the most expensive service .

Services that are specifically used to waste money, but which have little meaning, such as adding guest plants to the guest room like ornaments.

Although it is useless, it is enough to explain the identity of Yi Baotu.

Local tyrants are popular everywhere, mostly regardless of nationality.

By the standards of this era, breakfast in hotel restaurants is not bad, even if it is not too rich compared to decades later.

After all, for rich people, exquisite food is definitely not those that appear in later generations. It is made with a variety of synthetic hormones and artificial technology, but purely natural, the purest, and carefully cultivated.

Those things are now available, and may be more abundant than a decade later.

Yi Chou's evaluation of the restaurant of this hotel is not bad. Presumably, the waiters should also remember this guest, because not everyone will drink three or four bottles of red wine in the morning.

Not even the most senior drunkard.

Maybe you can continue to live here in the future.

With this idea in mind, Yi Chou stepped out of the hotel's glass revolving door against the sun, wrapped in a black trench coat, and showed a strong color difference with the bright sunshine.

If you think about it, the hotel room you stayed in a few months ago has spent seventy years in a blink of an eye, and everything is already in the sea. This feeling will really be wonderful.

Even the most bizarre experience is no more.

Hope this hotel persists to New York 70 years later.

Yi Biao feels very likely. After all, the service is good, the environment is good, and the breakfast is also good. The hotel should be very famous. Even in a bustling place like New York, not every place is so bright.

By the way, I don't know the name of this hotel yet.

Last night's inexplicable and brash time travel also made Yi's thinking a bit confusing, and he was just looking for a hotel that looks the most grandiose...um...


Looking at the familiar names hanging outside, Yi Huo was a little speechless.

In so many hotels in New York, he happened to have chosen the Hilton chain several times. Perhaps it is because they opened too many hotels. Just look for it... and you will come across one.

Perhaps they are not the best in the world, but in the hotel industry, the number of Hilton is definitely one of the largest.

Yi Xiao remembered... In the world of ink heart, he lived in the Hilton Hotel during the last time with Meggie. During the battle with the Statue of Liberty, he was directly affected by the battle with Athena before the war and destroyed most of it on the spot.

Well, I believe that the Hilton family is big, and I am afraid that it will not mind this small loss.

Isn't it a building?

New York Yibiao has hit at least 1,700 times. If you say that whoever destroys New York is the most... Of course, it is not the ranking who wants to destroy New York the most. Yibiao can definitely rank first.

Even with the entire multidimensional universe.

Of course, if it is the latter, who intends to destroy New York completely... but without success, Yi Chou probably is not the first to be the first.

Because there are too many villains with no brains.

Yi Biao's figure soon disappeared into the crowd, as if the leaves that fell with the autumn wind, soon joined the fallen leaves of one place and disappeared...

World War II is in full swing.

Although New York is not involved in the war, it can still smell the faint smell of smoke and the tension of the war.

As a person who has just arrived in New York seventy years later, Yi Biao can see the difference between the two same cities at a glance.

The most obvious is the gap between pedestrians. After seventy years of New Yorkers coming and going, the huge number seems to want to fill every block and alley, and even if it is crowded and busy, the leisurely crowd still occupies the vast majority. most.

Travelers and tourists from all over the world, as well as those young people who wantonly and decadently vent their time.

But now... Yi Yi's vision is full of people in a hurry, most of them are wrapped in black trench coats and wrapped themselves like Yi Chao.

Yi Chou's dressing is not so weird, even if the weather is not so cold now.

And these people's faces are either serious, worried, or sad. All in all, they are full of negative emotions and a low-pressure scene.

Then there is food. These people are in a hurry, walking fast, and most of them are rushing in and out of the store, holding bread, milk and other foods that are easy to keep for a long time in wartime.

Make a reserve.

Food storage is a very important issue. At this time, people do not think about taste like 70 years later. Pursuing exquisiteness and eating for a long time are the primary goals.

Rendered by multiple restless emotions, New York has been immersed in a layer of tension.

Seems to be triggered.

This feeling is very bad, even suffocating.

"Offense! Offense! We want to attack!"

"Must win! We must win!"

Along the way, Yi Biao saw many small groups on the street. They wore common dark-colored suit gowns, with caps of the same color, holding various slogans and wooden signs in their hands, exuding a fanatical atmosphere.

There are many people around them.

This is what Americans are like... Well, with personality, they always show their thoughts carelessly, and most of the time they will be recognized by many people.

Of course, some of these people really love this country and consider it for the country, but there are also many speculators who want to take advantage of the confusion to get money or something.

But without exception, everything is related to war.

At present, although the United States has not yet suffered a big loss on the battlefield, it has lost and won, and because guys such as various black-tech Hydras are supporting Germany, even the entire Germany has the upper hand.

People in China are worried about the situation...and it is indeed justifiable.

It is also the great victory of World War II that allowed the United States to acquire resources, more time, more talents, and more self-confidence. This made them become incomparable in the later period, and no one in sight.

Now... it should be considered a difficult stage.

Yi Biao found that these small groups often watched the surrounding pedestrians with enthusiasm, especially those who were not Americans, even including Yi Biao.

This made the already depressed atmosphere on the street even more tense.

It's a group of lunatics, this era...it's really unflattering.

Passing in a hurry, Yi Chou soon turned a few alleys, and then his figure appeared in a messy and dark alley.

Chaos exists at all times, and the dark corners of New York at this time are even worse than they are seventy years later.

At least at that time, there would be no dead bodies, frozen, starved, sick, dead, or even drunk, and never awakened, and killed, Yi Bao walked all the way, at least I saw it Four bodies.

Here is the chaotic side of New York.

Also known as the black zone.

Yi Biao walked alone, and his feet were covered with dirt and mud flowing on the ground, and he did not touch his boots. He was fast and purposeful, as if he was looking for something, often like a gust of wind. I walked through quickly without stopping.

Alone, and dressed so... rigorous, rich, of course, the best fat sheep.

Unfortunately, no one dared to act rashly.

Yi Chou will not, and he is too lazy to waste time with the bottom of this group of society. When he is fully open, walking slowly in this dark alley, the invisible magic has spread to all around. It can be said that the surrounding Everything is under his suppression.

The special magic power makes these ordinary people unable to lift their heads. They don't even dare to face Yi Chou's gaze, not to mention the trouble of finding Yi Chou.

"Um...not right."

But it is a pity that after several searches, Yi Chou found nothing.


He was standing still in the middle of a small alley, the homeless man who had been entrenched here, *gentleman, beggars slipped away quietly, and no one dared to approach it.

As if there were some terrible monsters entrenched here.

With shadow energy blocking, no matter whether the air or smell here can get into the nose, there is no difference between here and other places.

It's just about getting nothing... Yi Biao thinks that there may be a problem with his thinking.

So in two seconds, Yi Chou turned around and seemed to go straight to a certain target again.


And it was not until Yi Xiao left that these guys with nowhere to go were slightly relieved. The invisible suppression of magic was too great.

After this repressive force disappeared, many people even doubted whether the previous thing was true, so they soon quarreled and fought over it because of this matter.

Of course, just some idlers.

There are also many hungry guys who are too lazy to participate. For example, a tramp shrunk in the corner, his tight clothes and newspapers tightened, whispering.

"This world... nothing is strange."...

Two minutes later, Yi Chou left that dark neighborhood again and returned to light.

And after calling a taxi and walking a hundred steps away, he found his goal.

Get off the car~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Biao stands in front of a movie theater, and there are posters of conscription on it. It is a grand stage performance program, and most of the movies are also related to war and conscription. In the corner, there was a poster of an actress whom Yi Chou didn't even know.

Yes, the cinema.

This is the ultimate destination of Yi Huo.

And when he comes here, what he is looking for, or people, is also obvious. Steve Rogers... Well, maybe she is not Steve Rogers now, but she is definitely Captain America.

Before becoming a glorious soldier, Captain America was a loyal movie lover...or he went to watch those patriotic movies over and over again to make up for the regret that he was too small to defend the country on the battlefield.

If you find a movie theater, you will most likely find Captain America.

Although there were not many New York movie theaters during this period, there were definitely a lot of them. Yi Chou was not sure whether he could find Captain America after running a few movie theaters today, or whether he could find it today.

But idle is also idle, and it's not bad to pass the time...um? and many more.

As soon as Yi Xao was about to enter the cinema to find someone, his gaze found that something very unpleasant was happening in the alleyway not far from the street corner.

The two burly giants were stuck outside and could not see inside.

Yi Xiao's eyelids picked up, and suddenly there was an inexplicable smile on his face, I don't know why... He felt that what was happening seemed to be related to what he was looking for.

It seems...today's luck is good, I am afraid there is no need to find a second cinema.

With this thought in mind, Yi Xiao put away the smile on his face and lifted his foot in the direction of the alley, maybe...he would soon see an interesting guy.

Fun, friendly, but full of...justice.

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