High Magic Earth

Chapter 1399: Title of the year


Irina's face is not very beautiful, because the meaning of this word does not seem so beautiful.

Today they have experienced enough things, weird experiences, the same weird people, after hearing such exaggerated descriptions, it is hard not to let them think of something that is not very good.

Irina had envisioned many ways of death. She was shot directly, died after being tortured, or poisoned, dagger or even strangled with bare hands. These are the methods commonly used by their agents.

But it does not include being eaten.

Irina couldn't help but take a step back gently.

Athena's gaze glanced over, her pupils were indifferent, as if to be able to penetrate everything, she saw Irina's careful thoughts, but there was no explanation, but only gently gestured to the nearby Di Ji.

Night Ji emerged from the shadows, his teeth turned into crescent-shaped crescent again, and then the figure moved directly to the back of the last agent not far away.


Originally, these agent chicks were muddled because of the large amount of memory wash. It seems that they have not reacted yet. She was swallowed by the nightmare, and she murmured, and then fell to the ground softly, falling into a deep sleep.

Nightingale behind her was exposed. She was satisfied with her face, and even her two round eyes became crescent-shaped like teeth.

She swallowed the swallowed memory beautifully and seemed to give a satisfied cheer.

It is not that no one tries to resist.

Although Yi Xiao and Athena killed all the disobedient people, but in the face of the dark nightmare, faced with such monsters, humans would almost instinctively resist.

But unfortunately, although Night Ji looks like the shadow man in Conan, the black one seems to be a little soft, and it seems that she will be beaten with a dozen fights, but her combat power is actually much more powerful than the average agent.

At this point, the polar bear soldier who was trying to resist was already visible on the ground.

"Suck, suck!"

The nightmare devoured quickly. She almost attached it to an agent, and the memory could be washed away in less than a second.

In the beginning, Di Ji's movements were still cautious, walking in the shadows, trying not to be seen by them.

However, as the riots became larger and larger, no one dared to resist or run away under the suppression of Athena. Nightmare's movements and speed were blatantly bold, even making a loud sound of suction and swallowing.

In the narrow space, the staff, agents and soldiers of the Red House fell one by one. They fell into a sweet sleep. When they woke up, they would forget what happened today.

As for how to explain why most of the red house base was destroyed, it is not something that Yi Chou needs to consider.

Of course, eyewitnesses are definitely more than the people in the Red House, those who come to the nearby cities and bases to support, and the distress signal that the Red House put out will leave a record, and Yi Chou will also remove them.

In addition to magic, there is a better right-hand man.

Hydra, Baroness Strak, such a good free labor Yi Yio did not forget.

But these are the things afterwards. Yi Xiao planned to leave after selecting enough Red House agents, but never thought Rip Hunt led his team to find them.

This is what Yi Choudu had not expected.

After all, Rip Hunt is not in the history and not in the timeline. Since the day he saw the future, he has jumped out of the so-called plot world, even if it is Yi Huo... I can’t know in advance what he will do in the future.

But it’s okay to send it to yourself.

After all, the other party is a so-called superhero, or a team of superheroes. In Marvel, the superhero's home world, the hustle and bustle of the world does not really want to be too targeted, maybe when they can overturn the ship...after all, superheroes are always good at create a miracle.

But not to take the initiative to find Rip Hunt's trouble does not mean that Yi Bao will give away the gems of time that are readily available after being sent to the door.

He has already experienced the power of the time gem in Supreme Master Gu Yi's hands. Although he can drag Gu Yi into invincibility with magic, he is ultimately invincible.

That was when Yi Chou **** a whole New Yorker's life as a bargaining chip, and then reluctantly pushed the scale of victory to a relatively balanced position.

Otherwise, by virtue of Gu Yi's mind and willpower, it may really be able to consume time and arrogance until the end of the world.

After all, without this determination, how could she keep the earth in the hands of Domma and other outland creatures again and again.

The Supreme Master is not just an honorific title, but also her reputation.

Diary Ji's progress is getting faster and faster, Athena's mood is getting more and more beautiful, screening agents, eliminating memories, and then the tasks left by Yi Biao for her are completed.

Athena is actually not able to do these things, how to say she is also a god, even when he was on the holy mountain of Olympus, the father did not let her take care of these chores.

If it wasn't for urgency, Athena would definitely throw things back to Bai Guiji.

During this time, the progress of Bai Guiji is also very fast. In other words, it can be understood that many characters have been unlocked. In addition to Yingji's big troops and Fushan Ji of Shanshanzi, there is also a special unit such as Diary Ji.

Counting the flowers married Ji, I am afraid that there have been more than a dozen special units, reaching one-tenth of the total number of Hundred Ghosts.

In contrast, Sadako and Athena have many helpers to call... Fu Jiang does not count, and her characteristics are really worrying and frightening, even if they seem like the same kind of ghost Get close to her.

In the elegant Greek tune of Athena's humming, Di Jiji hit the last hiccup, and then Irina, the agent chief of the Red House, fell to the ground unwillingly.

So far, all the witnesses' memories of the Red House have been cleaned up by Di Jiji.

Things like surveillance have long been ruined. Don’t underestimate Athena’s wisdom. Sometimes these modern technologies are better than Yi Chou.

Of course, it's definitely not as good as Lucy.

Night Ji returned to Fantasy Island, merged into the shadow, and left quietly. I have to say that Yi Chou once thought that he would become a wizard specializing in shadow magic is not unreasonable, because at least for now, his body The next half of the biological ability is related to the shadow.

Including the portal that comes with Neverland, the shadow that has been split from Yi's feet.

After sending away the Direki, Athena naturally intended to go to the surface to make up for the excitement, instead of returning directly to Neverland and continuing to stay in the library.

There are many books in the library, not even in the general sense.

The Red Castle Big Library connects all the world’s bookstores, such as libraries, private collection rooms in some noble families, the academic city collection room, etc., in addition to the library ruins of Oz, Austria The country is very special, and Yi Chou has not yet explored it completely.

But no matter how many books will be read sooner or later...especially the spiritual wisdom of Athena and the almost unlimited life time.

Books can be read at any time, so she usually needs to find something to kill time.

For creatures with infinite time, their biggest enemy is probably time itself. The long time is enough to wipe out all traces of the past, or even completely change the original existence.

The long time is enough to distort the thinking of any creature, unless you find yourself something to do.

Athena does this now, but she is not ready to look for Yi Huo.

The fight was over there, and the Yingji family was dispatched collectively. In addition to the sadako, although there was a difficult guy who could teleport and seemed to be unable to fight, but the Libra of victory would not tilt again.

Even if you rush over, it won't be too interesting.

Athena was going to go in the opposite direction from Yi Chao.

Because when she listened to the fighting above, she realized that a team of people was coming in the other direction. They might be soldiers who were not afraid of death, or they thought that the assault team was powerful, or it might be the butterfly effect that was fanned out.

In any case, it is better than Yingji's side.

Athena, who regards human beings as ants, is naturally impossible to do such a self-reducing thing as Sadako competing for ants.

Bending his knees slightly, the next moment, like a shell, Athena jumped violently, without any turns, and hit the ceiling of the red house's base.

The expected reactive failure did not occur.


Along with the trembling of the underground base, the ceiling mixed with steel and concrete was directly hit by Athena into a big hole, and the gravel fell down, almost buried the comatose group below, but in the end, fortunately did not hurt An agent.

Athena's speed was constantly accelerating, and the obstacles above the base did not block her. She almost reached the ground in the blink of an eye, and the speed was not even much slower than Yi Huo.

Behind her, was a series of deep pits that were hit straight out.

The entire base of the red house has been penetrated by her. If you want to repair it, it may take a long time.

Immediately afterwards, Athena landed gently, as if she had no weight, even the dust did not rise, and then the figure moved forward again, a few jumps had disappeared.

The speed of Athena's performance in the underground laboratory of Seth Company is very slow. That's because she and Yi Huo were suppressed by unknown positions.

The faster the speed, the stronger the repulsion of that position.

But now without the interference of unknown positions, Athena's speed immediately turned dozens of times, and even at full speed, it was only a bit slower than Yi Huo.

With her speed, within half a minute, it was enough to intercept the unlucky guy.

The coniferous forest and the ground all receded quickly in the eyes of Athena, but at the next moment, she galloped forward suddenly seemed to feel a sense of palpitations for a while, then Athena suddenly stopped with a sudden thought. The golden armor flashed through an arc like a meteor in the air, and retreated to the side.


The next moment, a wave of devastating energy appeared.

Like the Leaning Tower of Babylon leading to heaven and earth, a colorful beam of light suddenly appeared in front of Athena, falling down from the clouds above the sky, hitting the land where she must pass.

The colorful beam of light exudes this terrifying energy, which makes Athena secretly shocked... I'm afraid her **** body can't sustain under this intensity of energy for long, and it is also the end of the smoke.

If it weren't for her to flash fast, I'm afraid then there would be no more.

For the first time, Athena felt so close to the fall.

The spirit is not incapable of dying, but the spirit is difficult to die. Whether it is the body of the spirit is difficult to be killed, or the long life span is destined to be a long process.

The gods do not usually worry about their fall. Just like normal people, they don’t think about when they should die, but no one wants to die, and no gods are willing to fall.

This does not distinguish between human beings and gods, and is the commonality and instinct of living things.

So when they are about to fall, sometimes gods tend to be more crazy than humans, because they used to have more power, and because they lived long enough, they are even more reluctant to die.

Even fear of death.

After all, Athena is a god, and she was a little scared at first. She calmed down soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After she calmed down, her anger naturally appeared.

But in her anger, there was a hint of flinch that she might not have felt.

This energy is so huge that she can't even resist it. I'm afraid she can't resist it. I'm afraid I don't know how many layers of buffs I have attached to myself with the silver tongue.

Although this energy almost killed herself, Athena wanted to make a bad breath, but think about it, if she can control the existence of such a huge amount of energy, I am afraid she will not be an opponent at all.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, would not bump into the opposite side recklessly.

She calmed down and resisted the uneasy emotions in her heart. She was watching and watching what would happen after this colorful beam of light disappeared.

If the enemy showed a possibility that she could not fight at all, Athena would surely turn around and run away.

If Yi Chou can fight, she doesn't need to fill in herself, so there is no substantive meaning except giving a head.

But if you can't even fight against Yihuo, then what are you waiting for, find a copy of the new world cleanly and improve your strength.

It's just... this colorful beam of light seems to be familiar... Wait, here is the Marvel world.

The beam of light comes and goes quickly, and it only takes about three to five seconds, but this time is long enough for Athena.

Subsequently, the beam of light gradually dissipated, only leaving a black mark in the snow on the ground, and the mark was printed with a strange pattern.

As for the blackened mark on the ground... then stood quietly in a figure in armor.

As the beam of light dispersed, she also strode out of the meteor.

But before he came to Athena, the guy could not wait to ask, "Midgart, where is my sister!"

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