High Magic Earth

Chapter 1386: The title style of this scene can't be broken

"Yeah, I'm not surprised at your answer."

Yi Chou gazed at Rip Hunt with his kind eyes.

This sight made him very uncomfortable, as if all his secrets were exposed in the other person's eyes, Rip Hunt was a little angry and angry.

Indeed, the other party is a time shuttle, and for most people in this world, he is superior.

But this sense of superiority should not act on oneself.

I am the time council. . Well, a time lord who specifically sent back these stowaways, he should be afraid of his existence, not himself.

"Don't say useless things."

Ripple said with special features, "You don't belong to this era, what you did yourself, you know very well in your heart, go back with us, it will be good for everyone."

Snett and others did not speak. The current situation is not very clear. It is obvious that Rip Hunt has the most experience in dealing with stowaways.

So they all waited to wait and see the changes.

Yi Biao's brow suddenly raised.

"Good for everyone?"

"I'm curious if I choose not to... what are you going to do."

"Then we might use some coercive measures."

Rip Hunt's voice calmed down.

Sarah was the first to prepare for battle. To be honest, she wasn’t sure that Yi Chou must be the enemy, but if Yi Chou took the lead, the position would be clear, and she felt that she needed to advance in advance. be prepared.

"Coercive means?"

Yi Xiao showed a smile of unknown meaning.

"I'm afraid...I'm not as easy to deal with as you think."

"Every guy before we were knocked down would say this."

Lei Yueyue tried to insert a sentence.

As a little transparent, he could not bear it long ago, but suffered from having no chance to show his face, and now he could not easily see the opportunity, and immediately saw the stitches squeezed in, angering the sense of presence.

This is also the benefit of superheroes.

In the general environment, they rarely fail.

Those villains failed one after another at the last minute, and then achieved the rise of a superhero. It is no wonder that they always have the idea of ​​winning.

"But I'm not the same guys you met before."

Yi arrogantly said softly, and then the voice just fell, he was slightly stunned.

"...They also said this, right."

"Yes." Lei nodded in sympathy.

The rest: . .

Rip Hunt felt he could no longer endure, he made a wink at Sarah and others, and took out the pistol first.

Although Rip Hunt's pistol is certainly not an old antique hundreds of years old, worn-out, but from the future, the time council dedicated firearms.

But still can't get rid of it as a firearm.

Yes, this is the level of Rip Hunt, or after a period of special training by Strange in the future, but still not much better than ordinary people.

The level of tomorrow's legendary squad is similar.

In addition to the fire storm, Sarah Lance is just an assassin. The Assassin League background, even if the overall quality is excellent, she can not get rid of her status as an ordinary person.

Frozen captain Snett and Heatwave Mick said that they are not much stronger than Rip Hunt, they all rely on firearms.

Atomic Man is not the strength in the comics. The overall strength has been greatly reduced. In addition to the armor can become smaller, other places are completely inferior to Stark next door.

It seems that the structure of the atomized suit is very complicated. In order to achieve atomization, he sacrificed most of the performance, and the weapon is almost absent.

It is unclear how much the significance of the atomized armor can be left without weapons.

He is like a weakened version of Ant-Man.

Only Fire Storm, the presence of Fire Storm suddenly pulls the level of tomorrow's legendary team into the category of superheroes, otherwise they may be difficult for people to add the word super in front of the heroes.

The power of fire storms is unquestionable, flying, flames, high temperatures, changing atoms.

Either one can be regarded as a superhero ability. Although it is a second-tier hero, in the dc universe, it is already quite powerful to be able to enter the second-tier.

Because those first-line superheroes, most of them are beyond the scope of human understanding.

Rip Hunt held his ridiculous pistol and pointed at Yi Chou without hesitation. Although his heart was very annoying to this guy in front of him, Rip Hunt still did not pull the trigger for the first time.

His inner kindness, or the superhero potential, may not allow him to do so.

"Lock yourself!"

After a pause, Rip Hunt pointed his gun at Yi Chou, then pulled out a pair of futuristic magnetic handcuffs from behind his trench coat.

Yi Xiao blinked.

The next moment, he slowly reached out his hand to his waist, and that movement. . It looked like he was going to draw a gun, and his movements were very slow, like he was afraid he could not see him on the opposite side.

Upholding the spirit of the so-called superhero, Rip Hunt still did not shoot.

But Sara Lans next to it couldn't help it.


She groaned, and the whole person rushed towards Yihuo like a female leopard. She was indeed excellent in close combat with the Assassin League. She resurrected after Lazarus Pool. Normal people are slightly stronger.

But there is only one thing.

Otherwise, Lars El Gur, who continues to use the pool of Lazarus to continue his life, is afraid that his power will take off long ago.

The pool of Lazarus can only heal wounds and delay death, but it cannot enhance human strength.

When Sarah stepped forward, the two sticks in her hand were already eccentrically held in front of her. She also did not choose a deadly position, but locked the target in Yi Huo's hands, seemingly intending to let him lose Fighting power.

But Sarah's plan is good, but her movements are too rough and the speed is too slow.

In Yi Chou's eyes, it was like a slow baby.


At the next moment, Sarah's double sticks hit Yi Chou's body as expected.

More precisely, it is on hand.

Sarah Lance was startled.

Because Yi Xiao did not dodge or block, but stood on the spot and caught her two short sticks with one hand when Sarah attacked and fell.

Sarah still has confidence in her speed.

Whether it is power skills or fighting skills, they are the best in the contemporary Assassin League. Perhaps it is also very embarrassing to be trapped in the siege of the ordinary people, but one-to-one, competition skills. . There are few times to lose.

But now she was suppressed by the other side with her weapon.

This situation she has only encountered in one person, that is Lars El Gul.

Even Oliver Quinn and Green Arrow wanted to completely suppress themselves, it was very difficult.

Sarah was shocked in her heart and secretly pulled her two sticks to try to pull them out. At this time, she still thought that she might have been careless, or that the other party just happened to be by chance.

But under the tug, the double sticks were completely immobile.

Sarah knew that she had encountered a tough opponent.

Don't touch it if you can't beat it. It's never an assassin's strength at the front. Sarah wants to step back when she sees the bad situation.


But at this time, Yi Chou released it with one hand, and then sent it forward, changing her weapon to Sarah, and pushed her back a few steps.

Then Yi Biao's movements were as fast as lightning, an instant whip leg kick, kicking Sarah's head without mercy.

If it is kicked, I am afraid that she will break her neck on the spot.

Sarah did not give it in vain. Although the blow came quickly and ruthlessly, she still reacted, or almost instinctively raised her hand to deflect and slammed around the side, taking advantage of this opportunity, Try to take advantage of the undefended gap in Yi Chou's attack.

But she overestimated her speed and underestimated the power of Yi Chou.


Although Sarah tried her best to reverse it, she was still passed by Yi Chou's whip.

Her shoulder made a painful fracture that sounded painful, the entire shoulder collapsed irregularly, and at the same time, the next hit of her was immediately disturbed and became distorted.

Sarah could not use her stunt thigh strangling in the field of fighting, but the whole person was in a state of staggering and the position was very dangerous.

Yi Chou crooked his head.

At this moment, Sarah swore that she saw a disappointment in the other party's face.

But now the situation is too late for her to continue to think about it, because in less than half a second, the other party turned suddenly and the next whip leg swept through.

Can't avoid it.

Quick and fierce, this is the main feature of the other two attacks.

Whip leg is not a special attacking skill, nor is there anything special, everyone's way is roughly the same, and the other two attacks are very effective, because he is too fast, too powerful.

Sarah couldn't avoid it, nor could she stop it.


But at this very moment, Yi Chou's movement suddenly took a slight pause. After a short pause, facing Sarah's attack did not continue, but turned around, and a group of flames quickly flew here in advance.


The flame was kicked by Yi Chou, and Mars filled the sky.

This pause did not let the flame fall directly on Yi Chou's body, but also gave Sara a hint of breathing. She endured the severe pain in her shoulder. Although she moved slowly, she quickly withdrew towards the rear.

At the same time, Atom Man Lei wore a suit and quickly rushed over to take Sarah back.

The legendary squad of tomorrow has entered the wartime state. I don’t know when Jackson and Professor Stein have merged. They form a firestorm of humanoid creatures burning with flames, floating in the air, exuding the scorching heat.

It was the flame that threw it before.

Seeing Sarah lose, the fire storm immediately helped.

And Rip Hunt was not idle, Yi Chou started to show no mercy, then he had nothing to hesitate, something like a laser gun in his hand sprayed a yellowish light, flashed in the sky, The speed that can no longer be captured strikes Yi Yi quickly.

But he still didn't face the deadly parts such as Yi's heart, but his wrists and legs.

The battle took place too quickly, and Sarah fell into the wind in a flash. They were willing to rescue, but they were all long-range. The weapons had a wide range of coverage and would also cover Sarah.

It wasn't until the fire storm forced the two apart that Rip Hunt found a chance.

"Let me give up."

On the other hand, Snett still used his prolonged pre-adjustment, slightly throwing Ray and Sara aside, and then the freezing gun in his hand instantly burst out ultra-low temperature cold air, as if coming from the depths of the extreme cold The cold current seemed to sweep across.

"Haha, let me burn everything!"

Mick and Snet have been partners for many years, and they have been very acquainted with each other. The hot flame radiates from the moment the air conditioner splashes.

The two specially constructed energy guns were developed by Shock Sisco, one of the great inventors of Sisco, and the conflict situation in the mixed situation was considered at the beginning of the creation.

You know that these two guns were originally designed to capture the Flash and fight against his swift force, not the ordinary low temperature and ordinary flame.

While they are moving forward in parallel, they are not offset by the energy, but they are getting colder and hotter.


Even Yi Huo rarely praised them. These are two very interesting toys with wonderful ideas.

At the next moment, the same scorching high temperature and icy low temperature spread out along Yi Chou's hands, directly pushing back the attacks of the two energy guns, and at the same time forming an invisible energy gun, which will come from the fire storm, the atom man, And the remaining energy attack of the Riphunt small pistol was blocked.

These attacks splashed and burst on the invisible energy hood of Yihuo, looking like small fireworks.

The icy coldness and the hot high temperature exploded in front of the protective cover of Yibiao, and sparkles of brilliant sparks, the water mist that was staggered and evaporated in a moment was twisted in the air, forming a variety of fantasy shapes, refracting the air.色色。 Color.

In this brief blink of an eye, the visual effects are simply explosive.

Even Sarah, who retreated to safety, temporarily forgot the pain.

No one’s energy is infinite, and soon both Snet and Firestorm find that Yi Chou is far more difficult than they thought.

Very tacitly stopped the attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The fire storm swooped down from the air, trying to attack Yi Chou at close range.

Snett and others retreated slightly. If it is normal, they may immediately switch to melee mode after they find that the weapon is useless. I forgot what I was good at, and I ran into them.

But sometimes it is not, for example, when the strength is too great, just like now.

The fire storm flashed through the air, like a fighter plane, quickly passing the clamor, and throwing a burst of flames on the ground.

It must be said that the current Fire Storm has not grown up at all, or that neither Stein and Jackson are suitable for fighting. The Fire Storm is so powerful that they have been used like this.

Yi Chou is not a villain who has no brains, nor is he going to show mercy on the fire storm.

At the next moment, the ultra-low temperature that was more than twice as cold as it was before spread out instantaneously, and the cold current was upward, with a cold air that seemed to freeze all the space, and in the blink of an eye, chasing towards the fire storm.

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