High Magic Earth

Chapter 1353: Mary Su and unhappy

"Call me Barnes Show, thank you."

The time under the overclocking of the brain seems to pass very slowly, but in fact, only for Yi Biao personally, in the eyes of Bagir and Stephanie, the time is still spent a second.

This second made no difference in their eyes, and naturally found nothing.

Regarding Yi's suits, Bargill politely refused, and then pulled the breastplate in front of him, "As you can see, I have joined the army."

She still grunted, as if she was unhappy. Although answering Yi Xuan's question, Bajir's gaze looked at Yi Xiao as if he was telling whether Yi Xuan had bad eyesight.

Questions that are so obvious as I joined the army also need to be asked.

Yi Chao, who was despised by Bargill, twitched his lips, but for the sake of the **** of time, he decided to let this **** woman go temporarily.

"That's really congratulations."

Yi Xiao continued, "Congratulations on becoming a glorious soldier..."

But without thinking about it, Bargill's expression seemed stranger.

She seemed to stare at Yi Chou full of resentment. After a long while, she finally asked like she couldn't hold back, "Are you really blind?"

Yi Chou's eyelids jumped again.

This **** threatening man, Yi Chou's heart roared insanely, and really wanted to tuck her into the room where a group of gangsters and boggats were locked. . But in the face of the **** of time, let's continue to give her a chance.

But this is the last chance, really the last one.

"Why do you say that?" Yi Xiao asked slightly dissatisfied.

It is also strange to always play a good husband. Even if he is questioned face to face, he is not angry, so Yi Chou is very suitable to make frowning movements to express himself.

"Because I am an agent."

Bargill tugged at his clothes to highlight the point.

"Affiliated to the special strategy department, um... the name is the special strategy department."

She used the Barnes family's special quietness, no matter which parallel world I was very unhappy with, and contemptuous eyes on Yi Chou, as if he did not know what department of clothing is a very incomprehensible idiot problem. .

At the same time, Yi Chou's heart was spitting wildly.

This department, whose name sounds very strange at first, is obviously a secret structure of the United States in wartime. It is more likely to be established temporarily, or a code name or something. It is not so clear how insiders can be so clear.

And even Americans. . I'm afraid you can't tell the difference between an ordinary soldier and that department just by dressing up.

The two are indeed slightly different, but they are all in some details and cannot be noticed at all.

Yi Xiao's face was sullen and he was not angry, because he was not without gain, and he guessed something. . After Bargill said the name, Yi Biao actually had a certain association with this strange organization.

Special strategic department. .

This is not a well-known or special significance. At least according to the data compiled by Yi Huo, it does not seem to exist in the real world.

If this is just an ordinary world, then this department is likely to be a cannon fodder, like a background wall used to set off the protagonist, but unfortunately, this is not an ordinary world, here is Marvel.

What Marvel is best at is digging pits and not burying them, and grabbing some of the larger background settings from the sluggishness. .

Therefore, Yi Chou doubts that this is the predecessor of SHIELD, the predecessor of the Strategic Science Corps.

A small department that is still inconspicuous at present, but as Colonel Philip tries to establish the future SHIELD, the Strategic Science Corps, it is likely to be directly assigned to Colonel Philip. Become a strategic scientific army.

Even if it weren't, by then, this department would be put under the strategic scientific army.

Because with the end of the war, a large number of layoffs are indispensable. It is impossible for the US government to feed so many troops and temporarily established departments in wartime. The necessary reduction, integration, and merger are indispensable.

Now Yi Chao also knows where the problem lies.

Obviously, it is precisely because of the gender change of the two.

Originally Bucky Barnes was a male, even if he was a little handsome, and his body was strong, but who knew who he was before Captain America didn't make a fortune, it was naturally impossible for him to be recruited into a special department, and he could only obediently follow The process becomes a big shot.

But now, obviously, as a female, Bargill not only greatly shortened the review process after enrollment, but also was given priority to special departments. In addition to being more suitable for women, there is a real shortage of people, especially the lack of female agents, which is also the main reason. one.

A variety of reasons not only caused serious deviations in the department where Bargill entered, but also caused a great advance in time.

Fortunately, Yi Chou is now vaguely guessing these reasons, but it is not as confused as before when there was no clue.

But new problems have also come up, disrupted by changes in this chat. . How did Stephanie become Captain America as she did in the original plot?

Or. . The original development is no longer applicable, and new developments have emerged here.

It is more in line with the present.

Yi Chou was a little unsure.

Bargill, who caused these troubles, was unconscious and still looked at Yi Chou with a face that I was very upset about, seeming to take him out of this alley.

Yi Chou was puzzled.

Follow the settings of Bargill. ⊥Foreseeing that she is not a female playboy, but she should not refuse those high-value exchanges.

To say something modest, Yi Yan's present value is definitely not low.

Before the official appearance, Yi Biao and Lucy made a good revision with their silver tongues. After all, the superheroes in this world are not low, and they don’t look at the value of others. . It can't be worse than them.

Yi Xiao now hangs a mixed-blood look, and is the kind of template that mentions the fish of both sides of the lineage and looks good no matter what the aesthetics.

Bagir's attitude towards himself. . It seems very strange.

Yi Chou was a little suspicious at first, but now he has to make him think more.

Even Stephanie next to her noticed this. She didn't know what medicine her good girlfriend had taken wrong today. She secretly dragged the sleeve of Bagill. Kind Stephanie smiled at Yi Huo.

"Anyway, thank you today."

"I won't be afraid of them without you."

The next Bargier rolled his eyes secretly, so he persuaded himself. . Can't speak more than himself.

Yi Chaod didn't feel anything. This is the benefit of prestige. Captain America's prestige in the justice formation has been filled up. There is not much exaggeration in the saying of walking the righteous man.

Although there are still a lot of people who laughed that he was only the captain of the United States, but still can not erase the many flash points of the flag of others.

Maybe her gender will change, maybe her character will change too, but there are always things that will not change.

That is her essence, her core.

Since Yi Fan has become a sense of justice and beauty like Stephanie, she can only appreciate this rare and pure justice.

And Stephanie is not just kindness and justice, she also has her own judgment, bottom line, and reason.

Although he didn't have the enthusiasm of Coulson, his initial favor was not low. . At least a lot taller than ordinary people.

If ordinary people try to stop Yi Chou on something, giving way or dying are the only two endings, but facing Captain America is different.

The first thing Yi Yao thought was that he would stand in the evil camp again. . Although Youyou is just because of different interests, justice has nothing to do with evil, but most of the time, what Yi Biao does in the eyes of ordinary people is indeed undoubtedly evil.

Second, even if Captain America tries to stop himself, Yi Chou will probably not be the killer, but. 』Means he will definitely not kill Captain America.

Another reason is because Captain America’s combat effectiveness is not too high, and Yi Xuan has countless ways to make her lose her fighting forest without making trouble.

If you are facing the level of Dr. Manhattan. It’s obviously a joke to kill the other party. It’s good not to be killed directly by the other party.

"this is nothing."

Yi Chou also laughed.

"Although the environment here is not friendly to me... but kind people will get the same kind return no matter where they are, and I can see your inner persistence."

"You will become a great person in the future."

You don’t need money to say good things.

Yi Xuan did not think about what attitude he should take to treat the two superheroes in front of him. Although he and Lucy had discussed the attitude towards Captain America, the Winter Soldier, etc., it was aimed at seventy years later. I never thought of seeing a young version of Captain America.

It's still a girl's version!

And this is not just a matter of attitude. If it is so simple, Yi Chou can make current ulcers based on future ulcers.

There is also time involved, and the most important is time.

No one can think of what is going to happen to the future, this. . No one can figure it out.

Yi Chou decided to keep a low profile.

She knew it was encouragement, but Stephanie was still very happy, but she soon realized that the key points in Yibiao's words were not stupid. Stephanie immediately thought of the reason.

Indeed, the United States now discriminates against the yellow race, but fortunately, Yi Chou is a mixed race. . Although it can be seen that it is a mixture of Chinese and Western people, it is not so serious.

But for this problem, even if Stephanie has some solutions, there is no power at all.

Even if she becomes Captain America in the future.

"Okay, just come here." Yi arrogant said.

"I originally planned to continue looking for a place to stay after the movie, now..." Yi Xuan looked at his watch. "It has been too much time."

"Do not disturb you."

"By the way, pray for me. This landlord will treat us better than the last one."

After talking about it, Yi Chou walked out of the alley without turning his head back. After turning around, he waved at the two of them.

One step, two steps, three steps. .

Yi Xiao is counting steps while walking.


Sure enough, it was just three steps away from Yi Biao, and Stephanie at the back stopped Yi Biao.

She is a kind-hearted person, but she can help others. She helps others with her thoughts and sees the difficulties of Yi Chou. She really can't help her.

"Hey, Stephanie!"

The Bargill version next to him was a little bit more displeased, and murmured in disappointment at Stephanie, but Stephanie ignored her decisively.

Yi Chou turned his head and Stephanie said again.

"If necessary, I may have vacancies here. Bagill will leave soon, and the place may become bigger."

Bagill continued to be upset, while whispering, "How can you be sure that I won't be back in the future."

Stephanie secretly rolled her eyes at Bagill.

"Although you are not a member of the army, the agents must also be trained, and there must be a stage of the new camp."

Bargill thought for a while and thought that this explanation seemed very reasonable, after all, if he left for a while and then came back. . There is no reason for the other party to continue to rely on Zhuo, right, maybe find a place to move out.

With a little hesitation, Bagill nodded reluctantly, "Okay," she said.

After listening to the conversation between the two of them, Yi Chou immediately showed a slightly grateful smile.

"This is really great."

"Then for a while, it will disturb you."

"It's okay." Stephanie's face also smiled, and said brightly, "A kind person always gets a good return~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Isn't it."

. . .

Brooklyn, Stephanie’s home is here.

Bargill was not with Stephanie Zong, but they were not far apart. In fact, the two were neighbors, just separated by a door.

The door was opened through the wall, as if a room was divided into two floors, very old and strange.

"I stare at you."

As soon as he entered the door, Bagill hung with a displeased expression, and shook Bai Jingjing's fist at Yi Bust like a demonstration. The meaning was already obvious, all written in her eyes.

Like a dad staring at the mixed apricot next to her daughter, as long as there is a slight change, she will perform Quan Wuxing.

Although Bargill had just been selected as a reserve agent and had not been trained yet, he also had two sons and thought he had no problem dealing with Yi Huo.

But she may have overlooked the fact that no one would look at a little girl like Stephanie, especially in this era when all the United States like blondes.

Yi Biao took the initiative to ignore Bagill and followed Stephanie into the room.

Her seat area is not large, but there is indeed an empty room, but because there has been no one to live for a long time, there is a certain amount of dust and some debris accumulated in the area.

"Sorry, sorry, just move them out."

Even Stephanie would have forgotten them. After opening the door, she saw these things, and immediately she planned to pick them up by herself.

Of course, Yi Biao can't let Stephanie come to clean up. The small version of Captain America is not only a thin and short body, but also many incurable diseases.

For example, lung disease, asthma, etc.

These struggling steps exacerbated her physical weakness, not just because of her size.

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