High Magic Earth

Chapter 1394: Summon Title Salvation Field

After neatly chopping to death and killing several illusions of arrogance, the deadpool decisively disappeared.

Even Yi Biao used spells to find his existence several times, and it seemed to have been subjected to some kind of mysterious interference. This made Yi Biao couldn't help but take out a purple-black magic book.

The shape of a typical sorcerer's magic book is inlaid with uneven patterns on the surface. These patterns are entangled with each other like a hieroglyph, which is strange and full of evil atmosphere.

In fact, this is the language of Oz. Translated is the silver tongue of the omnipotent book of magic.

A very long sentence, but in the language of Oz, only three characters and three strange patterns and patterns are written.

Although Yi Xiao did not find much history of Oz in the dusty library, it is still easy to interpret its grammar by reversing the existing written records.

And in order to identify whether Yi Xiao's self-taught skills have declined, Yi Xiao asked Lucy to write a very targeted story.

The content of the story is empty, there are almost no characters and plot, the only role is to show another book with the silver tongue... the mystery of the language of Oz.

A detailed explanation of the grammar.

Yes, there is nothing that Silver Tongue can’t read, even if the book described in this way can be created completely, otherwise Yi Biao can be compared to how Batman’s hundreds of fighting skills are learned. Directly using Silver Tongue to instill is one On the one hand, on the other hand, a large number of books on this subject have been created with silver tongues.

The silver tongue can create almost everything. As long as it is reasonable enough, even the so-called internal force and the secret of martial arts can be fully realized...

Of course, this is only theoretical, because if the story can be written reasonably, even the cheats are completely reasonable, it is actually a hidden condition.

There is a better way to borrow borrowed books, such as those Yi Yi is familiar with in this world. Just read it again, and the characters, world treasures, and even martial arts cheats will all fall down.

It's just that their usefulness is not as great as imagined at this stage.

Needless to say, the martial arts cheats don't really help Yihou. After all, the steel body of a pseudo-Kryptonian seems to be hanging, which directly makes up for the shortcomings of melee.

Other higher-level existences, such as Taoism and Xianshu, are obviously another strange field for Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao doesn't think it's a good thing to be greedy and inseparable. In fact, he only has the magical power from magic all the time.

Of course, only magic means a lot of shortcomings. Melee and fragile body are all shortcomings of magic. As a solo traveller, there must be no such weakness.

In the same way, Yi Chou also used various means to start subsidies...Most are also magic means, such as silver tongue.

There is no other way to strengthen yourself, wasting time and energy.

Although there is no need to show any martial arts cheats and cultivation techniques, but using the silver tongue to read the basic instructions, the practical value is still very high.

For example, after packing the Petri dish laboratory where Winnie was at that time back to Neverland, there was no good way for Yi Huo.

Of course, with his wisdom and silver tongue, it can be said that most things can be understood. Whether it is the field of magic or the field of technology, even if he is asked about space technology, Yi Chou can say one or two... most of them Yi Tong created a textbook created by Yin Tong, and took a chance to read a lot.

But knowing something does not mean mastery.

Perhaps in the present world, Yi Chou can still say complacently, these things are too simple, just learn.

But that is because the technology of this world itself is very low.

In the free man on the side of the new man, the height of the technology tree is already very high, and various black technologies are endless. The technology contained in the petri dish laboratory alone has pulled down the technological fault of at least one hundred years in the world.

It has even reached brain transplantation, which is an advanced immortal cloning technology.

This is not something that Yi Biao can read at random. Even geniuses like Tony Stark may need to concentrate on studying for a while.

In the face of laboratories with extremely high technological faults, this time, the usefulness of the silver tongue is reflected.

As long as the story description is accurate enough, Yi Huo can fully read the relevant scientific and technical knowledge books or even the laboratory operation manual.

Two days and one night, a full set of operation manuals and books on cloning and culture technology were revealed by the silver tongue, and then they were thrown to the little yellow people by Yi Xiao, who was responsible for unsealing the entire laboratory.

Before entering the superhero world, the progress of parsing the entire laboratory is about halfway through.

I believe that after a while, Yi Chou can get good news.

The cover of this magic book is written in the language of Oz, but the content inside is not entirely, or most of the content is in a language created by Yi Chao.

The language specifically created for the silver tongue is also created using the silver tongue.

The pronunciation is short, the characters are short, and a character contains many meanings, more different combinations, and can even extend a dozen meanings.

In other words, this is a very unfriendly language. After all, because there are too many meanings, normal communication or writing on a more rigorous contract will cause a lot of ambiguity and require a lot of thinking.

But it is suitable for silver tongue.

The essence of the silver tongue will not change anyway, read the story, and then the story will come true.

But Andersen’s story is also a story, and short stories are also stories. After reading an Anderson fairy tale, I am afraid that the whole world can be restarted several times.

Then shortening the sentence is imperative.

Yi Biao even created this language before Lucy even created it, using the silver tongue, and specifically serving the silver tongue.

It can shorten the story of a few hundred words to a story of only a dozen words, thousands of words or even tens of thousands of words, and it is still a few words to regroup, or add one or two.

Of course, it is very difficult to learn, and the pronunciation is even slightly worse, the whole meaning will become different.

But with the silver tongue as an indoctrination, Yi Chou is not worried about learning. After all, this language was created by him.

In this way, the practicality of the silver tongue has been greatly improved. Yi Chou does not need to suddenly pull out a book to tell the enemy a long story in battle. The length of a dozen words, the ancient and strange special pronunciation, makes The silver tongue becomes like a special magic spell.

The book that Yi Xiao is taking out now... The above records are actually these short spells.

Or call it... The name 10,000 inexplicable stories is more appropriate.

Lucy was created specifically for Yi Huo.

Most of the stories recorded above are very empty, even without heads and tails, the simple plot, and the rough words do not have any sense of story at all.

But the practicality is very strong, and most of them are involved in combat.

For example, calling the name of the enemy, paying some price to collect the soul of the other party, or as long as it is something that the other party handed over, then this thing is completely changed to Yi Chou in the concept of ownership, and any means of burying it cannot be pitted he……

And this is just a book, written by Lucy. As a magical intelligence, her advantages are logical accuracy and the number of stories is very large, but the disadvantage is that although the stories are very comprehensive, they are all step by step, and there is rarely any outstanding. idea.

Lucy can only conduct step-by-step investigation and analysis based on the data in the database, and then complete the shortcomings of Yi Huo. She herself is not creative.

There is another book that is not the case. In this world of the Song of Ice and Fire, Yi Chou handed over to Daenerys to complete it. After getting the silver tongue, Yi Chong deliberately went to the World of Song of Ice and Fire. lie down.

Of course, the vase culture of Daenerys doesn't expect her to come up with any good ideas, but... Daenerys is Queen of Westeros.

There are many people under her, those professional bards, literary aristocrats who do nothing...there are not many.

Although they come from a backward Middle Ages, they are fantasy worlds and human beings after all. The greatest thing about human beings is creation. They are creative. As long as there are one or two brilliant stories... Yi's strength may appear explosive. increase.

Because of the power of the other three ink worlds, Yi Chou can apply the experience and power that appear in the story to his body.

It's not just showing something.

It's kind of like... the power of faith.

Willie Wangka believes that he can create the most delicious chocolates and candies, and those candies can exert effects that all kinds of strange and weird technology should not be able to achieve, and even eat poisonous undead people, so he can do it, Chocolate can also be made.

In the later part of the story, Willie Wangka, who lacked feelings, was not as strong as before, so his chocolate he made became no longer delicious, and even had difficulties in making it.

This is similar to the power of the green light, but it is not exactly the same.

The monsters created by RL Stan, the museum’s resurrected sculptures, are actually very similar in power, and as long as they believe firmly, they will become real.

A very ideal force.

Now, Yi Xiao believes that these stories can become true and become his own help. Even the protagonist in the story is his own experience, then... these forces will be fed back to him.

There are at least more than ten kinds of tracking stories in the books, that is, tracking magic. Even if Deadpool runs out of this world, Yi Chou can find him.

But as soon as Yi Xao opened the book, Sadako got out of the shadows in his sleeve, and gently pressed the open book cover.

"It's a bit too much," Sadako whispered.

Silver Tongue is currently the strongest method of arrogance. The same price and the resulting movement will definitely not be small. Although there are many tracking magics in the story, in order to ensure that the story is reasonable, these methods are more or less in the plot. There will always be limitations, defects, and even costs.

It seems to be too unworthy to be used casually on a deadpool.

"We should have a better way to find him." Sadako said again.

The eyes of the two fell on Riphunt and others...

This rookie of time travel has not yet figured out what is going on.

Maybe Rip Hunt saw a little or two, but others such as Sarah Lans and Snett, even if they are very smart and have never experienced time travel, the concepts of timeline, it is difficult to make up for things. The truth.

Seeing Yi Chou being entangled in unknown enemies, Sara Lans couldn't sit still.

We're looking for an opportunity to escape, Sarah Lance winks at Snet.

Snett also knew that it was not a time for conflict. Although Sarah Lans was very upset, she still responded.

escape? How to escape.

It's not that the two haven't tried it before, but the little guys floating in the air guarding them are very cautious, there is no trace of relaxation at all, just like a robot.

And their intelligence is quite high...so you can't use some very idiotic methods to fool animals and monsters.

In this blocked situation, there is no good way to escape.

Unless there is foreign aid, or a stronger hero directly saves the scene...

In fact, most of the time when the righteous party is captured, it is also turned over in this way. After all, it doesn’t take long to run away from the other side of the earth for support, whether it’s Superman’s speed or the Flash’s speed.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ See When the two people exchanged their eyes, Lei next to him also got together, but unfortunately... he stared at Sarah and Snet for half a day, and didn't understand what it meant.

Similarly, the two did not understand what it meant for Lei to stare at his big eyes, so he ignored him decisively.

In fact... it wasn't impossible, and hesitantly, Sarah gave Snet a wink.

Then the eyes of the two fell on Professor Stein and Jackson.

High-end combat power...

Superheroes are a group of decisive pragmatists who do what they say. In fact, there is not much time. Sarah once again communicated to Snet, the two and the Fire Storm duo, and then looked at Jackson blankly. , Professor Stein seems to know the plan roughly and meditate on five numbers, five, four, three...


Sarah's body moved a little, and the next shadow girl immediately screamed like a warning. Her dagger suddenly moved forward and laid across Sarah's neck.

The sharp dagger cut through Sarah's skin, and the blood ran down again.

Then Sarah stopped moving.

Then there was Snet. In order to avoid accidental injury, Snet's movement was also very small. Similarly, Yingji's dagger had just scratched his skin, and Snet immediately stopped.

At this time, Professor Stein suddenly fell over his heart.

With the previous changes, the film stars did not relax at all, and each looked closely at their prisoners, fearing that they would make something wrong.

The shadowy wit with wisdom is not so easy to fool, this kind of chain trouble... there is obviously a conspiracy.

So they stared at Sarah and Snett and others, but in fact, they were not the real change, they were only responsible for attracting attention.

After all, the highest fighting capacity of the legendary squad tomorrow, but the fire storm.

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