High Magic Earth

Chapter 1397: This is the privilege of a superhero

The violent explosion was like drawing everyone into the battlefield. The blasting gravel was everywhere. The debris and debris of the earth were falling everywhere. Large pieces of smoke were raised. Under the smoke, it could only be blurred. I saw a black lightning flew through it.

Yi Chou chased the Deadpool. Although the ability of the mutants sent by the Deadpool seems to be uninterrupted, and there is no slight delay, there is no blessing after all.

There are two worlds with and without super speed.

Every action of the Deadpool is extremely slow in Yi Biao's eyes, almost static, and the distance between the two of each frame and every second is continuously shortening gradually.

His continuous transmission may be able to delay for a period of time, but not for long.

"Zi -!"

A strong current sound suddenly appeared in the open space, the black lightning was still for a moment, Yi Heo stopped at the same place, and the blurred figure gradually appeared in the eyes of several people.

"It's no use running away, deadpool."

"You have proven...you care about their lives."

Seeing Yi Chou no longer chasing himself, the Deadpool also sighed with relief. Fart fart ran far away, then jumped and began to yell and scold.


"! Silence every time! I*!"

"There is no need to deny that it is useless to churn," Yi Huo whispered, "otherwise you will not suddenly appear before I will kill Rip Hunt."

As Yi Xiao stopped his pseudo-swift power, others could finally see what he looked like, and there did not seem to be much change compared to before... But Rip and others were more concerned about the conversation between these two strange guys.

What is it...Want to kill Rip Hunt, wasn't Sarah killed before the gun was aimed at Rip, did Sarah's death die in vain? Not even worth mentioning in their eyes?

Doubt and anger grew in my heart, but... before this emotion spread, there was a rustling voice suddenly in the snow not far away.

That's where Sarah Lans originally died.

"Don't... be fooled by him!"

Sarah's angry voice came out, and it sounded like she was still struggling.

"I am not dead!"

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes, "This is... an interesting introduction."

At the next moment, the body of Sara Lans lying in the snow gradually disappeared, replaced by a blurred figure kneeling on the ground.

The real Sara Lans.

Intact... At least there was no hole in the head burned by the high temperature of the plasma.

Her hands and feet were bound by magic, and her mouth was closed. It seemed that she had just untied and was still struggling. It was because of this that Sarah did not have the first time to remind others that she was not dead. The so-called death is just a Illusion.

Lei stared at a series of shocks. Although there are still many things that are unclear, it is certain that Sarah Lance is not dead. Her teammates are fine. This is the best.

He breathed a sigh of relief, as if the whole person had softened.

Then they were heavily pressed into the snow by half an inch.

"Not dead, boring."

Mick murmured vaguely.

Sarah narrowed her eyes, didn't take Limike, just stared at Yi Chou coldly. Although he didn't really kill her, after all, she was imprisoned and killed a illusion in front of her.

Yes, the illusion, the death of Sarah Lance is just an illusion, Yi Chou did not kill her, just made a illusion of her death, and temporarily imprisoned the real Sarah, so that she could not remind others.

As for Rip, who was pointed at the gun...that's true.

and so……

"Now, we know two things."

Yi Chou once again calmly dropped his gaze into the distance, and looked at the dead waiter who was still jumping and scolding.

"First, you don't want them to die, at least for Rip Hunt."

"The second point...you can see through my magic."

The dead waiter who jumped and scolded suddenly had a moment of silence, and then at the next moment, he showed a look that the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"It was seen by you."

"Deadpool in the comic?" Yi Xuan asked again.

"Why should I tell you this, of course, if you call me sincerely, in fact, I am not unconcerned."

Yihou turned his palm and refocused Rip Hunt without hesitation...Look, the reason is simple.


The Deadpool cursed loudly, then threw the samurai sword **** the ground, and gave Yizhong a middle finger, "Do you think the Deadpool will be threatened!"

Yi Xuan was silent for a moment, then suddenly pulled a stack of dollars from his clothes.

"One hundred thousand."

"I'm from the comic book world." Deadpool said quickly.

After he finished speaking, he kissed the dollar bill in the hands of Yi Xuan... and instructed Yi Xuan to quickly hand over his little cutie.

The black current spread again and then disappeared again... but Yi Chou had placed the banknote in his hand on the ground not far away.

Just at that moment.

Deadpool fart ran far and ran around the money several times, after confirming that there were no traps...

"Are you sure not?" the Deadpool asked.

He picked up the money.

"Well, it seems to be gone."

The dead waiter quickly clicked the banknotes, and then he ran around, not knowing where to put it under the tights, and the thick stack of banknotes disappeared.

Quietly silent, Yi Chou continued.

"Tell me why you want to use kryptonite, where did you get it, what are you doing here... one million."

Deadpool looked at Yi Chou with suspicious eyes.

"You gave me real money, but I know the tricks of your group of wizards." He seemed very suspicious, and of course even touched the previous stack of banknotes again, and then carefully checked them one by one.

"I'm curious, I wear such a handsome mask, how do you see my eyes suspicious."

"It's impossible...you have perspective?!"

Deadpool made a panic with arms in his hands.

Yi Biao's mouth twitched slightly.

"Of course it's real money, and the goods are real. It doesn't matter if you want gold."

"Forget it." Deadpool said in a relaxed tone. "I prefer the smell on the banknotes, gold, and the stocks are too cold."

"Then banknotes."

Yi Xiao reached out and dragged him in the air, and a silver-white suitcase was pulled out by him. Next, the inside of the suitcase was aimed at the deadpool, where the panel was full of banknotes.

Deadpool squeezed his chin with two hands with exaggeration.

"I will give you these 100,000 back, how about you call me this trick."

"not very good."

Yi Xiao looked down at the time gem with green luster, "Don't ink, I have limited patience, deadpool."


Deadpool shrugged. "...No."

He shook his head and said, "You have a lot of questions. You can't buy so many answers for this amount of money."

"How many."

Yi Chou was more calm than Deadpool and asked directly.

But the Deadpool did not uncharacteristically say an astronomical figure, "You can't afford this price." And spit out the situation, "This is not like me, you are set up again."

"what do you want."

Yi Chou frowned slightly.

"Your life... or the space gem, I don't mind that time gem as an addition."

Yi Xiao took a deep breath.

"We don't have to talk...right."

"Look, I said you can't afford the price." Deadpool spread his hands very innocently, and then rolled his eyes. "Okay, I just don't have to talk."

"Zi -!"

The violent sound of electric current penetrated into everyone's ears in an instant. Yi Chou turned into a black lightning and disappeared instantly. At the same time, the whole mirror world began to rotate in an orderly manner.

False **** speed force does not affect Yi arrogant use of magic. After all, under pseudo **** speed force, Yi arrogant's thinking is still clear, but the people around him are too slow for him.

As a warrior mercenary, the deadpool has a cheap mouth, but the experience is not covered.

Before Shen Suli encircled Yi Chou, Deadpool had expected that Yi Chou would start at the next moment, a teleport, directly evacuating a few hundred meters away.

It even jumped out of the arrogant mirror world.

This is also one of the places where Yi Chou is curious...Because the Deadpool came in this way, it seems that it was not blocked or blocked by the mirror world at all.

If this guy is the deadpool in the comics, then his strength should be stronger, or more difficult.

Although Deadpool can kill the universe is only a special issue... but it also shows that his ability is disgusting, there is almost no way to kill him, then to some extent, he has become invincible.

But if he is not a comic, this arbitrary teleportation ability is not what the Deadpool should have in the movie.

Of course, breaking the fourth wall always communicates with certain mysterious characters from time to time, or the character of nagging, no matter which world's deadpool has not changed.

What's more, why the samurai sword in his hand contains traces of kryptonite.

Kryptonians are the handlebars of the d world, and they are not a style of painting at all.

There seem to be a lot of secrets hidden in him... from the future, this time without intuition, Yi Chou knows the intelligence he can bring is very critical.

Then there is no need to keep hands

Yi Xao started chasing Deadpool in a straight line, and while he was running, he pulled out the silver tongue magic book, and rumbling pages on it.

The magic book is not too thick, only about a dozen pages or hundreds of pages, but Yi Biao seems to have no end in turning up, at least over a thousand pages in a blink of an eye.

Then Yi Xuan stopped in the middle of the magic book.

"You should slow down..."

Along with Yi whispering murmur, the dead waiter who turned back and continued to provoke in front suddenly realized that his speed became slower or slower, or not his speed, but his mutant ability.

After all, Deadpool relied on instantaneous transfer to open the distance from Yi Chao's pseudo-power.

But at this time, Deadpool felt that the instantaneous transfer became more and more difficult, just like the surrounding space was solidified and began to freeze gradually.


The Deadpool cursed loudly, and he knew it must have been the ghost of the guy behind him.

He wasn't sure if the guy behind him was the mastermind that swept the entire multiverse universe, but what is certain is that he must be related to that guy.

Ordinary people may not know what the group of monsters attacking and destroying the earth is. The aliens are still the product of technology, but this group of superheroes is very clear.

After all, they also have superheroes on the mysterious side.

Those companions on the mysterious side bite... This is magic.

Although it is very powerful and advanced magic, it is still magic, and its essence has not changed.

At this point in time, there is a famous superhero who is not known as Kama Taj, not known as the dead waiter... Then there is a great possibility that he has a relationship with that guy.

These magics are very troublesome.

There are always some inexplicable things in the memory of Deadpool, such as the address of the editor, when the next comic will be published, and even scattered plots.

This time, what appeared in the memory of the Deadpool were pictures of the future.

And it's very clear.

The flames that ignited the entire multiverse swept through, and no one could stay out of the matter.

Deadpool didn’t want to do anything to save the world as a superhero, but at this time he couldn’t allow him not to do it, because if the future war was repeated, the first one targeted by the other party seemed to be him. Nearly immortal superhero.

God knows that Deadpool only wanted to save himself at the beginning, and how to save the world in the end.

Space gem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That is, the Rubik's Cube is a very important key point in time and an important item. In fact, all infinite gems are very important.

But the space gem was the earliest and best to cut in, so Deadpool chose it here.

It was just that he saw Rip Hunt... a little guy from the time council.

There is a figure of Rip Hunt in his memory, but it can only be counted as a marginal superhero. Since the time council was overthrown, the masters of time have no backup, they are mixed in superheroes. The level of warfare is about that of a normal agent.

After all, the task of the masters of time is to maintain the correctness and stability of the timeline, and sometimes there is no need to be violent.

Rip Hunt’s life and death are irrelevant, but he wears the eye of Agomomoto, who should belong to Strens, the gem of time.

Deadpool suspected that all of this might be related to the gem of time. Rip Hunt was in the world next door. He would never come to this world for no reason.

Deadpool didn't know much about Rip Hunt, but was very familiar with the absolute main force of superheroes like Strange.

The eye of Agomo is very powerful, and Strange is another cautious and timid guy. If he does not leave anything on the time gem, the deadpool will not believe it.

"I won't die anyway." Deadpool shrugged.

Whatever the reason, the Deadpool will not allow Ripple to get a lunch box as soon as he plays... At least he has to wait for him to keep all his secrets before he dies.

As for Yi Chou who has already caught up behind him, Deadpool has an idea in mind.

It’s unclear what the relationship between the future Deadpool and the future Strange, but some of the gems of urging time and even the way to interfere, the Deadpool’s memory is very clear, so the next step is to pray... This method is really it works.

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