High Magic Earth

Chapter 1395: Classics are never outdated

Most of the attention of the film stars is on Rip Hunt and others, especially Sara Lans, who has a lot of former subjects. Although he is not high in combat effectiveness, he is a restless master.

And they did not pay too much attention to the black guy Jackson.

His sense of presence is too low, whenever it is.

At this moment, Jackson also seemed to be suddenly enlightened. He didn't collude with each other to plan a countermeasure, but Jackson quietly approached Professor Stein while others attracted the attention of the film stars.

The two were close to each other. Jackson struggled a little, and they were almost able to touch each other again.

"Old man gray, are you okay!"

In fact, the movie stars are not idiots. Jackson just moved, and the nearby movie stars immediately noticed that they waved their daggers and tried to force Jackson back... But his yelling words made the movie stars move a little. For a moment.

Yi Xiao apparently did not intend to let them die, and this guy on the ground looked no better, they were hesitant to deal with this situation.

After a moment of hesitation, Jackson finally approached Stein.

As if to lift Professor Stein from the ground, Jackson stretched out his hand naturally, and then at the next moment, he and Stein's other hand from below was firmly held together.


The scorching air wave erupted, bursting out a strong impact force in an instant, mixing high temperature and scorching, and rushed to the nearby shadow stars.


The shadow girls screamed and then disappeared into a cloud of black smoke instantly.

They are assassins walking in the shadows, as well as natural assassins. In other words, their attacks are high, but their defenses are low and fragile. They like shadows, like darkness, hate light, hate bright places... and Searing.

The fire storm happened to occupy a few points.

At the moment when the fusion of fire storms appeared, the shadow stars disappeared without any traces, and there was no damage, but also let Riphunt and others go in and out of the unattended situation.

The impact of the fire storm also slammed Rip Hunter and others to the ground. They were lying on their backs, but they quickly climbed up from the ground.

"Go away!"

Sara Lans, who was wounded by Yi Biao, was the most agile. She turned directly from a backspace on the ground, and then picked up the thunder beside her.

I have to say that this atom man is still too watery. The power armor did not give him too much assistance. In addition to being smaller, he was not much stronger than ordinary people.

For example, the most critical anti-impact force, anti-reverse shock and so on.

The legends are preparing to retreat with a swarm of bees, but Rip Hunt waved their hands and stopped them very smartly.

"Wait!" he shouted.

Snet, who had no idea of ​​staying at all, objected first.

"What's wrong," he said slightly impatiently, "Don't tell me you still think we will have a chance."

"We can't get out like this."

Rip Hunt did not think they had a chance, but just pointed out their mistakes calmly.

"This space has been blocked by magic, so run...we will definitely not be able to get out."


Snet raised his eyebrows that Yang didn't have much.

As a criminal in the center city, he saw all kinds of abilities, supernatural phenomena and other strange things, so he did not raise objections in the first place.

Sara Lans was not surprised at all. She was cured by a spring that seemed to contain some magic power. She even knew Constantine. It was not surprising that magic existed.

Gray Old Man and Jackson looked a little curious. "Magic? Does magic really exist? I heard that guy mention magic before."

Yi Chou mentioned the sentence when he first torn the fire storm in half, but neither of them had studied it deeply, nor did they have the time to think about it carefully.

Now I heard that Rip's old things were re-raised and immediately raised interest.

The atom man who flew back and carried Sharan missed most of the things. He didn't know the magic at all. At this time, he was curious about his baby's appearance.

"Magic?" he surprised. "Did you just say magic? Did I hear it wrong?"

Rip Hunt determined that Yi Biao's use of magic was not based on unreliable conjectures, or Yi Biao told them, but the real world of mirrors around him.

Magic cannot be faked.

Seeing the floor seem to be crooked farther and farther, Snett said rather helplessly.

"Okay... I admit that the surroundings look strange, so do you have any good solutions?"

The focus now seems not to focus on what magic, but how they escape.

Rip Hunter has no time gems. It is indeed difficult to open the door of the mirror world. Even if his time gems are in hand, I am afraid that it will not help much.

Fortunately... when he was controlled by the shadow stars, Rip Hunt was not idle.

"Let me try."

He didn't explain much. He took a step forward and gently pulled out a right hand hidden in his pocket. His hand exuded a dark dark green luster, which looked like it was on the gem of the previous time.

Immediately afterwards, Rip’s hands drew a circle in front of him, his hands intersected, and a beautiful arc was drawn in the air, and the golden sparks splashed out, as if vaguely forming a circular door... Then the sparks disappeared Too.

Yes, it disappeared.

It's like an aging circuit with poor contact. After a burst of sparks exploded and consumed its last life, it completely disappeared.

The legends around were silent.

And not to mention the people around Snet and Sharan, even Rip Hunt himself was a little helpless, but... it seemed that he was already mentally prepared.

After all, he didn't expect to succeed at once.

The green light began to converge again, and although the gem of time was lost, the magic that Rip Hunt learned from Strange was also real.

Magic will not deceive people.

It's just that his strength is too bad.

Of course, the portal can also be regarded as the intermediate skill of Karma Taj. If you learn the portal, you can officially be called the temple mage.

However, opening the portal in the mirror world is not the same as opening it elsewhere. The mirror world is a kind of deep magic. Except for Gu Yi, there are few powerful mages who can open it at will.

Even Casillas was able to control the world of mirrors freely after gaining the power of Dormam.

Rip Hunt looked a little restless.

If you can't open the portal as soon as possible, it means that they will still be trapped here, and trapped here... Almost no counterattack, the strength gap between the two sides is too large.

And in this short period of time, those disappeared Yingji have re-emerged.

They walked in the shadows, almost permeable, in addition to being able to drill out of the shadows of some visual dead ends, they could also emerge from their sleeves and even suddenly in the hairline.

If it weren't for Yi Biao that didn't seem to want their life, the first time the film actors were dispatched, Rip Hunt and others were already dead.

No one can prevent a killer who suddenly emerges from his hair.

In this situation, the fire storm has begun to resist again. He emits heat and high temperature, and then constantly expels the nearby Yingji. Mick and Snet also release their own firearm energy attacks, only about Ray and Sarah. The frequency of attacks appears to be slightly weaker.

"Hey, will you do it?"

Taking time, Snett also turned his head and asked Rip... but he meant that he wanted to know if they really could only count on Rip instead of running away.

After all, Rip looks...it seems not so reliable.

Rip didn't answer. His face was still calm, but there was a trace of sweat on his forehead. "Wait... wait, it's going to be fast." He whispered.

Other people's attacks are getting faster and faster...but it didn't take long, just about five or six seconds later, the fire storm suddenly shouted in the sky, "I'm afraid it's too late."

Because he is in the highest position, and sees the farthest, as far as his eyes are concerned... I have seen Yi Xiao and the other woman, flying towards the diameter.

There is not much time left for them... Even if Rip Hunt can open the **** door now, I am afraid it is too late.

But... as long as others can go.

Without much hesitation, the fire storm accelerated in the air and flew towards Yi Chou.

He knew that he was not an arrogant opponent, but was able to block for a second...it was a second.

The flight speed of the fire storm is not fast, but it is not slow. Under the circumstances of accelerating the dive with full force, he decisively pulled out a burst of sonic booms in the air, and then the speed became faster and faster, roaring, and flew to Yi Chou with all his strength.

His back was clenched into fists in the air, with a burning flame of high temperature and heat, aiming at the target in front...and then hit it without hesitation.

"Zi -!"

The interleaving speed of the two was almost blinking, like a meteor in the sky, but it seemed that the time when the fire storm was close to Yi Chou was slowed down.

Yi Chou can see every movement of the fire storm, and even see his every look.

With a black arc and sparks, Yi Chou suddenly stopped in the air, he was suspended in the air quietly, and then he avoided it gently. Then, in the state where the fire storm seemed to be still, gently grabbed his The arm then flicked towards the ground.


After a violent explosion, the fire storm fell to the ground, and the ground was hit by a pit. At the same time, the fire storm also turned back to two people.

Stein and Jackson fell in the pit, life and death unknown, but they must have passed out in a coma.

At the next moment, Yi Chou and Sadako on the back fell gently to the ground.

On the other hand, Rip Hunt still hasn’t opened the portal. Others have not tried to use other methods to leave, but as Rip said, no matter how far they run... In the mirror world, it’s just easy The distance of a gesture.

"You... look like a group of hamsters in a cage."

Yi Huo whispered.

"how about you."

Sarah asked rhetorically without fear.

Yi Xao grabbed his chin and did not answer.

Then he set his sights on Rip, "Can you explain to me...Why the Deadpool, will it appear here."

Rip Hunt looked calm and replied in his quirky London accent, "I'm sorry, this unknown gentleman, I'm afraid I can't answer this question."

At the same time, Rip Hunt also quickly recalled the information about the Deadpool. The name... sounds familiar.

"This is not... a pleasant answer."

Yi Xiao took a deep breath, "So you, deadpool, I know you are still here, maybe you can answer it for me personally."

There is no doubt that there is no answer.

Yi Biao's magic did not find the trail of Deadpool, but the vague answer told him that he was still here.

"Why pay attention to this guy." Sadako whispered next to him, "We have got the gem of time...because kryptonite?"

Kryptonite can cause harm to Yi Chou, which was not thought of by Sadako.

But Yi Xiao knew this very well, after all, he gave himself strength with his silver tongue.

Kryptonite can indeed cause additional damage to Yimeng. Since Yimeng obtained the iron body of the pseudo-Kryptonian, he naturally needs to bear its weaknesses.

Perhaps this weakness can be shielded, then it is bound to make compromises in other areas, it might as well... Kryptonite.

But it can also be seen that because the iron body of Yi Chou is not genuine and is far less than the genuine, Kryptonite's threat to him is not as great as the genuine.

The damage that can be caused is fatal, but it is not necessary, and it will not appear in front of a large number of kryptonite, and it will directly lose its combat power.

Otherwise...Yi arrogant might as well not want the power of this steel body~www.wuxiaspot.com~Sadako and Yi arrogant communicate with each other, she already has insight into Yi arrogant thoughts, okay... she shrugs and then again Lying on Yi Xuan's shoulders.

Sadako is still the original Sadako, and can toss Fujiang hundreds of times in the virtual world, with a logical logic and a reasonably capable bell virus program.

Her personality hasn't changed...but I don't know why, it seems that it may be to remind herself that she has a new body. Since she became real, it seems like she has no bones, wherever she wipes, she is paralyzed.

Especially Yi Chou's shoulders.

While lying on Yihou's back like an evil spirit, while sternly giving out some clues... this feeling is indeed very strange.

Deadpool didn't answer, and Rip Hunt didn't seem to know the answer...then only the last method could be used.

"I know, deadpool."

"You care about the lives of these people."

"Otherwise you have left here long ago."

"So, tell me the answer."

As the words fell, Yi Chou's hands had once again condensed a strange-looking gun, and then aimed at Sarah Lance's head.

The last and simplest method is to use the life of the hostages to make threats. Many villains like to do this. Although there are always many accidents, they are actually very effective.

Sara Lans was very calm, as if the gun was not pointed at by herself, and others seemed calm, but from the slightly clenched fists, it could be seen that they were not as relaxed as they appeared.

Yi Biao was silent for a few seconds, and did not answer. The surroundings were still quiet.

"Then... you have actually responded with actual actions, right, okay." Gently shrugged, Yi Chou clasped his fingers.

At the next moment, the rich beam appeared, pointing directly at Sara Lans. (https:)

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