High Magic Earth

Chapter 1396: Bento is not easy to get

At this moment, time seemed to be slowed down again.

The black lightning flashed in Yi Biao's eyes, and then at the next moment, his eyes slowly turned as the laser beam progressed...No, to be precise, it was faster than the beam.

His eyes can clearly capture every second of vibration, distortion, dissipation, and re-condensation on the beam, and even the expression of other people frozen on the face.

In the face of the sudden attack, Sarah’s face also remained dignified, and Rip Hunt still looked indifferent, but the pupils were slightly enlarged, Snet and Mick looked indifferent, although in the future the whole Tomorrow the legendary squad is very united, at this time... they didn't know each other soon.

Only the good guy, the sweet and white team mascot Lei, cares most about Sarah. In fact, he doesn’t just care about Sarah Lans, but about every teammate.

Regardless of the sharp daggers around him, Lei pushed away the shadow actors who were blocking him, and ran desperately towards Sarah, trying to help her with the suit before the bullet hit Sarah.

His expression and movement were frozen at this moment, time seemed to be at rest, and he also stalled.

Including Sadako lying on her back, she widened her remaining eyes, which were not covered by her hair, and stared straight ahead, looking pale, as if she could see the blue blood vessels under her skin.

It is very interesting to observe the world from the perspective of Shen Suli. Everything is still. It seems to be able to examine the surroundings in more detail, but in fact the only thing left is loneliness.

In a still world, no one can communicate.

Pseudo Divine Speed ​​can reach this level, I don’t know what Barry Allen’s true Divine Speed ​​should be.

The black lightning in Yi Xuan's eyes became more and more dense, and even the surface of his body flashed slightly with sparks and currents with arcs. Yi Xiao stared at him in front of him for a minute and a second, he was waiting for the deadpool to appear Moment.

But he was disappointed, and probably also disappointed Rip Hunt and others.

Deadpool did not appear.


With a sound that seemed to be gently peeling off the cap of the beer, a black hole suddenly appeared on Saralans's forehead, and the unknown energy beam penetrated her head in an instant.

The wound did not bleed out blood or spread, but it emitted white plumes of smoke, because the high temperature had instantly dried everything inside.

Sara Lans fell, without a loud bang, and there was no so-called tremor on the ground, and she fell so quietly.

The body softened, and then showed an irregular posture lying in the snow, the heavy snow even buried her in an instant.

"Do not--!"

Raymond Palmer, who is the atom man, thundered out a cry, his forward trend stopped, and then he was weighed down by countless swarming shadows and fell to his knees.

Rip Hunt's pupils shrank sharply, and he still didn't speak, but his complexion couldn't be concealed. It became very ugly, and even the next Snell and Mick rolled in an inexplicable expression.

Although they are not familiar with Sarah...but there are still rabbits and foxes.

The Fire Storm duo is still in a coma, and the scene is silent, it seems that Raymond can only hear a low gasp.

Superheroes are privileged. Whether it is love or conviction, they always seem to be able to counterattack the Jedi.

Like real luck, death passes by them again and again, and there will always be a way of life before the advent of despair.

But this time... their privileges did not seem to appear.

Yi Biao didn’t have an inexplicable hand-off, nor did he blindly ignore himself after stunned, left no time for him to break free and look for opportunities, let alone the scene that appeared most often in the story... Extreme rescue that appears at a critical moment.

The partner of justice always appears at the last moment and then saves everyone.

None of these, Sarah Lance died so plainly, even a little quietly.

Similarly, Deadpool did not appear at all.

"It seems...your companions have abandoned you."

Yi Xiao gently pulled the trigger again, then turned the muzzle... this time aimed at Rip Hunter himself.

"Because we don't know the guy at all! We don't even know what you are talking about!" Lei yelled in despair with a trace of despair.

No one paid attention to his desperate roar. Rip Hunt was staring at Yi Miao’s black hole muzzle. Compared with the mysterious and strange magic, it is still the most familiar weapon, the firearm, which is more intuitive. People feel threatened.

Rip Hunt did not slack off a bit, because Yi Chou had proved with his actions that he really dared to shoot.

Snet and Mick's breathing also began to increase... This guy might be planning to kill one by one, so it will be his turn sooner or later.

Central City, or the d-world of TV series, is actually very rare when people actually die.

Whether it is based on saving the cost of actors, or to create a reversal of the plot, in short, there are always so many actors back and forth.

Even if someone dies midway, they will often return in some way after a while.

The worst, you can make a few guest appearances or live in memories.

The plot has progressed to the third and fourth seasons. In fact, there are very few real downsizings, not to mention the cruel means like the post-war massacre.

Even Snet, the self-proclaimed chief criminal of the center city, couldn't help but feel a little bit chilly.

But no matter who it is, nothing can stop Yi Chou.

The next moment, the trigger pulled, and the scorching beam flashed again.

Rip Hunter's eyes widened. In the face of the instinct of life and death, he even seemed to catch the bundle of optical fibers flying straight towards himself. This is just a vague feeling, it is very dangerous!

But being able to feel it does not mean being able to avoid it.

In fact, Rip's feeling was just the instinctive reaction of the animal in the face of life and death, just like Han Mao stood up, he was keenly aware of the murderous opportunity from Yi Chou... but it didn't have any egg use.

Maybe Kuaiyin can still give it a try. As a rookie master who is not much stronger than ordinary people, Rip can't be faster than the laser.

At this moment, Rip thought a lot.

It seems that the memories of the first half of my life are all in my mind. The struggling period of the orphans was taken away by the time council fortunately from an early age, and then became a master of time. Countless tasks... until I met her.

Then Vandal Savage, who not only destroyed the world in the future, but also killed her, his wife.

But just as Rip was going to use his second half of his life to stop Vandal Savage and fight against it, another future appeared in front of him.

Exotic strange creatures invaded massively, the entire multiverse was involved in the flames of war, countless worlds and countless planets were torched. Compared with it, the existence of Vandal Savage is like a joke.

Rip Hunt has a new cause of justice.

It's not that he's heading towards the evening, but the latter is indeed more important than a Vandal Savage, even if the Vandal sandwich kills his wife.

Obviously, even if he finally succeeded in preventing Savage, perhaps his wife, even including him, might still die in the war that swept the entire multiverse.

On the contrary, if he has the ability to stop, or to shake up a war that swept the entire multiverse, then not only can he reverse the future, he can stop a Savage...and he can do it.

Rip Hunt's choice was correct.

In front of the future of the multiverse and his wife, Rip Hunt made a right choice, and it was also a correct choice.

Unfortunately, choice is just choice.

Without more strength, he could not do more things... stopped here.

Seeing the color of light getting closer and closer, he could even feel the scorching breath pounce on his forehead, and Rip Hunt closed his eyes slightly.

The future has not changed, nor has the fate of the wife... nothing has changed.

It's time to end.



The ground was shattering, as if invisible missiles had fallen from the sky, and large pieces of cracked stones suddenly spattered from time to time around Riphunt and others.

But this is not an invisible missile, because in this, a black lightning can be seen faintly.

When you look in front of you, you will find that the strange enemy suddenly appeared, and Yi Chou has long disappeared.

These things happened too fast. In fact, when Yi Xuan pulled the trigger, the moment when Rip Hunt closed his eyes, it seemed that there was no pause, a loud explosion sounded, and Yi Xuan disappeared instantly, then, Black lightning continued to circulate in the field, explosions and splashes continued.

Rip Hunt was a little dazed.

The rumbling sound made him seem to have lost his short-term thinking ability. After froze for dozens of seconds, he seemed to realize a fact.

"...I am not dead?"

Rip opened his eyes slowly, the world is still that world, as if it was just an illusion.

But the mess that followed saw clearly stated that it was not an illusion, but a fact, and it was happening.

Let's do a slow motion playback...

As Rip Hunt slowly closed his eyes, the scorching laser also flew at a very fast speed.

This contains a very high-energy current, or plasma, almost liquid current form. This weapon is not something that Yi Piao usually does nothing, nor is it read by the silver tongue. It is Yunxing Technology.

In the arsenal of colonial ships, the one with the largest number of standard pistols.

Although it seems that it has not surpassed the technology of this world for many years... But in the use of electrical energy, it is absolutely away from the distance of more than one street in these worlds.

The small gun does not seem to be a threat, but it leaves a burnt hole, but in fact, even if it is not facing humans, but it is a high-density and high-strength alloy, it can easily penetrate everything. Corroded holes are left on it.

This high-concentration compressed plasma hits people, basically there is no possibility of any defense.

But at the moment when this beam of plasma was about to hit Rip Hunt, a red and black figure suddenly appeared between the plasma and Rip Hunt.


"Mine knew that the luckiest one would be this guy!" he muttered in his mouth.

"Then why should I save him! This does not match the people!"

"Your writing collapsed!"

Even on the occasion of a desperate attack, Deadpool still had a few nagging sentences, but his hand movements were unambiguous. The handle seemed to be mixed with a samurai sword of unknown krypton material. Laser beam.

At the next moment, the light beam hit the blade of his knife fiercely, and then suddenly turned back to other directions.

At the same time, Yi Chou suddenly moved.

"Zi -!"

A black arc suddenly appeared on his body. The arc crackled and appeared on the surface of Yi Chou's body, disappearing and disappearing like a snake, and then reappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Chou took a step forward...and then the world was truly, still.


Deadpool opened his mouth wide, of course, the mouth under the mask. He seemed to realize what guy he was facing when he clamored. He tried his best to twist his body, but the effect was low.

Faced with the extreme absolute speed of Divine Speed ​​Force, there are not many people who can chase this speed except the Super Speed ​​Speed ​​users, except Superman...the remaining number can also be counted with fingers.

Deadpool certainly won't work, of course, maybe with his speed, he can move so much.

Yi Biao's speed was raised to the extreme in an instant. He ran to the deadpool, and even exceeded the concentrated plasma that had been blasted out long ago.

The longer the deadpool's mouth grew, the more obvious he knew that things were going to happen. The ability of the transient variant on his body was running wildly, trying to leave here again before Yi Chou caught him.


Yi Xuan was getting closer and closer to him, and even the half-sentences of Deadpool even just spit out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then Yi Xuan reached out his hand and grabbed the neck of Deadpool.

The dark purple light appeared in the hands of Yi Chou. Deadpool has been rich for a long time* telling him that once he is hit by this kind of thing, there is no good thing, maybe he will get something strange and the like.

But just as Yi Xao was about to catch Deadpool, the whole body of Deadpool began to blur.

Another old TV with bad signal.

The precursor of transmission.

Even if Yi Chao's speed is fast, everything around Yi Chang seems to be still, but there is still a relative degree, not really still.

Although Yi Xiao wanted to make the Deadpool stand still... but he still left here with a little teleportation.


Far away, far away, there was a full of provocation in the deadpool.

Yi Chou turned his head calmly, straightened his body, and surrounded by black lightning, flickering and flickering.

Then the next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had come to the deadpool again.

But the dead waiter with rich combat experience was not stupid enough to stand provocatively and provocatively. He knew the horror of the hurry. After one teleport ended, there was no stopping. The next teleport was randomly selected.

Yi Chou instantly appeared in the position where Deadpool was before. "Boom!" While slamming the ground with a sharp kick, Deadpool had jumped to the next place again.

"Boom! Boom!"

Deadpool’s jump seems to be much stronger than the Red Devil, without delay and smoke, but under the repeated chase of Yi Huo, the time left for him is getting shorter and shorter, so the distance he jumps again and again The shorter.

Soon, after the entire surrounding ground became bumpy and full of cracks and debris, the distance between the two quickly narrowed.

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