High Magic Earth

Chapter 1357: Which brainwashing technology is strong

The bar owner took four people away from another secret door, and after passing a rugged stone staircase, they got out of a warehouse backyard three blocks away from the underground bar.

The flame beauty underground bar looks shabby and small, but I did not expect a lot of hidden door tunnels.

Even in order to avoid the prohibition of drinking, I didn’t need to build so many secret doors. It’s more of a underground refuge than a bar.

No wonder the Russians will use this as a stronghold, and even some spyware joint work is here, I am afraid that some earlier period may be the War of Independence, or the transformation of the underground refuge left during the Civil War from.

Yes, the owner of the underground bar is a Russian spy. His name is Anton, but it was just his name as the bar owner. What was his real name. . It is unclear how easy it is.

However, judging from his poor spoken English, he obviously did not work outside the field.

Anton’s mission is to be a downbeat businessman from Russia and his barkeeper.

In order to be unobtrusive, he does not need to deliberately collect intelligence, or even need to have any communication with other spy peers. He just provides and controls the underground bar, and occasionally one-time single-line intelligence transmission. .

Anton does not have much identity to cover up, and his identity as a Russian businessman is the best cover.

Of course, American intelligence personnel will not arbitrarily think that he is an official statement from Russia, it is definitely not a Russian spy, but simply because Russian spies will not be stupid enough to expose themselves.

Coming from an enemy country, it seems most unlikely to be a spy, but it is precisely the case that spies have not been a minority in various countries since ancient times.

The difference is that they have succeeded, and some have failed.

The most dangerous place for such exploitation is the safest place. The blind spot does not exist in the thinking of intelligence workers.

The most important thing in their work is to be cautious and attentive, not to reveal any flaws or let go of any small clues.

Anton has been under surveillance, but it is not as strict as the potential spy.

The most important thing is that Anton does not need to do any espionage at all. If the Russian side does not recognize it, he can abandon everything he has in an instant and thus become a real and downright businessman.

So his suspicion is indeed close to zero, and has not been exposed.

But there is no absolute secret in the world.

The cats can’t sneak into the heavily guarded and secret places, but these underground junctions can’t hide them, and Yi Biao has collected much more intelligence and news about these places than he wanted from the military.

Although the enlightenment time of these cats can only last about one day, the memory is not formed in a day. As their wisdom level increases, things that existed in the memory but did not understand will gradually come to light.

The problem of the flame beauty underground bar owner is precisely a flower cat recalled from memory,

That day, it turned over half of the rotten sewer fish in the trash bin, and before it was finished, there was a group of bear children throwing stones at it. While avoiding the bear children, it jumped on the side and never jumped on the side. Passing the wall, and then fell to a basement.

Through the semi-dim glass, it stumbled upon what the bar owner Anton was recording.

Code word plus cipher text.

The cat’s vision is very good. Although it only catches a blink, it also captures the general content, but of course it is impossible to see it, even after the enlightenment, because even humans must not understand it without related learning and training. .

However, after handing over this memory to Yi Xiao, Yi Xiao had no difficulty in reading it, and also restored and guessed part of the situation at that time through magic.

A Russian spy, interesting.

I originally did not intend to take care of them. This is the Marvel world, and still prefers the movie version. The main melody is these American superheroes. Most other countries are dispensable. Even if there are superheroes, the drama is not So important.

But Yi Xuan turned to think about it and recalled the Red House plan.

Former owner of Agent Natasha Romanov.

And not only Natasha Romanov is an agent, the Red House project has cultivated many excellent agents that are not inferior to Natasha, but because the elimination is too cruel, the number has been small.

But Rao is so, and their number is not too small.

Yi Xiao felt that even if he followed his own heart, he would certainly not let these excellent materials go, and he was ready to take a look at Russia first.

After all, they are dispensable background walls and supporting roles. Yi Chou feels that even if everyone except the main characters is packed away, it will not cause much chain impact on the future.

"this way please."

While Yi Noo was letting his thoughts go, An Dong, who was walking in front of him, suddenly turned around. Instead, he surprised Yi Noo. It turned out that this guy didn't know when he had done a simple disguise. . It may have been on the road, and now it looks different from the previous one.

It's amazing.

Turning around a corner again, Yi Chou saw an extended black car parked in the alley. Anton pulled away the position of the driver himself and waited quietly in the car.

Yi arrogantly took the co-pilot naturally, because it was a wider and longer version of the car, and even if the rear seats squeezed down Fujiang Zhenzi and Athena three people.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, Anton started the car smoothly.

New York is a city full of luxury cars, but such an expensive car still looks a little dazzling, obviously not suitable for sending a few people to its destination.

Maybe Anton didn't plan to send a few people? Or. . He was confident that the final destination was very deep.

Yi Chou is not so sure, and he is too lazy to ignore it.

There is no decent hero in Russia until it is known. In addition to Natasha, there is probably only one whiplash. Even if it is a winter soldier, it is also made by the Hydra branch in Russia.

What's more, even if the Winter Soldier Program has been launched at this time, there is absolutely no finished product.

What Yi Biao needs to face is just a group of ordinary people, there is nothing to worry about.

He did not go directly to the Russian mainland, but to find relevant personnel here, also in the idea of ​​one-step, remote control.

It is a waste of time to find the specific place of the Red House. He does not have so much time to waste. It is better to directly control the relevant members and investigate all the way. Whether it is to control the high-level mobilization of a group of Red House members with the Soul Spell or lock it out Direct airborne location will save a lot of time.

One is because of Stephanie, and the other is that Yi Chou does not want to stay in this era for too long. In any case, this era is not his era.

The longer the stay, the more unnecessary accidents will occur.

The car drove smoothly, and after turning a few blocks, it left New York and gradually drove toward the suburbs.

Through the rear-view mirror, Anton glanced at Yi and the three people in the back seat and found that they were not panicked, and Yi was even expressionless, like a piece of ice.

It's weird. .

Anton's inner vigilance has not let go.

When Yi Xiao pointed his finger and his loyal men pointed their guns at each other, Anton knew that he had encountered a very strange incident.

As a person who has frequent contact with intelligence, Anton is not unheard of such a thing. . But he always thought it was just a rumor, but he didn't expect it. .

I hope my reminder will work.

Yi Biao did not stop anything at all, and An Dong naturally passed Yi Biao's news early, but would anyone believe it would be hard to say.

After all, Anton felt that he would not believe it if he had not seen it with his own eyes.


The car drove fast for about ten minutes, and didn't leave New York too far. Under Anton's weird pronunciation, he gradually parked his car in front of a luxury villa on the outskirts.

This is the destination.

That is, in the mouth of An Dong, the person Yi Yi has always insisted on seeing, his single line contact.

Unexpectedly, the Russian spies were so good in the United States, and Yi Chou was a little surprised.

Anton led the way ahead. They walked along without any obstruction, and no one tried to attack or stop them until. . Anton took them to the hall in the villa.

Yi Chou felt the ambush.

Still stupid firearms, but a lot more than before, and hidden in a dark place, thinking that God was aiming here without knowing it, and enveloped all around.

It's a pity that Yi Biao doesn't even need to use magic, just the perception of overclocking, they can get a clear picture of their position, there is no threat at all.

It is somewhere else. . They gave Yi Chao a big surprise.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

At this time, with a round of applause, a guy wearing a German military uniform walked into the hall from the arch beside the bookshelf. His leather boots rattled on the ground, matching his applause. Irritability.

Irritable to Yi arrogant can not help but want to lose a bitter past.

Be aware of such low-level magic. . Yi Chou hasn't used it in several worlds.

"Welcome to you, all..."

He lengthened his tone, and it sounded like he had a strong sense of pretentiousness, and Yi Chou interrupted him very simply without waiting for him to finish.

"You turned out to be claws?"

. . .

Yes, here is Hydra, not a Russian spy.

This can be seen very intuitively from the Hydra logo hanging above the hall. Of course, this huge badge Yi Yiao can be seen at a glance that it has just been hung up.

It seems that although they have penetrated into New York, they haven't reached the level where the Hydra logo hangs every day.

Hanging up temporarily is nothing more than trying to put more pressure on Yi Chou next.

But Yi Xiao is very angry now, and his mood is not very beautiful.

"Yes, you actually know that we exist, which is very good, it will make us cooperate in the next... more pleasant."

The guy dressed up by the German officer was stunned for a while, but soon responded, speaking in a slightly arrogant voice with an unquestionable tone.

At this time, Anton rebelled against the previous silence and the promise, as if the words Hydra could give him infinite courage and strength. Standing behind the guy's side, he also looked at him with a gaze of prey. Yi arrogant, as well as a few people who looked at Zhenzi behind.

"You turned out to be Hydra!"

But Yi Biao can still talk about himself regardless of what this guy is talking about, and even seems very irritable.

"I need to be a Russian! Russian! And you... you guys are useless!"

The Hydra is not very useful. The Super Soldier plans to make no accidents in the end, but it will still fall to the United States. The only value may be the Red Cube's Cube.

But the power of that thing. . Yi Chou is not so urgent.

More importantly, a series of major events in the future will revolve around the universe's Rubik's Cube. If you intervene in a sudden, it is likely to cause a series of unpredictable changes.

Faced with Yi Chou's irritability, Anton and the little guy seemed confused, and their faces were blank.

Fear, surprise, dignity, support if nothing happened, or support does not care about Hydra, and such reactions are all in their expectations, but now Yi Yi arrogant performance. .

Let’s say it’s anger, it seems not. The other party is obviously not angry because of being deceived and trapped in a Hydra. It’s more like a child who didn’t receive a happy birthday gift. It’s strange, why is this a reaction.

But in any case, the other party is already fish on the cutting board at this time, and the Hydra is very interested in this hypnotic power that can control the human heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They want to get it. . Regardless of whether the other party cooperates.

"Listen, you better understand your status quo."

The guy dressed as a German officer still said in a low voice.

"Here they have been pointed by machine guns. The twelve machine guns and the storm of their bullets can instantly destroy this house in ruins."

"I am not afraid of death. I have made sacrifices. The question now is, what about you."

Anton in the back did not refute, but his eyes also showed a ray of death. . Yi Chou feels that Hydra doesn't need his hypnotic ability at all, they are already pretty good now.

But the other party's repeated provocations still made Yi Xiao finally turn his attention to him.

"See death as if you were?" Yi Huo asked with a sneer.


The guy's voice was calm, "Do you think I am an important person? No, this dress is not mine at all, I am only responsible for conveying messages to you and showing sincerity."

"My death is not important."

"As for him..."

His eyes turned to Anton, who raised his arms without hesitation, slightly above his head, with a serious expression, "Long live Hydera!" he shouted.

Very good, Yi Biao slightly raised his eyebrows.

The corner of Athena's mouth twitched, and she felt that these guys were going to be unlucky, because at this time Yi Chou looked. . Seems really angry.

"Look at death as it is." Yi Chou continued to sneer. "You will achieve your wish, and not only that, but soon you will know... death is just the beginning."

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