High Magic Earth

Chapter 1424: Live in memory

"Identity check succeeded."

"Permissions are turned on."

Yi Chou stood quietly in front of the transparent glass. The external device of the gate projected a dark red gloss, and the light was gently scanned on him. After a while, with a prompt of "click.", the guard of the gate was lifted.

Below a castle made entirely of magic, there is such a sci-fi laboratory. . This is the Petri dish laboratory that Yi Xuan and Lucy took out from Seth as if they were crossing a mouse.

In order to ensure that the placement environment of the petri dishes is not affected to the greatest extent, the Xiaohuang people not only demolished all the Petri dishes at the time, but also removed the internal life support devices and control devices after the laboratory was evacuated. After it was demolished, the environment was almost completely copied into the Red Castle.

Finally, when they looked at the time, they even moved the gate away.

Of course, at that time Yi Biao had already met the Scarlet Witch, and he was almost not directly secondd by the powerful chaotic magic. . But because of the retrospective time, only Yi Xuan knew how many times he had played against the Scarlet Witch.

In the eyes of the little yellow man inside the laboratory, time is still a straight line, and no one has ever bothered them.

Seth's internal base has a high level of technology, and it is not an exaggeration to call it extraterrestrial technology. Obviously, all the free people of the new humans are brought out from different technological worlds.

Yi Biao was in a hurry at that time, and his solidarity position imprisoned the super speed of him and Athena, and did not have time to carefully explore the technology of the underground base.

But with just a glance, you can already see a lot of existence beyond the times.

The Assassin's Creed can read the memory in the genes and project animus in a three-dimensional world. The original Iron Man suit was a prototype Iron Overlord armor that can drive armor. Naturally, it needs supporting micro-nuclear reactor technology.

In addition, there are many practical and advanced technologies. Among them, firearms and weapons with obvious different styles, as well as various armor and armor of different specifications are most common, but there are many similar virtual reality technologies, super brain technology, biological Transformation and virus technology.

Basically, all the technological directions that the technological world may have have been integrated by them.

And if there is no accident, there should be all kinds of talents in science and technology. Although Seth seems to have expected to empty the underground base, Yi Xuan did not see any weakness, but there is no talent, they can only stay on the spot. The use of looted materials cannot continue the original foundation.

The fact that Yi Chou saw is obviously not the case.

For example, the petri dish he took back. . It is a new technology, or a combination of two technologies, and it cannot find relevant prototypes in any technological world.

The Petri dish laboratory was moved back, and even after the life support device was reconfigured and set up, the internal defense system and the brain management system were re-launched.

But without causing any trouble to Yi Chou, Lucy modified the core instructions in less than half a minute.

What Lucy said was also a magical intelligence, although most of the time she highlighted her magical side. . But we cannot ignore the word smart.

If it is the Red Emperor or Jarvis’s evenly-matched artificial intelligence, Lucy may take some time, but in the face of this, even no intelligence is born, just a higher level of logical thinking. . Then there is no difficulty at all.

Now the highest authority person in Petri Dish Lab has been changed to clamor, and the defense system has not only been weakened by Lucy but has been greatly strengthened.

Because there is a very important person.

. . .

"Welcome back, supervisor."

Yi Chou's face was cold.

This title does not sound very beautiful. Although Lucy revised the core commands of Zhinao, there are not many changes, but only a small defense system.

For example, the title is completely reserved.

The term supervisor. . In the underground base laboratory, what can be called a supervisor is undoubtedly the leader of all scientific researchers, and perhaps the most outstanding researcher in technology.

And when he heard such a noun, Yi Chou would involuntarily think of those scientific experiments.

It’s clear that Yi Shuo who has personally done more than one magic experiment has not been an easy process, even cruel and bloody.

Don't look at the clean and tidy inside of the Petri dish laboratory, even a little peaceful and quiet. . But the brain floating in the liquid in the petri dish has nothing to do with goodness.

"The boot is complete."

"Data inspection is in progress."

This is the last voice given by Zhinao. After the prompt, he fell into a long silence.

Yi Chou was also silent.

He walked slowly in the Petri dish laboratory. On both sides, there were rows of cultivation tanks erected. The algae-green liquid gently reverberated in it, and small bubbles adhered to the wall of the tank, occasionally from the tank. The bottom floats.

In the uppermost position of the petri dish, there is a brain floating, a complete brain, surrounded by some unknown small hoses, like the tentacles of alien creatures.

Yi Xiao stared at it for a while, then slowly shook his head and moved on.

Not her.

The black robe was rolling behind him, raising the strong wind, even more like an unknown creature than the brain in the cultivation tank.

Yi Xiao shuttled in the Petri dish laboratory, his pace was rapid, but occasionally slowed down.

He is looking.

The entire laboratory has hundreds of brains, all floating quietly in a Petri dish, there is no difference in appearance alone.

Even the fluctuations emanating are almost the same.

All are pure mental fluctuations, and very weak.

But Yi Xuan is still looking for. He is naturally looking for the most special one, which does not need the explanation left by Lucy, nor the magic to identify, Yi Xuan feels. . I should be able to tell by feeling alone.

If it's like she said, because of emotion.

Winnie. .

Yi Xuan suddenly stopped in front of a cultivation tank. This cultivation tank looked ordinary and seemed to be no different from other tanks, but Yi Xuan felt intuitively. . It is what he is looking for.

He put his hand on the outer wall of the cultivation tank, feeling the icy cold coming, and then chanted the name.

Winnie is inside, this is Winnie.

After several accidents at the beginning, Yi Biao discovered that Winnie didn’t seem to have an entity, or this was not accurate. To be precise, it was the body owned by Winnie, not the body of the indigenous people of the Second World. , But the virtual intelligence is built with a special technology, which can be understood as a more advanced version of 3D printing.

Just like the era of Jiahe Ninja that Yihou encountered repeatedly, Bai Guiji, as well as the protagonists and villains of the killing city, were created by the virtual reality brain.

But she is obviously more special, even if it is virtual intelligence, it is impossible to give all the controlled character entities, and then leave the subworld in which it is parasitic, and enter other subworlds.

Virtual intelligence must have cost a lot of money before Winnie. . And Levin was separated separately.

And supporting two people to act alone must consume a lot of resources, computing data, etc., but this is so, virtual intelligence still cannot interfere too much with Winnie’s autonomous actions.

Maybe it can't, maybe it's too expensive.

But Yi Xiao still felt that virtual intelligence might interfere with Winnie in a subconscious manner in some extreme way and at a cost, letting her at certain critical moments. . Misjudged.

Yi Xuan felt that figures appeared on her skin. It was when this interference came into play. Yi Xiao was not sure what Winnie would have done. It might be something that didn't matter, maybe. . Very important.

But it doesn't matter, because thanks to this, Yi Chou might not be able to detect the anomaly.

Although the body is a pile of false data, it doesn’t matter. Winnie’s self-thinking is obviously independent. As long as the mind really exists, the body is not important. As long as Yi is willing, he has several kinds of magic for Winnie. Create a brand new body exactly like the original.

It may even be better than the original Green identity.

Yi Xiao was not clear about the technical means used by the intelligence of virtual reality at the time, but at present, Yi Xuan's only minimalist body created by the silver tongue is much better than Green's identity.

The latter is just a master of cold weapons, and the eyes will turn black when they see Green creatures. . This seems to be nothing high-end.

The former, although only a **** body, is also a god.

There are many brains in the Petri dish laboratory. Of course, they cannot all be Winnie. Only one of them is the one that Yi Biao wants to find.

And others. . Yi Chou is not sure who they belong to.

In the sub-world invaded by virtual reality parasites, Yi Chou met three other free men, Zhang Junyun, Tan Qing and Daisy.

The three of them because of their particularity. . It is not a separate brain state, but a complete sleep. The place is located inside the Petri dish laboratory. A separate compartment is opened, and the house elves took them back.

Until now, they have not been awakened.

The other brains may be passers-by controlled by virtual reality brains, such as those who kill monsters in the city, or the ghosts like Bai Guiji.

As creatures created by virtual reality, they may also have no entity, but they must have independent thinking.

Maybe Levine is here too.

But it doesn't matter, Yi Chou only needs Winnie.

I pressed twice on the console next to the Petri dish, and soon a light screen appeared, with Lucy's record on it and it was indeed this Petri dish.

According to the analysis, the brain in the culture tank has a chance of more than 90%. . It’s Winnie.

This probability was not conceived in the forehead of the brain, nor was it so-called intuition, but it was calculated by Lucy based on the original data records of the laboratory and various tests.

The accuracy is very high, no surprises. . It was Winnie.

It is precisely because of this that Yi Chou will wait so quietly and begin to enter the world of superheroes, starting the second phase of the entire plan.

Because Winnie has found, the rest of the work. . It is to wait for the secret of the petri dish to be thoroughly interpreted, open the petri dish in a safe way, eat this technique thoroughly, and then start transplanting and cloning.

Otherwise, if Winnie has not found it, Yi Huo cannot enter the world of superheroes, nor can he continue to collect infinite gems so leisurely, Winnie is the most important.

"Are you right, Winnie."

Yi Chou leaned on the petri dish and whispered.

"Sorry to see you now... I always have no time, just like before."

Yi Chou paused, and then suddenly fell silent. After a while, he said again, "That's all...I don't know what to say."

Naturally, there is no response in the petri dish. As a brain, it does not even have a vocal organ. Bubbles float up from the bottom of the liquid. The algae-green liquid is very turbid and looks like a bad feeling.

Yi Xiao whispered in a low voice, this seems to be a very warm scene, but unfortunately, it is not.

Although it is a beautiful fantasy island, it is the bottom of the red castle, surrounded by cold petri dishes and various strange liquids. . There are also countless brains floating.

This situation is very weird.

Yi Xiao put his palm on the petri dish, his slender fingers were lifted one by one, and slowly dropped one by one. The cold touch passed to Yi Xuan's nerves, making his thinking more focused.

It is strange that he thought of Madison at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Carefully calculated, he seems to have not seen Madison for several years.

The witch rally was the first world that Yi Biao entered. At the same time, there was Harry Potter. After boarding Dream Island, Yi Biao did not have the coordinates to go there, and the shadow could not open the portal.

But unexpectedly, the world of Guillotine Valley seems to be integrated with the world of witch assembly, and it seems to be. . In the process of integration.

Because when Yi Biao initially entered the world of Guillotine Valley, he did not find news about Harry Potter, nor did he see a large-scale recovery of dead people in the entire world.

But there he was unexpectedly informed of the witch assembly. . Then there was Madison and Zoe, as if they were appearing in the world, slowly fusing into it, and not being noticed by anyone.

Although the reason is not clear, Yi Xuan's instinctive suspicion is related to the hourglass.

There are too many secrets in the operation of the Second World, and there are more unknown problems, which will not be understood in a moment and a half.

The Harry Potter ancestor era where Tom was located was closed by the turbulence of the inner world, but the world of Broken Head was opened several times in the middle, but Yi Chou did not go back.

He wasn’t really busy with no time, just. . After retrieving enough soul energy as a feeling fill, Yi Chou really appeared a very complicated feeling in his heart.

He couldn't tell the feeling, and Yi Chou chose most of the methods, procrastinating and waiting.

After Winnie's disappearance, Yi Biao is even less likely to go to Madison. What should I say, and with Madison's character, she will definitely pull Yi Biao to play her own, so she won't care about Winnie.

then. . Time has come to the present.

Yi Xiao took a long sigh of relief and took his palm down. The cold petri dish made his palm a little white, but it also made Yi Xuan calm down a lot.

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