High Magic Earth

Chapter 1393: This treatment is slightly familiar

The height of the coniferous tree has exceeded 20 meters to 50 meters. The deadpool jumped from above, no less than jumping from a high-rise building.

His figure was erratic. He seemed to be still at the top of the tree at the last moment, and had fallen to the middle of the trunk in the next moment.

But he is fast.

And on the way down, the double sword was already in hand, and the whole person showed a wild jump posture, and the diameter fell fiercely.

Like turning yourself into a weapon.

"I was originally a weapon, x, don't tell me you forgot."

The deadpool on the way down suddenly turned his head and said with a serious face.

But Narrator believed that no one was interested.

"No, no, you're wrong. I tell you, Ben's popularity is very high. I heard that I'm going to make a second movie. How much, I want to be my first."

Along with fragmentary gossip, the speed of the deadpool is falling faster and faster, and the sharp blade seems to split the air.

His power... doesn't seem to be just as simple as that shown in the movie...

The red meeting figure flashed over Yi Chou's head.

Yi Xiao instinctively avoided the side, but he hadn't waited to see the appearance of this figure. He had disappeared again in an instant, and when he reappeared, he came to the other side behind Yi Xiao.


The sound of the blade splitting the air.

The route of the attack appeared in Yi Biao's mind. Yi Biao sideways avoided it, but at the next moment, the other party's attack came again like a storm.


"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

Along with a series of flaming tongues, a storm of small submachine guns spitting out bullets, a brain tilted to the face of Yi Xuan who had no time to escape.

The above is what happened in a moment before.

Yi Chou's eyes twitched.

The other party's attack was indeed beyond his expectations. When he didn't come and use the power of pseudo-speed power, or did not think that he needed to use pseudo-speed power, it was impossible to avoid...

He can only resist all the other's attacks.

But fortunately, his defense and resistance are too high, ordinary enemies can not break his defense.


Slaps come too fast, in various senses.

Although Yi Xiao was not afraid of bullets, but because he came to his face, he still blocked it with his hand, and only a few bullets hit Yi Xuan.

Then... pierce his skin, even into the muscles.

Blood emerged. The red blood was like satin, and it was covered in Yi Chou's face. The wounds hit by the bullets were mixed with the blood, making his face a bit daunting and twisted.

To apply a classic quote from the villain, that is... I was injured.

Yi Xiao gently wiped the blood from his face with his hands. The bullets were squeezed out by his powerful self-healing force. The deformed warhead fell to the ground and went deep into the snow without making any sound.

The pain gradually spread out, and since he turned himself into a pseudo-Kryptonian, Yi Chou has rarely been injured.

Encountered a more powerful enemy... I am afraid he did not have a chance to be injured, but died directly.

For example, the Scarlet Witch.

Because with the increase of strength, the enemy’s strength is also leaping, which is a very bad thing, because when the strength is not enough, you may be able to leapfrog, because at that time everyone was half a catty, in other words, it’s the rookie. peck.

There are too many external conditions that can interfere, and a small universe burst out a little, and maybe you won, and the fighting power is very large.

But as it reaches the height of Yi Chao, every change is not just a quantitative change, but a qualitative change. The gap between this qualitative change is almost irreparable.

It's like heaven.

No one can hurt themselves. At least according to Yi Huo and Lucy's calculations, there are not many people who can do this in a movie-like superhero world.

Even handful.

For example, the Hulk, the mysterious fighting king Odin, and the blameless dark Titan tyrant.

But now...Is he wounded by an unknown soldier?

Yi Xiao did not feel angry or angered. In fact, his first reaction was that he should not hide his strength and protect himself before completely clarifying everything.


There was a loud noise throughout the world of mirrors.

The sky is spinning, the ground is turning upside down, everything around is being cut into pieces, the shadow energy is released by Yi Chou without any care, and surrounds him, instantly wrapping him into a somewhat fuzzy cocoon shape .

At the next moment, Yi Ao's figure shook, and together with the dark shadow, dissipated in place.

Then he approached again, and his figure quickly appeared in other places, as if jumping out of thin air. At the moment when Yi Chou appeared, he had slowly fallen to the ground, looking around, carefully guarding against any possibility. A hidden corner of the enemy appears.

There is more than one figure wrapped in shadow energy. In fact, at this moment, it appeared at least dozens.

Landing in different places, the shadow will surround Rip Hunter and others who are still unclear about what happened.

Sara Lans wanted to take advantage of the chaos, but unfortunately, the film stars saw her dead, just two movements, two sharp wounds appeared on her neck and wrist.

The illusion hides Yi Yao's true identity. Countless Yi Chaos appear in countless locations, and each figure is surrounded by thick black smoke, constantly moving.

Countless Yihuo overlapped, and even made people feel dazzled.

His position is constantly flashing, making it impossible for him to find his real foothold, and the whole mirror world is also alive. Except for a small position where Rip Hunt and others are, the whole mirror world is like a huge one. Pixel maze.

Sadako’s response was not slow either, she plunged into the nearest shadow, and turned into a special kind of intangible and intangible existence.

But if anyone thinks that Sadako in this form is not dangerous... Once a prey comes close, Sadako will switch out of his appearance without hesitation.

That would not be a good memory.

"Wow wow wow, I just attacked you a bit, and you have such a big reaction."

"Are you really that guy?"

A somewhat exaggerated voice came from midair, and Yi Chou looked around and did not find the other party in the first place.

"He is the legendary protagonist? Tell me."

Yi Xiao frowned, his voice was very strange, but the exaggerated style, the color of the clothes, and... the way of attack made his heart vaguely associate a possibility.

Could it be some...damn mercenary.

"I'm sure it's you, you actually know you are deadpool!"

"But I hate the name **** mercenary, so I decided to take you!"

At the next moment, the red and black figure appeared again and appeared behind Yi Chou. Two samurai swords tried to penetrate Yi Chou's words from a very sinister angle, but failed.


Yi Biao disappeared in place, the shadow energy was like the seaweed that found the prey, and a swarm of bees rushed towards this figure.

This is just an illusory fantasy.

It's a pity that the shadow energies also emptied.

Because they have just condensed, the figure has disappeared again.


A clamor next to him finally saw the figure of this jumping guy, as he guessed, a very annoying mercenary.


"Why are you here?"

There was obvious surprise in Yi Chou's voice.

But Deadpool can ignore these.

"Got you,!"

He seemed to recognize this vocal Yi Yao as the main body, jumped behind him without hesitation, the katana rotated, and hit Yi Yi again with a broken voice.

It's a pity that Yi Chou was prepared for this time, listening to the deadpool's attacking trajectory, his body turned around in an incredible angle, avoiding his two sharp samurai swords, and also pushing a dark green light to the home. Deadpool.

Deadpool did not dare to make a hard connection, and even seemed to dare not touch this light, and it was fleeting. His entire person had teleported again.

Before running, a string of bullets remained.

The bullet wiped Yi Chou's arm and left blood stains.


This Yihuo disappeared again.

A clamor next to him came over and picked up the bullets on the snow...what is the reason, the other party can hurt himself or even cut the body of the pseudo-Kryptonian.

Even if it is a pseudo-Kryptonian, it is also a Kryptonian.


Yi Xiao looked at the bullet for a long time, he could feel that the bullet was a little different, a very strange energy, he had no impression...but it made him very uncomfortable.

After thinking for a long time, Yi Chou finally realized what this was.

Kryptonite busters Kryptonite.

It is not pure kryptonite, but the bullet is doped with some debris of kryptonite, or the alloy of the bullet contains a small amount of kryptonite.

But... why did he have kryptonite, or use it to deal with himself.

This deadpool appears very strange.

Not only was he able to hurt himself, he had kryptonite, he was also able to travel directly through the mirror world and into the mirror world.

You know, Yi Biao has long blocked this space with the world of mirrors. These guys like Rip Hunt can't escape, and other people are also thinking about coming in. It's impossible to even see what is happening inside the world of mirrors.

The mirror, as the name suggests, can refract everything. From the outside, everything here is actually normal, because the world of mirrors was discovered and used to isolate ordinary people from the beginning.

This series of things appeared in Yi Biao's mind, and he was connected in series to get an answer instantly.

"You are from the future."

Yi Xiao said.

He was answered with two sharp samurai swords.

The figure of the Deadpool appeared behind him again, and made the best answer with his weapon.

"You are from the future*!"

A series of words that needed to be silenced came out of Deadpool's mouth, and Yi Yi's eyelids jumped slightly.

Sure enough, although I had heard of this stinky mouth for a long time, but after real meeting, I found out that it really is well-known.

The samurai sword stabs Yi Chou's back again with the sound of breaking the sky. Yi Chou did not avoid it. In fact, this is still an illusion.

Facing the samurai sword coming from behind, Yi Chou gave up his defense and reached out to the deadpool directly.

A series of magic was held in his palm by him, freezing magic, final magic, even more direct soul stripping and so on.

Yi Chou's hands even radiated a purple-black gloss, exuding a rich unknown.

Deadpool isn’t stupid, or he knows how dangerous Yi Yi’s magic is.

"You have to do it*!"

He made a scream as if by a woman at that time, his stomach shrank back sharply, avoiding Yi Xuan's dark right hand, and the samurai sword that penetrated Yi Xiao's shoulder was no longer deep. He pulled back and the whole person again Teleport disappeared.

From the beginning of his sneak attack to the present, although Yi Xiao was initially caught by surprise, he did not really cause any fatal injuries to Yi Xiao.

On the contrary, because Yi Chou spread numerous illusions, the Deadpool continued to attack to expose too many flaws, and Yi Chou counterattacked several times.

In general, the Deadpool didn't take advantage of it, but seemed to be faintly down.

The Deadpool disappeared, Yi Xuan did not find him hiding there, he did not continue to attack, but also, Yi Xuan could also feel that he did not leave.

Maybe... he was for Rip Hunt and others.

Yi Xuan wiped a hand on his shoulder... the same is blood, although the wound has been gradually healed under Yi Xiao's super self-healing power, but the remaining blood still explains Yi Xuan's injury.

He was pierced by a samurai sword, and the two seemingly thin samurai swords directly pierced through the steel body of the pseudo-kryptonian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also made of kryptonite.

Feeling the remaining power in the wound, Yi Chou can tell that the knight's sword in the Deadpool also contains kryptonite.

This is a kryptonite enchantment all over the body.

If this guy is not specifically for hunting Superman, it is for himself, the deadpool comes from the future, then what will the future self do... will be chased by people in the past.

Wait, Yi Chou suddenly thought of something.

He has removed himself from the timeline, why is Deadpool still able to lock himself in the past, first the group of guys like Rip Hunt, then Deadpool...

Wait, Yi Biao's thinking is turning fast. The appearance of Deadpool is completely beyond his expectations, but likewise, it also awakens his brain who has been too lazy to move for a long time.

Numerous conditions were put back together, and soon, Yi Xao realized that he might have fallen into a certain misunderstanding, because there was another explanation.

"You... didn't come to me, but to him."

Yi Ao is still watching the changes in the distance, or the stunned Rip Hunt said that this group of tomorrow's legendary squad members are also rookies on time travel, except for Rip Hunt, the master of time.

They didn't know who the Deadpool was or what happened. Perhaps only the smarter Snet, Lei and Sarah had a slight guess in their hearts based on the brief conversation between Yixuan and the Deadpool.

Rip didn't answer, and Yi Chou thought he might not know what he was looking for.

He may just feel that someone here is disturbing the time.

At this moment, Yi Chou guessed a rough idea of ​​the cause and effect of the incident, and now, only the last important clue remains unclear.


Where did he come from?

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