High Magic Earth

Chapter 1408: Green-haired girl, incredible adventure (2)

How can anyone be.

The creature on the tree is not a person at all. . In fact, it is the tree itself that makes the noise.

Where Lorna was looking, there was an ugly face. The ugly bark she had seen before, yes, it was not a bark at all, but a face.

A face much like a human face.

Lorna was taken back by two steps. For people like them, Lorna had seen a lot, some of them were seen from comics, some were rumored, and more were in the news.

Although some people's appearance has changed, they are still human. . In other words, like human beings.

The guy in front of him is not like a human being. Instead of saying that it is a tree transformed by humans, it is better to say that the tree has become humans.

This thing is not one of them.

Because of the external oppression and bullying, most of them are very united. Lorna has a good opinion of the same kind and is not wary, so when she is invited by the shadow, she will hesitate to pass her hand.

But in the face of a strange monster like a tree with humans, Lorna immediately became a teenage girl.

Panic, panic, this is her only psychology at this time.

"Little girl... little girl..."

The big tree spoke again. This time Lorna clearly saw the creep of the bark. The ugly folds of bark formed a human face. Although it looked very similar, it had no eyes, even its mouth and nose. blurry.

So naturally, there is no slight change in the position of the eyes and nose except for the slight creeping of the mouth where it sounds.

This scene looks strangely weird.

A hazy, hoarse voice resounded through this forest. The whispers and calls were like echoes from the depths of the soul. Because there was no eyes on this bark, the unstoppable call from above was like a predetermined echo, Constantly, it rang in Lona's ear again and again.

Let her have a creepy feeling.

It's just like. . The voice from hell.

Lorna felt that the whole person was not well, and her cold hair seemed to stand upright. She didn't dare to stay too much. She lowered her head to look at the ugly bark face above, and turned around and ran like another direction.

She didn't know where she was running. . Anyway, as long as you don't see this thing.

"Little girl...too noisy...too noisy...too noisy..."

The echo from above continued, and Lorna soon realized that the voice seemed to be following her. . No, to be precise, there are more and more voices.

"Too noisy...too noisy...too noisy..."

"Get out of here...leave here..."

"You are not welcome here... you are not welcome..."

More and more voices appeared, and they surrounded the top and passed into Lona's ears, making her inner panic feel stronger and stronger.

No matter what the future is, Lona at this time is just a little girl who has not grown up, and suddenly comes to a completely strange environment, and encounters such strange things. Too.

But Rao is so, sneaking into the cinema and seeing the scenes of those horror movies and ghost films also hovering and appearing in Lona's mind.

It's lingering.

She runs faster and faster, and seems to have forgotten hunger. . Just wanted to escape here quickly.

Lorna ran rushing deep and shallow, and the leaves on the ground were still thick. If you didn't pay attention, she would fall on the ground, fortunately, because the leaves were thick. . It doesn't matter if you fall.

"Leave here...leave here..."

The voice surrounding her still did not disappear, but Lorna keenly noticed that the surrounding trees seemed to be getting less and less.

It's like these trees are hiding from her, or directing her to leave here.

This is my own. . Annoying?

These trees really don't seem to welcome themselves.

Lorna felt that her heart was very complicated at this time. Although the horror movies around her felt like a terrible feeling, the thought of these horror trees was because they didn’t welcome themselves and drove them out because they thought they were too noisy. . Lorna felt that she couldn't be thankful.

I'm so annoying?

Lorna also found a small mirror of her own in the dump, she thought. . I'm not bad myself.

Perhaps the reason is not all in themselves. After all, these weird big trees seem to be completely different from humans. The reasons for the annoyance may also be different.

The cranky Lorna didn't realize that the whisper from above didn't know when it had gradually decreased until it nearly disappeared.

Then at the next moment, Lorna felt like she was empty on one foot, and suddenly flew forward, and fell heavily on the soft ground.


This fall is quite heavy, because there is no thick pile of leaves bedding below.

It seemed like it was divided into two worlds. Behind Lorna, there were straight large trees towering into the clouds. Under each tree and even the entire forest, they were covered with thick fallen leaves.

In front of her, where she fell, she could not see the slightest accumulation of leaves.

The green ground is dotted with flowers and appears at her feet. At the back are the yellow leaves like a dividing line, just like there are some invisible dividing points, sweeping the leaves over and stacking them up.

Even after Lorna fell, there were no extra leaves scattered. She fell on the ground and saw with her own eyes that the scattered leaves circled in the air and swirled. . Then it fell back into the pile of leaves on the other side of the dividing line.

It's really strange.

A hard life has long taught Lorna to endure. Although she stumbled, she did not make a cry of pain.

Climbing up silently, the strange shape of the pile of leaves made Lona particularly curious.

Yourself. . It really came to a strange place.

Where exactly is it?

Although Lorna has also seen conjecture theories about extraterrestrials and even parallel worlds in science fiction stories and comics, she did not doubt that she had left the earth.

After all, the story is only a story, and what is impossible is called a story. Although Lorna has seen it, it is impossible to think that he has left the earth with such certainty.

This is completely impossible.

Although here. . It's really weird.

The echoes from those terrible trees have completely disappeared. She seems to have come to a new world. Lorna looks around and finds that although in the same forest, the surroundings are completely different.

The woods behind them towered high into the clouds, and the towering trees were straight and could not reach the end. . Although there was also a rustling of sunlight, the overall appearance was a dim tone.

But what appeared in front of her now looked like another forest.

The bright sunshine, also towering into the clouds, but it can bring a warm tree to the people, Lorna heard birds and insects chanting cheerfully. . Yes, she could hear a cheerful breath, and even saw some small animals like squirrels hurriedly jump among the trees.

All the best adjectives for the forest seem to be absorbed here, like it is. . It seems to be taken directly from the fairy tale book.

Lorna has not seen many fairy tales. She has passed the age of reading fairy tales, and the reality is far more cruel than fairy tales.

But it does not mean that she does not yearn for stories in fairy tales. As a little girl, she also had a beautiful dream.

Now, it seemed that the dream was in front of her.


The colorful birds flew through the woods, and soon a group of clattering lambs started at the top of the treetops. Lorna narrowed her eyes to the sky, and the sun shed mottled, and seemed to form seven colors at the top of the treetops. The Rainbow Bridge connects the entire forest together.

"very beautiful."

Lorna stretched her small face and said in a serious tone.

It’s not who Lona looks like. The pressure of survival and rejection from the outside world have already closed her mind. Although Lona is not yet an adult in age, she is psychologically. . Has already begun to gradually numb.

Of course, in the mountains and forests, she did not expect anyone to give her an answer.

But accidents often happen in the most unlikely and incredible places, otherwise how can they be called accidents.

"A human girl, you are really lucky to have come out of the silent forest."

"Where do you come from, is it in the Black Forest?"

A charming female voice suddenly appeared in front of Lorna, this voice. . How to describe it is difficult to describe. This is a frequency between sweetness and charm. Even Lona, who is a girl, shuddered at the first time she heard it.

It seemed to be numb by the current.

But Lorna looked forward carefully, but she didn't see any figure at all.

The scene of acquaintance made Lorna's eyelids jump, she was already mentally prepared, no matter what monster was in front of her, even if a Godzilla popped out, she too. . Will run quickly as soon as possible.

But I'm afraid she doesn't have much energy.

Originally, I didn't have enough food yesterday, and then went through a series of tossing fires and escapes. Lorna could feel that she had stuck in front of her back and couldn't squeeze any more power.

I hope something encountered this time. . Don't be too scared.

Lorna carefully searched the front with her eyes, then. . She suddenly froze.

"Have you never seen Meiwa, why are you always like this?"

Appearing in front of Lorna is a woman, a human, she did not see each other at first glance, because the other party was hiding behind the tree.

Meiwa's figure is very petite, which is more than enough to hide behind a tree of two or two people wide. If you hide a little, it is impossible to see.

But at this time she has come out, then. . Lorna also saw her looks clearly.

Just like her voice, indescribable.

Meiwa is a very beautiful creature, even more beautiful than the elves in the Western fantasy story, because she does not have the superb sword skills of elves. The natural parkour skills. The long lifespan has been magically compatible with this series. talent.

She is only beautiful.

In other words, all the skill points are focused on beauty, and her appearance naturally need not be mentioned.

Even if the offspring of the mixed race is only a fraction of the Meiwa lineage, that kind of appearance is placed in the human world, it is completely enough to fall into the country.

Lorna did not know what Meiwa was. She only knew that the beautiful woman in front of him was not human. . Than anyone she has ever seen. . No, there is no possibility of comparison.

Lorna's gaze fell tightly on the suddenly appearing woman, not speaking or even moving her eyes.

Meiwa's charm is great, but it is a kind of magic. The natural charm magic of men, women and children is like a weakened version of Fujiang.

It is also possible for people with unsettled mind to fall into madness directly for Meiwa.

usually. . Such people have become Meiwa's food, or toys.

Yes, Meiwa is a magical creature. Although it looks similar to humans and is a winner in life, it is essentially completely different from humans.

They do not eat humans, but humans also have some use for them.

The little girl who came out gently curled her hair with her fingers. . She was not malicious towards the little guy in front of her.

The Red Forest is a very rich forest. Food, magic, and even a variety of rare plants and animals are not lacking here, and because Fantasy Island serves as the center of the Second World, occasionally some strange things come in.

Of course, disasters and viruses are sometimes brought in, but they are quickly wiped out by the powerful defense mechanisms on the island.

Meiwa as a group of wisdom, maybe their initial level of wisdom is not so high, but Dream Island is not a place that follows common sense. At this time, their level of intelligence is already high enough, and it is one of the few ethnic groups in the Red Forest~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Their lives are very good, they can't make trouble to find human beings who are also intelligent creatures.

Shaking her long silver hair, Lorna suddenly awakened from her obsession.

"You and I.."

Lorna's response was quick, or rather, it was hereditary. Her dad often deflated in mental ability, and even had to put a hood to wrap herself up in the end. As a result, Lorna was not accidentally planted in mental ability. on.

But Lorna immediately lowered her head, her eyes drooping slightly, and stopped touching the creature in front of her.

Although she looks very beautiful, she even wants to give her another look. . But the feeling of not remembering anything is very bad.

What should I do?

Lorna was thinking fast in her heart, whether the other person was a human being, her kind. . Or something else.

After entering this forest and experiencing a series of strange and bizarre things, Lorna has realized that she can no longer look around with her original eyes. The guy in front of you probably does not want to guess.

But the other party didn't seem to show it, so. .

While Lorna was thinking, this strange Meiwa was also observing Lorna. There are not many humans on Neverland, even very rare.

Although there are many humanoids like Meiwa and Mermaid, but humans. . Humans want to enter Fantasy Island, but there are restrictions, even impossible to enter through conventional means.

Well, this little girl in front of you may be more special and more important than you think.

Forget it, let the wizard handle it.

This Meiwa is also regarded as an old resident of Neverland. It can be said that it was the first batch of Meiwa who came to Neverland after following Yi Chou. She knows that some things are best not to join in. After observing Lorna for a few seconds, She came to this conclusion decisively.

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