High Magic Earth

Chapter 1392: I don't believe it

A smart guy in Snett's way, but it's a pity that his ingenuity and intelligence are all committed to crime. Probably only in the face of the test of life and death, he suddenly appeared IQ online.

And now is the moment of life and death, for Mick.

Yi Biao was not allowed to threaten Rip Hunt, but turned his weapon at Mick, and Snet also noticed that the daggers in the hands of the surrounding monsters seemed to leave his skin slightly, so he would easily guess Yi Biao. the meaning of.

This is why Yi Chou chose Snet.

He is smart, not stubborn, and will not choose to carry it to the end because of what is called the sense of honor of superheroes. Maybe he can barely be counted as a superhero in the future, but it is absolutely impossible to be now.

More importantly, he still values ​​Mick as a partner.

Perhaps at this stage, it may be difficult for him to exchange Mick's life with his own life, but taking Ripple's time gem and generosity of others, Snett will definitely not be weak.

Yi Chou's choice was correct, and Snett did indeed make the right choice.


Yi Xiao smiled, and then gently picked up the time gem in Mick's hand.

It's not too heavy, it's very light, and there's no vision of wind and clouds, lightning, thunder and thunder. There doesn't seem to be any magic traps on it. At least Yi Chou didn't feel it.

As Rip said when he laughed at Yi arrogant hours, the reason why Yi arrogant went directly to grab the first time without seeing the time gem was because he was worried about what traps were placed on it.

Although it is unclear how Rip Hunt's time gem was obtained, its owner has only a few of them, which can be counted, Gu Yi, or Strange.

No matter who they are, they are extremely talented wizards, and they might leave some traps in the gems of time.

At least if it is Yi Huo, he will do so.

Of course, the general trap Yi Chou is not in the eyes, even if the devil stayed, he was still stubborn in the past.

But now it involves time.

Time gem, time.

It's nothing strange.

Time is a mysterious field, and even Yi Huo does not want to take risks easily. If there is anything beyond his grasp now, then it is undoubtedly time.

In the face of time gems and Gu Yi, the power that can truly turn back time, even if it is a retro time bird, I am afraid it has little effect.

Therefore, Yi Chou will be a little cautious to make a trial.

And if he gave him the gem of time... then there is no problem.

Because of the protection of the silver tongue.

Although Lucy is not here, Yi Xiao still carries a lot of short and succinct and purposeful short stories.

One of them was written by imitating a vampire.

There is no vampire in it, but a new kind of protection magic is defined, just like inviting a vampire into his home, so that the vampire can only step on it.

But when something is given to Yihou, no matter what trap is hidden on it, it will not be triggered.

Snet gave the gem of time to Yi Chou, and now, there is nothing to worry about.

"Kill them."

Zhen Zi slumped on Yi Xiao's body softly, said tentatively.

As the nominal boss, those powerful ghosts may not be controlled, but as the largest ethnic group, the single power is very small, and it is definitely surrounded by the faithfulness of Sadako.

The shadows around the several people of Rip Hunt turned their daggers in their hands, and immediately slashed the sharp daggers towards their necks, and saw the blood splatter in the next moment.

"and many more!"

Before the time gem in Yi Chou's hands, before he looked carefully, he hurriedly called,


At the last moment, the shadow daggers' daggers were able to stop around the necks of these people, but a few little guys who had started too fast had cut the skin under the blade.

For example, Rip Hunt, the blood on his neck was flowing.

Fortunately, it was just looking scary, the wound was just broken.

"Why do you want to kill them?" Yi Xuan asked Zhenzhen back.

Sadako didn't answer, she turned away her long hair.


She glared at Yi Chou with one eye, it was full of writing inside, what was the point of keeping, killing was killing naturally, you should not suddenly be soft-hearted and want to wash white, I did not expect you to be such a person, I Misunderstanding you, such complicated feelings.

"Where does this follow?"

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes.

"They are still useful."

"In any case... living people are more valuable than dead ones."

Yi Xiao looked at Rip Hunt with an inexplicable gaze, making him feel hairy.

"Hey!" At this time, Lei didn't know when to wake up from a coma. He listened quietly for a while, and finally couldn't help but interject.

"Then you can treat Sarah first, it is always more valuable to be alive than to die. Her injury is too serious, and then continue, the situation is not optimistic."

As the team's mascot, Lei always thought of protecting his teammates at the critical moment. After hearing Yan Yan's gaze, he took out a potion and threw it to Sadako.

Sadako pinched Sarah's chin and poured the potion into it, then threw it directly to a group of Yingji who swooped down.

Yi Yao’s potion level hasn’t changed much over the years. It can be said that the potion master has reached a bottleneck, and since the accident of the sleeping potion has happened, he has never personally passed the potion.

Because every time he cooks... he will think of her unconsciously.

But there are silver tongues, even if Yi Chao no longer brews potions, there are still many special potions that are several times the previous effect.

Immediately, after Sadako poured the potion into Sarah, her body twitched slightly, and then the pain instantly carried her out of the coma.


She screamed, the place where her arm collapsed wriggled in an irregular shape, and with a burst of seemingly painful expansion, her missing bone seemed to grow back in an instant.

No wonder it hurts so much.

The most painful Lei looked at this scene and seemed to feel the same, the whole handsome face twitched into a ball, but also secretly relieved, at least Sarah's condition would not deteriorate.

But what followed was curiosity about Yi Huo, who the other party was, and his means seemed to be less...scientific.

As a future scientist, Lei is no less curious about these things than Professor Stein.

But his character is a bit natural, and he cares about his teammates, but he didn't notice it at first.

Pulling out a shadow portal again, signalling the shadow girls to re-enter. Now it's not before the hundred ghost girls completely debut, Yi Chou's fingers glow silver, and then point to Rip Hunt's forehead.

Yi Chou is also very interested in flying the timeship of the wave signal. If not, you need to find it.

The position of the spaceship is obviously unquestionable, and Yi Biao did not intend to ask a little bit. The time gem is worried about what traps are hidden on it. The position of the spaceship... directly read the memory.

The silver thread representing the memory was extracted from Yi Biao's forehead slowly sent to Rip. In fact, there are many other memories besides the spaceship's position.

For example, the origin of the time gem, what exactly Rip Hunt has experienced, what has changed, etc...

Although Yi Noo's memory extraction is not like other inferior magics that accidentally turn people into idiots, it is definitely not an easy process.


Riphunt yelled in pain.

At first he didn't feel much, but as the memory extraction continued to intensify, he could more and more clearly feel that something seemed to be being drawn from his head.

It was like some kind of monster was sucking his brain.

Although it did not cause substantial harm, it still numbed the scalp and even went crazy.

Rip Hunt struggled hard, but it didn't help much. The silver thread was pulled longer and longer in the air, which meant that more and more memories were about to be pulled out by Yi Huo.

Sara Lans, who had recovered from her injury, narrowed her eyes.

As an assassin, she has no abilities, and her skill points are all in freehand fighting, cold weapons, and strategic direction.

At the first time she realized the surrounding environment, she did not uselessly struggle, but observed calmly.

Seems to be looking for an opportunity to break free and save others, create chaos, and thus make a Jedi comeback.

It's a pity... the shadow girls are not the mindless villains, whether it is the obedience suppression between monsters, or the program level that was originally between virtual creatures, they will let them complete their work conscientiously.

There was no slack at all.

After searching secretly for a long time, Sarah didn't find a suitable opportunity. She could only watch anxiously as Rip Hunt's memory line was pulled longer and longer.

Then suddenly, Sarah Assassin's instinct told her that danger was approaching... an enemy was coming.

And this feeling to her... is peer.

"You and I are here!"

"Hey, can you not give me so many asterisks."

"Your return!"

Saralans could perceive that the six-sense keen Yi Chao naturally found the anomaly the first time, and he gave way directly to the side, avoiding this sudden guy.

At the next moment, accompanied by some noisy noises, a strange man wearing red and black tights suddenly jumped out of midair. The katana in his hand was raised by the tiger he was waving with one hand, and then his body turned in the air. , Aiming a mini submachine gun at Yi Chou suddenly


He shouted.

The tongue of the firearm sprayed like a storm...

"It's like I said, life is like *, no one knows when you will be * in the next second, can you understand what I mean."

"I mean nobody knows what will happen in the next second of life, just like you don't know when you will go out."

Deadpool rediscovered a tree branch to make a good, twisting * stock.

"Yes, it will be frozen again."

"The asterisk in the last two sentences must be sexy, right? You must say sexy."

"In the end, where are you, the * shares still need to be marked with an asterisk? What a hell."

The Deadpool brandished a samurai sword and looked at the situation that had become clearer below.

"Obviously, Rip Hunt's idiot has once again become the enemy's captive. I'm not surprised at all." Deadpool seems to be familiar with Rip Hunt.

"Not too familiar, we are not in a comic."

"But why does this idiot appear here."

"He remembers the past?"

"I don't remember him at this point in time, having the mission of this place... this is of course! None of him is from the Marvel Universe!"

"Isn't it... Is it after me?"

Deadpool touched his chin, opened his thumb and index finger, and separated a character.

"It's so handsome, right."

It’s okay, but it’s a pity that it’s already outdated in the world of readers.

"You just vomited me right, did you dare to vomit the great Deadpool Master! Believe it or not, I jumped out of the screen in minutes* to die you!"

Ha ha.

"! Don't think I can't do it!"

This topic is skipped.

Narrator skipped this topic.


In fact, Rip Hunt was able to track down here, indeed because of Deadpool, his appearance itself represented an anomaly at a certain time.

In addition, Rip Hunt and other people came to the superhero world next door for inexplicable reasons, so Gideon will lock the deadpool in the first time.

And, it is very likely that Ripple and others appeared here, precisely related to the deadpool.

"I can't bear this pot."

Because you need to know that Yi Chou does not exist in the timeline. He took himself out of the timeline, neither in the future nor in the past, nor does it exist and present.

Even Gideon can’t lock onto Yi Chao, and it can’t even capture Yi Chao’s existence.

So Rip Hunt came straight to the point. It was a joke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The reason why Rip Hunt took other people to touch the red house was because Gideon locked another time Stowaways, deadpool.

It's because of the deadpool.


"It's unlucky." The Deadpool glanced at Rip Hunt below.

Several Yingji noticed the deadpool hidden in the tree, floated curiously, and then was rushed to the side like a fly.

"Go for it! Lao Tzu is not interested in you guys who are not as big as Lao Tzu! Quick*fast*!"

Most of the new Yingji are weak in character. When there is no order and no malicious feelings, they actually prefer to hide in the shadows. Hell, although the deadpool moves rudely, it seems that Yingji really does not feel in him. Malicious.

Flyed away by the deadpool, several little guys fluttered aside, crying and chirping.

"That's how you describe it, and I won't be soft-hearted."

Deadpool cocked Erlang's legs on the tree.

"Jiro is so pitiful."

"In this case..." Deadpool* wiped his chin.

"Damn it, you even have to rub two stars!"

After a violent vent, the Deadpool quieted down again.

"In this case..." He* wiped his chin. "If it wasn't for me to find Scarlett temporarily, Rip wouldn't fall here."

In fact, that's it.

"Forget it, never let him die here."

"……and many more."

The dead waiter suddenly said, "You said, that guy...not in time."

He stared at Yi Chou underneath and suddenly fell silent. After a long time, he touched the crumpled booklet hidden in his clothes.

"...That's really interesting."

"You deadpool loves interesting things!"


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