High Magic Earth

Chapter 1385: Narrator Jun and Title Jun

Cold, still sweeping the ground.

The snow-capped snow is a common theme here. Although there was a pause for a while, it is only a short time.

Less than half an hour later, the sky fell again with snowflakes, sparse, and then gradually became larger and larger.

The storm is coming, and coming again, the violent wind is raging, like it will never stop, against the ground, howling spread in the coniferous forest where the remaining war has not completely disappeared.

But at this moment, a distant blurry line gradually appeared on the boundary between heaven and earth. .

"Enough, stop, *."

Narrator No. 1 was killed in battle. Now it’s me who is telling you everything.

As for the original No. 1, it was interrupted by a hand that was suddenly stretched out, hidden under the red tights gloves, and then we never saw No. 1 again.

"I said enough, you can stop! Why don't you stop? Is there a chick below that will stop you?"

The irritability and some unbridled sounds passed on. . This is the last sentence left by No. 2 Jun.

"I don't need those stupid landscape descriptions, that doesn't suit me at all, and I don't need narration... You sound stupid! Like the red pants in the red cape!"

Narrator three:. .

After No. 3 was silent for a while, he was hesitant about whether he should narrate himself, but he quickly chose to face his own destiny. . By the way, I’m the narration number four, not the number three

Suddenly, a man in dark red tights appeared.

A weirdo.

"Pay attention to the kid," the red monster said faithfully.

"Hey, did you make a typo? It's a weirdo, not a monster."

The red weirdo himself admits that he is weirdo.

"Hey, are you when I don't exist."

The weird guy squeezed it rudely, ruining everything and disrupting the normal process.

"I have a rougher way, do you want to see it, *, eat me!"

He was carrying two samurai swords. The whole person was under a dark red tights. The tights were dark red and black. There were no other colors.

"Look carefully, my eyes are white."

"I heard that the eyes of the American sweetheart next door are blue, with a little green in the blue."

"Green, good color, I think it means auspicious, new hope, just like the mascot in the Justice League next door."

"Wow, they are more than four thousand green guys."

The weapons are two samurai swords and firearms. He does not seem to exclude the use of thermal weapons. Although the weapons have been carried as simple as possible, they still look like a walking arsenal from a distance.

"Of course, I'm not that idiot, just like some unreasonable guy next door, insisting on defeating the enemy with freehand, it is incredible, defeating defeating, what must be freehand."

"Do you also think they are unreasonable?"

No one knows where he came from, but one thing that can be confirmed is that he is a super talker. . In fact, this point is completely audible.

Suddenly the red weirdo made a zipper movement with his hand on his mouth.

Double knives, firearms, red tights, hoods, and tuberculosis. . And also slaughtered Narrator. .

The red freak silently withdrew the double knives, "Well, I know, you must say yes, when you can't kill, then come and compare with you!"

He suddenly roared with blood. . Quite idiot.

At this point, his identity can already be revealed, exactly. .

The red weird face looks forward, no, a mask looks forward.



The red weirdo jumped up directly from the spot, "!!!!!!" He issued a series of words that could not be translated, and he stressed irritably.

"You and I are the deadpool! Not the bug! Don't consider me a bug!"

It turned out to be a deadpool.

It is also the deadpool.

"It's about the same."

Red weirdo. . That is, the Deadpool calmed down slightly, and he looked around, soon. . I found myself completely lost.

"! The Scarlett Johansson guy is really here?"

"Forget it, no matter, find it first, whether it is Scarlett Johansson or Natasha Romanov, it is your goddess!"

The deadpool jumped and quickly traveled through the snowy world, and then gradually, the heavy snow covered up all his previous footprints.

Just like he never appeared here.

"How could it never happen."

In the distance, there was an angry scolding from the deadpool.

Then accompanied by a series of rolling thunder sounds. . He seems to have caused an avalanche.


. . .

No one seemed to notice the appearance of Deadpool.

The location where he appeared is really a bit remote. I believe that he will climb out of the avalanche and it will probably waste a long time.

Yi Chou watched the group of Rip Hunt quietly in front of him.

The rudimentary team of superheroes such as Rip Hunt these three or two kittens also looked at the uninvited guest in front of them.

"Spark off, let Lao Tze burn him!"

The grumpy Mick responded first, the flamethrower burst into several flames in his hands, the surrounding temperature began to rise rapidly, and he was going to burn Yi Huo completely.

Whether he is in front of a person or a monster, burned to a dry, this is Mick's forbearance. . Ah no, deal with style.

But Snet and Ray quickly stopped Mick.

The latter is out of kindness. Although the appearance of Yi Chou does not seem to be full of good intentions, the kind Thunder still does not want to hurt Yi Chou.

This is also a common problem of superheroes. It seems that they always show mercy to their enemies. To the extent that they lose their fighting power, it is enough.

As for Snet, he didn't want Mick to drag himself into any troublesome situation when the situation was not clear.

He knows Mick very well. Mick doesn’t just do it. No one stops him. The next moment he really burns around.

"who are you."

Rip Hunter asked again, pretending not to hear the words Time Jewel, sullenly, and continued his previous question, "Just now... are you kidding me."


Yi Chou rubbed his brows.

"This description sounds like... really justice."

This scene often appears in cartoons. The righteous side asks the evil side whether the previous disaster or something happened, whether they are playing ghosts.

Most of the time, the evil party laughs, showing a series of traps that they have carefully arranged, while gaining the upper hand. . Eventually turned over by justice little friends.

Whenever, I have fallen into an evil villain.

No, it should be said that facing these superheroes, in addition to not standing with them, but also antiheroes of superheroes, everyone else is a villain.

Not even absolute neutrals exist, neutral people. . It is definitely planning something, sooner or later it will be reduced to a villain.

"It also annoys me."

Yi Huo muttered.

Rip Hunter can understand the meaning of Yi Huo, but does not understand why he said so.

But what can be confirmed is that the other party obviously does not belong to this era, whether in terms of his words and deeds, or dressing.

"answer my question!"

Rip Hunter's tone became serious, and even turned into a stern question in the end.

He can already be sure that this guy was playing ghosts before, so obviously. . The other party is not good, even if it is not an enemy, it is not a good person.

Rip Hunt was very impatient, and there was this trace of anger.

And this anger is not abnormal, he can feel it.

He was affected before his anger, and the thing that angered other people was not completely formed by the entire team. Under the anger of this anger, their relationship is even worse.

Want to truly become a team. . I'm afraid it will be more difficult than before.

And everything is because of this guy in front of me.

Rip Hunt's hand gradually moved to the eye of Agomo in front of him. The other party did not belong to this era, it was obviously a mess of time, and he wanted to send it back.

but. . Obviously, the other party will not be put to death.

Sarah's brows looked straight.

She hadn't thought that Rip Hunt would actually be such a person. Sarah always thought she was quite accurate in looking at people, such as Oliver Quinn. . She really thought he would become a great hero.

When I first saw Rip Hunt, although he was an idiot, he was also a fledgling, but wanted to be an experienced old captain.

But he is still good in nature, kind, has an inner persistence, and has an unshakable bottom line.

But as he encountered powerful enemies and failed again and again, he was gradually changed.

Sarah can no longer see the qualities that once appeared to him, and Rip Hunt has become more and more extreme and chasing power.

It was as if something terrible monster was chasing him behind him.

He was impatient and impatient for strength. . It seems that the initial pursuit has been forgotten.

It's not surprising that Rip Hunter can travel the spaceship on the wave, or Rip Hunter has much more experience than them after all. Maybe there are really enemies in the future that are difficult to overcome. Sarah is not surprising.

This is why she has not left this unformed team.

but. . Rip disappointed her again and again, and even lost some confidence.

"Let's investigate...something."

Sarah took a step forward, blocking Rip behind her, and looking at Yi Chou, she murmured murmurly.

"But here it has become a ruin. It seems that the battle broke out before. When we came, the battle was over."

"Do you know what's going on."

"Why are you here... are you a survivor here?"

Sarah has many questions, but compared to Ripple's question, her tone is obviously more gentle.

Of course, this was not the case with Sarah before. She who was an assassin was always only one way to do the task, and that was to speak of strength.

But as she moved away from the Assassin League and joined the Legends of Tomorrow, she is gradually returning to her heart.

After all, she was not brainwashed by the Assassin League since she was a child, but was rescued by the Assassin League after a shipwreck a few years ago. This period of brainwashing was not enough to make her loyal all her life.

Yi Chou's mouth showed a strange smile.

"You don't even know what is here, so come and investigate."

"Because I don't know, I need to investigate."

Lei next to him seemed to think he was very humorous, but then he found that he didn't even smile, so he embarrassed himself a little and then stopped.

Fortunately, the atmosphere at this time was quite dignified, and no one noticed Lei.

Yi Chou shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I don't think you need to know too much." He smiled and looked at Riphunt with a kind eye.

"Give me the gem of time."

. . .

At first, Yi Biao only found that someone was approaching here, but did not expect to take a closer look, it turned out to be Rip Hunt and others.

Even Yi Chou didn't expect that he would meet Rip Hunt's team here.

After all, riding a wave signal can not only travel through time, but also jump into space, and in recent space, the world, these things seem to be not so stable. Jumping in a hurry is likely to encounter an unknown danger. The ghost knows whether riding wave signal will jump to anything Go somewhere else.

Ever since Sadako missed, Yi Biao has not paid special attention to and followed them.

First of all, naturally, because the wave signal is not so easy to track, Yi Chou, who took himself out of the timeline, knows the mystery of the timeline.

The second reason is naturally because of the time gem.

This stone is very powerful. Before getting the ether particles of the same level, although Yi Xao is confident to use his own power to deal with the time gem, he only thinks he can deal with it.

More securely, I still have to wait until I get ether particles before I hit other gems. . But I didn't expect Rip Hunt to come to my door.

Although Yi Xiao did not intend to find them deliberately, it did not mean that he would send them to the door, and he would let them go again.

So Yi Chou went out to meet them in person.

Yi Xiao used the silver tongue to try to mobilize the energy in the gem of time, just like the soul stone on the Rocky Scepter that induced the Avengers to amplify the potential negative emotions in the sky carrier battle.

If you can borrow the power of the time gem to split the legendary squad of tomorrow, perhaps Yi Chou can take the time gem without leaving any traces.

Although Yi Chao did not take the superheroes of the three or two kittens in the Legend of Tomorrow into consideration~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but the gem of time could not allow Yi Chao to ignore it.

It is naturally best to be able to get gems without touching anyone.

But unfortunately the time gem is not the soul stone after all, its effect is not so good, and these superheroes do have unique advantages in front of this idealistic power.

Never fail, bottom line, faith, these invisible and untouchable things will always support them to survive crisis after crisis and mental interference like brainwashing.

It was only a short time when Rocky split the Avengers.

But it doesn't matter if you don't get it.

There are other ways to get Yi Yao, for example. . Ask Rip Hunter directly.

At the next moment, Rip Hunt was in a daze, and lived up to the expectation of a classic dialogue that often appeared between the villains and justice.

"What time gem, I don't know what you are talking about."

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