High Magic Earth

Chapter 1391: 0Guiji is working hard

"Why on earth, how did things get to this point?" The deadpool sitting on a tall coniferous branch shook his legs.

"! Even the tree branches are icy in this ghost place, I feel mine will be frozen!"

Deadpool twisted his buttocks sitting on the tree branch restlessly and continued to shake his legs.

He started from. . I don’t know where to pull out a crumpled piece of paper, and a crayon, and then picked up the crayon with fingers stained with the blood of countless people. It seemed to want to apply something, but eventually gave up.

The crumpled piece of paper was unfolded with his fingers. It was a booklet, smaller than the slap, and only about a few pages thin.

Deadpool's face was hidden under the mask, and no one could see his expression. His eyes were blocked by two white single-sided crystals, which also could not catch his gaze.

He lowered his head and unfolded the first page of the crumpled booklet in his hand.

The picture above is also a red villain. .

"That's a little bug." Deadpool explained.

Spider-Man, Peter Parker, with his spider silk swaying, behind him are many dense monsters, abstract and twisted, presented on this immature graffiti, like a child's hand.

This is not the heroic attitude of Spider-Man. In fact, this seems to be exactly the picture when Spider-Man died.

A sharp, pointed claw like a tentacle passed through his chest, and the subsequent spider silk fell to the ground weakly. Even if the spider sensed, it could not avoid him from the inexplicable spiritual pollution.

Deadpool turned this page, the next picture is Iron Man, Tony Stark, still in the style of graffiti, will wrap his picture of the Mark suit when it explodes, rendering like gorgeous fireworks And the dark and orange eyes in the darkness are like ubiquitous stars in the darkness.

Then there is another picture, a snow-colored evil spirit, which is bigger than the planet, floats in the cosmic void, holding a desolate planet between its hands, the planet does not seem to be as big as her head, and it is hollow. , Scorched earth and dead tree, there is no vitality.

The letter graffiti turned it into a caricature. It was dark in color and looked a bit daunting. In addition to the barren planet and the huge snow-colored evil god, the surface of the desolate planet seemed to gather some humans.

Look carefully. . Headed by a bald head.

Of course, the graffiti style of Deadpool made him very funny, with a big head, even bigger than his body, and a wheelchair under his head.

"Because I hate baldness." The dead waiter murmured.

They are the X-Men and others, Professor X, Magneto, Laser Eye, Storm Girl, these classic combinations, and some other powerful variants. .

. . sculpture.

Because they all turned into ice sculptures at this time.

Ice and snow spread, and the cold swept the planet and completely blocked it. When the snow completely submerged the planet, the white horror disaster gradually receded, and it was replaced by the barrenness that followed.

Everything on the surface of the planet became dead in the cold, not only because of the low temperature, but also as a kind of curse-like magic, which cleaned all the prosperity into loneliness.

The white faded and the barrenness first appeared. The whole planet seemed to be faintly wrapped in a black silence. This barrenness was more terrible than the cold. The low temperature would only make life difficult to survive, but barren. . It will completely cut off life.

Professor x and others were frozen in the ice sculpture, and soon, when the barren swept over, they will also become a member of the dead.

"My 3A masterpiece is still very expressive, right." Deadpool shook graffiti.

"Look, here, here, and here." He pointed to a few places. "I painted them black to show that they are being corroded."

Even wearing a mask, I can still feel the smugness of the Deadpool at this time. It seems that there is no sadness or anything else because of the X-Men and others.

It's like a group of unrelated people.

"I wasn't a mutant, but I was in the wrong comic at the wrong time."

The deadpool tone was relaxed.

"How to say my famous name also resounds in the multiverse. It is not surprising that there are always some people who can't help themselves and want to borrow their reputation."

"That's why I will appear at this **** place at this **** time!"

The Deadpool issued a manic curse.

"Okay, I admit." The Deadpool suddenly turned around, "I still look forward to the young Scarlett Johansson, it would be better if I could spend a good night together."

"This will definitely be an unforgettable memory for her life." The Deadpool stiffened very much, and then planted it neatly from the tree.

At the last moment, he grabbed the branch with his hand, hung it on the tree, and stuffed the crumpled paper back into his clothes and continued.

",,,,, There is no posture I am not proficient in."

But shaking his head, the Deadpool said in a deep, pretentious tone, "Unfortunately, for justice, I have to complete a more important cause, such as the blue square."

Deadpool touched his chin. "But it doesn't take much time to go around the Red House first. That's it."

"Slap!" He snapped his fingers, but forgot to grasp the tree trunk with his other hand. The moment the snapped fingers appeared, the deadpool fell off the tree branch.

But he did not fall in the snow, but his figure disappeared out of thin air, and then instantly appeared on the ground a dozen meters away from the tree.

The continuous teleportation made the Deadpool quickly disappear, and he left the direction. . It seems that the Red House is located.

That is the location of Yi Huo and the unlucky Rip Hunt.

. . .

At the same time, a galloping off-road jeep set off from the nearest town, full of heavily armed soldiers and some girls who seemed to be very young.

Although the girls are young, they do not seem to be as weak as girls of this age. They also carry weapons and even no fewer than these soldiers.

The war has been going on for a long time, no matter the source of soldiers in that country is very scarce, the age of the source of the soldiers is declining, and the age of recruits that this vehicle has temporarily gathered is just over twenty.

As recruits, they were also very nervous for the first time on the battlefield, even more tense than the reserve agents on the side.

but. . As young people, they also have to show their strength in front of the opposite sex. In particular, they are candidates for the Red House who can become reserve agents. The worst is also the appearance of passers-by.

Hormonal stimulation makes this group of recruits even if they are afraid, but they still maintain a strong state of calm.

A young red-haired girl in the reserve agent secretly laughed. She could see the tension of this group of guys, their feet were shaking, their hands were tightly held on the gun, the power was so great, and it even made people doubt whether they could successfully shoot the gun Duan Ping.

The red-haired young girl shook her head in her heart, and this group of guys couldn't help it, next. . You still have to rely on yourself to protect yourself.

"Everyone listens!"

The jeep was shaking in the snow, and a guy dressed as a noncommissioner stood at the end of the car tent and said to everyone.

"Your luck is very good, it's time to make a contribution."

"One of our secret bases was attacked by the enemy... There were already three support troops before. You are the fourth one. Although there is no preparation in advance, the enemy will not have much left."

"Next, it's up to you."

As a fighting nation, there is actually no need for mobilization. Although there is still a little timidity in the heart, after a few words, the group of recruits seems to have completely abandoned their fear, and there is no trace of weakness in their hearts.


They yelled and even shook the jeep’s roof.

The young red-haired girl closed her eyes slightly. This guy didn't tell the truth. The reinforcements did go a lot, but I'm afraid the enemy is not as simple as he said.

I can't really say whether I am lucky or unfortunate.

After all, danger and opportunity are always associated.

. . .

"Give me something." Yi Chou said to Rip Hunt.

The gem of time gleamed in front of Rip Hunt. The emerald green light seemed to exude an unknown magic from time, and Yi Chou could not be sure what the power was anyway, in short. . It is very mysterious.

Rip Hunt's eyes were fixed on Yi Chou.

"The things are here, you just take them yourself."

Yi Chou didn't move, not even Sadako who was leaning softly on him.

"Still say..." Rip Hunt licked his lips. "What are you afraid of."

"What do you think." Yi arrogantly laughed.

"It's just that it will be a little more troublesome."

The battle is over.

There is no suspense and no difficulty. It has done a lot to deal with this group of appearances, but the legendary squad of tomorrow with almost zero strength does not actually need to dispatch Bai Guiji.

But they have too few chances to appear. . Some noisy little guys can't help it any longer, and want to seize every opportunity to come out and breathe.

For example, you can hide in the shadow, jump with the help of the shadow, or even the shadow girl who is the shadow itself.

Hovering in the sky, hundreds and thousands, like a crow. . Both of them.

There are a lot of Yingji, which is the largest group among the hundreds of ghosts. Even Fuji and Shanshanzi do not have as many of them as the two. Together, they may be equal to Yingji.

Yingji is a little monster born in the shadows. It is not surprising that there are so many shadows in the world and their number is large.

Four or five shadow girls control a person, and their daggers are aimed at the deadly parts of Rip Hunt and others, the neck, the heart, or the back heart.

This group of guys who took off the superhero skin and there is not much difference between ordinary people, was immediately obediently controlled, even if they are good at Jedi turnover, in the face of absolute strength, I am afraid it is very difficult.

In addition to the dozen or so small Yingji controlling the situation, countless other little guys are floating in mid-air, chatting with each other chatting, looking down, as if watching a big show.

The noisy whispers whispered Yi Biao's head.

"Quiet." Yi Huo whispered to them.

For the absolute control of Bai Guiji, immediately let them close their mouths instantly, and the whole scene seemed to be a bit scary and silent for a moment.

"Something to me, we will all have a lot less trouble." Yi Chou gestured to a Yingji next to him.

Rip Hunt seems to be fearless, he put on a tough look, "The eye of Agomo is here, you can take it yourself if you want."

He still doesn't know what Yi Biao's true identity is. He just thought he was a traitor of Kama Taj, so he recognized the eye of Agomo and wanted to **** the eye of Agomo.

And he was afraid that there would be any traps above Agomoto's eye. . This did not dare to **** it, but wanted to give it to him personally.

Of course, Rip Hunt did not know whether there were any pitfalls in the eye of Agomoto, but with the wit and powerful magic of Strange, it might be really hard to say.

Rip Hunt returned to the past, originally to stop Vandal Savage's conspiracy, but now, his new mission is to prevent the appearance of Magic Night.

Magic night is the most important thing. As for the rest, what traitor of Kama Taj is not important at all~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ These idiots don’t know what kind of disaster the entire multiverse will fall into once magic night appears Among.

It's just that there is not enough to accomplish something but nothing to lose.

Rip Hunt looked at the guy in front of him with a gaze that you didn't know anything about. . That is to say, er, it seems that this is often done by the just side.

After all, they always like to hide the secret in the bottom of their hearts and tell no one. After they have done everything, they will talk about shaping the image of a lonely hero, if not. . Then let's all go back together.

Now Rip Hunt, obviously has such a plan.

It's a pity that he didn't know that this guy in front of him was really inextricably linked to magic.

"It's really troublesome. I've said it all. It's good for you and me to hand it over."

Rip Hunt still had any expression change, but at the next moment, Yi Chou suddenly condensed a pistol out of hand and pointed it at Mick's head.

"...Or he died."

The seemingly simple choice, Rip Hunt's mouth twitched, and he admitted that he hesitated at this moment.

Not hesitating how to save Mick. . He was hesitating whether he should be saved.

Eyes of Mick and Agomo. .

But this choice does not seem to require Rip to make a decision. Just when Yi Huo slowly pressed the trigger, the next Snaite suddenly broke free from the shackles of the shadow Ji, and then a piece of the green light The gem ripped off Rip Hunt's neck.

"Take it, I'll give it to you, disabled person." He stared at Yi Chou's arm with ironic eyes, but actually mocked his timidity.

Yi Chou did not move.

Upon seeing this, Snet once again sneered. "Why, don't you just wait for me to do this, you have succeeded."

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