High Magic Earth

Chapter 1402: True God War


Athena and Timmel unleashed a fierce confrontation without accident, and at the same time, a transparent figure was hidden in the coniferous forest not far away. Through the dense forests, the cold eyes stared at the battlefield. Two people.

Luo Ji, or the illusion of Luo Ji.

Athena is actually not accurate at all. The gender and the so-called real history of Loggie and Thor have changed, but their names have not changed.

Because this is the name of God.

Generally speaking, the name of God does not change.

However, because of gender, the pronunciation of the name is different, and the vocabulary used in various languages ​​will be more feminine or masculine.

And at this time. . Luo Ji, or Loki, was hiding in the coniferous forest not far away, watching the two gods fighting coldly.

The reason why Luo Ji is so honest is not a conspiracy, but she really can't go up and join in the fun. She is not like the stupid Timmel who ran down the Rainbow Bridge directly. . She didn't come down at all.

She was just misleading, and Timier thought that she had come to the atrium with the Rainbow Bridge, and then this guy was so silly that she came to Midgart.

Timmel didn't even see if Rainbow Bridge had been used.

Say again. . Is the old guy in Heimdall liable to cheat the past?

Timmel is different from himself after all. Heimdall may allow Timmel to use the Rainbow Bridge, but he will never rest assured that he will use the Rainbow Bridge to enter the other nine realms.

This is the gap.

The gap can never be filled.

Luo Ji's long and narrow eyes shone with cold luster, leaving behind these unpleasant things.

As for why she appears here now, it’s a simple little magic. She put her mark on Timmel’s body and waited for Timmel’s arrival in the atrium through the Rainbow Bridge. She could also get closer. Observe everything.

Instead of observing through blurry induction as before.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Timmel came to the atrium, otherwise why would she mislead Timmel.

But the guy who was entangled with Timmy was not the person she was really looking for, although the other party was also a god. . But relative to a strange **** who appeared suddenly, she followed her artifact.

Luo Ji can feel that the artifact seems to be very suitable for himself, power, magic, that is, the effect seems to be a little bit eaten.

mischief? Are you kidding me?

Okay, the prank seems to be a joke.

She is sure that she has not done this artifact, and her power has not weakened, then this thing. . Where did it come from?

Originally, Rocky also planned to let Timmel touch the opponent first to find out. She was observing in the dark, that is, anti-Retimier to benefit her. . But she should not have hope for Timmel.

It's been a few minutes since I arrived in the atrium, and I've already been in a relationship with others.

Of course, with the help of Luo Ji's IQ, she also clearly sees it clearly. It's not Timmel's trouble to find the other party, but the other party is obviously also curious about her god.

Although Timmel also wanted to try the strength of the other party.

Because of the magic mark, Luo Ji can't go too far from Timmel. . But forget it, anyway, the fight between these two guys doesn't look like they will be able to end at half past one. The guy he is looking for will come over sooner or later.

Around the coniferous forest, Luo Ji felt that it was necessary to make some preparations in advance.

Although she has confidence in her magic, it is not the body after all. . It is better to do more preparations.

. . .

Time to call back a few minutes.

As soon as Athena's figure moved, Timmel had reacted.

As Asgard's Thor, although she doesn't take part in the position of God of War, it is undoubtedly that Asgard has the highest combat power except Odin.

If IQ or other aspects are slightly lacking in Timmel, but in terms of combat effectiveness. . She hasn't been afraid of anyone.

Thor's prestige among the Asgards was actually beaten down, and her fighting power is unquestionable.

But again, Athena, who defeated the goddess, was not vegetarian.

She may not be so amazing in the world of the God of War, but she was almost broken by a group of Titans who looked like rotten fishmen.

However, after several times of strengthening and shaping the silver tongue, as well as the improvement of the God-creating plan, she is not weaker than some real gods in melee.

At least compared with Thor, it should be half a catty.

Athena leapt forward, and the double-edged scimitar on her back had not yet been taken off by her, but she also kicked fiercely to Timmy's door.

Her speed is very fast, which is far beyond Timmel's psychological expectations. . But it was only difficult to avoid the desire to fight back.


Timmel avoided the situation at the moment when Athena attacked, and was about to fight back, but was cut off halfway by Athena who had already prepared.

At the next moment, Athena landed heavily, and her right foot stepped on the ground with large cracks. The whole ground became like a heavy object falling from a height of several hundred meters and hit hard.

At the same time, Thunder God passing sideways also grabbed his hammer, and Thunder God's hammer with a roaring sonic boom and a slight electric current directly smashed towards Athena.

Compared to empty-handed, Timmel is still better at weapons. She has almost two kinds of combat power with and without a hammer.

Although for cannon fodder, the difference is not much.


Facing the powerful sledgehammer, Athena didn't make a hard connection. The double-edged scimitar appeared in her hand instantly. The staggered scimitar blocked the Thor's hammer, and then deflected slightly to the side, releasing the power.

In fact, Athena originally intended to be hard-wired. Although she has long seen in the data that Thor's power value reached six, which is the highest level of Marvel, she still plans to give it a try.

Just when the machete touched, she immediately knew that she underestimated the power of Thor.

In other words, the power of Thor's hammer.

In addition to Timmel’s original power, the weight of Thor’s hammer will naturally be included in the calculation. You should know that Thor’s hammer as an artifact is built with the center of a planet that is about to die, although there may not be one. The weight of the planet is so heavy, but it will never be lighter.

The effect of adding the two is not one plus one equals two, Athena does not feel that she can hold it.

The next moment, she used the scimitar to deflect the power of Thor's hammer.

The hammer of Thor and Athena's weapons collided with each other, making a huge noise in an instant. The unchanged Mars splashed but it was almost the same. Even the crossed scimitars made a slightly overwhelming squeak.

Although the weapon in Athena's hands is also an artifact, it is called an artifact only because it is used by Athena as a god.

Although there is no error in the definition, there is still a big gap with the real artifact such as Thor's Hammer.

It was not easy to be interrupted on the spot.

Athena noticed this too and frowned slightly.

She doesn't mind being empty-handed and the opponent, but it's obviously a faceless thing that the weapon was broken. It seems that you need to pay attention. . You can't bump into each other.

After all, the power of Thor also makes Athena feel tricky.


Accompanied by a sound of metal strokes, Athena was holding the Thor's hammer, and the soft side of the body twisted around, jumping over an incredible angle of inclination, and suddenly rubbed Tmyr's side.

The scimitar cuts into Timmel's waist at the moment when Athena passes by. If it is hit from the front, it is not impossible to cut the entire waist.


Timmel gave a roar, and the hand holding Thor’s Hammer slightly loosened. In an instant, Thor’s Hammer fell to the ground at an incredible speed. In the process, naturally, Athena’s double-edged bomb open.

Athena only felt a slight numbness in her hands, and the attack had been blocked by the opponent.

But she didn't plan to work with a single blow. She didn't stay and jumped to the side. The speed was very fast, and she skipped Timmel.

Although the two did not feel that the other party was fierce, even if Athena's silent first mover even came directly to Timmy's face, Timmy was not surprised, not even Athena's first move. Feel strange.

Because both of them know very well that this battle will happen sooner or later, and the two belligerent guys get together to fight, and the fight is the most correct communication.

They can all feel that the other person is the same person as himself, a warrior.

"You surprised me! Unknown guy!"

Timmel continued to shout loudly, while holding the Quake's hammer without hesitation, he shook his hand out, aiming at Athena's direction and smashing past.

Don't think that Timmel's power will be slow when it is very large. As a god, even if her speed is slow, it can't be captured in the eyes of mortals.

Of course, if faced with gods of the same level, this kind of fast is not impossible to capture.

For example, Athena.

And it happens that Athena is faster than Timmel. Athena is not strong in strength. She is better at fighting skills and flexibility, and is good at fighting. . Instead of reckless rushing.

She is not the fastest god, but as the best speed, she is also faster than Thor Tmel.

In the eyes of mortals, the speed of the two of them was changed in a blink of an eye, which could not be captured at all, but in their eyes, it was clear that Athena was faster.

But Rao is so, the hammer came quickly and urgently, and Athena almost did not hide.


Thor’s hammer almost wiped Athena’s face, and fell heavily on the ground. The hot high temperature when flying quickly even ignited her golden hair tips, giving off a burning smell, and the black part fell to the ground. , Soon disappeared into ashes and disappeared.

Athena felt a little warm on her face.

Years of experience in battle tells her the temperature of these blood. Fortunately, although she has no divine skills or magic after the creation plan, her physical strength is definitely of the **** level.

This naturally includes rapid self-healing capabilities.

As a sound, it may be injured and can bleed, but if there is no self-healing power. . It seems a little too low.

Thor's hammer is not an evil magic weapon with bleeding or wounds that cannot heal. This small wound has healed itself even within half a second, and there is no trace of injury on Athena's face.

Except for the blood that hasn't been wiped out.

Most of the qualities of the god's body are perfect, and Timmel's eyes are naturally very good. She keenly noticed Athena's ability to heal quickly. . The pupil shrank slightly.

This is rather tricky.

She Timmel also has the ability to heal itself, but not as fast as Athena.

In addition, the thunder **** Tmyr who has fought in the Nine Realms has also seen many strange life forms. Naturally including the self-healing ability is very strong. Although it is a bit tricky, it is not a difficult problem.

And that's exactly it. . Isn't it fun to fight, otherwise the battle will end before a few fights, which is not interesting.


Timmel faced Athena and stretched out her right hand. At the same time, the hammer of Thor on the ground shook slightly. After bursts of buzzing, it ejected again and flew towards Timmel, and was instantly held in her hand again.

Thor is actually not short of long-range attacks. .

Athena stood coldly, watching Thor get his hammer back, did not take the opportunity to attack, it seemed very aggressive, but in fact did not find a good time.

Timmel’s strength, speed, and defense are not low. Among them, the power is the most terrifying. Although the other two are slightly lacking, they are not casually able to break the defense~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There will be a tough battle to fight, but just like Timmy thought.

This is what makes it interesting.

At least before Yi Chou came here, it should be no problem to kill time.

. . .


"Boom! Boom!"

The violent collision sound The ground shaking could not be heard from far away, accompanied by the thunder and lightning of the roar. Obviously, the guy sent from the Rainbow Bridge was Thor Thor, and he had already started.

Yi Chou was not sure if Loki followed. . But even if there is only one Thor, it is enough trouble.

It is not just the reason of Thor's strength. Although Thor is very strong, it may not be weaker than Guyi, and it may be more powerful than Guyi in a certain degree. . It means you can play much.

But with some effort, it can be solved, at least it is no problem to send them back with a mouthful of mouths. After all, there seems to be no essential conflict between them.

The real trouble is the follow-up of Thor's advent, she should not have appeared at this time, in this world.

But now she has appeared.

The advent of Thor, or the Asgard as an alien, is not as simple as Yi Shou sneaking away a few Red House agents who should have died in history.

With a little carelessness, it is possible to drastically change history.

Yi Chouto didn't care much about the world. The worst thing was that he and Lucy fled back to Neverland to try again, but obviously many plans will definitely be ruined.

It’s not impossible to change to a parallel world, but if something goes wrong, you will run away and change the world. It is inevitable that you will be targeted by some of Marvel’s top-notch existence. Maybe you haven’t got an infinite gem yet, and their existence will be completely exposed. Go out.

This is not in line with Yi Chao's expected goal.

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