High Magic Earth

Chapter 1403: Will it be necessary to have another heroine?

It's really troublesome.

Yi Xiao showed an impatient expression, and at the same time the red light in his hand was even worse. The silver-white memory thread was drawn from the head of Deadpool and slowly circulated between his hands.

"Use*! Use*!"

Deadpools on the ground made rounds of corners. Although they could not see under his mask, Yi Chou could also feel that he should roll his eyes disdainfully.

"Did you not eat?"

The voice of Deadpool is still very dynamic.

His situation seems to be a little special. Although his memory has also been extracted in the face of Yi Chao's magic, he is still alive and kicking.

Generally speaking, it is very resistant.

"Hey, hello, your companion can't bear it anymore. Why are you still here?"

He complained endlessly. Although these complaints were meaningless, they challenged Yi Peng's patience like a magic sound.

Fortunately, as long as the memory of Deadpool is taken, then he will naturally be useless.

Just endure a few more minutes.

Thinking this way, Yi Xuan's magical gloss in his hand was once again full of points.

. . .


The roaring thunder fell, lightning struck the sky, and a lonely white light flashed in the dark night sky, and the sound of a lala rain followed, knocking on the old and dilapidated windows, and making a loud noise.

"Ifonedaylifetearsyouawayfromme (if there is a day life to separate you and me)."

The little girl tightened the shabby blanket with holes in her body and tucked the newspaper to her side.

She doesn't like such rainy days because of the cold, but she also has to like this rainy day because she can find more food with the cover of the weather, if she is lucky. . Maybe you can steal more.

The iron gate with a hole cannot cover any wind and rain, and even the customs cannot be closed.

"Boom! Boom!"

As the roaring wind and rain became louder and louder, the iron door without bolts was blown loudly, hitting on the wall, and the dull sound seemed to hit the atrium of the person, and also hit the city soul.

"Ifyoudiethanyouwillbefarfromme (if you die away from me)."

The little girl shivered slightly in the cold, and she decided to go out early today. . Come back early, maybe it won't be so cold when sleeping.

"... Fellow compatriots, please rush to..."


"...This is the last broadcast today, please..."

The little girl curled up in the shabby blanket is holding a dirty radio in her hands. In this era, it is very difficult to find a radio.

And even more difficult than that is finding the radio battery.

In fact, it can't be found.

She only had the last two of the original radio, and it ran out, and how long she could use it. . She didn't know.


"Is it the broadcast of the sanctuary again..."

She mumbled to herself.

"I do not need."

"What\'sitmatterifyouloveme (as long as you love me, why not die)."

Is it really unnecessary?

The little girl does not need it, but she dare not.

She couldn’t believe that she would have the last place to stay, and she didn’t dare to venture. The government had been arresting and killing them. Perhaps this was a trap.

This is nothing strange.

They have no human rights.


The girl took the blanket off her body, dragged the radio to the newspaper and the blanket to a corner, and then stuffed it into the hole in the corner to hide it carefully.

Her food was running out, and she was prepared for emergency. . Today's food still needs to be found.

The girl stood up and walked out against the shadow of the wall.


Another flash of lightning struck, and the blazing white light shone down, once again piercing the sky above the city, and also illuminating the shadows in the corners.

The darkness seemed to disappear for a moment, revealing the girl next to the wall, pale skin, no trace of **** lips, and extraordinarily large eyes. . And a short dark hair like seaweed green.

It's just like. . The wandering spirit in the night.

. . .

"Because Iwilldietoo. (because I will die in the end)."

Singing came from a distance, with a sad and sad, as if the city is dead.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the tumult of rain and the song are intertwined, and the melody is dyed in all directions. The gentle alto surrounds the city, making the girl very uncomfortable.

"whispering sound."

The girl rolled her eyes indifferently, and her big eyes were particularly bright and beautiful under the night.

The clothes on her body were a little dirty, but they weren't worn out. Jackets, jeans, and ordinary shoes looked like the clothes of the last world.

The kind of dress unique to rebellious girls.

But this is the only clothing she has not much choice.

"Wewillhaveforus, eternity (we will always be together)."

The singing is far from over, because as the girl comes out of the dilapidated factory, the singing is getting closer and closer. From time to time, some people light candles and put them under the eaves of the street corner, together with other candles, and guide the dead.

Also pray for the living.

The candles were burning, even on this rainy night, they were very vigorous, and the girl stood in the shadow of the street corner, covered with rain like a soup, staring at the burning candles in front of her.

The halo is beautiful, as if it is hallucinating.

But the actual effect is not great, right.

The girl looked at these things for a long while, and suddenly raised her eyebrows, seeming to realize what, very good, because these candles finally have the place where they should be used.

While the nearby pedestrians were dwindling, the girl quickly walked to the place with the most candles, picked up a few of the largest candles and blew them out, then hid them on the body, and stuffed the rest into the surrounding corners.

This thing should be a bit warm, something warm. . Even the worst can shine.

Illuminate for heating. . It can be regarded as the essential action of candles.

The girl suddenly felt that today is not that much annoying. Although it is such a day in a year, it is this day that probably will be able to put together a whole year of candles.

There is no need to worry about a sudden power outage.

"Intheblueofallthe (in endless sadness)."

The singing continued, and it seemed as if it was from heaven.

"...Today is the third anniversary of the Westchester disaster..."

"... The three-year anniversary of the Westchester incident, let us remember the dead and the dead."

"Whose responsibility is there is no accurate conclusion so far, but our hearts are actually very clear, it is change..."

The window is like the last century, and it still retains the habit of displaying TV.

But the difference is that the TV is no longer placed on a small table behind the window, but is hung high, the screen is also very large and clear, no matter what angle you can clearly see the content inside, very Sci-fi color screen.

The presenter on TV is talking lavishly.

Such people are indispensable in all eras, and they are sensational. He does all kinds of exaggerated movements and exaggerated expressions on the screen, so he has to take his head off. . In exchange for more attention.

Concern is money, money is survival, in order to survive, he does not care what he said.

Although the girl did not know the truth, she did not care.

She doesn't care about the future or the past, only the present.

The bad situation now.

"Inheaven, nomore problems (heaven has no sorrow)."

Bunches of white flowers were gently laid down, with photos of the frames, pale wreaths, as well as candlelight and wet petals that were also pale.

As the girl moved on, she saw the mourning crowd.

Some people's faces are sad, and some people's faces are expressionless, but more of them are indifferent. This city, this world has already experienced too many disasters.

They don't care anymore, they are numb.

"Mylovedoyoubelievethatweloveeachother (Honey, do you believe we love each other)."

But many people still sent a blessing to the dead.

More and more people lay down flowers, and more and more people send out wreaths. The most unlucky, they will also lean down and relight a candle that is almost extinguished.

The girl stepped out of the shadows and glanced at the photos. . Are they all those people?

Some people around looked at the girl for a few times, but didn't care too much. Rao was so, and the girl was not used to these people's eyes and retreated back.

Fortunately, she also saw the photos clearly.

These people are remembering them. . Then, who will remember us again?

The world is so unfair. .

Yes, there is no fairness, right? This is correct.

"God, reunitethosewholoveeachother. (God, let those who love each other become dependents)."

"... The Westchester disaster is something we can never forget one day. Let us remember the dead and remember forever."

The singing continued, but it was getting smaller and smaller. The host suspended in the half-air screen talked eloquently, as if he knew astronomy and geography, and knew everything.


But the audiences around the bottom of the screen were still buying, and bursting into a silly burst of giggles, making the girl sick.

"That's enough." Her eyes murmured with haze.

The girl didn't want to stay here, she dropped the water droplets in her short hair like seaweed, and under the heavy rain, she soon disappeared into the shadow of the street corner.

. . .

Three blocks away, the back kitchen alley of a Chinese restaurant.

The girl dodged the street lamp and came here all the way to touch the black. The heavy rain covered her walking very well. Walking in the dark can prevent her from appearing well in the monitoring.

Although she can turn off all those street lights, and can also make all the monitors invalid, but going all the way off is more obvious than being exposed to the lights.

Simply tell those people their own course of action.

Darkness is the best choice.

Soon the girl came to an iron fence door almost three meters high, which did not stop her too much. In the shadow, the girl seemed to stand in front of the door for a few seconds. The lock came out.

The girl carefully linked the lock, opened a gap, and then drilled sideways between the two doors, the slender body squeezed in.

Then she came to the back door of the restaurant's chef.

She has been staring at this Chinese restaurant for some days. First of all, this is the only more formal restaurant she can find in this poor neighborhood. Secondly, every time you pass by here during the day, the smell floating in the restaurant seems to Are tempting her.

In the end, she had eaten Chinese food once. Before she fled completely and fled, although she was also very poor at that time and did not order much food, the taste was very good and unforgettable.

There is only one chance, so why not take something you like to eat.

What's more, she didn't dare to go into the back kitchens of the black restaurants, it didn't matter if there was nothing to reserve. . Once you see something you shouldn’t see or encounter something you shouldn’t see, it’s dangerous.

Girls who are experienced on the street know this.

Well, now is not the time to consider those issues, it is more important to fill up the stomach first.

The iron door is locked, regardless of whether the door leading to the back kitchen is commonly used. Obviously this is a shortcut to the interior of the restaurant. The owner of the restaurant is aware of this and naturally takes precautions.

The gate looks heavy, and there is no way to enter without the key.

But the girl was not discouraged, even without any panic, everything was planned.

Soon, the girl began to stare at the iron gate, like a little leopard waiting to move, her feet were slightly staggered back and forth, and her hands were instinctively spread, hanging on both sides of the body, The palm of his hand was clenched, as if grabbing something.


Then at the next moment, accompanied by a frizzy noise during the rainy night, the iron door quaked slightly, then quickly opened a gap and opened it completely.

The girl took a breath and didn't feel much tired, but just looked like a slack after being highly concentrated.

Without much hesitation and stay, she quickly slipped in through the gap of the iron door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After observing that there was no danger in it and others, she completely let go of her scruples and slipped into the kitchen. .

It's probably because of rainy days, or because of the mourning activities outside. The restaurant's business is not very good. In addition, it has been worth nearly late at night. The back kitchen has turned off the fire, and there is no one.

The girl glanced to the front, it was completely dark, it turns out that the restaurant's business today is over.

Not bad, very lucky.

The girl was relieved.

Next. . You need to start looking for food.

It is best to find something that can put the food back in. She has no other means to carry except this dress.

Touching the black, the girl quickly groped like a little mouse to find it.

It's just fast. . The girl noticed that she had made a mistake.

"Damn... what the **** is this?"

The girl opened a freezer with neat vegetables on it, round and round, looking like broccoli and lettuce, maybe some kind. . Unknown vegetables, she can't name it anyway.

It is good to find food, but the question is how to eat it.

She should have realized that the post-cookers did not always prepare the dishes before putting them on. This should not blame her. She had never cooked or worked in the restaurant, and had fewer or even opportunities to eat in the restaurant. . There are not many chances to eat a full meal.

It's not easy to find a back kitchen.

But if I knew this already, I might as well go to some fast food restaurants, where there might still be burgers or other refrigerated fast foods and the like.

When the girl secretly regrets.


With a crunch, the lights of the entire back kitchen were turned on, accompanied by a scream.

"Who's there!"

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