High Magic Earth

Chapter 1355: This is your destiny

"Is it really seventy years ago?"

Along with the shadow creeping on the ceiling, Sadako’s head was drilled out of it again. This time, Miss Fujiang appeared with her. She opened a door and stepped directly from Neverland to Yihuo’s quilt. .

She arched her head from under the quilt, and then was pressed back by Yi Xiao.

The two beautiful faces with oriental flair but spooky beauty suddenly appeared in the dark and dark room, instantly rendering the surrounding atmosphere into some kind of weird horror movie opening.

But none of the three people present felt anything.

Yi Xiao's ears are slightly on the side, and the extraordinary hearing plays a role, instantly restoring the situation in the adjacent room by sound waves only.

It's as if the echo positioning of the bat.

But most of the time, Yi Biao will not enable this kind of super hearing, even if he can hear it, he can shield useless thoughts in his mind and thinking, just like superman.

Bagill was not happy that Missy had fallen asleep, and her hand was pressed under the pillow. . Also holding a pistol.

It was really dangerous, but fortunately the pistol was not loaded.

Although she tried to remind herself not to sleep, she was alert. . But after all, she was just an ordinary big girl. After drinking it for so long and lying down, she completely entered her dream.

If you look at it like this, you won't wake up even if the wind blows, even if you kick her door, you won't necessarily wake up.

Seeing this, Yi Chou sat up indifferently from the bed.

"Yes, here is seventy years ago."

"The United States during World War II, which one of you has experienced." He said indifferently.

Sadako and Fujiang are both long-lived species, one is a ghost, already dead, one can die, but one has fallen, and thousands of people have stood up, which is more terrible than ghosts.

It is not surprising that they have experienced this era.

Sadako shook her head. There was nothing else except long black hair connecting her head to the ceiling. The head shook like a pendulum pendulum, but it was not a pendulum but a man’s. Head.

It looks extraordinarily infiltrating.

She didn't answer Yi Chou's question, but instead asked, "Are you sure this is really a real world?"

Yi Xiao understands the meaning of Sadako.

She said that here is the same as the previous virtual world, it may be controlled by an artificial intelligence. After all, such a thing as switching time is common sense, it is impossible.

And if it is a virtual world, there will be no pressure to convert time, they have encountered this situation in the previous world.

Nodding slightly, Yi Chou confirmed.

"it is true."

He can still tell the true and false world. . probably.

Sadako and Fujiang still retain their previous memories. Yes, the shaping of the silver tongue was very successful. The plan for creating the gods was successful, and they will not delete their memories.

What Yi Chou needs is a complete, high-quality individual capable of fighting independently, not a cannon fodder puppet.

If you only need unthought cannon fodder, it is easier to study those Golem knights, just like robots, not only mass production but also high combat effectiveness, and do not have to worry about wear and tear.

However, Yi Biao has long ceased to create a magical legion because of various external factors. It is too difficult to create from scratch. It is better to collect those who are still important plot characters. After a little transformation of the God of Creation plan, it is quite good, even able to stand alone. Fighting power.

Sadako still retains her previous personality, just like when she encountered Yihuo in the Hujiang era, she was cautious, fierce, and blessed and distrusted everything around her.

Her nature decided to do this. As a bell virus, if you want to be out of that world, you really need to be careful step by step.

Unlike Sadako's vigilance, Fujiang, who is also the undead, is truly undead. Sadako may be due to the power and the particularity of the ghost. Few things can hurt or even kill her, but Fujiang. . Fu Jiang is immortal.

Really immortal.

So she seemed rather bored at the moment. She dragged Yi Xuan's quilt down because she sat up, wrapped herself into a sushi roll, then rolled on the bed, and finally wrapped herself to death, moving No.

"What did you tell us to do, long nights and unconscious sleep?"

Yi Xiao frowned slightly.

"How about Dafujiang."

Fu Jiang's inevitable split. Although the silver tongue suppressed this uncontrollable split to the lowest point, it still cannot be completely eliminated, because the completely eliminated Fu Jiang is no longer Fu Jiang.

It can be blocked like a flood, but it will burst out one day.

So not long ago, Fu Jiang split a second self. Under the arrangement of Yi Chao Lucy and others, Fu Jiang immediately felt much better after the split, not only her own agitated heart, but other people’s This fanaticism and murderous possessiveness quickly faded to the freezing point.

Fairly successful transformation of creation.

"We should go." Yi Huo said.

"It's not just Captain America who is wonderful in this world."

"But we have to come back before dawn."

"Why?" Fu Jiang didn't ask where to go, but instead cared why they had to return.

"Because... Captain America is indeed the undisputed and irreplaceable protagonist of this era, there is no one."

Yi Biao's choice is simple, he is following his own heart.

He didn't know what he was doing in the future, or what he had done in the past, which caused him to return from the future to seventy years ago.

But since he has returned, it represents the beginning of the cycle, then he must maintain the entire cycle, at least before successfully returning to the original point in time, to understand everything.

It's possible that Yi Biao doesn't know what he should do. He doesn't seem to come to this era for something, but more like an accident or a deliberate conspiracy by Gu Yi.

So in this case, Yi Chao chose to follow his own heart, that is, intuition.

This is his current choice. He believes that no matter when he is, when he encounters this situation, he will make a similar choice.

"Okay." Fu Jiang had no objection, but began to feel like a drowning salted fish, wrapped in a leap and struggling.

Yi Xiao dragged her out.

The three people didn't even open the windows. They walked through Stephanie's barren residential building through the walls. Their figures gradually appeared in the back alley of an alley, surrounded by some smelly garbage dumps.

"Why do we have to visit this place every time?!"

Sadako and Fu Jiang covered their noses in unison, and looked disgusted.

"Because they can only be found here."

Yi Huo replied softly, then crouched down.

Gently puncturing the palm of his hand, Yi Chou squeezed the blood onto the ground. The blood seemed to have an unusual magic power, slowly creeping on the ground, exuding a wave of magic power that humans could not feel.

In fact, it is a wave that most creatures cannot feel.

apart from. .


It didn’t take long for the first black guy to walk through, walking on the spine of the house with a catwalk, watching the bottom with vigilant eyes, but Yi Chou could feel that he was staring at the beach. Blood seems to be watching the most delicious existence in the world.

"Drink, this is your destiny." Yi Huo whispered.


His head was slapped and he looked back and found that all three were looking at the scenery around, yes. . The three of them, Sadako and Fujiang looked at the empty wall beside them, whistling, Athena also came out, looking left and right, looking at the sky, just don’t look here.

The three of them made it clear that they had problems.

Forget it, Yi Huo is too lazy to care about this slap.

Soon, this kind of intelligent creature could not resist the inexplicable attraction from below, jumped from the edge of the wall and watched Yi Chou cautiously, slowly approaching here. . Then, after he noticed that Yi Chou didn't have any movement, he quickly buried his head and started licking.

With the appearance of the first one, soon the second and third. . And more and more cats of all colors appear here.

Young, old, solid, colored, healthy, and even disabled. . In just a few minutes, there were at least hundreds of cats in the vicinity.

Their eyes gleamed with a faint green fluorescence in the dark night, staring vigorously at the stall below without the **** traces of coins.

As their numbers increased, these cats became more and more restless.

But they quickly fell into peace.

Because the cats that licked the blood at first did not leave after they seemed satisfied, but seemed to become smart instantly and began to help maintain the order in the neighborhood.

How do they communicate? . Yi Biao was not interested, only knew that they would no longer be turbulent, and even lined up in an orderly manner, each time three cats came up and licked some blood.

There is too little blood.

If you look at this amount alone, I am afraid that even a cat’s hunger and thirst will not be satisfied, but obviously this blood stain is very strange, because as these cats lick, it not only does not have the tendency to decrease, but it is getting more and more More.

At first it was three together, then four, five. .

After more than ten minutes, hundreds of cats around have quieted down, their eyes sparkling with wisdom, squatting quietly, and watching Yi Chou quietly.

Hundreds of pairs of green oily eyes glowed with various colors in the dark night. In addition to being extremely beautiful, it seems to be even more weird except for the starry milky way in the sky.

At the same time, the blood on the ground gradually disappeared, as if infiltrating into the ground.

"Okay." Yi Xiao clapped his hands gently. "It seems that our communication should not be a problem."

Answering him is a piece of meow. Although Yi Xao can understand these meows under the link of magic blood, it does not mean that these cats can speak out. After all, the throat sound structure is different, even if some magic can Change the organ, but it is definitely not so easy to lick the blood.

In Yi Xuan's ears, these cats' meows are making promises, but in the ears of Sadako and others. . They just screamed.

But Sadako and others could only wait quietly with the convulsions of their mouths, and could not hurt these cats. .

Another form of Yi Huo is the cat, which they know very well.

"Cough, I need to find some Germans..." Clearing his throat, Yi Chou continued, "And there are Russians. Do you know the difference?"

"I tell you, it's like the difference between a Persian cat and a Bengal cat... Do you know what a Bengal cat means, oh... Did you stray from Germany?"

"Escaped to the boat, drifted across the ocean, and then docked and you disembarked and wandered all the way to New York? Your experience is really amazing, it's like a legend."

Yi Xiao said to the black cat who seemed to be rather helpless.

The black cat doesn't have any joy of praise, it just still has an unrelenting look on its face, and it seems that it just wants to shut the mouth of the human who has the words in front of him.

Fortunately, Yi Biao doesn't have much time to waste now, he returned to the subject and said, "Of course not all Germans need to find out... I only want those suspicious, oh yes, there is another called Ya Dr. Bahia Erskine, as to what is called suspicious..."

Fortunately, Yi Chao's blood is still effective. Although it is only a short night, the wisdom of the temporary enlightenment has reached a level where it can understand what is suspicious and what is undoubted.

After spending more than ten minutes to explain everything, the surrounding cat groups meowed and spread out all around, leaving only a residual image under the night. . It disappeared instantly.

"Next, we just have to wait for the good news."

Yi arrogantly said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhenzi pouted, Fu Jiang did not respond, but Athena asked slightly interested, "Your blood has such a magical effect? ​​Is it only for cats."

Yi Huo was silent for a while.

"Blood is just an introduction, and what really works is my magic."

"Okay." Athena shrugged her shoulders, "I thought that Lucy's guy turned you all into magical items."

Yi Huo smiled slightly and did not speak.

Soon, some cats came back occasionally and yelled at Yi Huo, telling about the latest intelligence it collected. Some intelligence is still useful, some intelligence is worthless, but so far, Yi Chao He has not received the news that he wants, about those Russians and Germans.

Until a brown and white fat cat meets Yi Yi's edge. .


After listening to its meow, Yi Biao suddenly froze, and said in disbelief, "What is it that there is no such person as Dr. Abraham Erskine, are you sure you read it right?"

The fat cat is no longer meowing, looking at Yi Chou with a contemptuous look.

Yi Biao's mouth twitched, "Okay... Maybe our Dr. Abraham Erskine also went to understand the Super Soldier plan to see if a female doctor was in charge of the whole plan."

Perhaps Dr. Erskine has also become a woman, which is hard to say.

Cats are still very mobile, especially when most of them have intelligence. After more than ten minutes, these cats brought more detailed information.

But the situation. . But it seems to be more complicated than Yi Chao imagined.

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