High Magic Earth

Chapter 1405: Title not seen in 1 year

One week has passed since the anniversary of the Westchester event.

During this week, the girl did not have a good time.

First of all, there is continuous rain and rain. In recent years, the environment of the earth seems to be getting worse and worse, and there are many bad weather, but the good weather is gradually decreasing. These weathers also seem to be divided into regions. The richer the sun, the brighter the sunshine And, like Hell's Kitchen or suburbs and highways, most are cloudy.

Feeling wet, cold seems to shake off.

Then there is the hostility of those around.

Although her clothes are a bit worn, they are not stray, and her green hair is not undyed, but it seems to have some kind of recognition marks. Other people always seem to recognize her difference. A wary and strange strange stared at her.

The girl is used to it, this is the daily life of her.

The whole world is unfriendly.

With less and less food available, the Essex Group has developed a certain kind of synthetic food. The cost of raw materials is very low. Although the taste is bad, it makes the food cheap.

There are fewer and fewer things that can be found in the garbage dump.

That kind of cheap food can actually be bought by girls, but she can't buy it... not because of money, but because of hostility.

Fortunately, she met a kind person not long ago.

The cold food taken away from the restaurant was very hungry, plus the food she had collected sporadically in the past few days, I finally did not need to endure hunger.

But when her child is of this age, she eats a lot and consumes fast.

Although those foods seem to be a lot, they can't resist such consumption, and they have bottomed out in four or five days. Since these two days, she has not had much reserve surplus food.

There are some cans left, but that can't move.

This was prepared for the parade on the street. Once those who resisted them acted collectively, the girl could not show up on the street. Otherwise, in the chaos and crowd, I did not know what could happen.

Hunger is torturing her.

The night is already deep.

The rainy season seems to have stopped, the continuous rain no longer haunts New York, and the cold and indifferent moonlight is rare in the night.

Moonlight penetrated down the dilapidated windows, bringing a special coolness to the thin and worn blankets.

There is not much expression on the girl's pale face. The numb life has already made her learn to be indifferent. This is also the mask that she usually disguise.

With a shivering voice, the girl lifted a comic book from under the blanket and leaned in front of him by the moonlight.

A very common comic, with a shabby edge, seems to have been read many times.

Looking at the cover of the comic, there is a group of people in black in suits, and one person is sitting in a wheelchair. The huge title is extraordinary X-Men.

A very old comic book, the older one, is the story inside.

A group of people who might have been active in the world have now become legends in the story.

The girl has read it many times, and this comic seems to be the only solace in her numb and painful life.

If... they are still there.

"But they are gone... we have no future..."

The girl murmured to herself, her voice was not crisp, some hoarse, not the kind of hoarse voice, but as if it were a kind of congenial gift.

It sounds gentle.

"She is here!"

"It's right here."

"Don! Wow! Da, da, da."

But at this moment, there was some loud noise outside the cold abandoned factory, accompanied by a lot of footsteps.

As soon as the girl turned her head, she stood up. She threw off the blanket without hesitation and turned her head into the shadow. It took no more than two seconds to take out a worn schoolbag from the corner and carried it on her body. Hesitantly ran out.

Those people are here.

Not a person, but just some ordinary people.

But it was they who were terrible, they had guns in their hands, they were crowded... and hated them.

"She's there!"

"Over there!"

Dada's footsteps resounded in the abandoned factory, the girl was running, she had experienced this kind of thing many times, and she was even very skilled.

These people always seemed to panic, and they didn't cause them trouble, but they always came to trouble themselves.

Drive, insult... even hurt.


The girl had figured out the topography of the factory on the first day of her arrival. Without much effort, she found a hidden back door of the factory and slammed open the iron door with a virtual lock... Then the girl looked To the figure of the crowd that has gradually surrounded here.

Yes, girls are familiar with it, and the people living here are also familiar with it.

These people can think of the escape route she can find.

They have long surrounded the girl from all possible escape locations. Unless the girl can fly or send herself directly to another place, it is impossible to run out.

"See her!"

A loud crash of iron gates revealed her position.

These people immediately locked the girl, and then surrounded it in a shadow. The dim light flashed randomly in the factory. It was a barrel flashlight, and the lights not far away also formed a circle. The factories are all surrounded.

As the crowd grew, the girl began to feel panic.

"It's her!"

Then in the end, a violent light suddenly hit the girl's face, causing her to narrow her eyes.

The crowd locked the girl. These people surrounded the neighborhood. Many people were holding guns in their hands. They looked at the scene with cold eyes, like a brutal hunt.

No one noticed that just as they surrounded the girl, a shadow without weight also slowly fell from the sky and fell to an outdoor rooftop of the factory.

"Where else do you want to run, little mouse."

A middle-aged man with a big belly pooped up. He carried a shotgun on his shoulder, a dark green jacket, and a white cross on a black t-shirt.

He stared at the girl with cold eyes, as if looking at an enemy.

"You shouldn't come to where we live, little one."

"You are not welcome here."

He put one hand in his pocket, his face with disdain like garbage.

The others didn't speak, but slowly walked forward a few steps, and their eyes also fell on the girl's body... I thought she had to wear her as a sieve.

"I will leave now."

The girl lowered her head and let her short green hair cover her eyes, then whispered in a subtle tone.

"go away?"

The man sneered again.

"You guys all deserve to die."

The girl looked up. "Are you going to kill me."

She saw more people who hated them, drove them away, and even retaliated against them by all means.

Even more extreme things happen from time to time. This is a country where guns cannot be avoided. Similarly, firearms are at hand, and firearms at hand will make everyone's behavior more extreme and crazy.

The man suddenly sneered.

A man next to him handed over a wooden stick. The man pulled out a lighter in his pocket and gently tapped it. The flame instantly turned the wooden stick into a torch.

The girl suddenly realized that there was a certain smell in the surrounding air, that was the smell of gasoline.

Her face changed slightly.

These people intend to burn her to death here.

A head popped up on the rooftop of the second floor of the abandoned factory. It was like a venomous snake lurking in the dark, gazing vigorously at everything below.

"People like you shouldn't live, and you shouldn't grow up."

"If my daughter is still alive, you should be as old as you."

"But your presence will only shame her name and make me sick!"

The man waved the torch in his hand, and his tone was intense. Although the people around him didn't speak, the expression on his face showed the same meaning.

Losing loved ones, angering such hatreds on such people... Innocent people in such people are hurt, and then begin to hate ordinary people.

Contradiction and hatred can no longer be reconciled.

Is that true?

There are not many emotions in the girl's heart, they hate me, I hate them, such things have happened countless times, and even accompanied the girl.

But who is wrong, the girl does not know.

They didn't seem to be wrong, and even more so.

Just because this is a crazy world.

The smell of gasoline is getting stronger and stronger, and the girl feels that she is not sure to escape... she can't extinguish the flame after all.

So... is this the end?

Although it has long been known that this day will come, but why, still so unwilling.

Girls don't want to die, nobody wants to die.

She stared at the man in front of her, staring at everyone in front of her. There was no peace in her eyes, but full of hatred and pain.

The man stared at her without flinching.

"That's it, that's it." He called, "Hate us! You monsters!"

The girl became more and more angry, and the surrounding ground seemed to start to shake, as if by an earthquake. Nearby iron gates, abandoned machinery and metal trash in the factory began to tremble and vibrate, as if they were lifted from the ground.


These people apparently noticed the abnormalities around them, and the man yelled, as if the ugly fact that the girl was a monster was sitting down.

Some people raised their guns nervously, and the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the girl, and countless firearms aimed at it.

The girl did not flinch at all, but became more and more angry, and everything around was shaking more and more, like a doomed situation in a crushing city.

I don't know why, the torch in the man's hands has not been thrown down, but there are other people who can't bear this invisible huge pressure.


In the darkness, the sound of gunshots rang out, and a bullet that flew from nowhere suddenly blasted out, as if carrying airflow in this gloomy rainy night, and instantly flew to the girl.

The girl's eyes were wide, she felt the bullet approaching, and even saw it, she tried to block the bullet... but it was too difficult for her.

The speed of the bullet slowed down, but it was still moving forward. For humans, there is not much difference between one second and two seconds, and it is difficult to avoid the bullet in this short time.

Everyone's eyes widened, as if everyone's eyes were focused on the bullet that didn't know where it came from at this moment.

Time seems to be still, everything is still, only bullets continue to fly.

Then the next moment, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of the girl.

Uh, it's not a description, but... a real black shadow, it doesn't seem to have substance, and it's all made of shadow-like material. It's soft and seems to be misty, because the girl can still penetrate it. Exist, see the group of people not far away.

But... it blocked the bullet.

"Ding-Ding Ding Ding Ding."

It sounded like a crunch, as if the bullet hit a certain metal, and then the bullet rolled to the ground, making a series of clanging sounds.

In the dim light, the girl couldn't see the ground clearly, but she could feel that the bullet's warhead was flattened, and the flattened one was not much thicker than the paper.


"what is this!"

The sudden change made everyone panic. They thought it was just a little girl in that kind of person. It was a good bully to see the mountain, but they did not expect such a change.

And the appearance of this shadow obviously exceeded their expectations of the ability to bear, after a riot, this group of people have chosen to believe the weapon in their hands.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of gunshots rang through the darkness, bullets splashed and shot at the shadowy monster.

The girl did not panic, but stood firmly behind the shadows, trying to hide her body... not to expose herself to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then, like a shield.

No one is disappointed in the shadow. The girl is still firmly in front of the girl, blocking all the bullets for her, from all attacks in all directions.

"Ding-Ding Ding Ding Ding -"

The crisp sound of the bullets appeared again, they fell to the ground, and soon seemed to play a symphony.

The crowd was silent again, and the gun's ineffectiveness caused them to flinch. This group of people was very dangerous...very, very dangerous.

When he realized that his attack was ineffective, the thought was immediately remembered by the crowd. Under the cover of darkness, many people began to sneak away.

Their choice is wise.

Because at the next moment, the warhead that seemed to be crushed on the ground floated again, as if grabbed by a large invisible hand.

The girl’s pupils hidden behind the shadows contracted slightly, and his brown eyes were filled with complexities, doubts, surprises, suspicions and even beware.

The surroundings are too dark, and not many people even see the movement of the shadows.


But then, a series of muffled noises appeared in the air. These bullet heads were applied with the same opposite force, and flew back to the place where they flew in an instant.


"I bleed! I bleed!"

"it hurts!"

There was a cry of exclamation in the crowd, and the warhead had been squashed, so no one was fatally injured, but being penetrated by a hard object also caused their wounds to bleed instantly, and almost wailed in a blink of an eye.

The lead man did not shoot, so no bullets returned.

When he saw this scene, he was also decisive, and he no longer hesitated, and he threw the torch in his hand suddenly toward the front in front of him.


Almost instantaneously, the turbulent flames rose half a person tall.

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