High Magic Earth

Chapter 1412: Green-haired girl, incredible adventure (6)

Things are going to happen, but can she blame her, Lorna rolled a big white eye in her heart.


The mermaid smashed underneath screamed violently, and the beautiful face of the original Qing Xiu suddenly became cruel. This was not a description, but her whole face was really twisted and deformed.

Originally, the mouth protrudes forward like humans, and with a sudden drum, it becomes a fish-like beak like a bird, and the skin changes from smooth and fair at the beginning to a dull dark black, with potholes and some small ones. The sarcoma is like seaweed that soaks.

The long, soft, shiny black hair turned into algae, the hair twisted together, and then spread out in the water, which looked like an octopus' tentacle in the distance.

Almost in an instant, this beautiful mermaid completed the transformation from a beautiful girl to an ugly monster.

"This is really well-deserved."

Lorna couldn't help but spit out a word in her heart.

The mermaids have all turned into ugly monsters, sharp pointed claws, equally deadly fangs, and potholes that look like crocodile skin.

Especially the one hit by Lorna's small cake, butter and white cheese stick to its head, making it look particularly greasy.

But this seems to be nothing strange.

The mermaids seem to be only creatures in fairy tales and legends, and if they really come from there... know that the legendary mermaids are not so beautiful.

Rather than being called a mermaid, it is better to be called a shark.

It's just like a human, still essentially a fish... that's how it is now.


Waves rolled up on the surface of the lake. These sharks flicked their tails and plunged into the water. A burst of air bubbles appeared from below, and the lake quickly became silent.

But Lorna knew that they did not leave.

But what about that, they don’t have legs, they can’t get up, would they have to jump out of the water and hit their knees?


The present report is coming too soon.

Just before Lona’s voice fell within a second, there was a sudden thud under the ship, and then the huge Galen sail was swaying hard. Lorna stood unsteady and apparently rolled along the muzzle Fall down.

Fortunately, she reacted and grabbed a rope next to her that didn't know where to tie it, which stabilized her body.

These guys started crashing into the ship.

Lorna immediately realized this...but she didn't panic a lot, but walked back to the long table calmly and found a place to sit down.

Sheng's thick soup has been sprinkled in half. Although it is wasteful, it is considered good news.

At least these foods seem to be fine.

Galen sailed violently, but Lorna was still. She picked up the bowl, took a spoonful for herself, and drank most of it.


Lorna made a contented sigh... but the expression was strange.

Doubt, surprise, suddenly realized, but more still puzzled.

She finally knew why this bowl of thick soup, or the whole table of food, smelled strange, because the thing turned out to be... banana flavor.

It's incredible.

Lorna has clearly seen a lot of seasoning ingredients, such as meat pieces in soup, potatoes, or some unknown vegetables, etc...

She put a piece of potato into her mouth with a fork... and then her expression became very indescribable.

It’s a banana.

It just looks like a potato.


The ship was shaking more and more violently, making people wonder if it would turn over or break a hole directly, but at this time Lorna seemed to realize what it was, grabbed a thin crisp with frightened face Cake... Then it deformed.

It's not shortbread, but bananas, but it looks like shortbread.

And the strange smell on the table is exactly what bananas exude. Everything is made of bananas. This is an uncompromising banana meal.

Lorna has heard of such things as pumpkin feast, but banana feast... what the **** is this.


The cabin was shaking, but Lorna was still calm. It was not so easy to escape whether it was overturned or leaked. Instead of rushing to escape, it is better to have a full meal first.

There is also strength not.

Although the banana banquet in front is pit, but it is also food, Lona, who has not eaten for a few days, does not have much room for criticism.

She stuffed pie bread into her mouth... anyway, most of the things are bananas, and there are no other ingredients except for a small amount of sauces like ketchup.

After only a few bites, Lorna was half full.



But at this moment, Lorna suddenly moved stiffly again, because a board next to them was suddenly pushed away, and Lorna originally thought that there was no one here...

Not human... two strange creatures.

Lorna kept half of the movement of putting the pies into her mouth, watching them panicly push the door in, turning a blind eye to herself and swarming to the side of the muzzle... Although there were only two, Lorna It doesn't feel wrong to describe yourself as a swarm of bees.


They cried out strange words that were completely incomprehensible, and then seemed to point anxiously below. Apparently they were also very panic about the attacks from those mermaids.

It’s best if they can handle it, if they can’t...

Before Lona's inner thoughts fell, she saw that as the ship turned violently again, the two little guys fell down the muzzle without grasping.

Rolling his eyes inwardly, Lorna was speechless.

She had never seen or heard of two weird guys. She had a yellow oval petite body, and then she wore big round glasses and blue worker suspenders.

They seem to be a certain kind of creature, because they look very similar, not strange strange creatures appearing in the stomach.

It's not about my business anyway.

Lorna shrugged and continued to fight the food in front of her.

These two little guys look a lot like bananas except they are fatter, so if they say that the food on this table is prepared by them, then it makes sense.

Lorna did not consciously eliminate the food of others.

After all, for her, survival... has always been a difficult thing.


The falling of these two unlucky eggs did not stop the impact of the fish. The mermaid may not have seen the two guys who did not know whether they were lucky or unlucky, or maybe...they did not persist for more than a second?

Lorna crammed food into her mouth, thinking about how to take it out.

Although it is a banana product, it can also resist hunger.


"You bad guys! What are you doing!"


"It's all Qiqi's fault! Qiqi didn't like the owner!"


"Finfen did not complete the master's task!"

The violent shaking has been going on for three or four minutes. Lorna doesn't know how sharp the claws of those mermaids are, can he dig a hole in the boat...or how long it will take.

But at the next moment, a series of very strange noises came from outside again.

"Pap!" "Pap!"

Explosive sounds like thunder bursts appeared out of thin air, one after another, followed by a voice, and finally a language that Lona could understand, English.

Although these sounds sound weird and very sharp, like what the children said when they were noisy, but finally Lorna could understand it.

Putting something that doesn't seem to be easily pressed into banana jam and put it in a torn cloth bag, Lorna hid again in front of the gap next to the muzzle and looked out quietly.

The scene outside really surprised her again.

Those sharp-sounding guys were not humans... but they looked like monsters like aliens. They floated in the air and continuously emitted beams of light toward the water below.

These creatures...Lona feels familiar, they seem to be...

Domestic elf!

Yes, Lorna has read the Harry Potter books. Although she has only seen one movie in the library...but she remembers one of the iconic creatures, the house elf.

She will not admit mistakes.

If at first there is the suspicion that they may just be a group of monsters that look like domestic elves, then they like to crash their ships with their heads from time to time, and often speak in a third-person way. After the appearance of Lona Basically, it can be determined 100%.

It is this group of neurotic guys.

So... where are you?

She has come to the world of Harry Potter, or is there always a Hogwarts in the UK, this book of Harry Potter is not a fairy tale at all, she is in the Black Lake near the Forbidden Forest?

Lorna had no idea.

But it is certain that she has disappeared for the time being. It is temporarily safe. After all, this group of house-elves seems to be guarding this Galen sail. They expel mermaids...the problem should not be great.

She should worry more about whether the group of house-elves will find themselves after expelling the mermaid.

Lorna is not sure if she is a wizard...but basically it won't be anymore. The house-elves, as the magical animals that serve pure-blooded wizards for generations, seem to be very unfriendly to ordinary people, Muggles.

After all, there are still a few special existences like Dobby... otherwise how could it be called special existences.

But Lorna felt that she had been out of luck during the recent period.

Because at the same time her words fell.


A loud explosion suddenly appeared behind her, and Lorna only had time to turn around and saw a house-elf appearing out of nowhere.

This is... phantom shift.

Lorna thought, as if it was indeed said in Harry Potter.

Immediately afterwards, she heard the house-elf opening in front of her and shouted in a very sharp tone, "Look what Nini found, a little guest!"...

Lorna did not know how she became a guest of these house-elves, but it was better to be a guest than to be an enemy.

Although there is still a lot of metal hidden in her pocket, she does not feel that she can defeat the house elves, these magical guys.

She doesn't even know what magic is.

But Lorna soon saw the magic of magic.

In the mouth of this group of elves, I learned that the Galen sail is called the Red Pilot, and is the island of fantasy, that is, the name of the island, and the owner of the island.

Usually placed in this mermaid lake, there will be two little yellow men guarding, well, Lorna feels that she has seen what the so-called little yellow men are.

Although there are many mermaids in Mermaid Lake, they are very clear about who the Red Pilot is. They are safe, not to mention the mermaids floating in the sea every day. Few people are interested in a moored boat.

But today is an exception, a group of new mermaids are coming from Mermaid Lake... they are not clear about the rules here, so they even tried to attack the Red Pilot.

Then the house elves, who were quickly rushed over, taught what the rules are.

The Red Navigator will never be silent, but the damage is still inevitable. The claws of the mermaid can't hack the boat, but they also leave a lot of scratches on it.

In addition, the large number of mermaids shaking the ship makes the inside of the cabin messy, such as the cabin where Lorna ate before.

Then in front of Lorna, the house-elf waved his hand gently, and everything that was damaged seemed to flow backwards in time, the broken tray was restored, and the collapsed box flew to the previous position... everything, almost Repositioned in the blink of an eye.

This is magic.

The ships soon recovered from their home elves, and then the house elves gathered to chatter. Lorna had a headache~www.wuxiaspot.com~I thought they were very nervous when I was reading a book. …It is true.

But they were still hospitable and invited Lorna to their home, the Red Castle, so Lorna got off the boat like this.

According to the habits of the house elves, they will definitely make a dinner that is richer than the banana banquet after Lorna enters the Red Castle. It will not be all made of bananas...Lorna can’t help but regret eating too much. .

But well, she didn’t know what would happen next.

"A few hundred meters away is coming, dear little guest!"

After taking Lona off the boat, the house elves disappeared, disappearing, leaving only the house elf who first discovered Lona with her.

After these little elves went back, they were already in a hurry to process the ingredients.

Lorna did not move back by their phantoms, because the Red Castle has a natural defense layer, and the house elves cannot directly bring outsiders into.

They can only take Lorna to the periphery of the Red Castle. After she crosses into the defense layer, they can take Lorna in and out at will.

Lorna is not sure if she can step into this so-called defensive layer, but the house elves have vowed to say that she is a guest, and there must be no problem.

Then give it a try.

Lorna did not resist much, anyway, looking at the house elves, they were very sure, maybe she could do it.

But Lorna did not forget that the house elves were also pitted. After all, they were a group of neurotic guys, and it was common to do bad things with kindness.

In any case, led by a house elf, Lorna walked through the Red Forest unimpeded, without any strange danger, and then... came to the periphery of the Red Castle.

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