High Magic Earth

Chapter 1406: A good deadpool is not a good deadpool


"My wound is bleeding!"

"It hurts!"

In any case, these guys gathered are also ordinary people, bullying bully is okay... Once really hurt, he counseled on the spot.

The wailing was everywhere, and the screams infiltrated people in this wet rainy night.

The middle-aged man did not shoot or was injured by these abandoned flat warheads, although he still stared fiercely at the girl.

But he was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the black shadow monster. He didn't dare to stay too much. After throwing the torch to the ground fiercely, he turned around and ran out.

The girl naturally saw this scene, and she stared at the figure of this guy fiercely, trying to catch up, but the fierce fire blocked her way.

With the leadership of a middle-aged man, other people naturally did not hesitate, and they learned to help each other and fled here quickly.

Soon it was quiet again, as if no one had ever disturbed the girl... without these burning flames.

"Poop! Slap!"

The fire is getting stronger.

Although it was a wet and rainy day, the flames were not at all insignificant. The air was filled with a strong smell of gasoline. God knows how much gasoline these people poured in advance.

But according to the current fire situation, even if there is nothing left in the abandoned factory, it will burn for a long time, and it will be so long that it is completely burned, leaving only an empty shell.

The girl's pale face wrinkled.

Obviously she also realized the dangers around her. The fire was not only blocking her actions and routes, but also trapping her here, along with this abandoned factory... was burned into debris.

By the way, that guy.

The girl suddenly realized that strange thing that saved her.

Although it looks dark and looks terrible, like a monster, the girl is not much afraid.

The first is that it saves itself... Secondly, people like them have all kinds of looks and strange looks, and some still retain the appearance of human beings or look like human beings, but some are simply not.

Ordinary people hate them, and they will never reject their own kind.

At least, in most cases, after all, there are some very nasty guys wherever they are.

The girl suddenly found that it had disappeared from the front of her, and searched around indiscriminately. Only then did she see it floating into the sky.

It can fly, so don't worry about fire.

Not to mention that this abandoned factory was burned down, even if it was an earthquake, I am afraid it was all right. The girl's mouth twitched, and the idea came up somehow.

"Cough! Cough!"

The fire is growing very fast, and within these ten seconds, it is at least doubled than before. It seems that even the air has been burned clean, and the surrounding is full of rich, suffocating gas, so that The girl couldn't help but cough.

She covered her mouth and nose, but the effect was not great.

Ricket was on her waist. The girl instinctively wanted to find a way to escape. The flame had illuminated everything around her as if it were daytime, but she could not find a safe corner.

The flames were joined together one by one, and soon the sporadic remnants were also occupied by the flames. Almost within a few minutes, this place was burned into a sea of ​​fire.

can not go out.

But the girl's heart calmed down unexpectedly. She was helpless in the face of the flames. She had only two options at this time, death, and everything here was burnt to ashes, or waiting for the black shadow to take her away.

Although the first possibility is the highest, she instinctively, or intuitively, believes that the second miracle can happen.


The flames have completely surrounded this place, and under the guise of gasoline, the whole flame burns with little effort.

The girl was surrounded by flaming flames, as if she would be burned out in the next moment.

Then she looked up and looked at the sky.

In the air, the shadow floated there quietly.

This is a very strange and magical magnificent scroll. The shadow is nothing with substance, attached to the wall, or any other plane, without substance or substance, even light can pass through.

But at this time, it was really exposed to the moonlight, and even the light seemed to be blocked.

A solid shadow, or what shadow people.

It was standing sideways, holding a movement that seemed to want to fly away, but looked back at the girl at the last moment before flying away.

The shadow has no face, no expression, and the girl has no way of verifying whether her guess is correct, just... a feeling.

It seemed to notice the girl's gaze, the shadow's head moved again, and then stretched out a hand, slowly reaching the **** the ground.

At this instant, time seems to have fallen into eternity.

Surrounded by a sea of ​​burning fire, the flame surrounded everything, swept everything, and was about to burn everything, and in front of the girl was the strange shadow under the moonlight, which stretched out its hand to itself, letting it choose whether to leave... or die.

Follow it and embark on some unknown path.

Death, or hope.

This choice is not difficult to make.

What's more, the girl's mind has identified the shadow in front of her as a kind of strange-looking kind, and there is not much rejection in itself.

In the next second, the girl held out her hand decisively.

The pale little hand and the shadow of the black paint were joined together, and then the girl rose into the air, dragged by the shadow, and instantly separated from the sea of ​​fire.

The shadow then ascended into the sky with the girl, and gradually went away under the moonlight... until it became smaller and smaller.

The girl is not sure where they are going.

Maybe...is an island that has no disputes anymore...


The roaring thunder is dense like raindrops. Although the power may seem small, it wins in a large number. The dense thunders seem to form a cage, so that Athena has no possibility of breaking away.

Then don't break away.

A small shield extended from Athena's wrist and gathered above her head.

The area of ​​the shield is very small... If you want to defend it, it is more symbolic than defense. But of course, this is for ordinary shields.

This is not an ordinary shield, but a magic shield.

It may not be able to stop the earth-shattering attack, but it should be no problem to stop the next Thor.

"Happy! Happy!"

Thor is also a fighting mad, especially Timmel in this period.

She did not know what responsibility was, nor did she intend to know. She only believed in the hammer in her hand. The hammer was her force, and the force was everything she had, and the greatest reliance.

Nothing in the world can be solved by brute force.

Although the Nine Realms are very large, there are not many actual opponents who can be a Thor. There is no one in the weak world who dares to rebel against the Asgard, let alone Thor Tmel.

Those powerful hostile worlds...such as the Frost Giant, there are opponents who can compete with Thor, but Tmele, even an idiot, won't go deep into the enemy's back alone.

Not only will she not be happy, but she can't let go of her hands and feet, she may be trapped to death by her enemies.

Timmy has been fighting for many years, but it really makes her feel a happy fight... not much.

The Athena in front of him is a rare opponent.

The same power is endless, good at using brute force, and advocating tough attacks, without her sister's strange and nasty weak magic, Timier's favorite is this fist-to-fight battle.

Although it doesn't look as thick as its own skin... but it is also very resistant, and it is worthy of being a god.

Sure enough, only gods like yourself are truly powerful gods.

The bigger Timier is, the more excited. Similarly, the nature of Athena on the other side is also very high.

Since being reshaped by the silver tongue, after the transformation of the God of Creation plan, Athena has not made many attempts, even almost none.

The weak enemies hardly need her hands, just like the previous Red House agents, Yi Chou can easily solve it, even if it is Athena’s turn, it is just not warmed up.

The powerful enemy... is so different that she doesn’t even have much resistance.

Such as the Scarlet Witch.

Athena knew very well that even if she was standing in front of her, she was only able to delay for more than ten seconds... there was no obstruction at all.

The situation was extremely extreme, and Athena was very unhappy.

Now... in the face of Thor, she finally found a rival with considerable strength, neither too weak nor too strong, and even less magic that she was not good at.

Although Athena is called the goddess of wisdom, she is also called the goddess of war.

She is eager to fight, this is her priesthood, not only imprinted in her soul, flowing in the blood, but also the meaning of her existence.

Athena... can also be said to be born for war.

There is no error.


The thunder continued, and Timmel used the thunder to keep restricting where Athena could move, forcing her to reveal more flaws while moving.

Then Timmel seized an opportunity, flicked the hammer violently, and rushed up in an instant, hitting Athena fiercely.

Athena, who was evading lightning strikes, was not suitable for exerting force at this time, but she did not flinch from Timmel's full blow.

The other party may be able to hurt themselves, but it is definitely not enough to kill her.

Without any fear, Athena raised her shield again and greeted it without hesitation... At the same time, the scimitar had cut fiercely towards Timmel from the other direction.

Timmel may be able to break Athena's defense, but it is inevitable that Athena will leave a deep wound on her body.

This kind of injury-for-injury is not what Timir wanted.

She laughed loudly, and then the hammer shook again, instantly changing direction in mid-air, giving up the attack and passing by Athena's scimitar.

Neither of them took advantage of it. After standing firm, they disappeared again and started a new round of confrontation.

The two of them were very happy, and it sounded very lively.

But some people are very upset.

For example, Rocky still hidden in the coniferous forest.

She remained invisible, sitting cross-legged, holding her hands in front of her, the scepter set aside, and coldly looked at her idiot sister not far away.

Fighting mad.

And this strange god, who is this guy, and why does he look like an idiot like Timmel, and seems to be very violent.

Isn't it enough to have only one idiot like this, even one more?

Rocky stared coldly at the two fierce fighting idiots outside the coniferous forest.

If it weren't for her to leave the magic mark on Timmel and couldn't leave too far...she would have slipped away.


Luo Ji spit out an indifferent vocabulary from Yinghong's lips and looked at their eyes...like watching two crazy bear children.

They... forget it, let them fight, anyway, because the more intense the battle, the more she will wait and attract her...

"Future...Future...What about the future?"

A small, memory-retrieving magic is definitely difficult for Yi Chou. He has used it very skillfully, and the fierce battle near the Rainbow Bridge falling not far away is urging Yi Chou, not to mention, the shadow of Neverland seems not long ago. It also passed some kind of strange information.

The last time this kind of change appeared in the shadow, if Yi Chou remembered correctly, it was still when he brought Tyrion Lannister into Neverland.

World energy lies in the current Westeros Queen Daenerys.

Now Yi Biao thinks ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am afraid this is also the case, just don't know which unlucky egg the shadow brought.

Yi Xiao is not worried about the other party wandering on the Neverland, the golden hourglass has multiple magic guards, and there is a last line of defense that is almost inevitable...Blood magic.

Secondly, the Red Forest and the Black Forest are not safe. Although the Red Forest sounds much better than the Black Forest Dreams and Fairy Tales, in fact, they are essentially the same.

Neverland is not a safe island. Rather than worrying about what the uninvited guest has done to Neverland... it is better to worry about the safety of this uninvited guest.

Red Castle is even more so. It is one of the most dangerous places in Neverland, and there are Alimond, Fujiang, and a lot of little yellow people and house elves to watch the house. There is nothing to worry about.

However, Yi Biao still feels that it is better to quickly end the matter here. He has to deal with Neverland.

In less than five minutes, Yi Biao had already extracted all the valuable memories of the Deadpool, but the question now is... he doesn’t seem to find why the Deadpool appears here and what to do. , The answer to why this is done.

No, he doesn't know the answer to the question.

"Can't you really don't know?!" Deadpool roared at Yi Huo angrily.

Then he had a whimsy.

"Should I change the position of the mask's mouth so that I can spray others' saliva."

Yi Xiao is not sure if the Deadpool will actually do this, but he can be sure that, in his hands, the Deadpool does not want to have this opportunity.

After quickly reading through the entire memory, Yi Xao had to refocus his attention on the dead waiter himself.

"Your memory... there is a problem."

Yi Xiao frowned.

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