High Magic Earth

Chapter 1409: Green-haired girl, incredible adventure (3)

Don’t worry about things you shouldn’t, otherwise you will end up in the pit. The more you know, the faster you die. If you don't, you won't die.

Look at how philosophical these human quotes are. These truths are not only applicable to the human world, and not only to humans, but also to the magic world.

As a lovely baby, she didn’t want to participate in these things.

For Neverland, humans are a special kind of guest.

There are not many humans appearing on Neverland, and most of them are quickly taken away by the wizard. There is indeed a large-scale human appearance, and the wizard has not had time to come over, so this group of unlucky eggs is in the forest. In the middle of getting something that should not be caused, the casualties were heavy.

Neverland is never a safe and beautiful island, even in the Red Forest, never.

In any case, as the well-deserved master and the most powerful and evil existence here, the wizard attaches great importance to the foreign humans outside the island, and Meiwa does not want to have a relationship with the wizard.

not to mention. . This human can walk out of the silent forest, obviously not as simple as it seems.

Silent Forest is a place where the Red Forest and the Black Forest meet. Both forests are very large. They are the two largest areas of Dream Island. There are also many junctions, but there is no danger in other junctions except for the Silent Forest.

As the name suggests, it is quiet here.

Quiet is not because there are no creatures, but because most of the creatures die for various reasons, or leave the place, and here is only the current owner.

The tree of silence.

Uh. . Or a silent tree, a silent tree, a quiet big tree, whatever you call it.

They are the only creatures here and a source of danger.

These trees have their own lives, they can talk, not brought by Yi Huo, but the native creatures of Neverland. As for the true native creatures, they still entered into Neverland from other worlds before the arrival of Yi Huo, then Not clear.

But it is undeniable that they are dangerous and dangerous. .

Well, no one knows what is strange about them, because the creatures that entered the silent forest never came out alive.

Although curious, in front of life, this curiosity can still be restrained.

All creatures are aware of the strangeness and danger of this forest. The degree of strangeness is not even lower than that of the Black Valley. Few creatures pass through here, even in the sky. . For magical creatures that can fly, it is a forbidden place.

Everyone walks around here. Anyway, the two forests are so big that there is no need to use life to make fun.

Over time, this has become a real forbidden area.

It's been more than ten years since Yi Ao came to Neverland, and even for the first batch of enchanted creatures like Feilong and Feilong who came with him, ten years is a long time.

Not to mention the short-lived little guys, ten years, it may be several generations past them.

The long time is enough to allow them to create a biosphere, food chains, and laws of life on Neverland. Silent forest is a forbidden land, which is one of the laws.

In front of me, the Meiwa is not interested in the secrets of the Silent Forest, and has no interest in the human beings and the wizards that may be involved.

In fact, she had already regretted her appearance.

That being the case. .

"here is.."

On that side, Lorna also sorted out the language. Since the other party did not show obvious maliciousness, then might as well ask what is going on here. After all, she is completely confused now.

But unexpectedly, when Lorna opened her mouth, the beautiful woman who was not human seemed to be a different person.

"Be slow! Don't listen! Farewell!"

"Rollo, let's go!"

Lorna was dumbfounded.

Then, before she could react, the extremely beautiful woman pulled a horse from the tree backhand. . A white unicorn with wings.

Then under the staring of Lorna's eyes, she turned up, and the unicorn Pegasus hit Lorna with a big snort. The eyes seemed to be full of disdain, and then quickly disappeared from Lorna's eyes. Too.

The speed is fast, just after Lorna wants to keep it, their figure has disappeared at the end of the forest, between the dense forests, and there are only countless trunks, and then nothing is left.

Lona's mouth twitched.

She felt that she was more hungry, because one after another, hurrying and tiredness was one reason, and the other was angry.

What's wrong with this weird place?

Lorna couldn't help but took two steps forward, looked at the back of the tree that one person and one horse hid before, she wanted to see if there was a hole behind the tree, although the tree was not narrow, there were more than two people Wide, but it doesn't seem to be able to hide a horse.

of course. . The result was no gain, it was just an ordinary tree.

In fact, it can't be said that there is no ordinary tree in the entire Dream Island. Even if it is the most harmless appearance, the top of the canopy is stained with colorful dust.

A magic dust that can make children fly.

Neverland was originally a famous scenic spot in fairy tales, and this Neverland, as the hub of the Second World, may just have the same name. The specifics of this matter are not clear to Yi Chou.

The whole island has nothing to do with the fantasy island in the fairy tale.

In addition to these flying dust.

But Lorna didn’t know their existence. Even if she knew it, Lorna couldn’t get it. The trees were at least ten meters high from the ground. She couldn’t climb up, and she couldn’t reach her ability to send her up. Even if it can be achieved, it is not suitable for her to play here.

She is far worse than her father.

"It's really a ghost."

Even with Elona’s firm mind, she couldn’t help but curse inwardly.

She felt as if everything had gone wrong since last night, and it was unlucky.

Some helplessly took a short break under the tree. Lorna stood up and went on. When she sat down, she didn’t even see the wild fruit in the neighborhood, even the squirrel that she had seen before. .

Now this time, Lorna doesn't actually mind finding the squirrel and then. .

Of course, it’s not about eating a squirrel, but going to take out the squirrel’s nest. She remembers that squirrels seem to have the habit of storing food. Although she can’t eat roasted squirrels, she doesn’t mind snatching food from squirrels. Anyway, what the book says , She remembered that she seemed to have seen it vaguely in a book, and she didn’t know if it was true or not, so she just practiced it.

As for whether the poor squirrel can store enough food before winter. . That's not what Lorna needs to consider.

The worst thing is if she can find this squirrel's nest after saving herself, then give it back some nuts.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

But she can't continue to sit and rest here, even if there is no cold, starvation is not a distant thing.

Lorna decided to move on, following the direction that the woman and the horse had left before. She didn't know the position anyway. There was no specific direction to choose. . It's better than this.

Fortunately, this forest does not seem to have such weird talking trees. Although there are still some noises around from time to time, it seems to be afraid of something. After a little rustling for a while, it becomes quiet again.

A few times later, Lorna's courage became much larger.

She is a bold girl in her own right. As an orphan, she lives under heavy hostility and resistance, if she is not strong enough to be independent. . How could it survive.

After letting go, Lorna did not have the previous fears, but she was still hungry.

Of course, it's just hunger. People can not eat for several days, and it's too early to starve to death, but if there is no food at all, it's just a matter of time.

It seemed that the doom finally left Lorna, how far was it in a few thousand meters. . After Lorna did not know the distance, she suddenly heard a certain sound.

The sound of mooring water.

She did not find food, but found another vital living material, water.

Without food, people may be able to persist for a few days, but without water, I am afraid that they will not survive for a few days.

And there is a flowing voice, which means that this is living water, not dead water that can not be drunk. Although I have not gone to school and have no systematic education, these common sense Lona still knows.

From the library.

Lorna's pale, small face always showed a happy expression, and she took two quick steps, opened the jungle and shrubs in front of her, and saw it. . A lake.

Mermaid Lake.

. . .

"A human."

"what should we do."

Whispering whispers are low, this is a special frequency band, it seems that human ears can not receive.

"Old way?"

"No... there is a shadow in her body, she is a guest."

"...Guest, just ignore her."

But at an unconscious moment, Lorna's ear moved slightly.

. . .

As the most dangerous places, Mermaid Lake. .

Well, all the places on the Neverland seem to be dangerous, and even ranking is a bit difficult. Although the Mermaid Lake looks equally harmless to humans and animals, when it exposes its fangs, it is also extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, most of the future on the island comes from magical creatures, and magical creatures have their own thinking.

Even if you can't communicate. . It also means that they do not act entirely on instinct, and are equally dangerous to everyone.

Lorna walked carefully out of the jungle.

Although the surrounding area looks calm and calm, this place is very strange, even horses with wings and talking trees can appear, and the ghost knows what else.

Near the lake, the ground began to become sandy, potholey, and it seemed that some places were still accumulating small waterholes.

Lorna looked around and judged whether a water source was drinkable according to the book. . You can observe whether there are traces of other animals drinking here.

The knowledge is very good, Lorna also remembers very clearly, but it is not so easy to practice.

How to judge whether there are other animals, the footprints on the ground. . That's footprints.

Lorna looked at the messy ground traces not far away and scratched her head. These things can't be judged at a glance. It depends on experience.

Never mind. . never mind.

Lorna quickly gave up this useless observation, and anyway, the water looks very clear, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with drinking.

After two more steps, Lorna suddenly whispered.

"anyone there?"

"Is anyone here?"

In fact, when stepping out of the bushes, Lorna seemed to vaguely hear some kind of whisper reverberating nearby, not as if humans were talking, but as if it were a metal shock.

She can feel it.

Unfortunately, in the face of Lorna's inquiry, the surroundings were still very quiet, and there was no voice to answer, as if it was really empty.

Lorna shrugged strangely, and she expected someone to answer anyway.

It's better not to talk, than to suddenly jump out of a weird man or clown with a sharp knife and a pig's head in his head.

Lorna decided to replenish the water, but just when she lifted her feet and took a step forward, she seemed to be frightened and shrank.


Even Lorna couldn't help but burst a **** at this time.

Because the location in the lake near the shore ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is stopping a warship, an old, wooden warship, which looks like the style of the great nautical period, but it is very new, just like the new .

It's not so much an old antique that has been stranded here from the time of the great voyage. . It is better to say that it is the latest private toy made by a rich local tyrant.

But the question is why I didn't see it at first.

This boat is so big that it is impossible to ignore it. Even if you don't pay attention, you can't ignore such a big boat moored on the lake after a few glances.

Lorna had a feeling of being **** up.

It is impossible. . Is it really a ghost ship?

Lorna shook her head and quickly expelled the idea. I heard that ghost ships generally appeared at night and drifted slowly in the sea, instead of stopping in a lake like it is now, during the day, like Stranded.

There must be something else.

Lorna thought about it, then stepped back cautiously.

Then the ship disappeared.

Lorna's pale and pretty face raised her eyebrows slightly and stepped forward a few steps again. Without a surprise, the wooden boat appeared again.

What is the reason for this, the refraction of light, the deception of vision, or something else, forgive Lona without going to school to think of more explanations and possibilities.

Back and forth back and forth a few times, after Lorna played enough, quietly observed this wooden battleship gently rippling with the breeze on the lake, her bold side regained the upper hand.

Go up. . Look?

This ship looks very new, it seems that there is no danger, maybe it can't find food, but what other clues may be found, which is also very important for Lorna who knows nothing about it.

Not wasting time.

After thinking for half a minute, Lorna decided to do what she said.

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