High Magic Earth

Chapter 1398: Black shadow. . Ji

"Are you the last one."

Athena slowly tapped the spine of the golden book with her long fingers, and in front of her stood the last slightly thin female agent.

The young agent's face was a little nervous, which reminded Athena inexplicably of the kings who were about to die and prayed to the gods.

That was waiting for the ultimatum of fate.

On the other side, the female agents who have passed the future test are also crowded together, and all relevant memories they have experienced in the book of years are eliminated.

A lot of memory was compressed and poured in, and then quickly evacuated before completely squeezing their heads... It is this protective mechanism that keeps them alive now, rather than becoming a beauty without a head.

But the influx of time and time again and again made them all muddled.

At first, some people thought that calling them in was some kind of poor hypnotism, but after the companions left the field and experienced one time, they found that although their heads were dizzy, they seemed to have nothing to do with hypnosis.

They couldn't decide what was going on... they could only bury their doubts in their hearts.

In addition to their group of unqualified guys, there were thirteen qualified agents who were thrown to the other side by Athena.

So far, there are exactly 13 people.

Athena tapped on the back of the book with her fingers and stared at the last guy with impatient eyes. She could feel that there was a fight on it. Not only did Sadako appear... Even the Hundred Ghosts were also partly dispatched.

As a goddess of war, although she is not fanatical about war, she also advocates fighting. She loves fighting and needs fighting.

Being a tester is not her specialty, which annoys Athena.

Observation is the first subject of the agent. The petite agent immediately noticed a strong impatience from Athena’s eyes. Faced with this terrible woman...she dared not contend for more than a second and immediately lay down on the cold surgical bed .

All her companions do this.

The next moment, the magic of the book of years emanated, and she fell asleep again.

Athena is hitting the spine of the book more and more frequently, and the whole person is becoming more and more impatient. The illusion time of the book of years is more than ten times that of the outside world. In the blink of an eye, the illusion may have spent several years.

Otherwise, it is impossible to go through all the possibilities.

This is a stupid method, and it is also a very time-consuming method. Generally speaking, an agent must spend at least tens of thousands of different emergency tasks in the book of years.

No one can control destiny, even Yi Yi's current magic cannot simulate all possible choices and possibilities in the future.

He can only expand this range as much as possible.

The tens of thousands of tasks will take almost a hundred years of accumulated time. It will take more than ten minutes or even half an hour to change to the outside world where Athena is located.

Fortunately, it is the last one.

Athena knocked on the golden book of years, then closed her eyes slightly, listening to the battle on the ground.

She has no magic, no divine skills, and seems to be fighting only by physical qualities. There is no such thing as a **** should have. In fact, Athena still has some very godly capabilities.

In addition to the extraordinary combat skills, about five senses.

You should know that the gods living on the holy mountain of Olympus can hear the prayers of mortals. Although there are certain magic elements in them, their ears are easy to use and true.

Athena concentrated her attention carefully, and heard the sound of the sound on the ground for more than ten meters.

But at the next moment, Athena's ear moved slightly, then turned her head again.

The little guy on the operating bed seems to be waking up.

Sure enough, just a few seconds later, her eyelashes moved slightly, then slowly opened her eyes, a large amount of memory tried to pour in, and was quickly pulled away by the book of years, making her head dizzy Somber, his eyes a little confused.

"Very good, you are the newcomer of this time... Bah! Come on stage."

Athena quickly ate back half of the conversation, and then dragged the little guy coldly and threw it into the crowd of qualified people next to it.

Quickly flipping through the replays in the book of years, Athena couldn't help but feel a bit desperate.

Nearly a thousand missions... No one succeeded, not even one approached the mission goal, almost all failed at the initial stage, the farthest one was only successfully mixed into the enemy’s camp, and then exposed. Then completely exposed.

Athena doubted whether it would be useful to bring these guys back.

No major impact on history, in other words, it means that they are all losers, because only dead people have the lowest impact on history.

After this group of losers was brought back, even after undergoing the transformation of the God-creating plan, Athena was very doubtful...they have any value in existence.

Forget it, this is just the first screening... The rest is not in your own consideration, but leave it to Yi Chou to worry about it.

Athena's eyes fell on qualified agents.

Counting the last qualified one, there are a total of 14 people, and the old acquaintance Su Shanna is also among them.

Her secret agent skills are very good, IQ is online, and her will is firm, but unfortunately she is very unlucky. Almost eight or nine times out of ten tasks will be messed up by some accident.

For the remaining one or two, I also passed through in shock and danger...

Such **** luck, Athena doubted that her first mission would be unfavorable, and then completely disappeared in the long history of history.

Finally, Athena was relieved in her heart, but she was quiet on the surface, waving her hand to open a portal that directly leads to Neverland.

"You all go in." She said coldly to the qualified agents.

No one dared to resist.

Yi Xiao and Athena have already explained everything with their strength, so as long as they are not sent to death on the spot... I am afraid there will not be much resistance.

Perhaps a qualified agent can put aside life and death, but they are obviously not. The Red House is the base for agent training. They are still here, which means that they are not qualified, at most they are only reserve service.

Fourteen agents quickly disappeared in the portal. Athena closed the portal and stared coldly at the remaining agents.

Irina's heart immediately lifted.

"I think... he has left us with other uses."

Irina, as a veteran agent, has gone through countless life and death moments, and she has a very precise grasp of people's hearts. Unfortunately, she is now facing a god.

She didn't feel the killing intention on Yi Chou. No matter what the reason was, they might be safe.

But the woman in front of her was different. Irina couldn't understand her. She was like a creature without emotions, as if looking down on them as if standing tall.

This feeling is very bad, but in this case, they have to endure, and even their lives are not grasped by the other party at all.

Seeing this guy turn his eyes, Irina moved out of Yi Chou immediately.

Of course, she can see that the two people are dominated by Yi Chou. She hopes to use Yi Chou's name to dispel some unhealthy thoughts in Athena's heart.

Although Athena looks cold and fought very hard when fighting, it looks like a fighting madman, but don't forget that her most famous **** name is the goddess of war and wisdom.

War and wisdom, these two words are parallel.

Her wisdom is not lower than her combat power. To a certain extent, she has no magic arts, no magic, and no other strengths besides a strong **** body, so her wisdom is actually far beyond her It's fighting.

The last memory was still in the period of ancient Greece, and immediately slept to the modern moment, but Athena was able to adapt to everything in modern life in just a few months, and even some areas of knowledge are more familiar than Yi Huo. More, it can already explain the problem.

Captain America is also asleep, only seventy years, but when he wakes up.

With Athena's wisdom, if she belongs to this point in time, then she may also become one of the top-notch existence in certain fields, such as scientific researchers.

But even after waking up from a deep sleep, the latter is not impossible. After all, knowledge is endless, and she will stand up to the height of the world **** sooner or later.

Use her wisdom.

So even without the magic to read the mind or steal the mind, Athena still cleared Irina's careful thought immediately after glancing at the other side lightly.

"Relax." Athena said disdainfully.

"I didn't plan to do anything to a group of ants."

"Erase your memory, I will leave here soon."

Athena didn't really plan to get into this group of guys because she heard some strange sounds while she listened to the battle above.

Vehicles...and reinforcements are coming here.

The number seems to be small, but it is clear that the guys who can still make reinforcements in this situation, and the number is so small, are obviously some guys with very good strength, or that they think they have good strength.

Communication in this era is not as fast as in later generations, but the technology of instant messaging is also very developed, especially in wartime, all the equipment in the Red House are the best and the best.

During this time, pay attention to let the red house personnel pass the message.

So maybe... the support that came this time may be really powerful. After all, this is a world of chaotic technology trees with black technology, and no one can guarantee that the butterfly effect caused by the two people will create some A strange existence that should not have appeared.

For example, perhaps the Soviets are also carrying out the plan of super soldiers, but because the technology is not perfect, it has not been carried out officially.

Maybe after the birth of Captain America, they also began the final experiment, but for some reason they have not been completely successful, and over time, the plan was put on hold.

But today, because they were stimulated by Yi Chao and Athena, they desperately started the experiment. As a result, under various external disturbances and coincidences, the cells of the super soldier actually succeeded.

This is the typical butterfly effect.

Although the odds are small, the currently boring Athena doesn't mind taking a look.

"Clear memory."

Irina's face is not very pretty.

It is certainly not a pleasant thing to know clearly that memory seems to be the most thorough restricted area of ​​a person. No one wants this restricted area to be touched or interfered at will.

But again, they have no right to choose.

Athena opened the portal to Neverland again, and the black shadow creeped on the wall, but this time, a black humanoid monster appeared.

Like the image of the black shadow man who appears most often in the animation, it merges with the shadow portal, and at first it can't see its existence.

It wasn't until the portal disappeared that it appeared in front of the red house agents such as Irina.

"what is this!"

Even though this group of agents has been prepared for so many things and has higher mental abilities than ordinary people, after this strange creature appeared, it still caused them a disturbance.

Even Irina stepped back and couldn't help asking aloud.

"You can call her... Nightmare." Athena said lightly.

With her wisdom, all languages ​​are learned very quickly and spoke very fluently, but for these Soviet girls, even as agents, they need to master many of their own languages, similar to Chinese and Japanese, and their grammatical pronunciation and even Languages ​​with very different cultural meanings ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also very difficult to learn.

What's more, they didn't learn two languages ​​at all.

Athena thought about it and explained it in English by the way, but unfortunately they translated it after listening, and the whole meaning completely changed.

"Dream at night...black woman?"

Irina's tone was very hesitant.

This title seems to be a bit funny. For a time, even the surrounding atmosphere is not so scary, and watching this sudden monster is not so terrible.

"Is this a woman?"

Irina looked at the dark monster.

Then at the next moment, this dark-painted guy suddenly changed, and it sent out a wriggling, and then suddenly changed into a human figure that could be discerned, and then it seemed that two eyeballs with white eyes and pupils appeared in the position of the head.

Irina's eyes narrowed quickly.

Really... a person.

Immediately afterwards, a rift appeared again underneath the eyes, and that was its mouth. It grinned and grinned, and leaked a row of good teeth.

Even in the dim light, Irina could see the light shining on the row of teeth, some dazzling white streamer flashed over the teeth, and then at the end of the mouth, a beam of Doji star bloomed .


And it even seems to have its own voiceover!

Irina and the agents: ...

But the good news is that she may be a human, or rather, a humanoid creature, because at least her teeth are human teeth.

Irina hasn't reached the point where she can't even tell this.

Seeing the first meeting between Dioji and the agents seemed to be very happy, and Athena was also very relaxed. "Okay." She said again, "Then she will take the memories that you should not leave...all eaten Off."

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