High Magic Earth

Chapter 1356: The headline appears again

In fact, in terms of infiltration, cats do not have much advantage. Although they are flexible, they are not small, and they can’t sneak in silently in those secret places.

Even the smallest cat is a big cat. . Not to mention the machine monitoring, humans can see it.

But cats also have an advantage shared by all animals. . That is, there will be no human beings to guard against a non-human animal while talking.

At most, it is to check whether there are any bugs hidden in them, not to think that they can understand human language.

After listening to the meow of a black cat, Yi Biao's brow gradually wrinkled and remained silent for a moment. He threw a pile of dried fish and waved away these guys, letting them continue to find valuable ones. news.

Then he turned his head and whispered to the bewildered Sadako and others.

"There is no super soldier plan."


Lucy is not there, Athena is the IQ of everyone but Dang, although most of the time, she does not think about anything.

Hearing Yi Chou's words, she immediately showed a surprised look.

The super soldier plan can be the most important part of the story in this era, or the entire timeline, without the super soldier plan, everything will be messed up, and it can even be said. . Directly involved in the stability of the entire story line.

"You said no... what do you mean?"

Yi Xiao spread his hands, his expression inexplicable.

"The Super Soldier Program has not yet been launched, and my cats have not detected any plans and news about the Allied Super Soldiers."

"Could it be that they went to the wrong place."

Athena immediately questioned that these cats are not small in size, and certainly cannot enter that kind of confidential place, not to mention the hidden base similar to the super soldier plan.

"To confirm the existence of the Super Soldier plan, it is not necessary to find their hidden base." Yi Xuan said softly.

If it is easy to find this place, the cats may be difficult to sneak into, but it is only to spy on the intelligence. .

It is true that the Super Soldier plan is confidential, but there are still a large number of soldier volunteers screened from the outside world, and it will certainly not be said to participate in the plan, but this can only deceive unsuspecting people.

For a guy who knows everything, such as Yi Chao, finding a selection training camp similar to Steve's original participation can determine the general location of the super soldier plan.

But not to mention that the Super Soldier had planned, even Dr. Erskine was gone.

Is it. .


There are mostly black cats in the vicinity, and soon a black cat flew over, screaming at Yi Chou, and then quickly jumped back to the wall after being communicated, and disappeared into the darkness instantly.

And after the exchange, Yi Chou's face eased a lot.

"The plan has not started yet."

Yi Xuan said to Athena and others in a certain tone, "Because Dr. Erskine is not here, he is still in... Germany."

. . .

It is indeed very accidental to be able to detect the news.

As Athena was concerned, these big cats couldn't get into any secret places at all. Basically, just after entering the forbidden area, they were thrown out by the guards by the neck.

After all, cat meat is not as delicious as dog meat, and not many people in the United States eat cats and dogs.

They can't get into any secret places at all.

But the coincidence is that since Dr. Erskine has not yet arrived in the United States, and even has not launched the Super Soldier Program, Dr. Erskine's existence is naturally not considered a secret.

Dr. Erskine’s relevant information is in the storage room, and has not been archived, together with the latest stack of documents.

With a little attention, you can find it.

And exactly, a black cat sneaked in.

Yi Xiao noticed that Athena behind her looked at herself with suspicious eyes, and then she suddenly stepped forward and punched him heavily on the shoulder.

Of course, this refers to ordinary people.

Under the confrontation of the body of the pseudo-Kryptonian, this power is almost nothing.

Yi Chou knows exactly what Athena is doing.

"I'm real." Yi Huo said with some helplessness, "How can you think I'm bored to become a black cat and ran out to gather intelligence with these guys."

Athena smiled slightly.

Although the actions of the cats are not the best choice, Yi Chou didn't expect them to get any shocking news, so at first, his plan was to spread the cats and fish more. . The effect seems pretty good.

One after another, some cats came back and yelled at Yi Chou, but gradually they became fewer.

These cats who were temporarily enlightened can understand the words of clamor, and can also distinguish what is valuable information and what is not valuable information.

It also avoids the trivial things Yi Biao has been listening to which trash can has a bucket of spinach.

After no cats had returned, Yi Bao estimated that they had touched all the places that could wander around nearby, and there would be no new information in half.

Even if there is. . I'm afraid they are far apart, and even a lot of time will be wasted on the road.

That being the case. .

"Let's go find the first guest."

Sadako, who was bored by the side until she was asleep, finally lifted her spirits, woke up suddenly, yawned, and asked in a low voice, "Who is it?"

"It's just a nameless pawn." Yi Chou responded faintly.

"Follow me to know."

. . .

Hell's kitchen, flame beauty underground bar.

Although the Prohibition has been cancelled for more than ten years, these large and small underground bars have not disappeared. They are more like a kind of derived culture and have become a special kind of existence.

Of course, the current underground bar is no longer the underground bar at that time. There is no gatekeeper guarding this, anyone can enter freely, more like experiencing the atmosphere at that time.

However, when Yi Ao came to the bar with Sadako and others, he did not expect to wait in line, there was no one outside the bar, and even the inside seemed not very lively.

After all, there are not many New Yorkers, especially men.

After passing a long staircase, the four people came to the door of an ordinary basement. This is the entrance of the underground bar. This is no surprise. At that time, it was illegal to sell alcohol. How did they come safely?

It is a pity that after the prohibition of drinking is abolished, it is one of their most important problems that they cannot attract customers.

Pushing the door open, the space inside the underground bar is unexpectedly large.

And there are many people, most of the tables and chairs are already full.

All kinds of drunks gathered here. Most of them drunk and lay on the table, not concerned about the ongoing war. .

Yi Ao even felt that they would not care if they could wake up.

Whether it’s Yi Huo, Sadako, or Fujiang, she’s so familiar with shopping at the bar that she can’t be familiar anymore, only Athena is unfamiliar with what she sees around, although she has found relevant information in books, online, and materials, But after all, the information is not as novel as the real thing.

After sitting at the bar, he asked for a few glasses of wine, and by the way, he resolved some of the guys who wanted to come over with bad intentions. Yi Chou suddenly pulled a passing waiter and said, "Call your boss."

The waiter froze for a moment, and instinctively wanted to refute, "No, I don't know..."

"I can feel that you are different from others."

Yi Xiao said with a smile, "You are very bloody."

His voice was very low, so there was no second hearing around. Even if he was bartending near the bar, he also didn't hear it clearly, and this bar was obviously relatively quiet and didn't even bother to ask.

This waiter should have gritted his teeth for a long time, then nodded to Yi Chou, and if he didn't live, he would re-enter the darkness of the bar.

There must be a secret way, after all, this is an underground bar.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Yi Biao to wait. The waiter who had left in a hurry ran back again. He still didn't make a voice or answer, but instead performed a standard invitation gesture to Yi Biao.

There is nothing terrible between Yi Chou and the three people behind him. . At least on this earth, so several people followed the waiter to the deep layer of grace without any pressure.

Three-story underground structure. . Judging from the technology at this time, it is also a difficult project.

"Here it is."

After receiving them in front of another ordinary door, the waiter shouted in a strange language, and then left after getting a reply.

But Yi Xao could understand what he was talking in Russian.

Yes, the purpose of Yihuo's trip is precisely where this family is mostly Russian, and it is also the main gathering place for Russian gangs.

Hydra side. . Don't worry first, after all, the Super Soldier program hasn't been carried out yet. In other words, all plots can't even be seen by a shadow.

In contrast, Yi Chou is more concerned about Natasha's age.

He wants to find the Russian Red House plan through these guys.

Even without Natasha, several other agents were obtained. . It is also the best material for the God of Creation program.

You know that the dangerous agents in the Red House are not only Natasha as a backup, but also many agents with all kinds of qualities.

It's a pity that Natasha's face value is too high, mixed into the series of superheroes, almost covering up the brightness of everyone else.

"Welcome our guests."

At the next moment, the door of the room was pulled away from inside, and a guy with a strange English pronunciation gave a low welcome and greeting.

Yi Xiao took the three men with Zhenzi into the house, and the door was closed again.

This is the Flame Beauty underground bar, and it is also the favorite place for the Russian gangs nearby. At this time, the owner of the bar and the bar appear in front of Yi Chao. . A group of guys who seem to have bad intentions.

But after all, the fighting nation is a fighting nation. They did not do anything, just watched Yi Chou coldly.

"I don't know what these gentlemen are..."

"Tell me the list or name of the spies you know, I want to pass them... contact their boss, I have something to do with their boss."

Before waiting for the other party to finish talking, Yi Chou had already rushed to speak out his own conditions.

I don't know if it's an illusion. After Yi Biao finished speaking, the other party seemed to be silent for a moment. Not only that, it seemed that even the air was silent in this moment.

Yi Chou's tone is very plain, and there are words between his words. . It's like taking it for granted, completely inconsistent with his usual image.

Of course, this unlucky bar owner obviously didn't know what Yi Chou used to look like. He just felt that he had run into a madman today.

"If all this is an unusually bad joke, then you leave now..."

"No joke."

Yi Xiao interrupted him gently.

The group of people around didn't look like good people, and the guys with empty heads all gathered around them. Their faces were awkward and terrifying, and it seemed that they could scare Yi Huo.

"Tell me... everything."

Yi Chou reread again.

The bar owner frowned slightly. He waved to stop everyone. Although he didn't know why, but he was always very cautious. He was patient and decided to touch the other person's bottom first.

"I'm just a small person, how can I know those things."

The hotel owner is quite right. How can a secret boss such as a spy list let an ordinary boss know if he is really a boss. .

"Are you sure."

Yi Chou asked back.

The bar owner's brows deepened.

He waved his hand suddenly, and drove out the same confusing crowd of guys, leaving only three of them.

They have pistols in their hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~and they are worthy of the fighting nation. . One of them even had a submachine gun.

The firearms seemed to regain their guts for the bar owner.

"What the **** do you know." It would be his turn to question.

"Enough is enough."

Yi Biao's answer is still very characteristic of wizards. . Always say half stay half.

But unfortunately, Yi Biao has not much free time to waste today. He must rush back before dawn, and now the time has passed most of it.

Yi Xiao's fingers gently touched the table, and then suddenly pointed back, two guys with guns waiting for me suddenly turned their guns across and pointed at their former companions.

Fortunately, this confrontation did not last long, and buttoned again, which would be replaced by the remaining guy who slowly raised his pistol and faced his head in horror.

"Hypnosis?" The barkeeper frowned as he watched the whole journey.

"You can understand that."

Yi Xiao did not deny that, after all, it was meaningless to discuss magic with a group of guys who knew nothing.

Sure enough, when Yi Xiao withdrew his magic, in addition to the three guys becoming more alert to Yi Xiao, the bar owner saw that he was no longer a madman.

Because the opponent has the corresponding strength.

And the bar owner doubts that he has exposed the identity of the spy, otherwise the other party cannot directly find himself.

But after hesitating for a few minutes, he stood up and said to Yi Chou and others.

"Come with me, I'll take you to see someone."

"You always wanted to find... that person."

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