High Magic Earth

Chapter 1427: I need to summon the title Jun


"Found unknown energy loaded."

Yi Xiao was still sitting on the dark high-back chair, closing his eyes slightly, meditating, and slender fingers gently tapping the back of his knees. From a distance, he looked like the person in the painting that had never stopped.

Odin is a traitor, not easy to deal with. Although Loki is full of intrigues and conspiracies, he is young and has no threats after all, but young also has the courage to be young, that is, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and dare to calculate everything.

This kind of stupidity and boldness can sometimes bring a lot of trouble.

These two guys are the most troublesome for Asgard.

Instead of Timmel, Thor is arrogant and arrogant, but she is still kind in nature, she is belligerent, but her arrogant heart will also prevent her from shooting against mortals, and she will only challenge opponents that are worthy of her challenge.

She really does not care about humans, but she will never massacre mortals like Rocky.

There is no reason for Rocky, but she... is okay.

The icy cue appeared in Yi Biao's ear, letting his thoughts slightly.

"Record it." Yi Huo said quietly.

Each new magic item must have its own unique place. It would be strange if the magic preset by Yi Chou could resolve them all.

"New energy has been recorded."

"New energy has been recorded."

As Yi Chou released his authority, a series of voices sounded again above.

The Asgards are a lot of trouble. Like Gu Yi who is monitoring the timeline, Heimdall's eyes are also fixed on the Nine Realms.

Presumably he has long seen the existence of Yi Huo.

Fortunately, Asgard's strength in the film has been greatly weakened, and he has not heard of Odin or anyone who has the ability to connect themselves in the multiverse.

In this way, their threat is much smaller than that of Gu Yi.

Although Odin Thor’s strength is not weaker than that of Gu Yi... but Yi Yi can connect with the multiverse, this is the most worrying issue for Yi Chou. Without this potential threat, Yi Chou has nothing to fear.

It’s okay to be discovered by the Asgards, Yi Heo’s magic hides him from being discovered by more advanced Marvel deities such as eternal death.

It's just an Asgard, and the trouble is not too big.

What's more, Odin obviously didn't want to provoke Yi Chou. He called Timmel back, which may be a potential cooperation signal.

If you don't interfere with each other, you should not have seen each other.

For Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms, this is obviously unqualified, but now is a special period, the dusk of the gods is coming, Odin's caution is correct.

Fingers draw circles on his knees... Yi Chou feels that Asgard's threat is smaller than he thought.

God Odin would certainly not be bored to find his troubles, as long as he didn’t find Asgard’s troubles, and he would restrain his good daughter Timir.

Rocky is not easy to say, if anyone else can make trouble, it is probably her.

But after all, she comes with a halo of villain... It is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve, even if she is not covered by Timmel, and behind him is Asgard, Yi Chou wants to catch her back and forth for the creation of God. .

Yi Xiao wondered what the difference was between the **** created by the silver tongue, Athena, and the **** who existed in the original world, Loki.

Unfortunately, her sister is a sister.

Asgard has no threats...but there are still deadpools.

This guy has the most worried ability to communicate with the multiverse.

The next time if he brought the Deadpool, what kind of Deadpool dogs, female Deadpool is better to say... if he told others about the clamor.

But this is exactly where he is difficult.

If he succeeds in escaping, I'm afraid I haven't seized his chance at all. That's why Yi Chou stopped him immediately.

Deadpool is always full of surprises and drama. After freezing him, Yi Chou did not take him back to Neverland, because Neverland is the final destination of Yi Chou.

This guy is the protagonist. What if the luck suddenly breaks the ice for some inexplicable reason, and then mess up the fantasy island?

Neverland is more important than Deadpool, and even more important than the entire superhero world.

Because of the worst, Yi Biao can also leave here completely, hide in Neverland, and then these guys in the superhero world don't want to come over.

They can travel through the multiverse, but Neverland is not a second world with them. I am afraid that even if they travel through the multiverse, they will not be able to get through.

In order to avoid this accident, Yi Chou threw the deadpool into the North Pole.

But his freezing magic is only temporary, at most only freezing the Deadpool for a year or two, and then he may break free.

And the current timeline is during World War II. In the era of Captain America, the timeline from the time when Yi Huo was about to go back was exactly seventy years away.

If you leave the deadpool alone, he will unfreeze after two years, I am afraid that you can turn the entire timeline over.

Yi Chou didn't want to find that the SHIELD was gone after he went back, and then replaced it with a Deadpool!

Dream Island took a full half-day to record the gems of time, Yi Yi will return to the North Pole, bring the frozen Deadpool out, and put it with the first-generation white canary Sarah Lance to the Baroness Strak.

In any case, before Yi Huo returns to the timeline, the problem of Deadpool must be resolved.

A permanent seal, or kill him completely... either.

It is not difficult for Yi Yi, who has a silver tongue, to achieve this, at most it is a waste of time.

Asgard, Deadpool, Rip Hunt, White Canary... and the Red House.

Compared with the previous lot of troubles, Yi Xiao’s original plan aimed at the red house, but instead became the simplest one. The white canary has been caught by Yi Xiao, Asgard can temporarily ignore it, and the deadpool also has A simple solution.

Then there is only Rip Hunt.

Gift package delivered to your door.

Yi Xiao set his eyes on the gem of time in front of him. The eye of Agomomoto exuded a faint green luster. This ancient implement never seemed to cover its power and danger... Time is mysterious and deadly.

"Unknown magic detected."

"Unknown magic detected."

A warning sound echoed in the empty laboratory.

Yi Biao is very good. Where exactly did Rip Hunt get the gem of time? You know that he is not even a superhero from the Marvel universe, but next door.

How did he get the time gem, or rather, the relationship with the Marvel world.

Yi arrogant thinking... With the urine of this group of superheroes, there must be a song to cry.

Where did Rip Hunt get the gem of time, who gave it to him, he saw what happened in the future, why did he stop himself, what did he do in the future.

These are the questions surrounding Rip Hunt.

The second is Yi Xiao's own doubts. He has taken himself out of the timeline...in theory, the parallel world should not exist in another person.

Why, Rip Hunt will see himself in other timelines.

Finally, it was how Rip Hunt escaped.

Indeed, the wave signal can travel through time, and with the help of the mess of magic stored in the eye of Agomomoto, Rip Hunt can indeed escape.

Sit on the semaphore and go far away.

This spaceship can not only shuttle space, but also break the shackles of time.

Yi Chou's timidity... No, it's cautious. I'm certainly not afraid to break into the timeline without certainty, so it's basically impossible to get Rip Hunt back.

But why can he take away Snaite and others.

The shuttle bus time is actually far less magical than imagined.

As a time traveler, Rip Hunt and others are actually the only ones.

There are indeed many of them in the long river of timeline, but they are the only individuals who are active on the ship flying the wave.

It is impossible for them to go back to the past by driving a wave ship after making a mistake, and then tell themselves what they should and should not do yesterday.

That doesn't exist at all.

Otherwise, they will not fall into the second-rate superhero team.

So after Rip Hunt escaped, the successive disappearances of Snet, Firestorm, Atom, and others made the clamor at the time very surprised.

Time is mysterious and dangerous, and there may be reasons why Yi Chou does not know.

Yi Biao has made up his mind and will not follow Rip Hunt and others. Even if everyone is rescued, Yi Biao will not take risks without getting the relevant memories.

Time... is still a field he has not analyzed.

But as a result, Rip Hunt left him one man, the white canary, Sarah Lance.

It's strange that everyone in the legendary squad of tomorrow is together and acting together. If Rip Hunt can use the power of shuttle time to save others like Captain Frozen Fire Storm, then it is impossible to drop Sharan.

Why is Sara Lans still here.

Yi Xuan doesn't understand this question, but it must be that Sarah Lance's memory will bring some clues to Yi Xiao.

Similarly, in order to avoid accidents, Sarah Lance was also thrown into Yi Baron and thrown into the Baroness Strak. When the Red Castle happened, Yi Chao would return to the North Pole to pick up the deadpool first, and then Sarah Lance, then saw Captain America anger rushing a sense of presence... Finally, it was the little trouble that the shadow brought back.

"I saw her, a cute little guy... oh, but she seemed to be scared."

While thinking about it, Athena's voice came from Yi Huo's heart.

Yi Xiao's mouth was slightly stiff, didn't she say go to bed?

Of course, Athena, who is a god, will not feel tired even if she does not rest for a long time. Most of the time, this is just a pretext when she is very dissatisfied with Yi Chou.

Yes, there is this unexpected guest.

The reason why Yi Biao hurried back to Neverland is precisely because of this guy.

There was a change in the shadow. It brought strangers to Neverland again. The invited people were like the previous Lord Voldemort Tom Riddle and the little devil Tyrion.

Fortunately, this time it wasn't any magic.

In fact, the shadow extradites people to Neverland, which is Yi's job, guarding Neverland, guarding the safety of the core hub and ensuring the normal operation of the Second World.

Then enter the world where the people extradited to the fantasy island by the shadow, go there and collect the world energy.

A very special kind of energy. As long as Yi Xuan comes into contact with the target carrying this energy, the golden hourglass can be collected directly through Yi Xiao.

This is also a kind of energy, and it should be a very special kind. Yi Xiao has never studied...because he didn't intercept it at all.

There are currently three worlds opened by shadows for Yihuo. The ancestral Harry Potter where Tom Riddle is located, there is no direct opening with people, the chaotic and weird valley of the world line, and Tyrion is unrecognizable... ...Or at least half of the world of the song of ice and fire.

Among them, the world in the Harry Potter ancestry era was temporarily closed by turbulence. Yi Chou could not break through the turbulent energy layer, and the owner of the world energy was not found, so it has not been collected.

The energy in the world of Guillotine Valley and the World of Songs of Ice and Fire has been collected. One is the less important heroine in the witch Katerina, and the other is in Daenerys, the mother of dragons. Missing guy.

Energy carriers seem to have no rules.

Of course, Yi Xiao was very interested in this unknown and powerful energy, but unfortunately, Yi Xuan did not have the ability of silver tongue at the time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there was no suitable way to intercept it.

After the energy was absorbed, the hourglass never leaked so much.

And the shadow did not take the next step for a long time, and Yi Chou even forgot about it.

But unexpectedly, the shadow brought the newcomer in.

This means not only that a new world is opened, but also that Yi Chou has the opportunity to come into contact with the world energy again, if possible... Yi Chou will not miss this time.

It seems that there are no rules for the shadow to bring people, but in fact, as a fantasy island, most of the people brought by the shadow are young guys who are still young.

As the Peter Pan story tells, only children can find Neverland, and only children can fly over.

Tyrion is certainly not a child, at most a dwarf, so how the shadow selection mechanism works is still unknown for the time being, but Yi Chou is actually not much curious. After all, he is looking for world energy, which is brought by the shadow. The biggest role of the guy who came here is just to connect that world.

This new little guest... listening to what Athena meant, probably not like Tyrion, a short adult.

The house elf was kicked out by Yi Biao before he could report the details, and the little guys like the Magic Lab couldn't get in, so Yi Biao didn't know about the new guests in Red Castle.

When things are done here... it's her turn.

Yi Xiao looked at the gem of time, and the faint green light reflected in his pupils, soaking his eyes like a ghost fire beating in the dark.

However, the task of going to the new world to collect the world’s energy is not urgent. The priority is to solve the deadpool and the white canary Sara Lans first, and then see if you can find a way to return to the correct timeline.

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