High Magic Earth

Chapter 1354: Almost everyone in the background

Stephanie can forge her birth certificate, place of residence, and even the cause of death of her parents, um. . Her father died of mustard gas once, stray bullets died once, and the bones under the bomb did not survive. The identity of her mother was also changed from a field nurse to a military factory female worker, but she could not forge a physical examination certificate.

Below the height and weight, it is the name of the dense disease, high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease. . It is comparable to a medical dictionary, so that the doctor in charge of the test can't bear to look directly at it.

No conscientious doctor will let such a girl who doesn't know how long she can continue to live on the battlefield, even those who have no conscience will not do so, after all, her height can be seen at a glance, it is a past. You can't make fakes.

So, Stephanie is not surprised. Every time you sign up to join the army, you get a 4f, the lowest and unqualified.

I'm afraid that even Bargill didn't understand these things. I just thought that the reason for my girlfriend's loss was short and weak, but I didn't know that the more serious problem was her illness.

Of course, medicine in this era is not developed. Even if there are many black technologies, the terminal illness is still terminally ill, and most people have more or less symptoms similar to mild pneumonia, but it is not as serious as Stephanie.

Stephanie, who is kind and strong, is naturally impossible to tell her good friends about these disturbing problems and let her accompany her.

But Yi Biao knew this, so he grabbed the cartons before Stephanie.

Yi Chao’s power is great, not a little stronger than ordinary people, but if he takes it seriously, I am afraid that there are not a few normal-colored human beings on the earth who are more powerful than him.


These cartons are quite weighty, and I don’t know what is in them, but Yi Chou knows that Americans have some weird family traditions, for example, they like to pack everything that children used when they were children Collect them into cartons one by one, wait until they get married or get married, and take them out to remember.

Of course, this is the case in many countries, and each place has its own tradition, but Americans seem to prefer to pack boxes.

It's not easy to overturn the weight in the hands, at least for ordinary people.

Although Yi Chao's pseudo-steel body has reached an incredible level of strength, he has not lost control in his grasp. First of all, he also spent from ordinary people, and second. . Lucy couldn't let the silver tongue appear so big in the setting.

Otherwise, a reasonable story does not have to be sculpted hundreds of times, and it is not even just how beautiful the words are, how ups and downs the plot is, it is just logical.

In order to avoid shocking the world, Yi Xiao still pays great attention to these small details. He just moved about half of the things in the house. The three boxes are stacked together and his arms are slammed. It doesn’t look so strong on the body. Immediately highlight the muscles.

But Rao is so, this weight is still not light, enough to surprise, such as Stephanie on the side.

"You are so powerful."

Her eyes were strange, and her tone was rather complicated.

Yi Biao can understand that she is not envious of how powerful she is and how much she can fight. She just wants a healthy body.

Stephanie is a good person. She has justice in her heart. Although she is a woman, she is not willing to hide in the back of the war. She hopes to go to the front and give her a share of strength like those men of right age.

She didn't want to prove anything, she didn't even want to kill. . No matter where it is, whether it is. . enemy.

Unfortunately, she has a body that is not as good as a normal person.

Stephanie didn't want to be as powerful as a bully, her mind was strong enough, in fact, she needed it. . It's just an opportunity.

Contribute to this battlefield.

In her own way.

There are indeed many ways Yi Yi can help Stephanie, magic, potions, and even silver tongue. It only takes a short time to see her become a best knight, whether it is physical or combat experience. of.

Even stronger.

After all, just right. . Yi Xiao has been studying this aspect recently, and has made considerable progress.

But this should not be the area where Stephanie Rogers set foot.

She has a future unique to her.

Yi Yi pretended not to see Stephanie's eyes. . In other words, even if I saw it, I walked out with a stack of cartons unresponsive.

After Yi Biao left, Stephanie tentatively moved the carton on the ground. . I found myself unable to even move it at all.

Stephanie couldn't help but feel a bit sad.

But it can be seen. . She hasn't piled things into this room in recent years, and she has almost used it as a storehouse or attic in the utility room.

but. . Although Yi Xiao pretended not to see Stephanie, Bargie, who was about to walk around, just walked into Stephanie's room, but saw Yi Xuan walking with a lot of boxes.

The weight of these things is not easy.

Bargill, who knew Stephanie's room better than herself, murmured in secret. . This guy's strength seems not small, glancing at the bulging muscles, she doubts whether her small arm and calf can be the opponent of the other party.

Wandering around, Bagill left here.

Soon, Yi Biao tucked the carton into every corner of the house under the direction of Stephanie. Although Stephanie's house was small, it was still able to squeeze out some places.

Just when the two men had stuffed these things together, Bagill walked in again.

"I'm staring at you, kid."

This time she was obviously more confident than before. She said refreshedly as soon as she entered the door. Even rare. I was very upset because of her unique face.

Yi Chou was a little puzzled. . Then I saw that after finishing this sentence, she lifted her waistline to reveal the short handle of the pistol inserted in her pants.

Yi Huo and Stephanie:. . .

Yes, I can't beat Yi Chou, isn't there a gun?

The United States has never been a banned country, especially in this chaotic era, when there is a gun, let alone a gun* can be obtained, and if there is money, there is nothing that cannot be achieved.

You can do whatever you want.

This is also the reason why Stephanie and Bagill just rashly agreed with Yi Huo that a strange man stayed, not because they really believed Yi Huo so much, but even if they were in danger. . They are not without resistance.

It may even be anti-guest-oriented. . They are dangerous.

After all, for people nowadays, firearms and weapons are almost irresistible.

No one was stupid. In the face of the challenge of Bargill's mental retardation, Yi Xuan decided to keep silent and try to reason with a woman. That Yi Xuan was really mentally retarded.

Stephanie, as Bargie's girlfriend, could not have known it, and she was a little helpless.

"Bagill," she said rather dumbly, "some ladies."

Bargill rolled his eyes and then put away his pistol.

Yi Ao's eyes are sharp, and at this moment, he noticed that Bargill's pistol model is not a common commodity in the market. Perhaps it seems to Yi Lao that it is very backward and outdated, but in this era. . But something good.

Only in the army.

It seems that the agent training was issued.

In any case, Yi Biao helped Stephanie, even if Bargill was unhappy, the three of them went outside and rubbed them fiercely.

It was originally intended to be practiced for the departure of Bagir. . But since joining Yihuo, it has become three people.

The final account is easy to settle, he is not bad money, but he can see that both Stephanie and Bagill are bad money.

Gentlemen are more popular in this era. . It's not yet time for the women to become independent and pay the bills in the later generations, and they continued to fight after a little excuse.

It can be seen that after Yi Chao's generous checkout and the meaning of being rich, Bargiel's attitude towards him began to improve at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Because Yi Xiao saw something in her eyes. . The look called Kaizi.

It seems that Bargill is really short of money.

Yi Xiao recalled the character of the Winter Soldier.

The Winter Soldiers and Captains lived together when they were young, and they knew each other from an early age. Although they haven’t introduced them in detail, Brooklyn is not the rich neighborhood of New York.

He is handsome, chic, and slightly cute. Brooklyn’s glamorous little prince. Although his girlfriend changes frequently, I am afraid that money is not the same.

Even after the change now.

Women are even harder to make money in this era, and many movements do not require women unless. . In other ways, but obviously Bargill would not do it.

Her room looked as shy as Stephanie's. . It's no wonder that she put her attention on Yi Chou.

After all, she is about to become an agent, whether it is identity, status, or force. . It seems that they all suppress Yichao in an all-round way.

Ok. .

Bargill thinks it's not bad to let Yi Biao stay here.

Of course, Bargill wouldn't be like a bully, just grab the easy money, but as the rent to live here, it should be occasional to have a good meal.

Now in wartime, whether it is luxury jewelry or general supplies, especially food, it has skyrocketed several times more than in the past.

Eating is not so easy.

Yi Xiaotoo didn't care much about it, because money was for him. . It really makes no sense.

Maybe he used to occasionally pay attention to money before, but when he can use his silver tongue to directly reveal a golden mountain, a cave that belongs to the treasure of the dragon, money completely lost the value of existence.

I can buy friendship with money, and I don’t mind at all.

Under the magic of money, Bargill's attitude eased a lot. Stephanie was a good old man, and the three of them chatted happily along the way, at least. . Much better than before.

. . .

It was night, and New York fell into silence again.

This is Brooklyn, not the Hell's Kitchen. It is not so chaotic in itself. As a wealthy person, but not yet in this class of the poor, Brooklyn is quiet every night.

Because most of the people here need a busy day's work, the restaurant does a lot of work, the supermarket works part-time, or cleans up the garbage, repairs, and other tasks. Some people also take part-time jobs, and basically went to sleep early.

What's more, at this time New York has at least a third of its population, all men of school age, some of them rushed to the battlefield in Europe, and some rushed to other places.

The rest are only 3.5 million women and other men who are too old or too young.

Brooklyn under the night is extremely quiet, and the hidden stars are swaying from the sky. It seems to sprinkle a series of brilliance in the night sky, like the brilliant tail crossed by the meteor, like a witch casting magic in the sky.

But if you look closely, you will find that there is nothing, everything is just a child's speculation staring at the night sky.

Yi Xiao did not stare at the night sky, but also did not fall into a deep sleep.

Because of the tight time, there was not much time wasted for him.

"Then do you still live here?"

When he was in a daze, a shadow suddenly appeared in the shadow on the ceiling, and a human head quietly drilled out of the shadow. . Then under the traction of a series of long black hair, it slowly fell to the edge of Yi Chou's pillow and fell to a height parallel to him.

Almost in an instant, the atmosphere in the quiet room changed from a quiet American lyric to a classic Japanese horror.

Yi Biao sighed, and then grabbed her stern head squinting and continued to press down, ignoring her protest, and directly pressed to the floor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the next moment, Sadako's head fell into the floor , The long black hair pulling it disappeared, and there was nothing in it for a moment. Only the ceiling was still wriggling and the shadows were not normal, telling that everything before it was not an illusion.

"You are too unforgiving."

"Did Lucy lose contact?"

"And not only is Lucy not here, nobody seems to be here."

Yi Xiao is very clear who this Sadako is, who is referring to, in addition to Lucy, there are guys like Athena, they do not deal with each other very much.

"Looks Lucy is not here, you are happy."

"Okay." Sadako's tone was relaxed.

"Quiet." Yi Huo whispered.

"I'm not sure if Bagill slept."

The soundproofing of the rooms is not good. You can't expect how good the soundproofing of these old houses in the 30s and 40s is, and although tonight it seems that Bargill's attitude towards himself has eased. . But Yi Huo is very clear that Bagill is not as kind as Stephanie, and she has enough vigilance.

It's impossible to relax your vigilance against a stranger all at once.

Maybe she didn't sleep well, even if she had a lot of wine like Stephanie.

Sadako curled his lips.

In fact, when faced with Yi arrogance, Sadako has less pressure than facing Lucy, because Yi arrogant rarely takes a serious attitude towards them, or speaks coldly.

He is always very gentle, indifferent, not in a hurry, not in a hurry.

Instead, Lucy, who seemed to set herself up as an assistant and part-time butler, was always very serious about them.

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