High Magic Earth

Chapter 1411: Green-haired girl, incredible adventure (5)

The aroma of malt. . Ah, no, the taste of the food.

Lorna was like a chipmunk sniffing honey all over, her nose bridge was wrinkled, and she followed the fragrance as if being dragged by a rope.

But at the same time she didn't relax her vigilance, constantly looking around, like a thief mouse, and then after a few steps forward. . She stopped in front of a mezzanine board door.

Lorna was sure that the fragrance came from here.


The presence of food represents someone, and the risk of pushing in is high. . But Lorna couldn't control herself.

She was so hungry that it didn’t matter if she was found, as long as the owner of the ship stood just behind the door.

It doesn’t matter if there are really people, it doesn’t take too much time, and in just a few seconds, she would just be content with just grabbing a few breads from the table.

such as. .


When the wooden door was opened, even Lona, who never believed in God, couldn't help covering her mouth and gave a low cry.

Behind the door is still the immutable cabin, but this cabin seems to be a small dining room, and a long wooden table is placed in the center of the cabin. . Covered with food.

The delicious pie still exudes steaming heat, and the yellow Chengcheng noodles are decorated with colorful food decorations. Lorna even feels that she can see the deliciousness floating on it.

In the middle of the table is a huge roast chicken, very huge. . It even feels bigger than a microwave oven. It looks very attractive. The roasted golden and reddish appearance. Lorna always thought that this color of food can only be seen in cartoon animations.

Very appetizing.

Secondly, there are a lot of dishes that are very rich at a glance. The same grilled golden sausages, pies, small cakes, steaks and omelettes, as well as vegetable salads and various kinds of greasy fruits, and finally a large bowl of thick soup The thick soup was the closest to Lorna, and the enticing fragrance poured into her brain.

Next to the thick soup there is a jar that seems to be a drink. . Golden and cold. . It's weird to see what a drink this is.

Lorna couldn't help swallowing.

She felt she couldn't control the saliva.

The thick soup below is like a tantalizing sweet candy. . She was continuously tempted to hold a bowl, and then took a big sip.

Lorna rushed closer to the bowl of soup, then sniffed greedily, and the rich aroma of her face made her stomach make a particularly loud cooing sound, which was the taste that Lorna had never tasted.

Different from the cold storage of the fast food shop, it always exudes a smell that seems to be spoiled, and it is not like the leftovers in the garbage pile, which is filled with the smell of truly spoiled.

The food on this long table was the most abundant food Lorna had ever seen, and something she would never have.

Sweet and tempting. . And a bit strange.

Lorna's brow furrowed slightly, and the hunger in her stomach made her unbearable, but reason still kept her calm.

The taste of this thick soup is tempting. . But there also seems to be a trace of weirdness. Lona doesn't know exactly where it is.

After all, she has never been exposed to such formal and hearty food.

Lorna didn't hurry. Although she didn't know that there must be a demon if something went wrong, she knew that such a weird scene must have something unusual.

Although she has not been to school, she has also read fairy tales. The fairy tale of the candy house is the first story she has come into contact with. It has a deep memory and how can it be forgotten.

perhaps. . In this cabin, what terrible monster is hidden? As soon as she reached out, or as soon as she ate something on the table, it would jump out, and then treat herself as a dessert.

This does not allow her to not think about it.

After all, this is really too weird.

I met a boat in the lake, well, this is not surprising, not to mention the yacht, even if it is a real fishing boat, it may be stranded in the lake for various reasons, maybe there is fish in the lake.

But if it's a wooden sailboat from a few centuries ago, it's a little weird.

When I meet a flying horse, well, this is very strange, but it is also regarded as a genetic mutation, a tree that can talk. The strangeness of this matter is already very high. This is not a genetic mutation that can be explained casually. .

Then when all the things are put together, this is not just a weird one, it can be explained clearly.

The question now is not whether there are people on this ship, but that weird things are revealed everywhere. . Can Lorna eat the food on the table with confidence.

What to do, Lorna was helpless.

Faced with hunger, she didn't have many choices, but she just ate these foods. . It is a very risky thing to look at.

"Trueloveisgraftedinmyheart, givememysailorbold (True love deep in my heart, I only need that brave sailor)"

The distant singing came from far away, which made Lorna mistakenly think it was her own illusion.

"Shouldhereturninpoverty, fromoertheoceanfar (even if he sails for thousands of miles, the return is still impoverished)"

Wait, is there really singing? !

The singing became clearer, and soon Lona realized that this was not her illusion, but also singing, and it seemed not far away. . Just around this Galen sail.

Realizing this, Lorna also temporarily ignored the food on the table.

Looking around left and right, Lorna soon saw an old artillery placed in another cabin, with a gap in front of the artillery, where you could see the movement outside and on the water.

Quietly walked over, Lorna probed out, and then the next moment, she suddenly shook her head back.

It is a person, or more accurately, a person floating in the water.

Through the muzzle, Lorna can clearly see that there are many black spots floating quietly on the outside water, which are sporadic human heads.

Lorna was taken aback, and soon realized that these people were swimming in the water.

These guys. . The owner of the ship?

But why do you have to go on and off the boat by swimming, no, no, etc. The problem is not this. The problem is that the owner of the ship is coming back, what should I do, and how will these guys treat me.

"Tomytenderbosom, I’llfondlypressmyjollytar (I still open my tender arms and embrace my happy sailor affectionately)"

Lorna began to think crankily.

But after half a minute, she suddenly noticed something.

singing. . Still continuing.

Quietly protruding his head, Lorna found that these guys were still humming songs in the water, and did not take another step forward. They were scattered around the ship, seeming to surround the ship, and then there was no next step Action.

"MysailorisassmilingasthepleasantmonthofMay (my sailor is smiling, just like the wonderful May is generally sunny)"

"My sailor, my sailor..."

Lorna hummed softly. She thought the melody of the song was very good and it sounded beautiful. . Wait, what is she doing!

The soft humming came to an abrupt end, Lorna closed her mouth, and then made a pretty face. Obviously, she realized that she was once again under control. These singing voices had an extraordinary appeal, just like the one she encountered before. A beautiful woman who does not resemble a human being.

She should find a helmet to buckle herself up, it would be better if she could not hear anything.

But now she can't help her. Although she knows that these songs are a little weird, Lorna still looks out, but she concentrates on filtering these sounds, the impact is much smaller than before.

Secretly showing his head, Lorna watched the water below.

The people in the water didn't seem to see themselves, just round the wooden boat and kept raising the singing voice, it seemed to sing for this boat, not for themselves.

Looking closely, Lorna soon realized that these people were women, with long black hair floating in the water, like devil's claws.

And these women are very beautiful, and the side faces that they accidentally show are not much worse than the beautiful women Lona saw before.

I've seen a ghost. Where is this place?

Lorna kept muttering in her heart.

"AndoftwehavewanderedthroughRatcliffeHighway (we often stroll on Ratcliffe Avenue)"

The singing's influence on her is getting lower and lower, but there is no memory of the slightest end. These guys still sing around the boat, as if they will never stop.

Lorna had more and more doubts in her mind.

Then the next moment, her eyes suddenly widened again.


Because at a certain moment later, a woman suddenly lifted a turbulent water splash. In the water splash, a slender fish tail suddenly fluttered out of the water, turned around in a clever place, and then submerged again.

But only at this moment, Lorna had already seen clearly.

This tail is not the tail of any fish. . And it is this woman's.

She is a mermaid.

In other words, they are all.

. . .

Lorna was leaning against the wall of the ship's side, covering her ears with her hands, breathing heavily.

This discovery seems a bit too powerful, mermaid? This thing. . Shouldn’t it only exist in myths and legends, or fairy tales, it. . It should not appear in reality at all.

What a weird place did you come to?

First the talking tree, then Pegasus, empty Gallen sailboat and a table full of dishes, and then she saw the mermaid again. .

At this moment, Lorna unconsciously became suspicious.

In the end she fell into a strange forest, a strange place. . Still strayed into the world of fairy tales.

"Wheremanyaprettybloominggirlwedidbehold, (there are many beautiful young girls)"

The singing continues, but the original beautiful singing sounds a little anxious at Lona at this time.

She has seen some sci-fi stories, like humans have returned to the past, or have entered the future. The classic old movie Butterfly Effect and Return to the Future trilogy series Lorna have also seen. . Sneak into the late-night screening studio with few people.

That sounds exciting, but Lona feels at a loss when she really experienced it.

You know, although the singing of Mermaid is beautiful, it is not a good thing in myths and legends. They will lure sailors to get lost forever in the sea, find no way home, and even drag the sailors into the sea.

Although the surroundings look like fairy tales, who knows what they are.

Wait, the singing stopped?

The sudden stop of the song immediately reminded Lorna that the mermaids had left, still. .

Lorna poked her head again, and immediately saw a scene that scared her.

All the mermaids stopped singing, but instead of leaving, they surrounded the ship quietly, looked up at the cabin, or rather. . It was after the muzzle where he was.

The moment they looked out of their heads, all their eyes gathered.

Calm and cold lake water, the ancient Galen sailing ship, and deep mermaids in the lake. . All this makes people feel a creepy feeling.

But it may be due to too many successive shocks. Lorna has completely calmed down at this time. It seems that there is a sense of honor and humiliation. He silently retracted his head and then rethought. .

How could it not be thrilling!

Although these mermaids do not seem to be able to enter the boat, if they have been in the water, they cannot return to the shore on their own, let alone they can dig a boat, although it may be a long job. . But what they lack most is time.

The bad situation makes Lorna more hungry, and she urgently needs some food to supplement energy~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wait, food.

Lorna's beautiful big eyes were narrowed, and these mermaids could sing, apparently intelligent creatures, so Lorna suddenly thought of a wonderful way.

She can throw the food down, so that she can verify whether there is any problem with the food, and can also narrow the relationship with the mermaids below.

They live in water. . Even if it is not the bottom of the sea, I am afraid that I don’t agree to make cooked food, let alone cakes, which require dry food.

Thinking of this, Lorna immediately got up and returned to the long wooden table. She observed it again and found that there was no change on it. It was still the same as what she had seen before. On the plate, two small cakes that looked delicious.

Back at the nearest muzzle, Lorna leaned out half of her body.

"Hey!" she whispered.

Although the mermaid below did not respond, Lorna was sure that they could hear it, and it was okay to not want to communicate. The cake in her hand came with friendship and icing. . Okay, that's probably what it means.

Aiming for a moment, Lorna gestured the cake in her hand to the nearest mermaid, and then threw it at her gently with one hand.


Then chirp. . The cake hit the mermaid's head and made her greasy.

Lona's mouth twitched slightly, and she decided something was going to happen.

As a matter of fact, when the mermaid did not respond, neither evaded nor reached out and tried to catch it, Lona had already realized that it was bad.

then. . She watched as the cake crossed a beautiful arc in the air and hit the mermaid in the lake below with precision.

But Lorna doesn't think she blames herself. Is it because the other party doesn't cooperate?

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