High Magic Earth

Chapter 1388: Why do you seem to go further and further on the road of the villains

There is also a piece of time gem in the hands of Rip Hunt. From the movie world, the first owner of Agomoto Eye is Gu Yi. Use the skills of Gu Yi to deal with the owner of the current time gem. , Seems to be very interesting.

Yi Biao is indeed very interested in where the time gem from Rip Hunt came from, even more so than the time gem itself.

Instinct tells Yi Xiao that there seem to be many secrets involved.

The bottomless mystery already has a lot around Yi Chou, but he doesn't mind one more.

Although Yi Xiao may not be as proficient in Gu Yi's understanding of the world of mirrors, it is also more skillful than most of the masters of Karma Taj.

To deal with the pure ordinary people such as Rip Hunt, it is impossible for them to break free from the world of mirrors by breaking their heads. .

But maybe, after all, superheroes are a group of guys who are good at creating miracles, and. . Rip Hunt still has this big gem of this time gem.

Even infinite gems are not the only parallel world. . The power it has is amazing.

"Be careful!"

After a war of magic nights in the future, Rip Hunt is not an ordinary person after all. At a critical juncture, it is necessary to highlight a stronger physical quality than Snet and even Mick and others.

Rip Hunt was the first to break free from the snow pile under the strengthening of some invisible energy of the time gem, and then he saw the slowly coming clamor.

The action is slow, the gas field is very sufficient, at first glance is the boss level.

At the next moment, Rip Hunt finally gave up the standard time council firearm weapon he did not know to disguise or think about. His hands traversed some kind of mysterious trajectory in the air, followed by sparks splashing, dazzling magic luster in the air It bloomed in an instant, as if to reproduce the previous battle between Gu Yi and Yi Chou.

Rip Hunt's hands, magic runes floating in mid-air, almost instantly, his whole body was stained with a mysterious breath.

The coffee-colored trench coat does not seem so old-fashioned, the casually dressed trousers also seem to hide some kind of mystery, and Rip Hunt's dress seems to have the same style as a certain arrogant old friend.

then. . No more.


Like a bonfire submerged in water, just as Rip Hunt pulled out a burning mysterious rune in the air, and gradually condensed a magic pattern, with a soft sound, the spark of magic suddenly flashed in the air Twice. . Eventually it seemed that the contact was bad, the spark went out, and then dissipated in the air.

Mick and Snette who just got out of the snowdrift:. . .

Yi Chou grabbed his hair, somewhat aware of the situation of Rip Hunt.

He did learn some magic, more precisely, the magic of Karma Taj. After all, he used to show his strong style.

But they are not proficient. Maybe they haven't studied for a long time, or they may have no talents.

In general, Rip Hunter's level at this time should be similar to that of Strange who just came to Kama Taj, and can only say barely. . He is exposed to magic, but it is basically impossible to release a magic completely.

Not even bullying ordinary people.

"Should I say at this time... Is it ridiculous?"

Because according to the general process of the TV series, the villains have won at this time, they should be proud of making various mockery, seeing the protagonist make all kinds of useless efforts. . It's ridiculous, the most common sentence.

"So okay, it's ridiculous."

Yi Chou gazed at Rip Hunt with his kind eyes.

No matter where he comes from the time gem, no matter what he wants to do, with his small strength, nothing can be done at this time.

And Yi Chao has over 90% certainty. . What he has to do is about himself.

Or, the future self.

Rip Hunt comes from Tomorrow’s Legendary TV Series, the time master of the Time Council. Regardless of his betrayal of the Time Council’s problems, Tomorrow’s Legendary TV series belongs to the dc world, whether it’s the first generation of Canary, Fire Storm, or Frozen Captain. The heat wave comes from the Stars, the city of Starling and the center city of Green Arrow, and the home of the Flash Barry Allen.

The Eye of Agomo, the infinite gem, is a typical Marvel universe symbol.

In any normal development scenario, the two of them can't meet, and even Rip Hunter is attributable to Time Gems.

unless. . There are outside forces that have broken this original rule.

Yi Chou feels that he is most likely.

Of course, other free people may be able to do it, but it is not easy to be arrogant. Angels and demons imitate the new human world created by the Second World, to cultivate soldiers and belong to their soldiers, not to cultivate masters.

The free man on the side of the new man may become very powerful in a short time due to the awakening of various new human genes, but the potential is also limited.

The most important thing is that they can hardly exceed the upper limit of angels and demons.

Weak and strong food is the fairest rule in the world. No matter the order of angels or the deceit of the devil, it is impossible to give birth to creatures beyond their control.

This is their bottom line.

As for the most powerful group of new humans now. . That is to say, the superheroes are not under the control of angels and demons.

God has disappeared for a long time, it seems that the activities of angels and demons also have a period of trough, I am afraid these superheroes grew up in this way.

I have long heard that they also seem to be distressed by the superheroes, they are not cooperative, but have great power.

The angels seem to have established some kind of church once again, trying to reach the superheroes of a superhero world as an alien, a power, or a mutant.

Of course, there is not much information on this subject, and these are in your hands. . I still got it from Mei Mi.

It was the brief meeting in the coffee shop.

"Hand over the gem of time."

Yi Xuan continued, "Your struggles are nothing..."


The retribution always seemed to be very fast. When Yi Chou’s voice was not over, a flash of burning Mars burst out at his feet, the arc of light instantly expanded, and clearly below Yi Chou was the ground, but within the aperture The situation shown is a clear blue sky.

Then the next moment, Yi Chou fell in diameter.

"In fact, it is not so meaningless."

Rip Hunt shrugged uselessly.

As a struggling time master on the front line, Rip Hunt has few opportunities to pretend to be forced, and since he has learned a martial art in the future battle and has been unable to play, the enemies he meets are simply unbeatable. , But he has been holding back for a long time.

Rarely encounter an opportunity, it is natural to take advantage of it.

But fortunately he didn't get stupid to get home. After taking the next sentence, he quickly ran to Snet and dragged him out of the snowdrift in his inexplicable eyes, and then the two of them pulled Mikara together again. stand up.

"Go away!"

Rip Hunt said to the two.

He still has self-knowledge. A trick like a portal may be able to trap Yi Chou for a while, but I am afraid that if he wants to directly defeat the other party with this, it is unlikely.

Without much hesitation, Rip Huntera ran away from the two of them, and Sarah Lans had an atom **** and was not worried about the fire storm. . Not only can he run, but he can intercept Yi Chou in the air.

The only one who really moves slowly is him and Snet.

It is a pity that Rip Hunt is not from Coba after all.

Although Strange left him a lot of memory about magic, but Strange itself is not as good at fantasy magic as Yi Chao. Most of Karma Taj’s spells are based on space and attack because they exist. The meaning is for the stability of the multidimensional universe.

There are not many memories that Strange can leave for Rip Hunt. This is a small magic that Strange has talented and confidently developed.

Encapsulate memory and information in a small space for others. . Unfortunately, there is very little information.

Crammed with important things, some common sense needs to be removed. Rip Hunt knows the world of mirrors, even if he is studying the world of mirrors recently, but he has not grasped the true meaning of the world of mirrors, and has not even successfully opened it once.

Otherwise, he can recognize it in the first time, which is a space that has no way back.

. . .

At the same time, somewhere in another place was cheering on a red leotard weird man who was running around with his legs, and he suddenly stagnate.

Included under the black and red mask, the nostrils on the face like a playing card are slightly enlarged, like a dog sniffing everywhere.

After a few seconds, the red tight-fitting freak suddenly shuddered, and the face wrapped under the mask could still see an expression even if it was blocked by the mask, just like a suction.

"Yes! Why can I smell those big bald heads in this world too!"

He uttered a series of whispers of cursing, and made Narrator Jun mutely silence him.

"This way I won't be put in the ranks of 18* anymore."

The weirdo in the red tights spread his hands and seemed to shrug innocently.

"Also, I have said that, I am not called the invincible handsome guy and weirdo, call me, the only survivor of the invincible universe... Lord Deadpool!"

Narrator Jun expressed silence.

A guy whose name could not be described in words did not care to spread his hands after a few seconds of silence again, "Well, although I hate bald heads... but sometimes their shiny heads are still useful."

"Guy! You are enough! I will give you a chance to correct the title!"

The only survivor of the invincible universe, Master Deadpool, took out the samurai sword, and the blade slipped downward, threatening.

"Very good, this is correct, small, you are obedient." The only survivor of the invincible universe, the dead waiter, re-falled the knife into the back, and then twisted the stock, and instantly disappeared in place.

. . .

It is not unreasonable for the villain to die from too much talk.

Even if Yi Biao is unnoticed, he will be trapped in the sky by the magic of Rip Hunt.

Well, Yi Xuan decided to take back the previous sentence. Rip Hunt is not without talent. On the contrary, his talent seems to be very good. At least in the previous battle, several Kama sent by the ancients to do the task Taj Master can't release the portal where he wants, even in the mirror world controlled by Yihuo, it is very difficult to open a complete portal. Rip Hunt has learned the former without a teacher.

Sure enough, the master of time changed jobs, born to have a higher starting point than those masters.


The portal at the foot of Yi Xiao opened in the sky, a distance of 100 meters from the ground.

This is probably the maximum distance that Rip Hunt can open. For an ordinary person, there is no means of self-help at this height. It must be dead.

Apparently, Rip Hunt was trying to move Yi Huo out, and it was better to fall to death.

Just after falling out of the portal, Yi Chou felt the cold wind roaring beside him.

The shadow energy wraps Yi Chou all the time, and the temperature around him is very stable, so it is not the temperature change but the roaring wind.

The raging winds here are very, very amazing.

But the gusty wind wasn't over yet, and the scorching airflow swept through. The fire storm Stein and Jackson didn't know why their captain suddenly exploded. . But Stein's dominant mind was clearly aware of the opportunity.

He chased up in the air instantaneously, taking advantage of Yi Yao's falling down and seemingly unable to resist, suddenly throwing out a mass of flames, even if Yi Huo could not die, he must be burned.

Fire Storm can fly, and the air is his home field. At present, Yi Chou has not shown the power of flight, so Fire Storm is very at ease.

I have to say ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The accuracy of these superheroes is sometimes strange. Except for Cup Noodle, the most representative guy on the bottom line, most people wander between killing and not killing.

Sometimes, although they choose not to kill people subjectively, they accidentally hurt. . It seems that they are not within their consideration at all.

Especially when cleaning up the little monster, that is, cannon fodder, the fire storm flew into the sky and used the flame to wash the ground. It was a big killer for harvesting souls. At that time, they did not consider any mistakes or injuries. After the villains seized it, they began to show their bottom line. . Don't choose to kill.

Sometimes, villains have created superheroes, and superheroes also need the phrase of villain, it is not unreasonable.

At this point, the fire storm apparently rushed to kill Yi Chou. The falling point of the flame was at the downwind of Yi Chou. It could just explode on him with his unstoppable fall.

then. . At the next moment, Yi Biao suddenly stood up lightly in the air, as if ignoring gravity, his legs were slightly bent, like a fish returning to the sea, the air is his seawater, floating in the sky not far from the fire storm In the air, stable, without a trace of shaking.

Looking at the apparently stunned fire storm in front of him, Yi Xiao again aimed at Sadako who had appeared below and stopped on the way of Rip Hunt and others, slightly sideways.

"Sorry... time is running out."

"I'm in a hurry."

At the next moment, Yi Biao's figure disappeared in place instantly. Fire Storm Stein and Jackson only felt the flower in front of them, and the flame around them began to become cold.

Then a huge force came from all directions, like to tear them, and then another moment, as the flame suddenly extinguished, they immediately realized that this feeling of tearing was not an illusion.

Instead. . real.

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