High Magic Earth

Chapter 1410: Green-haired girl, incredible adventure (4)


The water was very cold, and Lorna was pumped by the small face stimulated by the cold lake water just after the water.

The island is as warm as spring, and the temperature in the forest is also suitable, but these are just superficial phenomena. The lake water is very cold, and the extremely cold and biting, it is an abnormally low temperature, which makes her tremble.

Lorna felt that her young heart was deceived.

She regretted the risky launch, but Lorna, like her father, is very stubborn. Since half of the jeans have not been submerged in the water, don't give up halfway.


Lorna gritted her teeth and started to wade towards the position of the ship.

Fortunately, this huge wooden Galen sail was not far from the shore of the lake. With a trembling step forward, Lona entered the deep water area. At this time, she was only a few meters away from Galen sail. the distance.

The water had not reached Lorna's neck. She could feel that she only had to lift her foot gently so that the whole person could float in the water.

Lorna's water quality is not bad. She didn't live in New York all the time. In fact, she grew up in the countryside of other states, grew up all the way, has been to big cities, and has lived in many small towns.

Seriously, the latter is not safe, because small towns have a small population, it is easier to find outsiders, and they are even more unfriendly to outsiders.

In the process of wandering, it is inevitable that she will come into contact with water. This is how her water is fumbled. Of course, she can only barely drown herself.

Taking a deep breath, Lorna slowly swam forward.

She had just left the bottom of the lake on the shore, and the whole person sank a bit. The water surface that had reached her neck instantly passed her ear, and Lorna could only raise her head to keep her breathing smooth.

The short hair like green algae is soaked in the lake water, slowly rippling in the water, making them look more like rootless algae floating in the water of the green lake.

They are filled with deep colors, like a mysterious mermaid from the deepest part of the seabed.

Exudes a fascinating magic.

Unlike most Americans, Lorraine has a typical Slavic style, pale skin and big eyes that seem to speak so that she looks like a decadent model from Eastern European countries, not a wandering American.

Unfortunately, no one in her world would appreciate this beauty.

For the existence different from ordinary people, they will only regard it as alien, vigilant, and indifferent.


Lorna's hands gently waved forward.

The lake is very iced, so she has to get to the boat as soon as possible, otherwise she may freeze in the water. Although this sounds very incredible, it is true.

Fortunately, at the beginning, Lorna observed Galen sails. There was no rope or rope ladder on the side of the ship near the lakeside, and it hung down the side of the boat. , Just on the other side of the ship.

After launching, Lorna ran directly to the back of the boat.

If she couldn't get on the boat there, she could only admit that she was unlucky and go ashore as soon as possible. . To ensure your warmth.

But obviously, Lorna was lucky, or it has come into operation.


As she turned to the other side of Galen Sail, she soon saw a rope ladder thrown into the water, with one end of the rope ladder directly connected to the ship's side deck and the other side under the water.

The rope ladder also looked very new, and it didn't feel creaky as if it would break in the next moment.

The cold lake froze Lona's already pale complexion even more pale. She clenched her teeth and squeezed the lake twice again. Then she grabbed the rope ladder and supported it, and the whole person had climbed up.

Galen Sail is not sailing, the rope ladder in the mooring is very stable, so Lorna simply went up.

Fortunately, it's just that the lake is cold and abnormal, the island itself is still very warm, and the wind blowing seems to be warm in spring. Otherwise, if the cold wind blows, Lona, who is already tired and weak, is likely to reach the limit in an instant. .

Lonah had already climbed up the side of the boat on the rope ladder.


The Galen sail was very large. After approaching, Lorna found that it was larger than she expected. After climbing up the rope ladder, the cross section of the ship's side was enough to let her lie sideways.

She passed all obstacles very lightly, but even so, she made a very slight bang when she landed on the deck.

Smooth and clean.

Lorna looked at everything in front of her with serious eyes.

What you see is the deck. No surprises. Just like this galenic sail that looks very new overall, the deck is also brand new, wiped and polished, as if spotless.

Maybe someone still takes care of it often.

This is Lorna's first reaction.

Although she still didn't see a figure, Lona's heart was secretly alert. She took off a thin blade and hid it in her pocket. . There are many more that she carries with her.

Lorna did not forget what she did when she boarded the ship.

She is not a tourist or a child who is curious about ancient sailing ships. She needs food and needs to figure out where this strange place is.

Moving along the deck, Lorna quickly saw the wooden door that was suspected to be inside the cabin.

She paid attention to the deck under her feet, trying to avoid low-level errors such as squeaking and stepping on the air, and moved closer carefully.

Staying outside the door, Lorna listened quietly, but heard nothing.

No one seems.

She reached out and pushed the wooden door lightly. . There was no response and the door panel was tight and locked.

But this is not difficult for Lorna.

She took the blade out of her pocket and gently inserted it into the gap under the door. At the next moment, she felt quietly with her eyes closed against the wall.

The metal flew on the other side of the door, against the wooden door, and rose slowly along the way.

It bumped into the obstacle, but it didn’t matter. Lorna’s fingers on the wall flickered slightly, and the metal immediately flexed over the obstacle, clung tightly to it, and walked around, as if detecting the shape of the obstacle like a radar Make identification.

A rectangular parallelepiped with a small cross-section. . It is a heavy bolt. There is a frame at the top and bottom of the bolt. It must follow the gap between the two doors and it is impossible to hook the bolt.

Lona's mouth twitched.

This door is not locked. Once something like a latch is closed from the inside, even if the owner of the ship comes from the outside, it will definitely not open. There is no difference between the owner and the outsider in front of this door.

Or. . The master is inside?

This is very likely, otherwise why the deck is so bright.

Lorna hesitated, but only hesitated for a few seconds before deciding to take a risk. The Galen sail was very large, and it was not so coincidental that it would hit the owner of the ship as soon as the door was opened.

As for the latch. . It was not difficult for her.

The metal continued to fly, traversing a clever arc in the air, hitting the side of the latch, and Lorna's brow furrowed slightly against the wall. . The latch was heavier than she thought.

She has been very flexible in using her power, but the upper limit has not been high. Pushing such a heavy latch has reached her limit. Even if it can be pulled back from the side with metal, it may take some time.

Lorna is not short of time, just hoping that no one will really show up here.

She closed her eyes, closed her brows, and controlled the metal suspended in the air with one heart. The metal was tightly attached to the side section of the latch, slowly pushing it to slide to the side.


After a few minutes, with a muffled sound, the bolt hit the ground decisively.

The sound was inevitable, and Lorna couldn't control the metal to hold it up at the moment the door fell. . She could not support such a heavy weight.

The voice is very heavy, if there are still people on this ship, then the other party must be alarmed at this time.

The time was urgent, Lorna did not hesitate much, touched the fine sweat on her forehead, and pushed open the wooden door. After the wooden door, it was really the cabin of the ship. . It's still neat inside.

Lorna hesitated and didn't go deeper.

She didn't make a sound, only the muffled sound when the door bolt fell, so all this could be disguised as an unexpected sound, if there was someone on board. . Perhaps it will appear soon.

As for pushing the door hurriedly, because she was not sure what was behind the door, the unknown was always the most frightening.

Lorna clung to the door, keeping her side to back, for a second. . Two seconds. . Three seconds. .

The location she chose is quite clever, the front view can well see the situation inside the door, and the side can pay good attention to the rear and the side. . Lorna has not experienced any agent training, and all she did was pure instinct.

Ok. . Human instinct.

Because few people are so stupid as to push their heads into the door like an ostrich, and then they don't care about anything.

But after ten seconds or so, there was still silence around, as if we could hear a group of crows flying over the top of Lorna's head, screaming in groups, "Fool, fool."

She expected that the scolding came up drunkenly and sloppy sailor did not, nor did Robinson wearing a white shirt of the last century and holding a shotgun trapped on the island for more than ten years. Nothing, nothing.

Lorna once again felt that her young heart was deceived.

perhaps. . There is no one in the ship. After all, no one says that the cabin can only have one entrance. Although this is usually the case, it only refers to the door. There must be other hidden doors or cargo passages.

Lorna was not a very patient person. After waiting for a few minutes in the same place, and still no sound appeared, she decided to go deeper.

The interior of the cabin is very empty, and there are some flat square wooden boxes that often appear in the background of the game. Lorna instinctively wants to step forward to open it. . But they are very tightly nailed, and I am afraid it is not easy to open without tools.

Lorna gave up this meaningless action.

This is only the first floor of the cabin. As a building on the deck, the space on this floor is actually not large. The real space is hidden under the deck, otherwise how can it be called the cabin.

Lorna did not find the captain's room, it seemed to follow common sense. . The captain's room should be on the deck, as if it was where she was at the moment.

Unfortunately, she did not find it.

Forget it, if there was really no one in the boat, then she had time to explore and took two steps forward, Lorna saw a straight stairway leading down.

Locks were also hung on the stairs, so the technique was reapplied. Lorna used a small piece of metal to skillfully pry them apart and took off the iron rope. Lorna stepped carefully on the wooden stairs.

The trembling situation did not appear to be expected. The stairs were very stable, not even squeaking, and the entire ship revealed abnormally strong and new.

If it is a modern ship made of steel, then it is naturally no surprise, even if it is a place like a stair in a modern ship, as the metal ages, it will shake.

But the problem is. . This is a very old Galen sail.

The whole ship is full of weirdness. The normal choice is to leave here, the farther away the better, but unfortunately Lorna doesn't have much choice at this time. . She can only come up.


Going deep into the cabin, the visibility around it dimmed. When Lorna was a little nervous, there was a sound of flames around him, and the light was suddenly bright.

Lorna covered her mouth with one hand, and Hao Xuan didn't scream. Although the method was a little unexpected, it was just a light like an auto-sensing device.

and so. . Sure enough, it's a Galen sail made by modern crafts~www.wuxiaspot.com~The rich people's plaything, viewing, or collectibles.

It's possible that Lorna's mind appeared.

But strangely, she didn't seem to sense that there was too much metal in the vicinity. . Whether it is an electric light, or a circuit such as an electric wire.

Only the next moment, as Lorna saw everything around her, her eyes widened again.

Torches, there is a neat row of torches burning on the wall. Every one meter or more has a diagonally inserted groove in the wall, all of which are torches.

The burning of flame is the only light source here. . It's crazy, use fire on a wooden boat?

The oldest nautical era, that is kerosene lamp.

Then Lorna quickly realized another question, how did these torches ignite automatically, there wouldn't be any voice control device, right. . It seems not impossible.

She vaguely saw that the torch burned automatically because of the chemical cause of phosphorus. She couldn't remember the specifics, but it was not an incredible thing.

Of course, there is nothing magical about her living in an information-developed world.

These thoughts turned around in Lorna's mind, and her mind was quickly attracted to other things.


Because her nose was slightly twitched, she seemed to smell something sweet, that is. . Full of fragrance of food.

And smelling these things, her stomach immediately began to growl.

Following the biological instincts, Lorna began to move forward along the source of the fragrance.

Lorna, who had been occupied by food for most of her thinking, did not notice that, shortly after she went deep into the cabin, on the lake outside, with the appearance of a wave of water waves, a black-headed head dropped silently. It popped out of the water.

then. . more and more.

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