High Magic Earth

Chapter 1387: It seems that bullying the successors is often done by the villains

"What the **** is this!"

Compared with the previous Sara Lans, the fire storm floating in the sky is even more surprising. After all, Yi Chou's fight with Sarah is superior, but it only highlights the strength and speed.

It is stronger than ordinary people and faster than ordinary people. There is nothing surprising.

but now. .

The opponent can not only use a special energy shield to block his attack, but also create a low temperature, and even this low temperature will make him feel threatened.

Firestorm is not without experience in dealing with enemies with superpowers, but with little experience, and those so-called enemies are not strong, and their IQ is not online. They often die for themselves.

In the face of the cold and cold temperatures that are overwhelming and obviously not like goods, the fire storm seems to be a bit confusing.

Fortunately, he is not alone.

Uh, this is true.

Not to say the companions around, but to say that the fire storm itself is the combination of Stein and Jackson. The body of the fire storm is Jackson's body. He is younger and stronger.

As the dominant thinking, it is Professor Stein, this choice is to choose the best part of the combination. . So why choose Professor Stein obviously needs no explanation.

Jackson was very flustered by this situation, but Professor Stein did not.

Although he is also not good at fighting, after all, as a professor and doctor of IQ here, instinctively aware of the crisis, he immediately burst into flames crazy.

Using the acceleration force of recoil and its own flight, it simply pushed its speed up a whole section.

"Ding-Ding Ding Ding!"

And at the moment when the fire storm swiftly raised its speed and flew into the high altitude to escape, the cold breath below had swept up like a diffuse tsunami.

They condensed quickly in the air, accompanied by a burst of dings, and finally formed like a colorful crystal under the cold air that seemed to be able to freeze everything.

Extreme ice.

The huge ice wall is rugged, and weirdly stands around the Yihuo. They are astonishingly high to a dozen meters, but the area is only the size of a phone booth, standing around, like a mini skyscraper.


Snett also had a serious expression, and he slowly spit out a few words, and then carefully backed away.

Look at each other, looking at the freezing gun in his hand. . This is obviously not a level at all, Snett admits very decisively.

Seeing the silly big Mick still staring, Snet dragged him helplessly, and the two walked back quietly, trying to slip away.

Although Mick has always seemed to be lower than the cold temperature of the ice, or his flames are stronger, it was when he faced the same guns of Snet.

Yi Chao's power burst out instantly. . Too strong, he is not really stupid, although his eyes widened, but he strangely suppressed his temper, did not rush up, but let Snet drag him back.

It seems that he is not really as ribbed as it seems. .

Of course, the worst face here is Rip Hunt.

He really felt in his heart at this time whether he was cursed or something. This is no longer a disadvantage to the teacher. This is simply a landing!

Why the opponents they meet are always stronger than one.

There is no such plot in the comics.

Rip Hunt still knows the goods.

As an organization that can shuttle time, the Time Council records a large amount of data that is definitely more than a star and a half. In fact, the Time Council is not valuable. The time master they cultivated, the time spaceship they own, and even the technology of making firearms and spaceships Not the most valuable thing.

Information is priceless.

No matter what time node, no matter where, everyone, all superheroes, everything they claim to have all the information.

Because of this, they can dispatch the master of time to always cut into the time node just right.

of course. . This is just their claim.

In fact, if the Time Council really knows everything, then with these secrets alone, they will not become a second-rate organization, nor will they be overturned by Rip Hunt with a few of his legendary squad of tomorrow Too.

It is possible to become a super first-class existence at one stroke.

Although the earth is not big, the secrets hidden in the dc world are amazing.

Even if the time council in the comics only knows what historical events are recorded, they also don’t understand the real secrets such as God and the fierce beast.

You know what you should know, and you don’t know what you shouldn’t know.

The time council is far less powerful than what they blow.

The world of TV dramas where Rip Hunt is located has shrunk to the extreme.

But Rao is so. The thin and dead camels are bigger than the horses. The information in their hands may not be as good as the small book in the hands of Gotham, but it is definitely much better than most superheroes.

Of course, Rip Hunt was only a person, and just an ordinary time master, he could not know everything or the secret record of the council.

But the information he knew was enough to make his vision much better than the group of turtles who had just left the Star City in 2000.

Rip Hunt can see at a glance that the ice power possessed by the strange man in front of him is likely to be comparable to those of the first-line superheroes.

Understand in another direction, that is, the opponent is a supervillain who can interact with the first-line superheroes.

Except for the heroes of the Flash and Superman levels, I am afraid that they are not enough to watch.

Needless to say, I am afraid that only a fire storm can fight it. . And the result has just appeared, that is, the fire storm is directly suppressed by the other party and has no power to fight back, and can only flee in embarrassment.

Sarah Lance, Captain Frozen and even Atom Man are afraid that it is not very useful.

Rip Hunt's face was ugly.

None of these are important issues. More importantly, he didn't even know the origin of the opposite.

This powerful ice ability, even if he does not know the origin of the other party, it is impossible to know at all. After all, the cold current created by the other party instantly seems to be able to freeze the soul of the person.

There can be no record in the council.

unless. . He is new. In other words, he is not in history at all. He is himself created by the change of time.

But in any case, it is the most important to overcome the difficulties ahead.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Rip Hunt did not choose to continue to fight with the other party, but raised the pistol again, sniper the other party, while trying to escape.



Rip Hunt's shooting is still very accurate. Although not like the death shooter, even Newton's coffin board can penetrate, but it can also be achieved without exception.

Although the firearm rays from the future technology of the council cannot hurt Yi Chou, but Rip Hunt did not know that he could solve this difficult enemy with only a pistol.

As long as it can be delayed.

After all, in the view of Rip Hunt, although the opponent's ice ability is powerful, it seems to be an ordinary person who is proficient in fighting.

I'm afraid it's not easy to chase.

And they can take the opportunity to leave here, the original reconnaissance mission or something. . It's not that you left behind, but that you have found the reason, precisely because of this guy in front of you.

But here is the opponent's home field. The ice and snow will definitely strengthen the opponent's strength. They are not opponents of the opponent who continue to consume and no doubt find themselves dead.

Return to the spaceship, and then use the spacecraft's weapons to fight back, which is the possibility of confrontation.


"We leave here!"

Rip Hunt shouted loudly.

At the same time, Snet and Mick also released their respective attacks.

It’s not a conscience discovery, but they are obviously tied to a rope, a grasshopper on a rope, even if they run first, they won’t be able to run far. Once Riphunt is destroyed, the next round To them.

It's better to cover each other, maybe the chance of escaping will be higher.

In these matters, two professional criminals, Mick and Snet, are more proficient than others.

The fire storm attacked again from top to bottom, but this time he did not dare to fly too low, so he hovered at the highest place and dropped the fire mass.

His power is not pure flame, but to change the atom. . The flame on the body is just an inevitable phenomenon due to the high temperature generated by the atoms.

The flames are all ordinary flames, which have been greatly weakened in the surrounding environment of ice, snow, and snow. When they were dropped due to the height, they were no longer explosive.

Not even a half-meter range, a small burst on the ground, set off a small earth bag.

As for the Atomic Thunder. . His armor was too wasteful, he used the steel shell to bully ordinary people, or became smaller. The spying intelligence could serve as a **** in the eyes of the indigenous people. Facing enemies of the same level, it was completely useless.

But after all, it was a power armor. It was several times more powerful than ordinary people. He did not join the battle, but picked up Saralens, who had fallen into a coma, and flew back quickly.

There is a therapeutic instrument on the spaceship by wave, and it is a kind of black technology, and even the broken limb can be printed and reproduced.

Although Sara Lans was seriously injured, her entire shoulder was comminuted and fractured, but it was no longer a fatal injury. She fell into a coma of self-protection because of pain. As long as she was put into a wave-therapeutic device, it would soon recover .



Rip Hunt fled backwards while sniping, as were Snet and Mick. They might not be able to face the enemy head-on, but they definitely had one hand while fighting.

Most of the villains are like this.

The shadow energy floated with Yi Chou's mind and resisted in front of him, forming a transparent and invisible shield.

Countless masses of energy erupted on the surface of the shield, flames, ice, and Rip Hunt's energy guns, but there was no other progress except a small burst of fireworks.

Yi Biao noticed that Rip Hunt was exuding a bright green light that could not be ignored. It was the gem of time, the luster of the eye of Agomo.

He will not admit his mistake, because Yi Chou had a hard time not long ago with his first owner.

Unexpectedly, Rip Hunt was able to activate the time gem. Yi Biao thought he was just using this stone as a pendant, but Yi Biao had not found where Rip Hunt was using the power of the time gem.

Rip Hunter and others ran farther and farther, and their speed became faster and faster.

At this time, Rip Hunt seemed quite relieved to find that the other party had not chased him. It seemed that as he expected, although the other party's ability was very strong, the remaining aspects were not strengthened.

He can't be counted as an enemy of first-line superheroes because his comprehensive ability is not strong.

But Rip Hunt’s thoughts hadn’t flashed through his mind. He saw the enemy behind him, suddenly raised a hand to stand in front of him, made a weird gesture, and then swung to the right violently. .

What is this. .

Then the next moment, Rip Hunter knew what it meant.


At this moment, the earth seemed to crack.

Countless ice and snow poured down, and the ground was divided into two at their feet. A piece of ground was erected upright, while the other piece of ground lay quietly beside.

The world turned upside down, and Rip Hunter and others had no time to respond, and fell directly from the upright ground, as if a bunch of gourds appeared at a ninety degree angle, and fell onto another piece of ground.

Immediately afterwards, the thick snow on the ground followed.

"Damn it!"

Rip Hunt only came and issued a curse, and the whole person fell out of control. At this time, he did not care what he was hiding, and some of the magic that he could barely use, or the power of time emerged, struggling to balance He tried to stabilize himself in the air.

but. . It is not meaningful.

Rip Hunt's control of the time gem is still too low, steady is stable, but finally stopped, and then countless snow poured down, this time Rip Hunt can no longer resist, only Like other people, it can be buried in a thick snow instantly.

In addition to Atom Man and Sarah Lance he held ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Fire Storm.

"You don't think it's so easy, you can run away."

At the same time, Yi Chao was not as embarrassed as them.

At the moment when the world of mirrors opened, Yi Chou jumped up and jumped directly from this standing floor to another. The movements were freehand, as if the whole world was turning around Yi Chou alone.

At this time, Yi Xiaozheng pumped his hands, condensing the scepter out of thin air, and at the same time the ice surface was diffused under his feet, paving a path towards several people.

Yes, the suddenly reversed ground is naturally the signature skill of Supreme Master Gu Yi, mirroring the world.

Yi Biao came from the beginning with the idea of ​​minimizing his impact on the world. To deal with a group of rephunter fishes, it is natural that the ground will be overturned without much effort.

Then the world of mirrors is the best choice.

Trapping each other makes them unable to run away, and there is a room for fighting with no scruples.

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