High Magic Earth

Chapter 1368: The output depends on the roar

These things happen too quickly.

Only in a moment, a series of actions have been completed, among the people present. . Neither the people who were fleeing nor the rookie agents hiding in every corner of the forest did not react.

Only the Arctic fox realized it.

But he didn't see Yi Chou's movements clearly, but through the injury of the unlucky egg that fell to the ground at this time, and his posture of death, he used rich experience to judge what might have happened in the previous moment.

Arctic fox's eyes also can't keep up with Yi Yi's movements.

His nickname sounds very powerful, but after all, he is still an ordinary person. The training of these rookie agents may be more than enough. Compared with the real supernatural power, it is still not worth mentioning.

It wasn't until Yi Chou's whip leg hit the man's chest that he fell to the ground to make a dull collision sound. At this time, the other dull escaped guys realized what happened.

They have already laid off one person.


Seeing a companion who fell at Yi Chou's feet and one of the fleeing crowds, one of them screamed lowly, screaming indistinct names in his mouth, obviously. . He knew the unlucky egg who had died at Yi Chou's feet, and had a good relationship.

Anger seemed to stun his head. At this moment, he seemed to forget the horror of the super soldier, and he only wanted to avenge his dead companion.

He slammed the rifle in his hand, stopped running, turned back, and rushed in the direction of Yi Chou.

"Come back, Hans!"

"Hans don't go!"

This guy named Hans was deaf, he bent down and lowered his body, like a dexterous mole in the woods, quickly moved from this tree to another under the cover of the tall conifer trunk in the jungle. Behind a tree.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was close to a position within ten meters of Yi Chou.

"Go to hell! Asshole!"

Hans made a roar, his eyes slightly reddish, and he leaned against a thick coniferous tree, covering most of his body behind the trunk, and the firearms in his hands spouted out his tongue.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

Suddenly, snowflakes splashed, sawdust and leaves fluttered around everywhere, falling everywhere.

The turbulent bullets spread out in an instant, and they overwhelmed Yi Yihao, they tore through the air with a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, and penetrated all the obstacles blocking their progress.

From time to time, the shell and the bullet jumped to the ground and slammed, splashing a large area of ​​snowflakes, and the other party was obviously not a sharpshooter. The rifle he held was very unstable, and it was a diagonal line that twisted up and directly The coniferous trees are also included, so that the stumps and surrounding trunks are also smashed by broken wood chips.


Holding a rifle, Hans opened his mouth wide and let out a frantic roar.

In his hand is a semi-automatic rifle. Although it is far less than the magazine capacity of a dozen years later, it is enough to form a continuous shooting storm, and there is not much difference in the rate of fire. At least for humans. . The speed of the bullet is inescapable.


There were more and more bullets covering here, and apart from Hans, there were sporadic others who no longer ran away and tried to resist.

Gradually, the dense gunshots became one piece, resounding through the coniferous forest again.

When the off-road vehicle hurled at first, the guns they saw in the car were ineffective for Yi Chou, but although they knew this. . The tremendous power of firearms has already penetrated into the hearts of the people.

It's a little unwilling to let go of the mouse without a shot.

This is the case with human beings. Most people have a herd mentality. Since Hans is a leader, more and more people will soon choose to follow.

So it became what it is now, far more than a rifle's firing, the staggered fierce flames almost formed an inseparable large net, destroying everything within the trajectory.

Unfortunately, for Yi Chou, it still doesn't make much sense.

This group of stupid human beings. . There are already more than one people in the world trying to use guns to deal with Yi Chou, but unfortunately the results will eventually make them desperate.

"Bash... Bump, Bump, Bump."

As the shell continued to fall to the ground, the hot shell surface melted the snow into small snow pits, and splashed the sky with snowflakes flying, spreading across the forest, almost covering everyone's eyes, Hans fierce firepower Finally slowly weakened.

then. . Gradually stop.

At this time, everything around was almost in ruins, at least not visible in the snow fog. . Both the ground and the trunk of the conifers around them have been smashed.

"Huh, huh, huh!"

Hans clutched some hot rifles tightly, leaning back against the coniferous tree, breathing heavily, but a simple blast would of course not require much physical effort.

But more is from psychological pressure.

After all, he faced a super warrior whose secret was only found in the legend and the secret was researched.

As Hans tilted a whole box of bullets, the gunshots gradually weakened, and finally only sporadic gunshots remained. He now seemed to be the heart of the group of frightened prisoners of war, as he moved Stop, everyone else stopped.

Of course, it may also be because everyone has the same magazine capacity. . The others were almost empty.

Hans stared straight ahead.

The roaring snowstorm did not know when it began to gradually weaken, and there was only a mess left behind by the raging firearms and the snow mist that was lifted around.

Snow filled the forest, and then slowly fell.

It's like an elf floating in the forest.

But the people present did not have the intention to enjoy these scenes, but stared closely at the open space not far away. They stopped to watch, waiting for the good news brought to them after the snow drifted away, or. .

Even worse.

"This is all your means?"

What sinks everyone's heart is the figure that reappeared in the open space after the snowflakes drifted away.

Yi Xiao stood there steadily, as if the previous guns, bullets, and rain hadn't affected him at all.

"It really disappoints me." Yi Chou said in German.

The blizzard was getting smaller and smaller, and at the speed visible to the naked eye, the snow fluttering in the sky began to decrease until it disappeared, and the surrounding land became vast again, white and desolate.

There was a lot of silence around, and the silence seemed to fall into some kind of dead zone.

Only Yi Chou's voice was left here.

"Your methods are too scarce, there is nothing new, there are only so many tricks back and forth."

I slapped the clothes on the body, and some of the bullet casings stuck in the clothes suddenly showed up. Yi Xiao gently picked up these small things inlaid and then dropped them on the ground.

The shell dropped onto the heavy snow surface, making a puffy muffled noise.

Before waiting for them to settle down, the big feet that are easily clamored at the next moment have been covered up, and they have slammed through the shells. . Go forward.

"You are like this, so are those superheroes."

"No matter what power those superheroes possess, in the end they will always evolve into solving problems with fists."

"And you... apart from firearms, it seems to have nothing."

"Monster...Monster...Monster! Go die!"

Hans was sweating and sweating, and as Yi Chou kept getting closer, his expression became more and more tense, even fearful, his legs trembling unceasingly, but the only one did not. . It is retreat.

As Yi Chou walked in front of him step by step, Hans suddenly let out a frantic roar, his right hand suddenly pulled something out of his arms, and threw it out fiercely.

That seems to be. . A shiny metal buckle.

Oh, it's a grenade.

Yi Chou thought without sincerity.

But there seems to be something wrong. .

Yi Chou fell into deep contemplation.

In fact, this is a bit exaggerated. Yi Chou can keep up with the dynamic vision and thinking of pseudo-spirit, making his thinking much faster than normal people even under normal conditions.

Hans consciously acted very covertly and quickly, and the slowness in the eyes of Yi Chou was like a baby.

The next moment, he pulled Hans's arms out of his arms, and the three small round **** strung together. . Although there was no snorting white smoke, Yi Chou could also intuitively feel that they were about to explode.

With a greasy smile on Hans' face, there was a trace of fear of death, and a trace of relief and indifference.

What should I do?

Yi Xiao looked at the grenades that were about to explode and fell into contemplation again.

throw it out. . Although it was too late, it seemed too low, well, hesitation did not last long.

At the next moment, Yi Xiao extended his hand firmly, and then gently held Hans's hand. From a distance, it looked like an excited handshake after the two friends disappeared for a long time.

There was a moment of consternation on Hans' face. He didn't seem to want to understand why Yi Chou did this.

In fact, the entire atmosphere at the scene had a moment of solidification, and no one understood the meaning of Yi Chou's approach.

But their problem did not last long. . It was quickly resolved.


Because just half a second later, there was a loud noise between the two hands, and with the violent shaking, the scorching waves seemed to spew out. . But it did not spread out.

In Yi Chou's hands, the heat wave was stopped and he pressed back.

The grenade exploded. . However, before the explosion of Yu Wei and firelight even fully realized, Yi Chou was firmly suppressed with both hands and recompressed.

This is no longer what super soldiers can do.

No matter how super soldiers are super soldiers, he is still based on humans. His strength is stronger, his balance is higher and his physical fitness is better. Perhaps his physical strength and self-healing have also been greatly increased, but it does not mean that he can be * After the bombing, it remained unharmed.

That is not a super soldier, but a robot.

Both the rookie agents hiding in the shadows and the remaining prisoners of war are tight-hearted.

Yi Chou was not much surprised, and did not even feel that he had done something big.

He let go of Hans's hands and patted lightly, black smoke repeatedly coming out of his palm, but otherwise his hands were not damaged.

Obviously, Hans is not so lucky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Hans is just an ordinary person. Yi Chou directly compressed the energy of the grenade explosion directly, but the grenade exploded after all.

And it happened that Hans's hands were within Yi Chao's hands, within the scope of the explosion.

The body of Yi Kou’s pseudo Kryptonite is not to mention grenades, even if it is a higher-level missile, it does not mean that Hans can resist it.

His hands were directly powdered by the explosive blast, and even the wound had been burnt and burned, and no trace of blood bleed out.

Just the sudden pain of losing both hands is not something ordinary people can endure.

Hans was stunned for a moment, as if there was no reaction to what happened, and then a scream of madness followed, and the scream had not lasted for three or five seconds, and he had passed out because of the severe pain.

"Withdraw the preface, you are much more interesting than I thought."

Yi Xiao gently tipped a pistol in Hans's waist with his toes, "Bang!" The muzzle flashed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The bullet had accurately entered Hans's head.

He doesn't need to suffer anymore.

At the next moment, Yi Xiao continued to fix his gaze to seven or eight meters away, a guy shivering tremblingly beside the tree trunk.

He looks very young, even a young man. If it is seventy years later, it is estimated that young people like him should still study in the ivory tower, but it is a pity. . It is now a period of war.

Seeing Yi Chou's eyes turned to himself, the young soldier immediately shivered.

He seemed to realize that it was useless to escape. Although trembling, he was still very determined to tremble out of the magazine in his waist and began to change it.

"Not creative."


Yi Chou whispered, and the muzzle flashed again. The young soldier had fallen with fear and unwillingness. His body was leaning on the tree trunk, and it gradually slid to the ground.

"Still not creative, bang!"

Then there was not much pause. Yi Miao's muzzle turned around. After half a second, with a crisp gunshot, another soldier with a helmet fell to the ground.

Although Yi Xao is best at magic, he did not say that he would not use firearms. .

After all, it was created by humans and used to kill the most effective large-scale killers of its kind.

"Demon! Demon!"


Three people died in a row, and the remaining prisoners of war were actually few. After all, they had a team of less than ten people. Although the Arctic Fox did not take the life of the rookie agent as a life, after all, it was just training. He did not dare to put in more prisoners of war. .

The number of these people is already limit.

And with Yi Chao's methodical handguns one by one named and killed. . These people finally yelled in horror and began to flee with their heads again.

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