High Magic Earth

Chapter 1390: Don’t rush out invitations on dark rainy nights

"It's that woman."

Snyder's handsome sword eyebrows also gradually erect and become very dignified. Although he and Mick were not the boss when they were in the center city, they were definitely the best of the villains, and they could even be with the Xu Shi Flash of the center city. Bye bye wrist.

But since they got on the pirate ship, the two didn't seem to be going well.

This woman with white hair and black hair like a ghost is the first enemy they encounter, powerful, and even some enemies that can't be confronted.

In front of her, the pistols and flame guns that Snet and Mick were proud of didn't seem to have any meaning, and he naturally remembered them deeply.

Snait stepped back cautiously, and then suddenly raised his hand, and the air-conditioned air spurts out of the sky. Under the blessing of the cold weather around it, almost everything in front of him froze.

Start first to be strong.

Although Snet knew the difficulty of the other party, he knew that the enemies of the two cities could not be reconciled. Instead of being passively beaten, it would be better to grab the first move.

Mick didn't move. The flame gun and the freeze gun only produce a special effect under certain circumstances, and even block the Flash. More often, they will cancel each other out.

High temperature and low temperature. ♀ is an essential gap.

The weather around was very cold. Mick, a rough man in a green coat, started to tremble. I am afraid the power of the flame gun will also be greatly reduced, and so on. . Can be used for coupons.


The heat spewed out, and Mick instantly felt himself drinking a lot. He moaned intoxicated, and instinctively ignored Snaite's gaze.

This idiot!

Snett is not an old friend who has partnered with Mick many times. With his eyes closed, he can guess what this partner with an abnormal brain circuit thinks now.

Voucher, can he figure it out, and is it necessary at this time?

Snet had no time to ignore Mick's idiots. The freezing gun intensified, and a large cold wave swept through, instantly condensing into an ice wall close to two meters in front of the three people.


Snett felt that the brand gun had become more cold, and even a slight chill escaped. He quickly cut off the energy supply immediately.

The freezing gun is already running at super power, and if it continues, damage may occur.

Snet didn't know if there was a terrible woman, or in fact he didn't know that Mick beside the tug, regardless of Rip Hunt, turned and ran in the other direction.

Rip Hunt has been to the future in person, and has also peeped into the fragments of the future and the memories of Strange, and it is clear that they are trapped in the mirror world.

But Snet didn't know.

He is a half-tech person, and the world of mirrors, whether in the world of superheroes or in the eyes of Yi Biao, is a typical field of occultism, and. . It's not a spell in the DC world where Snett is.

Although Snet also secretly wondered about the changes around him, he was not clear about the nature of the matter. .

Rip Hunt tried to pull Knight, but at the next moment, he stopped the action abruptly, suddenly pulled out the energy gun and pointed it at the back of Snet. Without hesitation, he fired instantly.


Snett didn't take Ripula down, he was indifferent, but during the period of tomorrow's legendary apricot, the true goodness among the so-called superheroes also awakened the conscience in his heart, otherwise he would not replace Mi in the end G death.

Of course, maybe he was just like Mick, his own partner.

But in any case, the afterglow of Snet was watching Rip Hunt, seeing that he shot without hesitation, and his heart was suddenly messy.

This guy is so considerate? You don’t need to run faster than a bear when you encounter a bear in the forest.

This series of messy thoughts immediately appeared in Snet’s head, but soon, Snet’s realized that he had misunderstood Rip.



With a glimmer of light, some strange pain came suddenly from behind Snaite. Hearing it carefully, it was like the cry of the filial son, and it was like the cry of the filial son while playing.

Snett feels that her hairs are about to stand up, but the Mick next to him reacts faster than Snett because. . His point of view is exactly what happened.

"What the **** is this!"

Mick screamed in a rough voice, the flag flame gun was also unambiguous, and the direction was changed in an instant. The scorching heat did not touch Snet, and all his brain flew behind him.

Flame guns and freezing guns are unusual guns, and things like accuracy and aiming need to be re-adapted. Although the two guys are not sharpshooters, they have been playing for so long. As their only equipment, they are naturally not familiar.

Even Mick, the stupid man, has control over the flame gun as he pleases.

Snet was not idle, taking advantage of the fact that the two of them were attacking at the same time, he jumped forward a little, and after a roll in the snow, he immediately turned his head to look back, and he wanted to see What the **** is going on, then. .

"Poop plop **** plop!"

Snett only saw a shadow on Mick's burning ground, and then at the next moment, a series of sounds fluttered in the shadows like wings flapping.

Countless like bats, but things much larger than bats spew out of them. Their number seems to be endless, and the shadow below is like a bottomless hole. Obviously there is only an area the size of human feet. Countless wings continuously emerged from inside.


These things are surging more and more, and they will quickly gather in the sky into a black mass, hovering like a flock of crows.

But they are not crows.

Snet finally saw clearly that these things were not monsters, but seemed to be winged children, although a bowl was buckled upside down from their heads, and they were all wrapped under black fur like wings, even the neck They were all blocked by the erected wings, but her only exposed face was indeed human.

At least, the surface looks like a human.

Snette hesitated a little and did not release the air-conditioning again.

It’s not that his heart softened. First of all, Mick is still burning there. Although these strange childbearers are rushing out of the shadows, it seems that it’s not because of the fear of Mick. Mick’s high temperature is not real. Hurt them.

And Mick releases heat, and Snett can't cool it down. The second thing is that his freezing gun still hasn't improved from the high-power situation, and the damage is a little serious. . I'm afraid I need to go back to the spacecraft for some repair work.

Soon these strange creatures converged into a large piece in the sky, and the black pressed them, dyeing the entire sky black.

Snait leaned beside the two of them, staring at the shadows that were still squirting these creatures, knowing that this thing was behind him before, with this huge amount, if it was not for him to avoid timely, I am afraid that even the scum Will be left. . and many more.

Snett suddenly realized a question about how the shape of the shadow looked. ⌒ Some familiar?

He thought for a few seconds, suddenly suddenly realized that he looked down suddenly, looked at his feet, and then looked at the two people next to him.

Cold sweat flowed down again in an instant.

This thing was not behind him at all, but under his feet, this is his shadow!

Because Snette had just discovered that there was nothing under his feet, no shadows, no shadows, just like he was a transparent person, but Rip and the next one did not notice anything, still burning Zhenghuan Mick, they still have normal shadows under their feet.

Thinking of this, Snet looked at the shadows on the ground with a creepy gaze, and the thought of these countless strange creatures rushing out of his own shadow. .

Rao is Snet who thinks he is a very bad and bad guy, and still has a feeling of numbness in his scalp.

Fortunately, after a few minutes of mad rushing, this weird creature seemed to finally bottom out, and then the shadows on the ground slowly re-swept back to his feet under the strange eyes of Snett.

Snett moved the body uncomfortably, but found that it seemed to return to the shadow again, following his movement and moving, just like a real shadow.

Rip Hunt frowned, but his theoretical knowledge of magic far exceeded practical ability, but it was only relatively speaking. Yi Huo mastered the essence of several world magic knowledge, and even possessed the silver tongue, which can create magic modification from scratch. Regular creator-like power.

It is more difficult to recognize the magic of Yi Chou than to destroy it directly.

Because there are many effects achieved by using silver tongue creation, Yi Xuan himself does not know how to attribute it.


Mick sucked his mouth and seemed to be regretting that he didn't even burn a monster even though he was burnt.

The sky shadow was hovering, the three of them could not estimate the specific number, but a few hundred should have been there, and their black pressure gathered together slowly hovering, it seemed that there was no intention of falling.

The three looked at each other, and they definitely continued to sneak away.

but. .


Just when they seemed to be planning to put everything into action, the biting cold suddenly appeared, and a cold feeling appeared on their necks, back hearts, and other deadly parts.

This coldness is not an illusion, because Snet saw Mick's neck next to him, pressing a sharp dagger, the dagger was pressed tightly, and even a trace of blood had been drawn on Mick's neck.

this is. . The kind of monster before.

Approaching Snett saw the owner of the dagger. Those who emerged from the shadows should have been hovering in the sky-strange weird creatures. Those creatures with a childish face and wings.

How they came down, I didn't seem to see it. .


With a soft sound, a weird creature suddenly burst out not far from several people, like a sudden burst of shadow or ink, then the next moment, at the next moment, a series of bursting sounds sounded, and then It is that more and more of these creatures appear around.

This turned out to be the case. . Snet was a little surprised.


The bad things always seemed to be connected, and when the three didn't dare to riot, the crisp crackling sounded again.

This was from the ice wall made by Snet, and large cracks appeared on it. Eventually, as the whole ice wall cracked and collapsed, the woman in black and white walked out among the flying ice chips.

And she was still carrying in her hand. . Atom Man Ray and Sara Lans.


Rip Hunt whispered.

For the only atom on this spaceship that is still normal, but only a bit silly from time to time, Rip Hunt still cares about it. After all, he is occasionally required to call 666 beside him.

Lei didn't answer him. His suit was still wrapped around him, not getting smaller, but it seemed that the people inside had fallen into a coma like Sarah next to him.

Compared to Ray, Sara's situation is obviously a bit worse.

The power of the Kryptonians is not to mention the steel plate, as long as the sun is enough, the planet can penetrate. Although Yi is not a true Kryptonian, but a pseudo-steel body, that kind of power is not a normal person that Saralans can fight. of.

Her entire right shoulder had a comminuted fracture and collapsed softly. Although it was not a fatal injury, it did not hurt the internal organs and other important strange things, but the blood vessels and muscle groups were destroyed, and it was also very troublesome. The most important thing is pain.

The persistent pain even fainted Sarah, the female man, and her willpower was very strong. After all, the star city superhero with green as the lucky color, green is willpower in the emotional spectrum. . There seems to be something wrong.

Forget it, in general, Sarah is a determined person who can make her dizzy and notice the seriousness of her injury.

And the surrounding temperature is also very low. Sarah, who was in a coma, was flew by the atom man, and when she was caught by Sadako, she was tossing and suddenly unable to support it. She began to have a more serious fever and deep coma~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Congestion gradually converged on her shoulder, and the entire shoulder was swollen like a tumor, terrifying.

Rip Hunt secretly worried, but there was no good way to get rid of their plight at this time.


At this time, two more loud sounds came, Jackson and Stein, who were split from the state of fire storm, were thrown on the ground one by one.

Like hearing Rip Hunt's thoughts, Yi Chou slowly landed from the sky to the ground, touched the soil with his toes without even making a slight noise, and then said calmly again.

"It is actually very simple to want to leave here."

"I can tell you a way to let you leave here and go back to the warm spaceship. ∷Wave number is right, Sarah Lans show can also be well treated."

"This method is not difficult, just give me the gem of time."

"Personally admit... give it to me."

Yi Xiao looked at Rip Hunt's eyes and said one word after another.

. . .

On the other side, on the pale snow, a red and black dot is jumping, jumping forward.

"Do you want to die again, call me the only survivor of the invincible universe, Master Deadpool."

The only survivor in the universe, the dead survivor, whispered something in his mouth, and then secretly complained, "Forget it, I'm in a hurry. This is a historical event, don't miss it."

"You should know that the most annoying thing to catch the subway is not the slow arrival of the train, but the subway has left the moment you arrive..."

"...Of course, I don't need to rush..."

"...What, you ask me how..."

"...Exclusive secret, really, I won't tell you..."


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