High Magic Earth

Chapter 1400: The title Jun is again used to make up the number

"Rainbow bridge?"

Deadpool's transmission was slightly interrupted, and even Yi Chou, who was whispering a certain story, came to a momentary pause.

The colorful light beams that go straight to the sky will not be ignored as long as they are not blind, not to mention the enchanting magic that comes with it. "It's just magic, there are many other unknown energies.

The essence of magic is energy, but it does not mean that all the energy is magic.

There is no corresponding spell, no way of using the corresponding energy. Naturally, this kind of energy will not be reduced to the realm of magic.

What's more, this energy is not the common energy that is scientifically recognized and popularized. . More like a division of idealism.

Science does not divide energy into flames, ice, wind, etc. It only attributed it to the different degrees of temperature produced by combustibles.

Not to mention life, death, soul, and pain, which exist only in concept, and science cannot verify the existence of energy.

But just like science, magic does not dare to say that it understands the existence of all energy in the world.

For example, the silver tongue seems to be formed by one or countless unknown energies. The same is true for the Rainbow Bridge. Even by feeling alone, Yi Chou can recognize that there are several energies that he has never seen before.

Colorful pillars of light rushed to the sky. . People who know a little about the Marvel universe and many worlds will not recognize it.

This is especially true of Yi Chou and Deadpool.

Even Rip Hunt, who are still trapped in the mirror world, saw the existence of the Rainbow Bridge. It seems to have penetrated Yi Chou's magic directly and reflected these people's eyes.


Yi Xiao frowned, why did they suddenly mix their hands.

The location of the Rainbow Bridge is not far or close, it is not the underground base of the red house where Athena is located, but Yi Chou will not naively think that the appearance of the Rainbow Bridge has nothing to do with himself.

In normal history, the Asgards would never have arrived at this time, not to mention positioning the Rainbow Bridge directly to the earth.

And what changed history. . Undoubtedly, it was these Xuandie butterflies that fanned the wings that caused the storm.

Or maybe Rip Hunt and deadpool, but in any case, these people are also related to Yi Chou.

And to think about it from another angle, when the Asgards appeared and the Rainbow Bridge came, the plan that Yi Chou originally intended to do with low-key things was completely scrapped.

He couldn't wipe out the appearance of Rainbow Bridge. Even if it's not the era of Marvel's post-surveillance monitoring of the world, and it will be directly locked after a little change, Rainbow Bridge will definitely leave many records.

Fortunately, this effect is not large, because ordinary people will not know the existence of the Rainbow Bridge, and the high-level leaders of various countries will not be exposed. In fact, even if they record related matters, they will only be seen as top secrets.

"How did Asgard's group come out? Was his memory deteriorated?"

There wasn't much reaction from Yi Chou, and the Deadpool on that side had complained.

He also knew the existence of the people of Asgard, although they should not belong to one. . Uh, the script, but for guys like Deadpool, the script plot is obviously of little significance.

"You're the one who said I've released myself, right." Deadpool said.

"It gave me a good excuse."

On the other hand, Yi Chou suddenly stopped.

The black lightning jumped on the surface of Yi Biao's body. The appearance of Asgard's people brought a strong sense of uneasiness to his heart, and he decided to make a quick decision.

"It's not like the five slags that can be resolved quickly!" Deadpool's words still sounded very polite.


His words just fell, and the whole person flew out, and blood spewed out along his face, leaving traces of blood in the air.

"It means {how did it hit me!"

Deadpool was rather unwilling to pour in the air.

Spiritual power.

Wizards have never been a confrontational profession, and it may be possible to do so, but avoiding their sharp edges is obviously better for wizards and magic.

Yi Chou used the silver tongue to stick himself to a permanent buff, pseudo-god power, pseudo-kryptonite's steel body, self-healing ability and even fighting skills, etc. This is just to make up for his shortcomings in melee.

Maybe you can use melee combat in the face of enemies with very different levels, but face the original Superman? A close fight with him is undoubtedly looking for abuse.

But when Yi Chou completely let go of his hands and feet. . Apply a relatively fashionable sentence. .

"Is there a hundred magical methods that can kill you?" Deadpool stood up with his nose covered, gently squeezed twice, and the crooked nose instantly healed himself. "Please, what's this *hip? What are you? Year*?"


Yi Xiao knelt on the ground and touched the ground with one hand, the shadow energy began to spread around, which was much faster than when chasing Riphunt against the red house agents, even several times at that time, probably only at When facing the scarlet witch, there was such a speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, shadow energy spread out overwhelmingly, dyeing the ground a few kilometers round to black.

In this short period of time, I am afraid that even if it is a deadpool, it can only be forced to transfer two or three times, and the distance that the shadow spreads is obviously not a dozen times. . It is impossible to get rid of.

"I thought I would dye the ground black..."

The words of the Deadpool suddenly shouted a little, because he realized that his teleport had failed.

Mutants have various abilities, and there are too many parallel worlds. You World Mutants are a kind of human distortion, but You World Mutants are the experimental products left by the Tenjin group on the earth.

It's like the Cree's experiment.

And the abilities of mutants also seem to be different. For example, the power of the Phoenix is ​​not only a morphic ability on the level of the mind, but with that ability, the origin of the power of the mind is communicated and exists in the universe flag. . Phoenix.

There is also the Scarlet Witch, whose ability is Chaos Magic, which seems to be related to magic, but of course, not all Crimson Witches of the world have Chaos Magic.

There are also many crimson witches in the world, who are simply awakening the ability to control a variety of crimson energy.

The strength of the mutants is diverse, and when counted down, I am afraid that it is the most powerful branch of the most varieties. I am afraid that it is not much less than the number of magic.

They obviously do not belong to magic, but form a system by themselves, but it does not mean. . Yi Chao's magic is completely invalid to them.

For example, the teleportation of Deadpool.

Regardless of his variant ability or belt, as long as he did leave the place through space-related tears or jumps, Yi Biao's magic will immediately block him.

Yi Biao can even compete with Gu Yi in space magic. . The chips on Victory Libra are not just the lives of everyone in New York.

Unless the Deadpool is not teleportation, but a high-speed movement like the Flash and Quicksilver, but it can also slow them down in the face of speed rush. ∴th company's unclear position, but they are not the only ones.



Deadpool jumped twice on the spot, and had to sadly discover the fact that the situation was reversed almost instantaneously, even almost to the point where he didn't respond at all.

Yi Chao's shadow energy itself has the ability to block the space, but this time it only paves the area. . It looks a little bit wider.

Blocking the space may seem easy, but in fact it is not the case, otherwise Yi Chou has already used it.

At the same time. . Several nearby cities swear by the Russian Research Institute or the military base, all of which received alerts of some kind of abnormal signal.

"Unknown electromagnetic interference was found in the General Gedal area."

"Colonel, there is a turbulent magnetic field in the Ngdal area..."

"In our northwest direction! Colonel is a frequency interference of different bands, this interference only lasts for ten minutes! The electronic instruments in the vicinity will appear to be precision deflection!"

Yes, it's not that easy. Magic often comes at a price.

Space blockade can not be achieved by saying a single blockade. It involves many kinds of energy. Apart from space energy, it also has the energy standpoint of electromagnetic and earth's magnetic field.

The short-term and small-scale blockade was okay. Yi Chou tried to prevent the deadpool from escaping everywhere. . After all, as an unscrupulous mercenary, his ability to escape is simply first-rate.

"Hey! It's not just the first-class escape, but also the first-class. Do you want to try it."

And once it involves a large-scale blockade of space, it will inevitably cause disturbance of other energies. At that time, it is not just the space that is affected.

Magnetic fields, gravitational fields, and even the energy balance of the entire area will be disrupted, and no one knows what will cause unknown situations.

Fortunately. ♀ This blockade does not take too long.

"How confident!"

The dead waiter taunted tirelessly. . Then the next moment, he found that he was out of control and began to drift towards Yi Chou involuntarily.

In other words, dragged by some invisible force.


The Deadpool issued a series of exclamations.

"Don't be so anxious!"

"How is this done! Don't think of just fooling around with a word of magic!"

He complained loudly.

"One of the effects of real name magic."

Yi arrogantly explained, "My name is called out at such a short distance, and it is provocative... Do you think magic will not make any countermeasures."

Deadpool's body seems to have some kind of magic resistance, and it seems to be very high, otherwise the real-name magic countermeasures are not just as simple as dragging him over, it is possible to smash his heart.

Real name magic is also given by the silver tongue. . Or one of the new magics created out of thin air, it has always been on Yi Chou, but Yi Chou is not always on.

This kind of magic allows someone to say the name of Yi Chou from a far away place, and he can instantly sense it, and even intercept the front and back of the paragraph containing his name.

As for closer places. . For example, the bad luck of the deadpool, Yi Chou can directly lock the target's position, and use a series of chat methods to drag him directly.

Without teleportation, Deadpool can only be dragged down honestly, and then all kinds of strange noises are made along the way. He constantly wields the katana and tries to cut off what dragged him. . But that was an invisible force, and his samurai sword was not the weapon of the micro-cutting magic weapon of the world's yellow monk Tengu in Koga Ninfa.

Simply, he would be effortless.

"It looks really ugly."

The deadpool was quickly dragged over, and the squawk was screamed by the stone once on the way.

"Also tired of peek-a-boo, your head is taken!"

Similarly, Deadpool is not afraid of any battle, relying on its powerful self-healing power. . Or the ability to die, he has nothing to fear.

Since you can't run, then do it!

Of course, another reason is that Deadpool doesn't think that this guy in front of him is the guy in the future. Or, even if he is in this period, he will definitely not compare with him in the future.

Otherwise, even if he is immortal, his magic will definitely have a way to prevent himself from appearing in this world again.

With his own memory. . Looking at the series of magic in front of him, Deadpool has actually confirmed that the guy in front of him is probably the guy in the future.

Originally he came to this world, this time point is for another thing, the universe cube, but never thought that he would encounter this guy. .

In the memory of the future, many superheroes and scientists have inferred this guy's past~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he seems to have jumped out of the crack of time out of thin air, or that he wiped out his own past, No clue at all.

His own action really won the prize.

"Seriously, if I go back to buy a lottery ticket or something."

Deadpool rider chin, thinking very seriously.

"The premise is that you can go back."

Yi Chou's voice came faintly from a distance.

Deadpool froze for a moment, looked up, and immediately issued a strange cry, "How come the farther and farther away!"

In fact, even if he was in the past, the deadpool felt that he might not be able to kill the other party, and even running away might be difficult.

But he is still very confident in his own skill, and has the magic attached to the gems of time, he is very confident to get the other hand.

That time gem is not unexpected, it was Strange who stayed. If he did not guess, then this good pit might work.

But this quiet premise is that he can be close to the other party if it is not the other party's opponent, but Deadpool only needs to find a way to trigger the magic above.

It just seems now. ♀The guy obviously doesn't plan to continue playing with himself anymore.

Magic is what the other party is best at. Pulling it away means that the other party is already serious.

Suddenly, a bad feeling appeared in Deadpool's heart. The last time this feeling appeared was the day before he was diagnosed with cancer.

There seems to be no change around, the sky is clear, the ground. . Still scorched, the envisioned magic attack did not appear, but the bad feeling inside the Deadpool became stronger and stronger.

Faced with this situation, he hesitated a moment and immediately made an ulcer. .

Then at the next moment, he was seen raising his hands high, shouting without a loud voice, "Don't accidentally hurt! I surrender allies!"

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