High Magic Earth

Chapter 1425: Of course, a treasure trove is a must

Now it seems that it is not a good time to recall these things, and the occasion is not right.

Although there is only one brain, Yi Biao still feels that Winnie is watching him coldly, which makes him feel a little guilty.

Wen Ni rarely gets angry. She always seems to be gentle before and after Yi Chou, as if staying by Yi Chou's side is her most satisfying thing.

But not being angry does not mean that she has no temper, and Winnie, who is cold-faced, is actually quite scary.

"It's almost... your freshman."

Yi Huo whispered.

Winnie’s body has not been re-made, making the body is not the most difficult thing, how to safely lift the petri dish is the most troublesome.

The Petri dish is being analyzed. The progress bar on the side screen has gone 50%, more than half. Lucy is also constantly analyzing the technology in the Petri dish laboratory, including Yi Xiao, and has never stopped learning the knowledge of Petri dishes.

Wait until the knowledge is fully integrated. . Yi Biao can start to transform.

The cold Petri dish refracted light, reflected in Yi Piao's pupils, occasionally emitting a flash of cold light, the inside of the Petri dish gurgled with bubbles, and the brain floated up and down unconsciously.


Yi Xuan closed his eyes and whispered.

. . .

"The life support device is operating normally."

"Defense has been reloaded."

With the departure of Yi Biao, a mechanical cue sounded again in the laboratory, and the super auditory sense could make Yi Biao hear the sound of the gear stirring and the slow opening of the air valve.

The data is still being parsed, and I don’t know how long it will take, but at the current rate, it should be over. Maybe the next time I come back, all the data in the laboratory will be completely analyzed.

When leaving, Yi Biao went and looked at Zhang Junyun and the three of them looked like three sleeping beauties. Although they were not separate brains, they were still in a comatose state. They were awake and unexplained for unknown reasons.

Yi Xiao can of course use magic to wake them up, but he didn't do it.

After all, the petri dish is a scientific method he has never seen before, and hurriedly intervening with magic is likely to cause an uncontrollable danger.

Fortunately, the technological level of the life support devices is also very high. Their life status looks very stable, and it seems that there is no problem for another three to five years.

After poking Daisy's face, Yi Chou left here.

The door of the laboratory was replaced with the red gloss of the alert state. Yi Xiao held the handle of the wooden door when he came, and the handle began to flash different colors of gloss when he pushed the door open again. . The situation on the other side of the door has changed again.

It wasn’t the top floor of the steeple at the time of coming, but an equally transparent laboratory, but unlike the cold white and cruel future in the Petri dish laboratory, the place is full of fantasy colors, floating in the air and shaking and shaking itself. The pouring Erlenmeyer flask, from time to time, one or two grunts of colorful bubbles, a purple-green suspicious liquid rotating clockwise in the crucible.

This is a magic laboratory, completely different from the cold future laboratory, which is of two different styles.

have not come here in ages.

Yi Xiao's eyes gently circulated in the laboratory. Since the world was continuously opened, he has not returned to the Red Castle for a long time, let alone calm down to restart various magic experiments.

Because with the silver tongue, the magic experiment of the silver tongue is obviously more important.

The crucibles and conical flasks in the laboratory are pouring liquids. Although these liquids look magical and magical, they are all useless substances generated by themselves, and have no valuable meaning.

It seems that the arrival of Yi Chou has been sensed, and these Erlenmeyer flasks and crucibles spin more cheerfully.

I really miss it.

Yi Xiao will look down, but now is not a good time to do experiments. . In fact, there are no experiments that need to be verified.

The silver tongue is powerful enough to solve all problems. Many problems and experiments that used to trouble Yi Chou, now only need to write a targeted story with the silver tongue, it is completely enough to solve.

So he skipped the laboratory and continued to walk inside.

Then before coming to a seemingly empty wall, Yi Chou stopped.

There are countless magics hidden in the Red Castle, and many magics can only be activated by Yi Chou, just like the wooden door handle he was holding before.

The wooden door handle flashes different glosses and can lead to different rooms. Every time it is opened, it can be a different situation behind the door.

In fact, the wooden door didn't just connect the top tower and the underground cliff of the red castle, it connected any gate in the red castle.

But only when Yi Biao is in the hands, this kind of magic will start and lead to other doors. When others open it, it is just a common door.

This wall is too.

Yi Xiao stood still in place. After a while, a scale-like wave of water suddenly appeared on the originally empty wall. The ripples slowly spread to the surroundings, as if hit by raindrops in the center.

At the next instant, the wall disappeared, and the whole laboratory spread again to more than double the area.

The newly emerged space is not a laboratory, but like a kind of storage room, and it has not been sorted out. There are many things piled up in a mess in the corner.

Identify carefully, you will find that all are small magic props, magic items, magic equipment and the like made by Yi Chou.

They were all made before the appearance of the silver tongue. Although the craftsmanship is also mature, the function is not powerful.

After the emergence of the silver tongue, alchemy and forging skills are no longer needed to make magic props, just write targeted stories.

Not only that, the equipment that comes out of the silver tongue is far more powerful than Yi Chou's production.

Even true epic items are not impossible to write.

In this way, the props Yi Yi previously made were naturally piled on the other side, and the rest of the space was used to place truly valuable things.

For example, an empty water tank placed in the center. . The light ring that used to contain the yellow light of fear was stored here after being salvaged, but it has been taken by Yi Chou now.

There is also a neck sculpture next to it, which is also empty, and originally had a magic necklace on it. . Melisandre’s phantom necklace is now being worn by Alimond.

There are many things like this, and even the valuable and detachable things in the wreckage of the colony of the Kadella and the Jagged Warrior are placed here.

For example, shoulder guns, small plasma weapons, and simple individual armor.

These things have no practical value for the current stage of Yihuo, but they have a lot of reference and collection value.

And now, there will be one more collection here.

The gem of time, the eye of Agomo.

Through many empty shelves, ripples can't be kept around Yi Biao's side. The ripples are echoing outward, and they look like they are shuttled in the water.

And the fact is that a lot of space magic was imposed by Yi Chao here.

Although these things seem to be placed together, they are actually stored in a separate space. Even if there is an accident such as an explosion, it will not affect other items.

Because they are not in a space at all, they are all separated.

This is why occasionally house-elves come here to record experimental data. Although the magic laboratory beside Yihou is next to it, in the eyes of elves or little yellow men, they can’t see anything else, only one. Storage.

And just put a small amount of magic props.

This is the role of segmentation magic.

As for why you should put everything together. . Yi Chao is not obsessive-compulsive disorder. Of course, he knows that putting all magic items together is very dangerous. If an accident occurs, it may cause a chain reaction.

But putting everything together is also good for protection. Yi Chou only needs to attach this place to magic and then protect it.

There are pros and cons.

Yi Xiao came to an empty stone platform and tapped it gently with his hand.

At the next moment, the stone platform began to deform, a certain metal-like shelf floated from the stone platform, the whole stone platform began to fall off in layers, and finally formed a stepped rotating spire.

At the very top of the minaret, there is a small metal bracket.

Bronze, very simple, exudes a vicissitudes of breath.

At the next moment, Yi Huo's palms turned, and Agomoto's eyes appeared in his hands, exuding a faint green luster, as if to be breathtaking.

Yi Chou put the Ago Moto Eye on the bracket, and then beat the stone platform again.

"Long time no see, sir."

Above the laboratory, a neutral voice that could not hear men and women appeared.

After speaking this sentence, it went silent again. It seemed that there was no point in continuing to ask, and there was no sense of intelligence at all, just like the previous sentence was not an independent inquiry at all, but a preset. recording.

It is a part-time butler of laboratory assistants in Yihou, and in fact, it is indeed not a kind of advanced intelligence, but a common system with stronger logical thinking, and it is already extreme to be able to make some simple questions and answers, and the intelligence is not high.

"Perform basic data collection and record information."

Yi Huo whispered.

"Start data collection."

The voice of the same gender was echoed again from the top, and then four radiances rose around the stone platform to wrap the eye of Agomo.

The light blue light floats up and down, as if scanning something.

The first step of the test is to parse and record the data.

Magic experiment. . Of course, magic experiments require magical means, but this does not mean that science will be completely abandoned. Sometimes, science and technology are obviously very convenient.

If convenient technology is different and you have to focus on magic, it seems a little incomprehensible.

Although Yi Xiao is a sorcerer, he is not only limited to solving magic with everything. This can be seen from the occasional pull out of his plasma gun or the appearance of guest superman.

Although this magic laboratory conducts magic experiments, there are also a large number of scientific and technological means to assist.

Perhaps Yi Biao itself does not have such a high scientific level, and is not a researcher in this world, but the gains on colonial ships and iron warships are quite a lot. The spacecraft itself has low-level artificial intelligence. With artificial intelligence, everything is everything. It's easy to say.

Just like money makes money, money comes faster. With the assistance of artificial intelligence, as long as the data technology can keep up, there is no need to change technology or understand technology.

Of course, the low-level artificial intelligence itself does not have the ability to innovate, so it can only analyze some of the data, and most of the artificial intelligence on the spacecraft is in the management direction, not the research direction, but it is enough.

Anyway, it was only the lowest level of auxiliary work. Yi Chou spent a week to roughly repair the laboratory, and then never moved again.

The laboratory is one of the most important places in Red Castle, even Lucy. . After it was created, Yi Biao did not let her complete the laboratory.

Although Lucy has a lot of backdoors and control mechanisms, Yi Chou still can't believe her. After all, Dornting's incident is ahead.

Although magical intelligence is indispensable, it is too stupid to fall twice in the same place. It is easy to trust Lucy, much more trust than Dornting, but not all.

Magic Lab. . She has never been in touch.

The light revolves slowly around the eye of Agomoto. The collection of basic data is nothing more than the identification of energy intensity, classification, or magical fluctuations. There is no difficulty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ does not require any magic, nor Does not touch anything.

However, it took a while to wait. Seeing that Agago Moto's data collection seemed to be over for a while, Yi Yi took a seat back and a high-back chair appeared directly.

Closing his eyes, the series of things Yi Biao encountered before thinking about it started from inexplicably traversing time.

Now Lucy is not with him, and the best analyst is not, so he can only do his own analysis.

The first is Thor Tmel and Loki, because this is also the most important.

The name Timmel was learned from Athena's mouth, as for Loki. . She seems to be called Rocky, and Yi Huo has this feeling, but it may be the same pronunciation, the expression is slightly different, and it is more feminine.

In addition, Athena also analyzed Tmel.

The first point is in terms of combat effectiveness. What is certain is that she is not Timmy’s opponent, nor can she say that, but Athena may not lose against Timmy, but cannot win.

Thor's attack is very strong, and the defense is not weak. Although it is not an undead body, its strong defense is enough to resist most attacks and injuries.

Although sometimes Timmel looks very miserable in battle. . But that depends on the level of the enemy at the time.

He was spitting blood violently by the Hulk. Although it seemed no different from fighting with ordinary people until hematemesis, the two could not be compared at all.

Ordinary people are tried by Hulk, I am afraid that it will become a mess on the spot.

Without becoming muddled. . It is because of Timmel’s powerful body defense, which can at least resist the power, impact, and speed of the Hulk fist.

This is already thousands of times or even nearly 10,000 times that of ordinary people. Even Captain America, the pinnacle of humanity, can be thrown out hundreds of times by her.

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