High Magic Earth

Chapter 1426: The appearance of Rainbow Bridge seems to be changing

Asgards are physically stronger than humans.

Their strength is stronger than that of ordinary people, their body density is three times that of ordinary humans, and they have endurance and resistance comparable to Captain America, as well as faster speed and response nerves than the best athletes.

Not only that, the Asgards have more regenerative therapeutic factors than ordinary humans have, and this is the most critical.

Of course, these qualities of ordinary Asgard people are not outstanding. Although they are strong, they are not much better than ordinary people, let alone compared with the peak of Captain America.

Although Asgard is the leader of the Nine Realms, it is not a country where all the people are soldiers. The physical qualities of those women and children civilians are naturally not strong.

Those strong soldiers, warriors, and even the Valkyrie are the mainstays of Asgard.

Although Asgard is respected as the leader of the Nine Realms, it is actually not counted as a top force in the vast star-shaped territory. It can only be counted as the upper middle or even the middle reaches. After all, their population is too small. . This is an unavoidable bruise.

Of course, other aliens cannot be all soldiers, but powerful races have never been in the minority, such as tree people, stone people, etc. a lot of messy creatures.

And even if they are not as good as Asgard, they are more powerful than humans.

Humans do use weapons and are good at the power of technology, but alien races are also possible, and sometimes their technology is even higher than the earth.

There are many power systems in the universe, technology, magic, and many unknown existences. The power of technology is not exclusive to humans. . And humans are far from the strongest in the field of technology.

Asgard's power system is very peculiar, with technology, but not at a high level, and with magic. It is more like the existence of the combination of magic and technology, and it is more inclined to the side of magic.

This level of technology is not low, but it is definitely not high. It can be seen by the dark elves while sneaking on when they are not aware of it, or even almost breaking it.

Of course, this will remove the Rainbow Bridge and various treasures in the Odin Treasury.

Rainbow Bridge is Asgard's highest-level weapon, and it is not only a weapon, but also a portal to the nine realms. It can be said that Asgard's peak skill.

Although things in Odin's Treasury are not bad. . But most of them are fake, and the only ones that are so valuable, such as the ice box, are also treasures robbed from other worlds, not made by Asgard at all.

The reason why Asgard can be proud of Nine Realms depends not only on Rainbow Bridge and Asgard's warriors.

Odin, the goddess of death, Hella, the **** of thunder, Timir the real, Princess Loki, and many other so-called gods who did not appear on the bright side.

They are the main fighting power of Asgard.

It’s strange that they are all Asgards, but Odin, Thor, and Hella are far more than a hundred times stronger than other Asgards. They are not only physical but also powerful. ability.

It's like the kind of Captain America who suddenly awakened on his own, and still can shoot fireballs.

Ok. . In fact, they are more like mutants. Thor is more like the mutants in Asgard. The Asgards were originally very strong. After becoming a mutant, they will naturally be stronger and have many strange abilities.

Thinking this way seems really reasonable.

Timmel, known as Thor, Odin, the goddess of death, and Hella, the goddess of death, are ten times or even hundreds of times stronger than ordinary Asgards.

It is this group of people who are out of racial group and strong enough to be abnormal, so they have suddenly raised Asgard's strategic level.

Of course, Valkyrie’s troops, Rainbow Bridge, and even the entire Asgard is necessary to be able to fly and move. The fortress of war is all Asgard’s war potential, but it is far less important than Odin and Timmel.

This level of force is not uncommon in the universe. With these things, the Asgards may be able to confuse the position of the king of the Nine Realms, but they can never occupy a place in the universe.

Powerful gods such as Odin Thor, as well as infinite gems, eternal fire and other treasures. . It is the most important factor that has laid down Asgard.

It is very strange why the same as the Asgards, Thor and others will be so powerful.

If there is a gap between civilians and soldiers in Asgard, that is normal. After all, the soldiers are trained. Even if there is a big gap between soldiers and civilians on the earth.

Although there is a gap between soldiers and civilians, the gap is not that big, far less exaggerated than the guys like Thor.

It's like it really is. . A mutant born from Asgard.

Although Thor looks ordinary on the surface, like a stupid and ordinary warrior, even if it is many times stronger than other Asgards, it is only more capable of fighting, and it is not as imaginative as the gods. No, even knowing everything.

But Asgard's definition of deity is different from that kind of deity.

The latter is a true god, and Asgard. . Rather than being a god, it is better to say that it is an alien who has been named as a **** only in terms of combat effectiveness.

Even so, Thor's combat effectiveness is absolutely strong, ranking among the best, and the combat effectiveness that broke out with all his strength. . It is also terrible.

The Asgards, or Thor, the Thor, are like Xiaoqiang who can't die, hematemesis will not die, and if he is stabbed in the kidney, he will not die.

Super power, defense, speed, and terrible fighting instinct talent, but also can control the power of lightning, and this is not her peak period.

Athena was indeed struggling against Timmel.

After all, Athena's template is not very good. . From the world of God of War, the movies produced at a low cost are like this. There are no outstanding shots. Even a group of gods fight like a mortal, fight with fists and kill.

Although it is not the world created by movies, the art forms of movies and TV shows are received and created by humans because the world's information is projected.

The plot and information in the film must be exaggerated in a certain art form, but in fact it is similar to the world projected outward.

Regardless of whether the film is related to the world or the world's projection film, there is not much difference.

The God of War movie is not outstanding, but in fact, it reflects from the side that there is no such powerful guy in the world of God of War, and naturally, the projected information. . Nor will it omnipotently shape Athena.

But if Athena is from an epic literary poem like Divine Genealogy, that’s not necessarily the case, where she is shaped as a true god, and she can’t help but change the world. Similarly, the world that can project this kind of information is also itself. It must be very powerful.

Athena, who is at most a purple epic template, is at odds with Timmel, who has at least a golden legend.

During the battle, Athena has been falling, but her superb fighting skills and flexible speed make her look less embarrassed.

Athena was indeed fighting against Timmel, even leaving a few injuries on her arm and other unrelated parts, but none of them were fatal.

She couldn't completely hurt Timmel. . It is naturally impossible to win.

If you cannot win, it already means losing.

Athena can stalemate for ten minutes, an hour, or even hours, days, and nights, but after that, even the gods will always be tired.

At that time, it was the time for Timmel to fight back.

And as the heir of Asgard, the protagonist of one of the superheroes, maybe playing Timmel suddenly broke the seed, and the fighting power soared, so even Yi Chou did not want to provoke them.

And did not expect. . She agreed to leave so smoothly.

This even made Yi Chou a little unbelievable.

This leads to the second question, why do they appear in the atrium, Timmel. . Why did you walk so neatly?

The former question is easy to understand, and the latter question seems a little unclear, but this is not the case.

Timmel’s temper has never been good. Even if it is not irritable, she is also arrogant. She said that it is good. She is high as a god. She said that it is not good, but she is empty-eyed and indifferent.

She regards Tolia and others as friends and herself as a member of the Avengers, but in fact she only recognized the power of these Avengers, or part of the power of the Avengers.

In the eyes of Timmel, the Earthman, the Midgart, is still not much taller than the ants. . It's a pretty ant that fits her aesthetic.

When he needs help, Timmel will come to seek help from the Avengers. Except that both sides think that the other is their own friend, it is hard to say that without her as the successor of Asgard, it is always believed that other people should obey unconditionally. Do this for yourself.

And once encountering difficulties, Timmel will not choose to believe them, but choose to believe in himself.

For example, when disturbed by the illusion magic of the Scarlet Witch.

She doesn’t trust the Avengers, and she never cares about the consequences to the earth. She looks for the Avengers when she needs them. She can forget them when she doesn’t. She stays in Asgard for a few years. She can love Jane loves crazy, and can accept the breakup calmly.

Timmy smiled every day, he didn't seem to care about everything.

Except Asgard, in addition to her father, and her sister.

And Timmel was not as good as he thought.

As Asgard's successor, the tone of voice is only the lightest. She doesn't care about the evil, because she not only believes in her own strength, but also believes in the strength of the father and Asgard.

In fact, Yi Chou didn't think that Timmel would leave so easily.

Although Timmel kept asking her sister where to go, Yi Biao didn't feel that after pointing out Loki, Timmel would easily choose to leave.

Even after Loki directly dissipated the illusion, Yi Chou even thought that a battle was inevitable.

But Timir chose to leave strangely.

There are many reasons why Yi Chou thinks so.

First of all, although Timmel is as good as Athena in fighting, Yi Chou can see that she did not do her best, not to say that she still has spare power, but that she still has potential power that has not been inspired.

Of course, once this power is stimulated, it is not ordinary fighting, but life and death fighting.

Timmel estimated that she knew that she was far from reaching her upper limit, so she was not nervous.

Secondly, as an Asgard, even if she doesn't pay any attention to the atrium and ask Asgard's chores, she should know what kind of world the atrium is.

The last time they came to the atrium, Midgart talent had just learned to make a fire.

There was no wizard in the atrium, and no wizard had appeared, but a wizard stood alive in front of Timir. Even if she only likes to fight and is too lazy to do trivia, she should be curious about Yi Huo. . After all, it is a good opponent.

No fighting man can give up a fresh opponent.

And even if she didn't recognize Yi Qiao's identity, or that she didn't pay enough attention to it, then Athena, she was a real **** body, a strange god.

Gods are not just talking about names, they are a special kind of existence and can be perceived.

Timmel must have discovered the fact that Athena is a god.

A strange **** appeared in the territory under his jurisdiction. . Yi Chou is not sure whether Asgard has any friendship with the ancient Greek gods, but he should ask a few words for reason, rather than letting go~www.wuxiaspot.com~But Timmel left like this, Even simpler than Yi Huo.

Yi Chou suspected that this might not mean Timir at all, but. . Odin.

Yi Biao and Athena may be able to avoid those higher-level existences, but they cannot hide Heimdall. Similarly, the elderly gods should be watching them.

Odin is old, past that ambitious age, the gods are about to arrive at dusk, and he will not rush to provoke unknown powerful enemies.

He was clearly aware of his eldest daughter's brashness. Odin hadn't let Timmel grow into a qualified king. Simply, she should be called back.

This. . I am afraid that it is the reason why Timmeld didn’t even drink the wine, so he called Rainbow Bridge directly.

As for how they came down, this reason Yi Chou estimates that it would not be too complicated.

She should be curious about Yi Chou or Rocky's mask before trying to incite Timmel to come to Midgart.

What Rocky didn't know was that she was once again shot by Odin.

Obviously, Odin also wanted to get in touch with Yi Chou. Whether it was a temptation, or pulling a force for the future gods in the evening, this would allow the plan to let Loki mess around. . Otherwise, Yi Biao didn't believe that without Odin's order, Heimdall would start Rainbow Bridge directly because Timmy said that my sister might go to the atrium.

Heimdall’s qualifications are not shorter than Timir’s. In front of him, Timir does not have many princesses.

Of course, the above is just an arrogant guess, or even his brain supplement, maybe it is really just a silly sister who crosses the border to find a sister.

But in the face of Asgard, who has been standing on the top of the Nine Realms for a long time, they can never underestimate their wisdom, nor can they arrogantly think that they are enough to despise all conspiracies and tricks.

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