High Magic Earth

Chapter 1367: Fried fish

But if Yi Biao knows what they think, they will definitely tell them to think too much.

Even super soldiers cannot block bullets directly with the pectoralis major muscles. Steve Rogers, who evolved into the ultimate body, still needs to hold a shield charge, although his shield's role is not so much to block bullets, it is better to attract them. I hit myself on the shield.

Yi Biao has always suspected that there is magic on Rogers' shield! Just like the old seal on the White House, Nayaratoti generally walks around, the five-pointed star on the shield is a six-pointed star magic array with one corner missing!

Otherwise, why would the enemy pour all the firepower onto his shield so cooperatively, instead of trying to break his legs or feet?

This is not scientific, it must be magic.


"Quick brake! Quick brake!"

"Turn! Don't brake, turn quickly!"

There was a frightening roar from the open-top off-road vehicle. It seemed that it was because of too much tension. Many people's voices were hoarse and broken. The off-road vehicle itself was also very shabby. Based on technology and age, the overall look of the vehicle Some are shabby.

Even if the speed is slightly faster, it will be screaming, and the roar of people will be mixed with the roar of the engine and the huge collision of the locomotive, which makes the scene extremely chaotic.

Obviously there was only one team attacking, and the result was that they made a Hollywood commercial blockbuster.

The car jumped off the car.

Although Yi Chao’s shadow energy has been shaped into a mind-magic magic that is more powerful than telepathy, and it is completely fool-like to use, it is simpler than a fool camera, but it involves thought and mind after all.

The fragility of these two is not much stronger than the soul, and it also needs to be cautious.

It's very convenient to use, but Yi Chou doesn't pry shadow energy into the brains of others at any time.

Like Superman's super hearing, he can hear the voices of everyone in the world. Although these voices will not damage his hearing, the content inside is completely enough to drive him crazy.

No matter in what version, in order to overcome this existence like the voice of God, Clark is not suffering.

The probing of Yi Chao's shadow energy is like Superman's super hearing, but fortunately it is controllable, otherwise even Yi Chao can't bear these chaotic and massive thoughts.

Therefore, he will not open 24 hours a day, or even spy on what these cannon fonds think before dying. . Who cares about them.

Yi Chou's face was indifferent. Although the off-road vehicle had stepped on the brakes and tried its best to reverse the direction of the front of the car, they were too fast at the beginning, and the huge inertia still brought them forward fiercely. It was too late to avoid.

At the next moment, just at the moment when the roaring iron block was about to collide with Yi Noo, Yi Noon suddenly stretched out his hands, and then caught the head of the SUV with a diameter that he did not hide.


Accompanied by a tumultuous sound of metal deformation, the crazy off-road vehicle seems to suddenly lose its power during driving, and is stuck in place by Yi Chou's hands.

Never move further.

The scene was silent for a moment, as if some kind of pause switch was pressed.

Susanna, who was hiding behind the tree stump, felt that at this moment, it seemed that the whole world was dead. . No, to be more precise, her brain is blank.

Susanna, who witnessed the whole process, was pounding inwardly at this moment. What she saw, she saw a man stopped an off-road vehicle with bare hands, and it seems to be the standard gaz series model in active service.

It is not old equipment retired or eliminated.

But even if it is an obsolete off-road vehicle, it should not be resistant to human power. The roaring engine and the hard metal shell make it impossible for human beings to resist the power of machinery. . It was confirmed as early as the Industrial Revolution.

During this period cavalry has not been completely eliminated. Arrows and swords will also be used when many weapons are scarce and supplies are scarce.

It's not that the appearance of machinery and firearms eliminated everything. Although cold weapons are more than twice as weak as firearms, they still have some power.

At least for humans, they are fatal.

The only fragile one is humanity.

They can't fight the sharp blades of cold weapons, nor can they fight the fire tongue storm of firearms, let alone the collision and crushing of heavy machinery.

that. . It is almost impossible.

But everything that is now in front of Susanna is real, which almost breaks her existing understanding of the world.

At this moment, she felt like she was in contact with another world, and the other side of the world slowly unfolded in front of her.


"He is not a devil! He is a super warrior!"

By the way, these Germans are shouting.

Susanna's German has just been learned, and it's stumbling. Although many vocabularies are not so precise, they still understand most of them.

Super fighter. . Does it mean super soldier? .

Susanna moved her heart. Although she was shocked by what she saw, she was an agent after all, although she was only a reserve agent.

The agent’s first requirement is to be flexible and capable, and lack one of the two. Basically, the agent does not live long.

Although her thoughts were chaotic, she still grasped the key to the problem keenly, what was meant by the super soldier.

Listening to the name is like a product of some kind of plan, just like the red house she is in, this guy in front of her. . Is that how it was trained.

Do not. . Certainly not. Humans cannot reach that level by training alone, and they must use something else.

Maybe it is some kind of imperfect weaponry, maybe it is. . drug!

Susanna is not a girl from the country, she has never seen the world. Even if she was literate and popularized during this time, she also knows about weapons and even various black technologies. Part of people.

Not a group of illiterates.

If it is what she thinks, then the super soldier is most likely to use a certain drug. I heard that many countries are now studying serum in this area.

Perhaps this guy in front is one of the success stories.

Thinking of this, Susanna remembered that he could even block the bullet at the beginning, thinking so. . Stopping off-road vehicles with bare hands does not seem to be so unacceptable.

But in any case, the other party has clearly exceeded the human limit.

And this guy. . It seems that they are also the targets of this operation. Even a team of heavily armed German soldiers can't take him. Susanna doesn't think that her group of rookie agents with little firepower is his opponent.

Sniper rifle. . Probably their most powerful heavy firepower.

In fact, Susanna's concerns are not wrong.

Just as the huge engine roar ceased, the dignity hidden in the eyes of the Arctic fox deep in the snowdrift had almost turned into substance.

When the first few sniper rifles did not hurt the other party, the Arctic fox thought it might be the expensive special body armor worn by the other party, or even missed it at all.

So he didn't take it seriously.

There were only two scolds in the communication connector.

but. . As the opponent once again blocked a burst of bullets, and even braked a crazy Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle with his free hand, he could no longer treat him as if he had not seen it.

As a special soldier in active service, Arctic Fox clearly knows more inside information than Susanna.

The first time he realized that this guy is a super soldier.

And it is a stronger and more perfect existence than everyone expects to be a super soldier, or even if it is not just relying on itself, but the weapon and the like to block the bullet, this kind of equipment and weapons that can be used together must be very technical Skilled, no different from himself, at least on the battlefield.

They are all natural war machines.

The Arctic Fox knows that although many countries are studying super soldiers either lightly or darkly, there are few real successes.

But right here, in front of him. . But one appeared.

The meaning of the other party is not why it appears here, but his own, which means. . The super soldier's plan was successful.

And I don't know which country the other party belongs to.

Of course, as long as you catch the live, all valuable information can be obtained, but how easy is the super soldier to catch? Otherwise why are they called super soldiers.

Think about the other party is directed at themselves. . After all, the other party came out directly next to the red house, and it was not for the red house but for what, the Arctic fox was a bit distressed.

If at the beginning he confidently believed that he didn't even need to do it himself, the rookie agents he led were enough to solve the goal, then now it becomes even if he does. . I'm afraid it doesn't make any sense.

The Arctic Fox even suspected that the super soldier could destroy them unscathed.

It can block bullets and stop off-road vehicles.

This kind of power is not something they can confront, it is up to them. . Definitely not his opponent, even pulling out the trained agents of the Red House.

unless. . Start a real small-scale war.

Thinking of this, the Arctic fox grabbed the communicator in his ear and quickly said to the inside of the red house.

"Arctic Fox 237, Arctic Fox 237."

"We met a courier who had been placed here."

"Repeat, this is not a joke, the messenger really appeared."

"Request assistance."

. . .

Yi Chou maintained a still posture and stood still.

But his hands still grabbed the two fronts of the off-road vehicle, and his arms were slightly hard. The off-road vehicle was like a child's toy car without weight, and was lifted up by Yi Xuan directly out of thin air.

The front of the car is suspended, the rear of the car is tilted, and the front wheels have stopped stopping because of resistance. Only large white steam and smoke rising from the ground are floating.

Instead, the rear wheel was spinning around in the air because of the suspension.

The falling snow, the splashing soil, and the steam and smoke that appeared due to the heat, the whole off-road vehicle looks as miserable as it is nearing scrap.

The car was quiet.

Although the off-road vehicle stopped abruptly, not many people should be injured because of the strong impact. Of course, the injury is certain, because the front of the car has even been deformed by Yi Piao, and the size of the two footballs is indented on both sides. .

The two guys in the co-pilot position must not be able to run.

But the injury will not be multiple.

The reason why the group of guys in the car are silent and frightened may obviously be greater than the injury. Anyone who has experienced a telling Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle is cut off by the human force, will not be better.

This is not the time when superheroes will walk everywhere in the future. Walking on the street will often be lifted up by the car.

Below is either a red-and-gold metal man, or a big green man.

Of course, it is best to pray for the former.

Because the former is doing this to save people, and the latter. . Probably looking for a throwing weapon at his disposal.

This group of guys who were still alive during World War II obviously did not have the heart of later generations. When the whole person stopped in midair, they were completely in a state of confusion.

It wasn't until Yi Chou started to shake the off-road vehicle that they seemed to be thrown into a rock school of fish and exploded.

"Run apart!"

More and more steam rises on the undercarriage of off-road vehicles, even with the dripping of gasoline~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fortunately, it is very cold here, and the possibility of being detonated is unlikely.

However, after being intercepted by Yichao three times and five times, the entire off-road vehicle has been destroyed, which is even worse than the crash.

After recovering, the guy in the car suddenly felt like a sardine squeezed in a tin of sardines, jumping down one by one like dumplings.

Yi Biao's non-human performance has obviously dispelled their fighting spirit. After jumping down, this group of guys had no intention of fighting Yi Xiao or making a little rebellion.

They may be naive. . Super soldiers are flawed in speed.

Both their actions and the fact that almost everyone on the floor understands German has betrayed their plans, but for Yi Chou, there is no difference between planned and unplanned.

Because at the next moment, Yi Xuan has locked his eyes on a target, and then, like a cheetah walking through the woods, his figure flew out quickly. Within half a second, he had crossed a distance of more than ten meters , Diameter came behind the guy closest to him.


Yi Biao’s movements were elegant and fatal. Without a trace of muddy water, he passed the tree roots, pits and ditches in the forest at the fastest speed, and then stepped behind the guy in one step, gently bringing his right foot to the whole person. The body is leaning forward.

Then when the other party did not respond, Yi Chou's other leg had already bounced up, without any hesitation, and made a dull collision with his chest.

The next moment, the unlucky guy flew out over a distance of more than three meters, the entire chest collapsed, outgassing more air, less air, when it fell to the ground, it seemed to have no sound.

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