High Magic Earth

Chapter 1428: Castles and evil spirits are the perfect match

"Recording is complete."

Just as Yi Biao's thinking came to an end, the analysis of the gem of time also happened to be completed, and the icy voice without prompting sentiment reappeared, and then fell back to calm again.

Yi Xiao took the eye of Agomo on the shelf, and at the same time, a lot of dense records appeared on the semi-gloss screen next to it.

"More than 13 unidentified magic..."

"More than 7 kinds of mixed energy..."

Yi Xiao gently stroked the light screen with his finger.

What can be interpreted are the most basic attributes. Of course, as magic props, almost every piece must have its own unique place.

Even if it is a scientific creation, the technology used must be different.

This requires Yi Chou to conduct a more detailed analysis one by one.

It's just a rough look, there are more than ten unknown magics mixed on the time gem, such as the counterattack magic that Rip Hunt launched at the last moment, or the dead waiter tried to approach Yi Huo... I don't know what abacus .

These magics are attached to the time gem, which may exist for a long time, when the eye of Agomo was created, it may have been left on by Gu Yi, or it may be Strange, and others people.

Are possible.

Magic is ever-changing, Marvel’s magic is even more in touch with Yi Huo. The magic is not a system. He cannot take the time gem to see it at a glance. These magics are not known, and they need more to distinguish. time.

At the same time, gemstones do not contain only the energy of time.

Energy...in fact, there are ever-changing existences. Humans endow this invisible, intangible, intangible but substantial substance to the term energy. The flame has energy, the wind has energy, even death, space, time. It is just the existence of the concept that also has energy.

But there is a big difference between energies, not just the difference between water and fire, even between fire, the difference still exists.

The temperature is high, the temperature is low, or it can burn in a vacuum, and it can burn in water. These are flames. There seems to be no difference in essence, but the slight difference still exists.

The same is true for time.

All the magic that Yi Biao has touched, all the energies involved have a relative record, but even so, every time I get something new, sometimes there will still be a lot of energy that has never been touched.

Some are just variants of the original energy, but sometimes, they are completely new energy.

It is not surprising that the time gem contains an unknown energy source. The infinite gem itself is actually a huge energy source.

Space gems were initially used by Red Skulls to make weapons, and SHIELD also considered this to be a continuous and huge energy source, trying to extract it.

But in fact, not only space gems can be used here, but also time gems. Infinite gems can actually be used as energy sources... but only if they can be controlled and have the correct collection method.

"Seal these things first, and the rest... I will do it myself when I have time."

Yi Xiao took the time gem off the shelf, and when he pulled his hands, he pulled a golden silk thread between his fingers. The silk thread turned from light into an entity, stringing the eyes of Agomoto, and then hung on Yi Xiao's chest. before.

The shelf was empty, but did not fall down again, and the stone platform still stood in place.

Time gems will be placed here, but not now.

Yi Chou is not the ancient one. After getting the time gem, put it in the temple of Karma Taj and offer it only when it is the most dangerous.

Hmmm... In fact, Yi Chou feels that now is the most dangerous time.

Although the time is mysterious, Yi Biao consciously controls a time gem by himself, not to mention, there is also a guy like Gu Yi who comes out of the disgusting man with the eye of Agomo every day, he naturally cannot keep time Stay ash on Neverland.

Infinite gems are power, time, space...and the most important reality for Yi Chao.

This time, I only briefly recorded the characteristics of the gems of time, so as not to encounter any unexpected situations. Before I had time to study the eye of Agomo, it was destroyed, or robbed and the like... nothing will be left.

But of course, there are not many people who can grab things from Yi Huo...

Lorna was keenly aware that the castle was unusual, especially the house elves. They seemed very excited, as if they were going to have a festival, and were extremely excited.

This anomaly seems to start at noon.

The first is the castle itself, as if it came to life suddenly. Although this change is very hazy, or even a vague feeling at all, Lorna does feel that the castle is more vibrant than before.

Then the armor.

This ancient castle has a lot of armor placed in the corridor, at the end of the cloister, on both sides of the promenade, they seem to be everywhere, a variety of styles and extremely exquisite armor, can be said to be a major feature of the castle Too.

There are many other works of art in the castle, the same fine stone carvings, exquisite portraits... Those in the magical portraits can even move freely, but there is no armor to attract attention.

The number of armor is the largest, and apart from a standard armor, all the remaining armor has a different appearance.

Lorna did not go to school after all. Although she can sometimes spend a few days in the library, she can’t see much. She is much worse than the children who received formal education, but something unexpected in the textbook, she But I read a lot in the library.

Even so, she could not recognize the origin of all armor.

This is no longer something that can be written down in the library. It needs special research.

However, Lorna still recognized a part, such as the Roman style, the medieval European body armor, etc... And in addition to these historical armor, there are many armor that at first glance, it only exists in the imagination Exquisite artwork in the.

Their shape is exaggerated, just for the sake of beauty, Lorna doesn't feel at all what kind of people can wear the armor with thin waist and thighs than thighs, they can't be used for substantive combat...so it can only be works of art.

I don't know where the owner of the castle was collected from, but it can be seen that he likes armor very much. One or two of them can be seen almost everywhere in the castle.

It happens...Lona also likes these things.

She likes armor, but not the armor itself.

Because she can control these armor, when necessary, these armor is her best weapon, because of the shape of the armor, they can not only become weapons, but even her armor.

Of course, her current strength is still weak, and she can't control too much. Even an armor can't be completely controlled, only one or two parts.

But their abilities are gradually increasing with time, and she will be able to control these armor sooner or later.

The life in the castle is beautiful. There are enough food every day, not only to be full, but also very exquisite and delicious. She does not need to worry about being harassed by the lunatics who discriminated against them, nor will she encounter danger. She does not need to sleep every day. Under the flyover or in the corner of the street, there is a soft big bed to sleep.

Lorna doesn't know why the owner here brought herself here... but if she can live here for a few years, or even live forever, she is willing to do anything.

Of course, this place is too desolate. The whole castle has no other creatures except the house elves and the little yellow men who come out from time to time.

As that kind of person, Lorna will not have any ordinary people willing to communicate with her. Ordinary people fear her, hate her, and discriminate against them. Lorna has always been wandering alone...She has been used to it lonely.

But human beings are after all social creatures.

Even if she is wandering in the stomach, Lorna lives in a human city. Every day she sees other human beings of the same kind, even if there is no communication, there is a sense of stability in her heart.

But Neverland is different.

There are no other humans on the entire island, and no humans can come here... Even if the Nautilus came here because of the chance to break through the barrier of space, the group of guys had no chance to walk out of the red forest.

Fantasy Island, as the center of the center, will automatically filter out humans who have entered here. If it is a magical creature that falls into the gap of space, it may still be able to enter here, but humans... they will be excluded from Fantasy Island, and the final end can only be Torn in the gap.

In order to ensure the safety of Neverland, this is inevitable.

As the hub of the entire Second World, Neverland has to exist for as long as the Second World. Don’t say that it is a kind of program that has no emotions or thinking logic. Even if there is, there are more new births and hopes. Humans who are finally torn apart by space in the outside are not worth mentioning in the eyes of Dream Island compared to security.

So no humans will enter here.

Unless Yi Chou is dead, it is possible to pick a suitable guy again in a long time and come back to Neverland again.

Lorna didn't know about this, she just thought it was a small island with a hidden location, and she didn't even find it at all.

The island where there is no one is too boring, even if Lona didn’t communicate with people before, but at least you can see the hurried crowd, but there is no figure here.

After only a few days, Lorna felt a little unbearable.

Now she still has a library to pass the time, and the freshness has not passed, but in the future, a few months later, or even a few years later.

If there is any way to go back to the human world, it is better to be able to communicate with here, and return, it is really perfect.

But Lorna is also very clear that these are just his delusions.

Even if there is, it is not something you can own.

She is just a passer-by, and guests of this castle may not be able to stay here for long, maybe she will be evicted from here after tomorrow, just like when she came, how come, suddenly go back .

As if all this was just a dream, so... don't think so much.

For example, the current castle seems to be undergoing some changes.

The most intuitive change is what Lorna feels from these armor. If there is a possibility that the whole castle will be alive, there will be an illusion, then the feedback from these armor is real.

They are resisting themselves.

Although Lorna can't control a whole armor, it's okay to control a long sword and a shield. Most of the time, she will hold a long sword that she doesn't know which armor to pull out as an exercise use.

Anyway, the house elves can always put the sword back to the original position after she doesn’t use it, and Lorna no longer thinks about where she got it from.

But today, these long swords are resisting her.

Although it can still be pulled out of the armor, Lorner vaguely feels a resistance from the long sword, and even the control is not as easy and smooth as before, like... The long sword has its own thinking, Feeling very unhappy.

Hell, why is there such a feeling from a long sword.

But Lorna also knows that the castle and even the island are full of weirdness. All previous knowledge is useless here. Sometimes Lorna doesn’t even think that this can be achieved by technology. It's... magic only in legends and fairy tales.

Well, it seems no surprise that a long sword has its own thoughts~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lona remembers that she has seen a fairy tale called Beauty and the Beast, where the talking furniture in the castle was decorated one by one before. The people, butlers, horsemen and soldiers living in the castle, but as the prince turned into a beast, they were also magically sealed into items.

Maybe this long sword too.

The thought that he might be holding someone... Lorna couldn't help feeling strange.

So she decisively stuffed the long sword back, and nothing happened when she did anything.

The castle was full of life, and the long sword began to resist... This is only part of the change. What is more intuitive is the group of house-elves who are suddenly excited.

They seemed to be having a holiday. Not only did they never avoid Lorna, they appeared generously in front of her, but they also began to clean up again and again, carefully cleaning every corner of the castle.

The ground was wiped clean by them, the mosaic glass was even rubbed by them, and even the rust stains on the armor were completely repaired, and the entire armor was completely new.

It is estimated that only they can maintain such a large castle so efficiently.

Lorna didn’t know what was happening in the castle. She wanted to ask, and there was no house elf to tell her, but even if she knew it, it didn’t make sense. She was just a guest in the castle. Go for it.

Thinking of this, Lorna's curiosity was suppressed, she continued to solve the still rich dinner with a cold and indifferent face, and then turned around in the castle, then returned to the room again.

But as soon as the door was opened, it seemed that a coldness covered her whole body.

Looking at the white gauze curtains that didn't open the window, but no wind fluttered, Lorna's eyelids jumped, instinctively felt... there seemed to be something not so wonderful, about to happen.

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