High Magic Earth

Chapter 1352: True historic meeting

"Yo, even the name is called."

Seeing that it was a misunderstanding, the coldness on Bargill's face melted away like snow and sunlight. She muttered a few words and smiled at Stephanie.

Yi Xiao looked next to him and carefully looked at the best friend of the Captain America. . Girlfriends.

Bargill looks very beautiful, and in fact, these superheroes are not low in value, even the superheroes look at the value. . This world is really full of malice.

Bargill's looks are not stunning, but they are very attractive.

And she seemed to pass on the features of true Bucky Barnes in a single pass. .

After all, Bucky Barnes is also called, Bucky Unhappy Barnes.

Yes, Bargill also looks quite resentful, not to say that she is not good-looking, but to mean that she seems to be grunting all the time, full of reluctance and unhappiness.

And she has a little baby fat, these characteristics overlap each other. . It made her look like a little **** the street, always with her hands in her hands and a gloomy face, as if she would be flattened in the next moment.

Fortunately, this military uniform gave her a lot of points, plus her tall and fit body, which made her not slip in the direction of the school villain in the dog blood youth drama.

but. . Is this military uniform?

Yi Xiao suddenly felt that she was wearing something strange, as if something was wrong.

The next Yi Xuan looked at Bagill, and Bagill didn't feel uncomfortable. Instead, he stood in front of Yi Xiao very generously with high heels and said to Stephanie.

"That handsome Mr. Angomaka... who is it."

Obviously, in this era when the Winter Soldier has not yet become a Winter Soldier, Bagill has not become a silent killing machine, and still retains her heart. . Bucky was half a playboy, a huge fan of Brooklyn, and it seemed that Barger was not bad.

In the face of a strange man, she did not have any shyness, but instead talked up very familiarly. . Maybe American women of this period were so enthusiastic?

Stephanie next to me was a little embarrassed.

"Angomaka is the gentleman next to her," she explained slightly nervously. "He helped me... and I didn't say handsome."

"Then you mean he is not handsome?" Bagill immediately asked back.

"No... not..."

Captain America is an honest and upright girl who doesn't even say bad things behind her. . What's more, she said that in front of her, after hearing this statement from Bargill, she followed Yu Guang with Yi Guang and shook her head firmly.

Bagill was amused by a series of reactions from her good girlfriends. She rubbed Stephanie's short blond hair fiercely and said with a smirk, "Okay, don't tease you."

Her face turned slightly colder, and she continued to return to unhappy mode. She gently wiped the traces of blood on the corner of Stephanie's cheek with her fingers and whispered.

"So... something really happened."

"It's all over."

Stephanie was very relaxed. She didn't care much and said, "The two guys were also chased away."

"Run away?"

Bargill muttered, "If I were here, it wouldn't be easy to let the two guys go, at least to throw them in the trash and take a good bath."

"What a fool."

The idiot party next to it. . Yi Chou's mouth twitched slightly.

In other words, since Bagir came, no one has neglected himself, completely ignoring his existence and having a heated discussion with Stephanie. . It’s all about yourself.

Is this really good?

In desperation, Yi Chou could only remind himself with a little speechless voice, "...I can hear it."

Stephanie stopped talking, and Bagill could only turn her head. She grunted and stared at Yi Chou with a grudge.

Then after a while, she suddenly said, "You are handsome, but not my food."

"You are not my dish."

Yi Xuan rolled his eyes and reluctantly replied.

"The same goes for Stephanie."

As soon as Yi Ao said this, Bagill immediately picked it up, and seemed to be afraid that Yi Ao abducted the little man beside her, and seemed to emphasize, "She doesn't like your type."


Stephanie next to him seemed to feel rather helpless for having such a girlfriend.

In front of me, this winter soldier is very skinny. Still, the winter soldier is so skinned, but I met him for the first time today.

"I have a girlfriend." Yi Huo said.

"But haven't you been married yet."

Bargill's answer made Yi Xiao realize that some American thoughts are very weak, even if they are married, with more than ten years of children, they feel unsuitable and can only make a decision in three seconds to divorce, not to mention When not married.

Yi Xiao felt that if he continued on this topic. . It is inevitable that some terrible things will not happen, so he wisely decided to jump over.

"Your companion... Stephanie, her sense of justice is too strong, leaving her alone outside, but it is easy to cause trouble."

Yi Huo seemed to say to Bagir, but actually it was to Stephanie.

Although Yi Chao has prepared for Captain America, that is, Stephanie’s life, personality, hobbies, deeds, including fighting styles and what choices will be made under what circumstances, even Lucy has made a huge database to store Information about these superheroes, but now he has to pretend that he doesn't know Stephanie at all.

Because he did not know her.

This is the first time the two have met. . Stephanie and Bagill are not stupid. Any flaws may make things slip to a bad place.

Although Yi Xiao does not value the friendship of a Captain America, but now he is on a journey through time, and the power of time is that Yi Xiao does not dare to act rashly.

So he temporarily decided to settle down.

Facing the questions raised by Yi Chou. . Bargill also seemed helpless, because she couldn't understand her good girlfriend.

It seems that every family has a hard to read.

Next to Stephanie is also experienced. Seeing that Bargill seems to be starting a preaching mode, she quickly asked the topic.

"how did you find me."

Bagill sighed.

"Yesterday...you said you also want to join the army. There is only one recruiting spot around Brooklyn. You still love watching movies. Finding here... you will be able to find you."

Most of the time as a background wall, Yi Chou, as a spectator, frowned in his heart.

This plot. . It seems not right.

If nothing goes wrong, be Bucky. . That is, after Bargill put on the military uniform, the plot began.

Steve Rogers was envious of seeing his friend Bucky wearing military uniforms, because before that he had forged four identities in a row and joined the army four times, but they were all brushed down because they were thin.

Then in order to celebrate that Bucky left tomorrow, the two went to Stark's Future Expo, where Steve met Dr. Aberham Erskine, the developer of Super Serum.

Dr. Abraham noticed Steve and Bucky because of his conversation, a thin, but kind-hearted and strong man.

Originally Dr. Abraham thought only. . Strong people have power because they are born, so they are not afraid of power. After injection of serum, they are likely to abuse them.

Those who are born weak, because of lack of power, are also more aware of the preciousness and terrible power. After getting the serum, they may not be so unscrupulous.

Of course, everything has two sides. In addition to being born weak, there must be many other things to observe.

Abraham initially stared at Steve because he was a small man.

Later, he found that Steve was firm, kind, and had his own justice. He could even sacrifice himself to protect others before the grenade. It was a natural serum user.

So he became the later Captain America.

But now this plot. .

Bargill had already put on his military uniform, but Stephanie had just finished submitting her first resume. Was Stephanie slow, or was Bargill faster.

Most importantly, is there a future fair tonight.

In an instant, Yi Biao's brain cells boiled, his face was quiet, but the entire brain was already under super high-speed operation.

This is certainly not an ability, but magic, to be precise, one of the magic series defined by the silver tongue.

With a good body, you must have a good brain, especially for wizards, this is more important.

So after confirming a series of physical enhancement plans, such as the body of steel, the body of pseudo-Kryptonians, high-speed regeneration, pseudo-magic power, etc., Lucy quickly paid attention to the spiritual realm, abstract, and brain level.

nzt48, I have seen it with my own eyes in the ink world.

Although no matter how extraordinary wisdom, in the face of true extraordinary power, with cleverness turned into a joke, but still can not deny the strength of nzt48.

Wisdom is also power. Although it seems incomparable to the real transcendent power, it is not because wisdom is weaker than those transcendent powers, but that is because there is not enough wisdom.

Any power is strength, and there is no strength.

After understanding the nature of energy, Yi Chou has a profound understanding of this sentence.

The world of ink heart has been closed by Yi Xuan, even if it is not, Yi Xuan will not use the nzt48, which has symptoms left over.

Has a silver tongue. . He has nothing to do.

Brain overclocking.

A force developed based on nzt48 as a prototype, defined by the silver tongue, just like those pseudo-kryptonian bodies, pseudo-rapid power, after Lucy wrote more than three hundred story templates, it succeeded in Yihou Materialized.

Yi Chao was given the ability to overclock the brain.

In this state, Yi Chao is like eating nzt48 or nzt48 with no side effects. Every brain cell in him is mobilized. He can even observe everything he has seen from the perspective of a third person. , There is no subconscious memory in mind.

but. . This state does not suddenly make Yi Huo a hundred times smarter.

The so-called wisdom is actually a relative concept like time. The decisions that human thinking can make, in fact, most of them are logically analyzed with each other because of a large amount of memory, previously accumulated knowledge and other data, like computer comparison.优结果。 Excellent results.

Even emotions and other abstract emotions that many artificial intelligences cannot understand.

Only in a few fields of creation can humans burst out with true wisdom, the kind of inspiration that flashes like magic light.

And overclocking just calls every brain cell perfectly to make them process memory faster, the kind of inspiration that you can't see. . It has not changed.

After all, Yi Chou doesn't even know what the so-called inspiration is.

It is clearly not the soul, but. . In short, this thing is as mysterious as time, but because time is not so important, Yi Chou has long ignored it.

Yi Chao in the overclocking state began to gradually restore everything he had seen before, and carefully analyzed the information he needed.

Everything I have experienced since I got up today has begun to gradually appear in front of Yi Chou.

A delicious and hearty breakfast when you get up in the morning, and the greedy and flattering faces of the waiters, the fear and flattering of the waiters outside the hotel, the despair and hunger of the children who bought bags. . newspaper. .

Yi Xiao did not buy a newspaper, but the little guy who sold the newspaper glanced at Yi Xiao when he passed by. Now the overclocking memory is restoring everything, and naturally includes the contents of the newspaper.

conscription. . conscription. . Propaganda. . Conscription is everywhere.

There is no advertisement for the future expo. Seeing this, Yi Huo can almost be sure that there is no expo today, because with Stark's character~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he cannot fail to make this known to everyone.

However, in order to beware of it, Yi Huo continued to go back to his memory, and soon the memory came to a newsstand that he passed by. The newsstand was densely covered with newspapers and magazines. Yi Huo did not stay at the time, just glanced at it.

And this is the eye. At this time, under the backtracking of the brain overclocking, all the text and images recorded on the first page of the entire newsstand are reappearing in the eyes of a third person from the perspective of a third person.

. . The Nibelungen Broadway opera begins, and European warfare is in full swing. .

There is no news of the future fair, as it is.

It’s not that Stephanie’s conscription document was delivered late. . But it was early for Bargill to join the army, because the future expo will not move at all.

If nothing unexpected happens this time, the future fair should be held after Stephanie’s fourth attempt to enlist in the army fails, perhaps a month or a few months, depending on Stephanie.

Of course, this is no accident, for example. . Now this situation is obviously an accident, because not long ago Yi Biao also felt that after Baguire put on his military uniform, the plot would start without accident. As a result, the whole plot is now a mess.

Fortunately, it's not too bad.

but. . What is the reason for the deviation? You have to know that you just came here last night, and haven’t done anything, even if it can cause a chain reaction, it’s not so fast.

Yi Chou is puzzled.

Staring at the two people in conversation, Yi Chou suddenly asked out loudly.

"Miss Bagill... enlisted?"

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