High Magic Earth

Chapter 1351: Real American Sweetheart

"Little, what did you just want to say?"

"Yeah, don't be too small. You want to succeed. Do you dare to repeat the words now?"

Before waiting for Yi Chou to approach, just approaching the corner of this dark dump, you can clearly hear the noise coming from the corner.

Two bad guys who can be drawn to the villains by voice alone. . Maybe it's a slacker, maybe an unemployed wanderer, or maybe it's a scumbag.

Anyway, two guys who looked strong and stupid were showing their loud voices, venting their anger toward the guy in their corner without any care.

Next to the movie theater, many people have seen this scene. . But no one dared to stop.

In fact, most of the men in the United States went to join the army at this time, and they were left with older or weak guys. . And women.

Like the two of them, it is rare to be physically strong and not to join the army. In fact, only gangsters like them will take advantage of the fire instead of thinking about protecting their homes.

"You are wrong to do that."

"Do you want me to repeat this sentence."

Before the noisy people arrived, a somewhat vague sound came from the back of the corner, which was very neutral and made people unable to distinguish men and women in the first place.

Because this sound does not sound loud, but it seems to carry an unparalleled firmness.

This firmness transcends gender, which makes people unable to make judgments for a while.

It may be because of the beating or bleeding nose, the sound sounds very vague, and Yi Chou can even restore his owner's state of embarrassment through the sound.

It must be. . Unable to beat.

"You really are kind."

The two young men stuck in the corner didn't seem to think that this guy really dared to say that one of them froze and shoved towards the people inside.

"But what can you do, little man!"


Yi Xiao heard the sound of someone falling, and a series of sounds of things falling. The back should be a garbage dump. It seems that some unlucky egg fell on the garbage dump.


"Then why don't you join the army."

Another said, "Oh... It turns out that you are not qualified, right? The army doesn't want you at all."

Although Yi Xuan is not clear about the cause of the dispute, according to their dialogue. . If the person in the corner is really the future Captain Rogers, then the cause is actually very good guess.

It is nothing more than these two unlucky bullies, or what they did unethical things were accused by Rogers, and then they dragged Rogers here.

Perhaps during this period Rogers will also ask them why they did not join the army.

With Rogers' straightforward character. . These things are easy to guess.

"Boom!-Boom Boom."

A flower in front of Yi Chou's eyes, a thing like a shield was suddenly thrown out by the man who mocked Rogers. It was a lid of a trash can, and Rogers seemed to want to resist it.

Unfortunately, Rogers' strength was too weak, and he was directly captured by the opponent, threw it to the ground, and made a crisp collision.

Immediately afterwards, this guy took another step forward, grabbed Rogers' collar, and planned to throw it into the garbage dump, but at this time, at first, he pushed Rogers a little, but his companion stopped him.

"Wait..." his companion said.

The man stopped in doubt, and then saw his companion hesitantly asked Rogers, "Are you a woman?"

He shoved Rogers a little before. Although Rogers was too short, he still noticed that his hand feels a bit wrong for the first time. He looked at it for a long time, and then he realized that the little man in front of him was not a thin man. . It may be a woman.

At this time, Yi Chou also came slowly and saw clearly that they were blocked in the alley. . The guy who seems to be the future Captain America.

Her body is very thin, as if it is sprouts, it seems to fall down when blown by the wind, with short hair, short blond hair just over the ear, it is a wonderful neutral hairstyle, it is difficult to make people At first glance, men and women are identified.

And she also wore a slightly larger trench coat, dressed very rigorously. . Yes, like a skinny man.

In addition to her figure, her face is not ugly. It is not the type of a man-in-law. It is also neutral. When she is regarded as a man, she will look pretty and feel like a little white face. But if you know her female identity, you will find that this face looks like it has some heroic taste.

It's a pity that she is too short and too thin. These two points destroy all her temperament and make her instantly look very ordinary.

Only her eyes. . It is the most noticeable and impressive place.

She has a pair of blue eyes, and also has a bit of green, like a flaw, broke the pure blue, but it does not look ugly, this mixed color makes her eyes look very penetrating, It seems to have a strange beauty.

Firm and kind. .

It's like an angel watching you.

"I hate those white guys..."

Yi Huo whispered in a low voice.

On the other hand, Rogers took a rare breath, she said calmly, "Yes, I am a woman."

Her eyes were fixed on the two people in front of her, without any trace of fear, as if there were some. . I just asked them why they didn’t go to defend the country, but they were still on the streets and doing bad things.

The guy who had originally grasped Rogers' collar had put her down, but when she saw this look, she felt a little unbearable and said angrily again.

"Little guy, don't mess around."

Rogers did not respond, but still looked at them firmly, and said calmly, "This is not irritating, I am doing the right thing."

"Also, I can spend a day with you."

. . .

Steve Rogers.

Perhaps she doesn't call this name now, but Yi Chou can already be sure that she is the future Captain America, and she ran away.

No one else can say this classic motto. This is one of the soul words of the American team.

In fact, when returning to this time point, Yi Chou already had doubts, since the future superheroes have all become women. . What about Captain America in the past?

He traveled through time, not through the world.

Although the future Captain America should still be under the Arctic, after discovering the female Dr. Banner, Lucy re-collected information on the Internet and determined. . Captain America during World War II seems to be a female.

It's just that Yi Chao is not sure about it.

After all, first of all, he didn't know why the superheroes in this world have so many women, and they are not similar or similar people, just like they are. . The female version of the male version of the superhero.

But there are also many parallel worlds in Marvel World, perhaps this is one of them.

Although it seems that only the gender has been changed, in fact, many things may not happen once the gender is changed.

For example, Captain America, if she is a woman. . So how did she join the Super Soldier Serum Program?

This is also the reason why Yi Chou dare not immediately determine.

But now, after hearing this famous saying, Yi Chou has been able to settle down without thinking so much.

On the other hand, the debate between Rogers and the two unlucky eggs continued.

These two are full of brain muscles. . Or guys with no muscles in their brains are obviously not suitable for reasoning, and they are more used to using their power to speak.

After a few sentences, they argued to no avail, angrily raised their fists at Rogers again.

"Don't think I don't beat women!"

The guy who had held Rogers' collar before shouted angrily.

Rogers' face was calm, "Oh... it seems that it wasn't your hands before, but I fell myself, right."

Sounds reasonable.

Next to Yi Xiao watched this guy's anger burst into the table, while his fist turned into a slap, and he waved towards Rogers with no politeness.

"You **** woman!"

He shouted.

But at the moment when his slap was about to fall on Rogers' face, his hand was suddenly caught by someone, just like a pair of iron tongs, he grabbed his arm deadly, making him even half a millimeter. Can't move.

"It's really not a good practice to beat a woman."

"Especially if you already know."

The three present were stunned at the same time, as if they saw Yi Huo like this, only to find that there was a fourth person present.

The guy who was caught by Yi Xiao's wrist was obviously stunned, and then it seemed like the anger finally found a place to vent, and he shouted innocently, "Do you want to die! Yellow monkey!"

Yi Xiao's expression remained unchanged, and there was still a smile on his face.

"You'd better hope for the next period of time... the goddess of luck is especially looking after you."

"court death!"

When he saw Yi Biao, he still didn't let go, and said some strange words that he couldn't understand. This guy was furious immediately, and the other hand punched Yi Yi with a fierce punch.

In front of Yi Chou, the fighting master, his movements are somewhat ridiculous.

Gently to the side, this guy even hit his fist directly with his companion, who was about to attack Yi Chou in the rear.

Lianren rolled several heels on the ground in a row, and then stopped by the corner.

Obviously, the two people who had been covered in **** would not give up, and they rushed over again with a roar, and then they were swept away by one foot and one foot.

Because they are dirty, Yi Chou doesn't even want to do it.

After being lifted several times in a row, Yi Chou finally lightly kicked them on their backs, and after falling into a dog bite, the two dumb guys finally realized that they were hit by hard stubble.

At this moment, the rich experience of fighting and saving lives on the streets refilled their brains. Of course, they wouldn’t panic about Chinese kung fu, but instead turned around without looking back and ran out of the alley. .

But I don't know if it is too panic. . Near the corner, one of them stumbled and almost did not drop his teeth.

of course. . It may also be Yi Chao's magic, which has begun to take effect gradually.

I wish they were lucky enough.

After tidying up these two really bad luck, Yi Chou turned around and looked at Rogers with an inexplicable gaze, then said calmly and clearly, "Hello, beautiful lady."

"My name is Angomaka."

At this time, Rogers had sorted out an instrument. . In fact, she took off the dirty garbage bags and heard a greeting from Yi Huo, she froze for a moment before responding.

"Uh... hello, my name is Stephanie, Stephanie Rogers."

Sure enough, the guy in front is the future Captain America.

It is also true American sweetheart.

. . .

Ignoring Yi Chou's gaze, Stephanie's gaze is even more bizarre. She keeps looking at Yi Chou, as if thinking about something.

Shouldn't it? .

"I am not an American." Yi Xuan said first.

Stephanie froze for a moment, then immediately understood the meaning of Yi Huo.

"I didn't see a person and questioned why he didn't join the army." Stephanie laughed. "I don't want to be a salesman. It's the most annoying kind."

As Yi Zhou speculated, the two unlucky eggs said something unpleasant in the cinema, and then they had a friction with Stephanie who was overwhelmed by justice. Midway, Stephanie asked why they were hiding behind and not defending. country.

Obviously, Yi Chou directly stated that he is not an American~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if he seems to be able to fight, he has no obligation to join the US military.

Stephanie didn't know that all of this was due to Yi Chao's too much understanding of Captain America's settings and guesses came back. She just thought that Yi Chao was also one of the parties in the movie theater and quickly made an explanation.

As she said, Stephanie didn’t feel like a fanatic. When she saw a man, she pulled him and asked him why he didn’t want to defend the country and join the army, but the two guys were really too much.

If he does not go to the front to exert his power, he is still messing up in the rear.

Although it was a wonderful and coincidental misunderstanding, Stephanie's first impression of Yi Huo was still very good. At least there were not so many people in the movie theater to help her, only Yi Huo appeared.

He is a good man.

Stephanie sincerely posted a good card to Yi Xiao.

As the atmosphere between the two began to slide toward a weird place, a voice came again at the entrance of the alley, a clear and magnetically charming female voice.

"Hey... what happened here?"

Yi Xuan turned his head and saw a handsome and beautiful dark-haired woman in military uniform walking in quickly. She watched Yi Xuan with a watchful eye, while walking towards Rogers.

How did Carter appear now, and know Rogers. . No, not right.

The next moment, Yi Chou seemed to realize something.

Sure enough, after seeing the black-haired woman approaching, Stephanie quickly explained, "You misunderstood Bagill, and Angomaka helped me."

James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky Barnes? .

Winter Soldier.

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